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幾個法律術(shù)語的翻譯1.contract,現(xiàn)在多譯為“合同”,我以為不分場合、不分情況一律譯為“合同”是不妥的。因為我們中國人看見“合同”一詞就想到一個書面的、寫成一條一條的文件,可是 contract一詞的含義范圍卻要廣泛得多。contract不限于書面的文件,口頭上也可訂contract,打電話也可以訂contract,甚至于不說話也能訂contract,例如在報攤上付錢買份晚報或買票搭乘公共汽車。contract就是有法律約束力的協(xié)議,只有較重要的contract 才采取書面形式。所以一般的、泛指的contract應(yīng)當(dāng)譯“契約”,例如law of contract應(yīng)當(dāng)譯“契約法”,較重要的、書面的contract才譯“合同”,例如contract for the international sale of goods可以譯“國際售貨合同”。2.intellectual property,不知道當(dāng)初為何譯成“知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”,以后竟然以訛傳訛廣泛沿用至今,而且訂入法律,實在可嘆!這個詞組不論按字面上譯、按含義譯都不能譯 “知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”。intellectual一詞根本沒有“知識”的意思,它與“知識”是兩個不同的概念。作為名詞intellectual指“知識分子”,但是在intellectual property詞組中intellectual顯然是形容詞而不是名詞,何況“知識分子”與“知識”并不能劃等號,即使退一萬步對號入座地硬譯,也只能譯“知識分子產(chǎn)權(quán)”而不能譯“知識產(chǎn)權(quán)”。當(dāng)然,譯“知識分子產(chǎn)權(quán)”也是錯的。從含義上看,何謂intellectual property?它是指對于智力勞動所創(chuàng)造的智力產(chǎn)品或智力成果的權(quán)利,主要包括版權(quán)、專利權(quán)、商標權(quán)等,所以應(yīng)該譯為“智力產(chǎn)權(quán)”。我們的前輩嚴復(fù)曾說,“一名之立,旬月踟躕”,我們今天對待譯名何等需要那樣的認真精神?。∽g名宜慎重,不要隨便譯,使用現(xiàn)有的譯名也該慎重,尤其不要隨便跟著別人使用、傳播錯誤的譯名,應(yīng)該抵制錯誤的譯名!3.joint venture.這個術(shù)語譯時要當(dāng)心。因為按其原來的意思,是指短期的臨時性的合伙,可是現(xiàn)在又常用來表示“合資企業(yè)、合營企業(yè)”。所以翻譯時要依據(jù)上下文及其他情況來判定該譯“短期合伙”還是譯“合營企業(yè)”。4.jurisdiction.除了管轄、管轄權(quán)、審判權(quán)、審判機構(gòu)等釋義外,還有一個釋義,即“法域”或“法律管轄區(qū)域”,意思是自有一套法律制度的區(qū)域。一個國家可能是一個法域,如法國,也可能有許多法域,如美國的50個州每個州都是一個法域?!耙粐鴥芍啤保梢哉f是“一個國家、兩個法域”。5.jurisprudence,除了法理學(xué)外,jurisprudence還有一個釋義,即“判例”,裁決的總稱。lawyer不一定總是指律師,它也可能是指“法學(xué)者”或“法律工作者”。international lawyer并不是“國際律師”,而是研究國際法的“國際法學(xué)者”。6.remedy,該詞在法律文件中常用,它并不是“治療、療法、醫(yī)藥”的意思。它是指法律規(guī)定的,執(zhí)行、保護、恢復(fù)權(quán)利的方法,或補救權(quán)利所受侵害的方法,應(yīng)當(dāng)譯“補救方法”或“補救”。具體地說remedy(補救方法)包括什么內(nèi)容呢?主要有支付損害賠償金,另外有強制令 (injunction)、依約履行(specific performance)的裁定、法院宣告(declaration)等。法律文件中的redress、relief與remedy意思相同,也可譯為“ 補救方法”或“補救”。常常有人將remedy譯成“救濟方法”,這個譯法比較舊,而且容易被誤解為災(zāi)難的救濟,所以不合適。還有人譯“賠償”,這也不妥,因為在remedy中,賠償固然是常見的辦法,但卻不是唯一的辦法。還有一個常見的提法:exhaustion of local remedies,這是一條原則,意思是在外國人的權(quán)利受到侵害時,首先應(yīng)當(dāng)尋求所在國法律規(guī)定的補救方法,只有在使用過所有的所在國補救方法仍無效果時,才能尋求外交保護或提出國際索賠的要求。所以譯“充分使用當(dāng)?shù)匮a救方法”為宜。有人譯“耗盡當(dāng)?shù)匮a救方法”,這個“耗盡”是什么意思,恐怕不好懂。7.injunction,常譯為“禁止令”或“禁制令”,這不大合適,因為法院為injunction包括兩種情況,它可以禁止你做某件事 (prohibitory injunction),也可以命令你做某件事(mandatory injunction),若譯“禁止令、禁制令”就只適用于前一種情況,而不適用于后一種情況。所以injunction該譯“強制令”或“法院強制令 ”。只有prohibitory injunction才宜譯“禁止令”或“法院禁止令”。8.act or omission .譯“作為或不作為”,表示兩方面的行為,積極和消極的行為,都是行為。例如一個鐵道扳道工因為醉酒沒有按時扳動道岔以致發(fā)生撞車慘劇,事故的原因就是扳道工的omission“不作為”。有時根據(jù)上下文,也可將act or omission譯為“行為或不行為”。9.wrongful act.“不法行為”,指的是違反法律規(guī)定、違反法律義務(wù)的行為,對此是要承擔(dān)責(zé)任的。它是一個法律上的概念,不是道義上的概念。有人將此詞組譯成“不當(dāng)行為”或“錯誤行為”,都是“不當(dāng)”或“錯誤”的。 10.estoppel,個人認為譯“禁止翻供”不妥,因為estoppel不但指禁止推翻自己的口供供詞,也指禁止推翻自己所做的證詞等等。這個術(shù)語也是英文法律術(shù)語沒有適當(dāng)譯法的一個例子。我勉強譯為“禁止改口”。11.due diligence和due care,這兩個詞的意思差不多,都譯“應(yīng)有的注意”。與之相反則是negligence,沒有做到due care或due diligence即構(gòu)成negligence(過失)。有的辭典將due diligence譯為“克盡職責(zé)”是不大合適的。12.legal person, moral person, juristic person, artificial person, juridical person.都譯“法人”,與自然人相對。body corporate也是“法人”,或譯“法人實體”。不少的詞典將body corporate譯成“法人團體”,那是錯誤的。13.extenuating circumstances,有人譯成“減罪情況”,不甚妥。因為所減的并不是罪,而是刑罰。還是按我國刑事訴訟法的用語,譯為“減輕處罰情節(jié)”較好一些。