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PEP小學英語六年級上冊unit2 復習教案 西洞學校 雷山1教學目標(1)知識目標:能夠聽、說、認讀詞匯:turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing能夠聽、說、認讀句型:Go straight,turn left at the first crossing, go straight on, turn left at the traffic lights, its on your left(2)能力目標:能夠基本學會幫人指路。培養(yǎng)學生的方向感和空間思維能力。(3)情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生樂于助人的好品質。2教學重點、難點(1)教學重點:能夠聽、說、認讀詞匯:turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing能夠聽、說、認讀句型:Go straight,turn left at the first crossing, go straight on, turn left at the traffic lights, its on your left(2)教學難點:使學生能夠分清左右,并能正確指路。3教學準備(1)制作多媒體課件。(2)每組準備兩張地圖:一張教室模擬小鎮(zhèn)平面圖,一張美國小鎮(zhèn)平面圖。(3)教室場景布置:整個教室為一個模擬小鎮(zhèn),每個小組為一個具體的場所,其間還有十字路口和交通燈。二、教學過程:Step 1: Warm-up (2)介紹教室場景:T: Today, our classroom is a small town. This is a post office. Here is a bank. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.設計意圖通過對教室場景的介紹,復習了所學場所的名稱,使學生熟悉了模擬小鎮(zhèn)的布局,為后面在小鎮(zhèn)中準確找方位做好準備。同時,也使學生仿佛真的置身于一個小鎮(zhèn)之中,從心理上進入了教學情境,并對這堂課充滿了期待。Listen and do.T: Now, please listen and do. Touch your nose. Touch your eye. (發(fā)令速度漸快)Touch your right ear. Touch your left ear. Touch your right eye. 設計意圖通過聽聽、做做,讓學生熱身、放松,同時也初步感知左右,特別是隨著老師發(fā)令速度的加快,學生會變得越來越興奮,越來越投入。Step 2: Presentation教學新詞匯:turn left, turn right, go straight(1)隨著聽做活動的繼續(xù),新的教學內容開始呈現(xiàn):T: Stand up, please. Show me your right hand. Turn right. Show me your left hand. Turn left. Go straight. (2)(2)當學生基本上能按照老師的口令做動作之后,請兩個學生試著發(fā)令,教師跟其他學生一起做動作。(2)(3)多媒體一一呈現(xiàn)表示左轉、右轉、直行的圖片,教師問:“What does it mean?”,學生一一作答,教師呈現(xiàn)詞匯,并讓學生以各種形式認讀新詞匯。(3)設計意圖通過簡單聽做到感知左右,再利用左右手搞清左轉、右轉和直行,然后考察口頭語言輸入的有效性,最后呈現(xiàn)新詞匯并學習新詞匯,從聽做、聽說到讀,使得一切都水到渠成,絲毫不會讓學生感到為難。教學新詞匯:crossing(1)游戲:Find the treasure (2)T:(教師拿出一個寶盒)Now, lets play a game: Find the treasure. OK?Ss: OK.T: Who wants to find the treasure?(教師請一名學生上來,面對黑板,然后把寶盒藏到小鎮(zhèn)的某一個地方。)T: Now, please listen. Turn left, go straight, turn left, go straight, turn right(直到找到寶盒)(2)教學新詞匯:crossing (3)當該學生找到寶盒之后,請他打開看看里面有什么寶貝。T: Whats in the treasure box? Open it and see.S1: Its a paper.T: What does it say?S1: It says: Find the near the bank. Find the treasure.T:(教師通過投影,指著十字路口的圖形)What does it mean?(多媒體出示十字路口圖形和單詞,教師領讀并讓學生以小組形式齊讀。)T: How many crossings are there in our town?Ss: Four.T: Where is the bank?S2: Its here.T: How can I get to the crossing?Ss: You turn right, go straight, turn left, go straightT: Who can help me go to the crossing and find the treasure?教師請一名學生根據(jù)指令找寶藏。T:(當那名學生找到了銀行旁邊的十字路口。)Can you find the treasure?S3: Its an envelope.T: Open it and see.S3: Its a paper, too. It says: Find the near the bookstore. Its under the .T:(教師通過投影,指著交通燈的圖形)What does it mean?(多媒體出示交通燈圖形和單詞,教師領讀并抽部分學生讀。)T: How many traffic lights are there in our town?Ss: Two.T: Where is the bookstore?S4: Its here.T: How can I get to the traffic lights?Ss: You turn left, go straight, turn right, go straightT: Who can help me go to the traffic lights and find the treasure?教師再請一名學生根據(jù)指令找寶藏。設計意圖通過Find the treasure這個游戲,學生復習了turn left, turn right, go straight三個詞匯,并借助教室里的模擬場景分清左右,慢慢學會正確指方向。