



1、新視界大學英語綜合教程第一單元練習答案Active ReadingDealing with Unfamiliar Words Match the words with their meanings in the context of the passage.1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in the box.1. pursue 2. brilliant 3. relieve 4. confidence5. inadequate 6

2、. basic 7. horizons Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box. You may need to make other changes.1. neglect 2. frustrates 3. shivers 4. your ideal5. assured 6. I bet 7. confessed 8. rhythm Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal v

3、erbs in the box.1. stay up 2. try out 3. hand in 4. hold on 5. Go aheadLanguage in Use Now form new words with un- or in- to describe the things, and check your answers with the dictionary.1. unkind 2. unimportant 3. untidy 4. incorrect 5. unfair6. unusual 7. inexpensive 8. unlucky 9. unsafe Now rew

4、rite the sentences using “I wish + past perfect”. 1. I wish Id finished my essay yesterday.2. I wish Id known that its fairly difficult to be truly miserable at college3. I wish she had come on Tuesday.4. I wish Id done some research.5. I wish Id known you were in town.6. I wish I hadnt arrived at w

5、ork late this morning.7. I wish youd told me all this last week. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.But faced with so much choice, is it surprising that you sometimes dont know what to do?Looking back at my college years, I wish I had known about 1. Which sentence begins

6、 with an active participle? Why?The second sentence, because the subject of the sentence, “I”, is the one who does the looking: I look and I wish 2. Which sentence begins with a passive participle? Why?The first sentence. “Faced with so much choice” can be written as “you are faced with so much choi

7、ce”, which means the choice is a situation which happens to you. Now complete the sentences using the correct participles of the verbs in brackets.1. Thinking 2. Supported 3. Encouraged 4. Looking 5. Believing 6. Faced Look at the sentence.When I was in my late twenties I finally found my true path

8、in life.We can rewrite it to emphasize that something happened late like this:Now rewrite the sentences using “It wasnt untilthat”1. It wasnt until midnight that I realized I had to hand in the essay the next day.2. It wasnt until Wednesday that I got my season ticket for the buses.3. It wasnt until

9、 after the break that Emma and Paul arrived.4. It wasnt until I was in my mid-twenties that I realized I wanted to go to university.5. It wasnt until the final act that everything suddenly made sense.6. It wasnt until the end of the course that we were asked to give our opinions. Look at the sentenc

10、es from the passage and answer the question. I bet you WILL make friends. Its almost impossible not to.What is it impossible not to do?Now rewrite the sentences using ellipsis. 1. I learnt a lot while I was there it was difficult not to.2. I wasnt able to speak to Roger this morning but I hope to to

11、morrow.3. We would love you to come and see us, but only if you want to.4. A lot of people cried when they heard the news. It was hard not to.5. You can read this article by Popper if you lke, but you dont have to.6. I dont do this sort of thing any more, but I used to until quite recently. Translat

12、e the sentences into Chinese.1. College is the best place to broaden your horizons and the best time to meet people, to work hard, to play sports, to fall in and out of love, to find out about our great big world.要說開闊眼界,大學是最好的地方;要說交朋結(jié)友、刻苦用功、體育運動、熱戀失戀、了解這個偉大而廣闊的世界,大學是最好的時期。2. I wish Id known that its

13、 fairly difficult to be truly miserable at college, and that not many people are smarter.其實,在大學里過得真的很慘是不那么容易的,而比我聰明的人也不是那么多,我當時要是知道這些就好了!3. Its a basic human need, so dont neglect it, if only because your mom is really good at detecting when you stay up too late or cut classes. 這是人類的基本需求,所以不要忽視。哪怕你睡

14、覺只是因為媽媽擅長發(fā)現(xiàn)你熬夜或逃課。4. College may make you more realistic, more aware that having a decent salary, having a warm and supportive family of your own, and being happy are equally important as a brilliant career, if not more so.大學也許會使你更加現(xiàn)實,更加清楚地認識到擁有一份體面的薪水,一個溫暖、支持你的家庭以及幸福感與擁有輝煌的事業(yè)一樣重要,也許更重要。5. But I wis

15、h Id known that life becomes enjoyable not just by handing in assignments on time, shivering on the edge of life, but by diving into a pool of new friendships, swimming around lots of new ideas, and drying off in the warm sunshine of new experience.但是,我真希望當時知道,人生變得美好,不僅僅是因為按時交作業(yè)以及在人生邊緣猶豫再三是否要投身其中,而是

16、要一頭扎進去,結(jié)交新朋友,了解新主張,感受新體驗。 Translate the sentences into English.1. 她是個好學生,但她很害羞,又缺乏自信。(lack confidence)She is a good student, but she is shy and lacks confidence.2. 他承認自己設定的目標不夠現(xiàn)實,因此考試成績也不夠理想。(confess; realistic)He confessed that he had not set realistic targets / goals, so he did not do as well in t

17、he exams as he had expected.3. 如何組織時間,如何結(jié)交新朋友是大學新生面臨的挑戰(zhàn)。 (challenge; faced with)How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced with.4.直到大學畢業(yè)我才認識到,學習并不是大學生活的全部,大學生活本可以更加豐富多彩。 (it wasnt until that ; could have been)It wasnt until graduation that I realized college

18、life was not all about studying. It could have been more colorful.5.大學是人生中最美好的時光。好好享受大學生活,因為這樣的時光不會再來。(enjoy life) College years are the best years of a persons life. Enjoy your college life because these moments will never come again.Further ReadingReading and Understanding. Check () the true state

19、ments.1 Its a description of the First few days at university.2 Its a personal and private story.3 The writer uses past tense.4 Its factual.5 Its written in the third person.6 The writer feels confident and enjoys her first few days.7 The writer is not able to look after herself very well.8 The writ

20、er feels that she is not as clever as other students she meets.True statements: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8. Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. a 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. d 6. aDealing with Unfamiliar Words Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.1. barely

21、 2. spill 3. ignorant 4. sign up 5. artificial 6. rent 7. burst into tears 8. breathe 9. extreme Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.1. gap 2. impressed 3. intelligent 4. surrounding 5. checked in 6. sip 7. sworn 8. run out ofGuided Writing 1. This time la


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