14.common heritage of mankind,曾被譯成“人類共同遺產(chǎn)”,這樣譯很不好,人類并未全部死絕,何來“共同遺產(chǎn)”?現(xiàn)在譯“人類共同繼承的財產(chǎn)”就比較好。15.reasonable person或reasonable man.有人譯成“通情達理的人”,這是按其普通含義譯的,在法律文件中這樣譯就不合適了。在法律文件中reasonable person或reasonable man就是“普通正常人”的意思。16.Service of process .有人譯成“傳票的送達”,不很合適,因為process不僅指傳票,也指其他的訴訟文件如起訴書等,所以以譯“訴訟文件的送達”為宜。17.cross-examination,好幾個詞典將其譯成“盤問”、“盤詰”或“反復(fù)訊問”,都譯得不對。按照英美法系的審判制度,起訴方和被告方均可要求法院傳喚證人出庭作證,在庭上先由要求傳證人的一方向證人提問,然后再由對方向證人提問,也就是起訴方訊問被告方的證人或被告方訊問起訴方的證人,即雙方交叉訊問證人,這就是cross-examination,譯“交叉訊問”為宜。英文法律術(shù)語,往往并無定譯,有各種各樣的譯法,有時雖然有一個通用或常用的譯法,可是這個譯法并不合適,甚至是錯誤的。這個問題很值得我們翻譯英文法律文件的人研究探討。首先應(yīng)當(dāng)重視,不要覺得無所謂、關(guān)系不大,隨便找個詞就用上。術(shù)語譯得不準確,英文法律文件是不可能譯好的。相關(guān)翻譯1”Affiliate” means any person or company that directly or indirectly controls a Party or is directly or indirectly controlled by a Party, including a Partys parent or subsidiary, or is under direct or indirect common control with such Party. For the purpose of this Agreement, “control” shall mean either the ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the ordinary share capital of the company carrying the right to vote at general meetings or the power to nominate a majority of the board of directors of the Company.for the purpose of this Agreement = in this Agreement 在本協(xié)議中g(shù)eneral meetings = shareholders general meetings 股東大會“關(guān)聯(lián)公司”指直接或間接控制一方(包括其母公司或子公司)或受一方直接或間接控制,或與該方共同受直接或間接控制的任何人或公司。在本協(xié)議中,“控制”系指擁有在股東大會上有投票權(quán)的百分之五十(50%)或以上的公司普通股股本,或擁有任命公司董事會多數(shù)董事的權(quán)利。2. “Proprietary Know-how” shall mean processes, methods and manufacturing techniques, experience and other information and materials including but not limited to the Technical Information and Technical Assitance supplied or rendered by the Lisensor to the Lisensee hereunder which have been developed by and are known to the Lisensor on the date hereof and/of which may be further developed by the Lisensor or become known to it during the continuance of this Agreement excepting, however, any secret know-how aquired by the Licensor from third parties which the Licensor is precluded from disclosing to the Licensee.“專有技術(shù)”指本協(xié)議簽訂之日,已由許可方開發(fā)和為許可方所知,和/或在本協(xié)議持續(xù)期間可能由許可方繼一部開發(fā)和為許可方獲知的工序、方法、生產(chǎn)技術(shù)、經(jīng)驗及其他信息和資料,包括但不限于許可方根據(jù)本協(xié)議向被許可方提供的技術(shù)信息和技術(shù)協(xié)助,但許可方從第三方獲得的不允許向被許可方披露的任何秘密技術(shù)除外。3” Proprietary Information” means the information, whether patenable or not, disclosed to the CJV by neither Party or its Affiliates or disclosed by the CJV to either Party or its Affiliates during the term of this Contract, including technology, inventions, creations, know-how, formulations, recipes, specifications, designs, methods, processes, techniques, data, rights, devices, drawings , instructions, expertise, trade practices, trade secrets and such commercial, economic, financial or other information as is generally treated as confidential by the disclosing Party, its Affiliates, or the CJV, as the case may be; provided that when such information is in unwritten or intangible form, the disclosing Party, its Affilates or the CJV shall, within one month of making the disclosure, provide the other Party and/or the CJV with a written confirmation that such information constitues its Proprietary Information.