同時,在游戲中還進行了新詞匯crossing的教學,學生要找到寶藏,必須破解藏寶圖的密碼,從而學習了新詞匯。這種探險小說里才有的尋寶活動在課堂中進行了演繹,學生參與熱情高漲。學習英語是為了更好地完成尋寶任務,學生愿學、樂學,也體現(xiàn)了任務型教學的理念。Step 3: Consolidation (6)1. 閱讀活動T:(學生在交通燈下面找出寶藏)What is the treasure? (教師接過寶藏,在投影中展示)It is from Air China, free tickets to the USA.Ss: Wow!T: What a surprise! Do you want to go to the USA?Ss: Yes.T: But you have to pass a test first. Look at the tasks, group 1, 2 and 3 finish task one. (多媒體出示三個閱讀任務,學生以小組為單位,邊讀邊在地圖上找相應的場所,地圖為教室里模擬小鎮(zhèn)的平面圖。)Task example:Now, you are at the hotel. You turn left at the hotel gate, go straight, turn right at the2. 實踐檢驗學生完成閱讀任務后,教師分別請三個不同任務的小組在模擬小鎮(zhèn)中實踐檢驗閱讀成果。設計意圖這個閱讀活動是對新學語言的鞏固,也為學生提供了給人指路的語言范例,為接下去的指路活動做好了鋪墊。同時,這也是訓練學生思維的一個過程,從原來在教室里的模擬小鎮(zhèn)中找路過渡到了在平面圖上找路,思維活動更為抽象,促進了學生空間思維能力的發(fā)展。Step 4: Extension1.引入拓展活動 (2)T: Now, its time for us to go to the USA. I have a friend in the USA. Her hometown is very nice. Lets go to her hometown, OK?Ss: OK.T: Let me call her first.(拿出電話與在一旁聽課的外教通話)Hello! Molly. This is Lin. Im very excited. Im going to your hometown with my students tomorrow. Will you meet us at the airport? OK. See you tomorrow.2. At the airport (5)T: Lets fly to Mollys hometown. (多媒體演示飛機飛行、轟鳴,然后到達一個機場,同時外教走到教室前面。)T: Hello, Molly! Nice to meet you againM: Nice to meet you again! Welcome to my hometown.T: These are my students.M: Nice to meet you!Ss: Nice to meet you!T: Molly. Can you introduce your hometown to us?M: OK.(多媒體出示Molly家鄉(xiāng)的畫面)Look at the map. This is my hometown. Now, we are here at the airport. This is my home. The school is near my home. The super market is behind the school. This is a hotel. You will stay in this hotel. The post office is behind the hotel. There is a zoo, a farm, and a nature park in my town. They are very nice places. You can visit these places in the following days.T: Thank you. Molly, how can we get to the hotel?M: Turn right at the airport gate, cross the first crossing, go straight, then turn right at the traffic lights. The hotel is on your left.T: Boys and girls, are you clear?Ss: Yes.T: Good. Lets go to the hotel.(教師和全體學生看著畫面,邊說路徑邊做行進的動作。)T: Oh, the hotel. Here we are. Thank you, Molly.設計意圖多媒體的演示和外教的出現(xiàn)使原本的模擬情境變得更加趨于真實,學生也變得更加興奮和投入。請外教介紹她的家鄉(xiāng)并指出去hotel的路,既是對學生進行了純正英語的聽力訓練,也是給學生提供了又一次指路的語言范例。3. Find the way ( 4)T: Tomorrow, we are going to visit the zoo, the farm, the theme park and the natural park. Lets find the way first, OK?Ss: OK.T: Group 1, group 2 and group 3 find the way to the zoo. 教師分配任務,讓學生在地圖上找到去參觀的路線,并在小組間談論各自的路線。設計意圖通過找路可以熟悉路線,小組間的談論給學生最后的語言輸出提供了必要的練習時間和機會,同時也是對空間思維能力的又一次訓練。4. 幫人指路 (5)T: Have you found the way?Ss: Yes.T: (多媒體出示幾個學生熟悉的人物。)Look, who are they?Ss: They are Mike, Sarah and Amy.T: Mike is going to the zoo. Sarah is going to the natural park. Amy is going to the farm. But they cant find the way.(教師戴上Mike的頭飾)T: Excuse me, how can I get to the zoo?(請一個學生幫助指路)T: (教師拿出Sarah 和 Amy的頭飾)Who can act as Amy / Sarah?(請兩組學生分別問路、指路)設計意圖通過角色


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