“專有信息”指在本合同期內(nèi),任何一方或其關(guān)聯(lián)公司向合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)披露的、或合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)向任何一方或其關(guān)聯(lián)公司披露的不論可否獲得專利的信息,包括技術(shù)、發(fā)明、創(chuàng)造、訣竅、配制、配方、規(guī)格、設(shè)計、方法、工序、工藝、數(shù)據(jù)、權(quán)利、裝置、圖樣、知識、專門知識、商業(yè)慣例、商業(yè)機密以及披露放,其關(guān)聯(lián)公司或合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)(視情況而定)通常視為機密的商業(yè)、經(jīng)濟、財務(wù)或其他信息;但是,如果該等信息不是以書面或有形形式披露的,披露方、其關(guān)聯(lián)公司或合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)應(yīng)在披露后一個月內(nèi),向另一方和/或合作經(jīng)營企業(yè)提供該等信息系其專有信息的書面確認。4. “Encumbrances” include any option, right to acquire, right of preemption, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, hypothecation, title creation, right of set-off, counterclaim, trust arrangemnet or other security or any equity or restriction (including any relevant restriction imposed under the relevant law.)“權(quán)力負擔(dān)”包括期權(quán)、收購權(quán)、優(yōu)先權(quán)、抵押、押記、質(zhì)押、留置、押匯、所有權(quán)的產(chǎn)生、抵付權(quán)、反訴、信托安排或其他擔(dān)保、或股權(quán)、限制(包括有關(guān)法律規(guī)定的任何有關(guān)限制。)5. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:(a) headings are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation fo this Agreement;(b) words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;(c) words importing a gender include any gender;(d) an expression_r importing a natural person includes any company, partnership, joint venture, association, corporation or other body corporate and any governmental agency;(e) a reference to any law, regulation or rule includes all laws, regulations, or rules amendin, consolidating or replacing them, and a reference to a law includes all regulations and rules under that law;(f) a reference to a document includes an amendment or supplement to , or replacement or novation of, that document;(g) a reference to a party to any document includes that partys successors and permitted assigns;(h) a reference o an agreement includes an undertaking, agreement or legally enforceable arrangement or understanding whether or not in writing;(i) a warranty, representation, undertaking, indemnity, convenant or agreement on the party of two or more persons binds them jointly and severally; and(j) the schedules, annexures and appendices to this Agreement shall form an integral part of this Agreement.在本協(xié)議中,除非上下文另有要求,(a) 標題僅為行文方便而設(shè), 并不影響對本協(xié)議的解釋(b) 單數(shù)詞包含其復(fù)數(shù),反之亦然。(c) 單一性別的詞包含其各種性別(d) 自然人的含義包括公司、合伙企業(yè)、合營企業(yè)、關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)、法人團體或其他法人和政府機構(gòu)(e)凡提到的任何法律、法規(guī)或條例,包括修正、合并或替代該等法律、法規(guī)或條例的一切法律、法規(guī)或條例,凡提到的某一法律,包括根據(jù)法律項下的一切法規(guī)和條例。(f) 凡提到的文件,包括該文件的修正件、補充件或替代件(g) 凡提到的文件的一方,包括該方的繼承人和被許可的受讓人(h) 凡提到的協(xié)議,包括承諾、約定或法律上可強制執(zhí)行的安排或諒解,無論是不是書面形式(i) 兩人或兩人以上的保證、陳述、承諾、賠償、約定或協(xié)議,各人共同和分別受其約束(j) 本協(xié)議的附表、附錄和附件構(gòu)成本協(xié)議不可分割的部分。補充翻譯練習(xí)1. “Control ” means the power of any entity to direct the affairs of another entity whether by any of the following means or otherwise:(a) beneficial ownership of or entitlement to acquire shares or assets of the other;(b) power to exercise voting rights in relation to the other;(c) power to appoint members of the supervisory board, board of directors or bodies legally representing the other; or(d) power to operate, direct or manage the general affairs of the other“控制權(quán)”指任何實體,無論是通過下列任一途徑還是通過其他方式監(jiān)督另一實體的事務(wù)的權(quán)利:(a) 擁有另一實體股份或資產(chǎn)的受益所有權(quán)或收購另一實體股份或資產(chǎn)的權(quán)利;(b) 行使與另一實體相關(guān)的投票權(quán)的權(quán)力;(c) 任命合法代表另一實體的監(jiān)事會、董事會或機構(gòu)成員的權(quán)力;或(d) 經(jīng)營、監(jiān)督或管理另一實體的一般事物的權(quán)力。2. “Technical Information” shall mean all technical data, drawings, designs, formulae, specifications, processes, methods of manufacture, computer programs or other software or technical documents and similar intellectual property rights of or developed by the Lisensor as of the date hereof or to be developed by the Licensor during the term of this Agreement relating to the Product, including improvements hereto.“技術(shù)信息”指本協(xié)議簽訂之日,許可方擁有的或已開發(fā)的、或在本協(xié)議期間內(nèi)許可方開發(fā)的與產(chǎn)品(包括產(chǎn)品的改進)有關(guān)的一切技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù)、圖紙、設(shè)計、公式、規(guī)格、工序、生產(chǎn)方法、計算機程序或其他軟件或技術(shù)文件及類似知識產(chǎn)權(quán)。3. The headings used in this Contract are for ease of reference only, and in no event shall the subtance of any paragraph or the intent of the Parties be interpreted or controlled by such headings.本協(xié)議中的標題僅為方便參考而設(shè),不得用于解釋或控制協(xié)議任何條款的實質(zhì)內(nèi)容或各方的意向。4. References to:(a) Clauses and Schedules are to clauses in and schedules to this Agreement (unless the context otherwise requires) and the Recitals and Schedules to this Agreement shall be deemed to form part of this Agreement;(b) “person” shall include body corporate, unincorporated association and partnership (whether or not having separate legal personality)(c) writing shall include any methods of producing or reproducing words in a legible and non-transitory form; and(d) masculine gender shall include the femine and neuter and the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa.凡提到的:(a) 條款和附件, 系指本協(xié)議的條款和附件(除非上下文另有要求),且本協(xié)議的事實陳述部分和附件應(yīng)被視為本協(xié)議的組成部分;(b) “人”,包括法人團體、非法人社團和合伙企業(yè)(無論是否具有單獨的法律人格);(c) 書面形式,包括任何以清晰和永久的形式產(chǎn)生或復(fù)制文字的方法;以及(d) 陽性詞,包括其陰性和中性形式,單數(shù)詞包括其復(fù)數(shù)形式;反之亦然。第五章 Entire Agreement, Amendment, and Language 完整協(xié)議、修改、語言翻譯技巧 增詞1增補原文隱含而沒有名示的詞The failure of either party at any time or times to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same.任何一方在任何時候未要求另一方履行本協(xié)議任一條款,并不影響其以后強制執(zhí)行該條款的權(quán)利。2增補能使詞義更加明確的詞Specifically, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Party A shall bear all responsibility for any loses or damages suffered by Party B as a result of any mistakes, errors or omissions caused by Party A in connection with the processing and packing of the Products.特別是,在不受前述一般性原則限制的情況下,因甲方加工和包裝產(chǎn)品出錯、失誤或疏漏而使乙方遭受損害,甲方應(yīng)承擔(dān)一切責(zé)任。3增補被省略的句子成分This agreement shall take effect on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of ten (10) years. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for one-year terms thereafter unless and until teminated by either Party hereto by giving six (6) months written notice to the other.本協(xié)議自生效日起生效,有效期為十(10)年。此后,除非一方提前六個月向另一方發(fā)出終止本協(xié)議的書面通知,本協(xié)議逐年自動延長一(1)年。最重要的是,翻譯要清楚明白,不能讓人看不懂或者產(chǎn)生歧義。所以可以根據(jù)需要增補所需的詞語。第一條和第三條似乎并沒有太大的區(qū)別。-相關(guān)條款的翻譯1.All the appendices to this Agreement shall be an integral part of this Agreement. This Agreement and all its appendices shall constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter set forth herein and supersede any and all previous oral and written discussions, negotiations, notices, memoranda, documents, agreements, contracts and communications between the Parties relating to such subject matter.本協(xié)議的所有附件是本協(xié)議的不可分割的一部分。本協(xié)議及其附件構(gòu)成雙方就本協(xié)議規(guī)定的標的達成的完整協(xié)議,并取代雙方先前與該標的有關(guān)的一切口頭和書面的洽談、談判、通知、備忘錄、文件、協(xié)議、合同和通訊。With respect to = concerning 關(guān)于,就而言Herein = in this Agreement 在本協(xié)議中2.The terms and conditions herein contained, including the Appendices hereto, constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto. This Contract shall supersede all previous communications, either oral or written between the parties. Amendents modifying or extending the Contract shall be binding upon both parties only if in writing and signed by a duly authorised officer or representative of each party.本合同所包含的條款和條件,包括合同附件,構(gòu)成合同雙方的完整協(xié)議。本合同取代雙方以前所有的口頭或書面通訊。對合同所作的修改或擴充,只有采取書面形式并經(jīng)雙方正式授權(quán)的主管人員或代表簽署后,方能對雙方有約束力。3.This Agreement, entered into as of the date written above, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of the Supply Agreement. No terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be varied or modified by any prior or subsequent statement, conduct or act of either of the Parties, except that the Parties may amend this Agreement by written instruments referring to and executed in the same manner as this Agreement.在文首載明的日期簽訂的本協(xié)議,構(gòu)成雙方關(guān)于本協(xié)議標的的完整協(xié)議,是對供應(yīng)協(xié)議規(guī)定的補充而不是減損。任何一方均不得以先前或以后的聲明、舉動或行為修改或變更本協(xié)議的任何條款或規(guī)定,但雙方可以以本協(xié)議提及的和以本協(xié)議相同方法簽署的書面文件修改本協(xié)議。As of = as from = 在時候;直到 表示某事開始的時間或日期 eg. This new Contract takes effect as of March 1, 2002 這份新合同2002年3月1日起生效Following is an analysis of the situation as of this Date.到今日為止的形勢分析如下。Written above 通常指合同一開始就寫明的簽訂日期,譯為“上述”太籠統(tǒng),應(yīng)該用“文首載明的日期”更為貼切。4.This Agreement, including any Statement of Work entered into pursuant hereto, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect its subject matter and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous representations, proposals, discussions, and communications, whether oral or in writing. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the specific provisions set forth in a Statement of Work, the provisions of the Agreement shall control, except to the extent the provisions in a Statement of Work expressly provide otherwise.本協(xié)議,包括根據(jù)本協(xié)議訂立的工作一覽表,構(gòu)成本協(xié)議雙方關(guān)于本協(xié)議標的的完整協(xié)議,并取代雙方先前的或現(xiàn)在的所有陳述、建議、討論和通訊,無論是口頭的還是書面的。若本協(xié)議的規(guī)定與工作一覽表的具體規(guī)定發(fā)生沖突,以本協(xié)議的規(guī)定為準,但工作一覽表另有明示規(guī)定的除外。Pursuant hereto= pursuant to this Agreement = in accordance with this Agreement 根據(jù)本協(xié)議 eg.The insolvent company applied for bankruptcy pursuant to Section 12 fo the Bankruptcy Law. 這家無力償還債務(wù)的公司根據(jù)破產(chǎn)法第12條申請破產(chǎn)。In the event of = if something happens 如果發(fā)生;萬一 eg.Britain agreed to support the US in the event of war. 英國同意一旦發(fā)生戰(zhàn)爭,將支持美國。Control = prevail (更常用)以為準5. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter (no party having relied on any representation or warranty made by any other party which is not contained in this Agreement) and no variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by all of the parties.本協(xié)議構(gòu)成雙方關(guān)于協(xié)議標的的完整協(xié)議(各方均依賴于另一方在本協(xié)議中的陳述或保證),對本協(xié)議的任何修改,只有通過書面形式并經(jīng)雙方簽字后方能生效。這一句的翻譯似乎值得商榷。括號中的部分,我覺得應(yīng)該翻成:各方不得依賴另一方在本協(xié)議之外的陳述或保證。此句和上面那句的意思仍有不同。6. Amendments to this Contract may be made only by a written instrument signed by a duly authorised representative of each of the Parties and, unless prior approval from the Examination and Approval Authority/the appropriate government department is statutorily required, such amendments shall become effective upon the signing by the duly authorised representatives of both Parties.對本合同的修改,只能通過各方的正式授權(quán)代表簽署書面協(xié)議進行。除法律要求須經(jīng)審批機構(gòu)/政府有關(guān)部門事先批準外,該等修改經(jīng)雙方授權(quán)代表簽字后立即生效。7. This Agreement shall be signed in four (4) counterparts and all such counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument. The Parties shall sign a Chinese language version of this Agreement as soon as reasonably possible. Should there be any discrepancy between the two language versions, the English version of this Agreement shall prevail.本協(xié)議簽署本一式四(4)份,四份文本視為共同構(gòu)成同一份協(xié)議。雙方應(yīng)盡快簽署本協(xié)議的中文文本。協(xié)議的英文文本和中文文本如有不一致之處,以英文文本為準。One and the same =同一個,完全一樣 是固定短語,用于加強 the same 的語氣 eg.One and the same occurred to each of them.8. This Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in any number of counterparts and on separate counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed an original but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument and shall be binding on all parties. A party may execute this Agreement and the documents referred to herein on a facsimile copy counterpart and deliver its signature and seal by facsimile.本協(xié)議各方可簽署任何數(shù)量的協(xié)議文本,并在各份文本上簽字。每份文本一經(jīng)各方簽署均視為原件,所有文本構(gòu)成同一份文據(jù),對各方均有約束力。一方可簽署本協(xié)議和本協(xié)議提及的文件的傳真件,并通過傳真交付其簽名和印章。補充翻譯練習(xí)1. This Agreement and the schedules hereto constitute the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersede all previous writings and understandings related hereto.本協(xié)議及其附件構(gòu)成雙方關(guān)于本協(xié)議標的的完整協(xié)議,并取代雙方先前有關(guān)本協(xié)議的一切書面文件和諒解。2. Any amendments to this Contract shall become effective only after a written agreement to effect the amendments signed by Party A and Party B has been approved by the Examination and Approval Authority.對本合同的任何更改,只有在甲乙雙方簽署的實施修改的書面意見經(jīng)審批機構(gòu)批準以后方能生效。3. This Contract is executed in English and Chinese. Both language versions shall be equally authentic. Each Party acknowledges that it has reviewed both language texts and that they are substantially the same in all material respects.本合同的簽署本有中文和英文兩種。兩種文本具有同等效力。各方承認其業(yè)已審閱合同的兩種文本,中文本和英文本在一切重要方面完全相同。4. This Agreement is executed in Chinese. If necessary, it may be translated into other languages. However, if there is any conflict, ambiguity or discrepancy between the Chinese version and a version in other language, the Chinese version shall prevail.本協(xié)議以中文簽署。如有必要,本協(xié)議可以譯成其他文字。但是,如果本協(xié)議的中文文本和其他文本之間存在矛盾,歧義或者不一致之處,則以中文本為準。5. This Contract shall be written in both Chinese and English. Both versions are equally authentic. Eac


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