新概念英語第一冊語法知識點(diǎn) 賓語從句_第1頁
新概念英語第一冊語法知識點(diǎn) 賓語從句_第2頁
新概念英語第一冊語法知識點(diǎn) 賓語從句_第3頁
新概念英語第一冊語法知識點(diǎn) 賓語從句_第4頁
新概念英語第一冊語法知識點(diǎn) 賓語從句_第5頁
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1、新概念英語第一冊語法知識點(diǎn) 賓語從句 學(xué)習(xí)英語并不難啊。你還在為英語成績低拖后腿而煩惱嗎?今天給大家?guī)砹诵赂拍钣⒄Z第一冊語法解析:一般過去時,希望能夠幫助到大家,下面就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。 賓語從句 一、重要語法:賓語從句 1、賓語從句 本課側(cè)重的是由特殊疑問詞引導(dǎo)的賓語從句的用法,主要的疑問詞有if/whether/how/why/what/when/where等。如: I dont know when Ill finish. My wife wants to know if Mary needs any help. I dont know what youre talking ab

2、out. 二、課文主要語言點(diǎn) Is that you, John? Yes, speaking. 注意打電話時的習(xí)慣用語。如果電話接通后,要找某人接電話,一般可以說:May I speak to sb.? 也可以像課文里這樣直接詢問對方是否就是你要找的人:Is that you, sb.? 如果接電話的人正是對方要找的人,則可回答:This is sb. speaking.或者簡單回答:Speaking。原文中的speaking就是簡短回答,其完整形式為:This is John speaking. Tell Mary well be late for dinner this evening.

3、 1) _ sb. sth., _為雙賓動詞,可以改為: _ sth. to sb.。但是,當(dāng)直接引語為句子時,只能用 _ sb. sth.(從句)的結(jié)構(gòu) 2)be late for,遲到。 Im afraid I dont understand. Im afraid后接賓語從句,省略了連接詞that。這是形容詞后接賓語從句的用法,that一般都會省略。如:Im sure he will e here on time tomorrow. 需要注意的是,當(dāng)Im afraid要翻譯成中文時,不要譯為“我恐怕”,而要譯為“恐怕”,這樣比較符合中文的表達(dá)習(xí)慣。 Hasnt Mary told you?

4、 She invited Charlotte and me to dinner this evening. 1)Hasnt.?,反問句,一般不需要回答。 2)invite sb. to sth.,邀請某人到某場合(如吃飯或聚會)。需要注意的是,如果邀請后面接的是動作,則采用:invite sb. to do sth.??赏卣筰nvite的名詞invitation。 I said I would be at your house at six oclock, but the boss wants me to do some extra work. 1)I said I would.,可復(fù)習(xí)一下間

5、接引語的用法。 2)be at,到達(dá),相當(dāng)于arrive at。 3)do extra work,加班。 Ill have to stay at the office. I dont know when Ill finish. 1)will have to,必須。 2)when引導(dǎo)的是賓語從句,注意從句的語序要采用陳述句語序。 Oh, and by the way, my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help. 1)by the way,順便說一聲。 2)if引導(dǎo)的是賓語從句。與其他疑問詞不一樣的是,當(dāng)if或whether用來連接賓語從句時,其直接

6、引語原句是一般疑問句,而不是特殊疑問句。比如,課文里的這句話的直接引語應(yīng)該是:Does Mary need any help? 3)need在此用作實(shí)義動詞,直接后接名詞??梢詮?fù)習(xí)一下need作為情態(tài)動詞和實(shí)義動詞的用法及其區(qū)別。 I dont know what youre talking about. what引導(dǎo)的是賓語從句,在從句中充當(dāng)about的賓語。 That is John Smith, isnt it? Yes, Im John Smith. 注意打電話時,指代對方時多用that is來指代you are。 You are John Smith, the engineer, a

7、rent you? Thats right. 注意the engineer用作John Smith的同位語,而且用逗號隔開,起到強(qiáng)調(diào)作用,強(qiáng)調(diào)的是身為工程師的那個John Smith。 You work for the Overseas Engineering Company, dont you? No, I dont. 1)work for,在哪兒工作、為誰工作。 2)overseas,海外。注意別漏了s。 Im John Smith the telephone engineer and Im repairing your telephone line. the telephone engi

8、neer用作John Smith的同位語。用逗號隔開,朗讀時重讀,以起到強(qiáng)調(diào)作用。 主語從句的用法 一、定義 在句子中擔(dān)當(dāng)主語的從句,就叫主語從句。通常放在主句謂語動詞之前,或由形式主語it代替、而本身放在句子末尾。 二、連接詞 根據(jù)主語從句所缺句子成分的情況,主語從句會由不同的連接詞連接,常見的連接詞有:that、if/whether、連接代詞、連接副詞和what。 三、that引導(dǎo)的主語從句 (一) 當(dāng)主語從句本身不缺成分時,就會使用that來連接。此時,that只起連接作用,但不能省略。如: That he will e to our village tomorrow surprises

9、 us all. (他要來我們村,讓我們都感到很驚訝。) That she used to be a spy is known to all. (大家都知道,她過去是個 _。) 這種情況下,因?yàn)橹髡Z從句往往比謂語部分更長,會導(dǎo)致整個句子頭重腳輕,所以經(jīng)常會用it作為形式主語來替換主語從句,而把主語從句放到句末。此時,that也只起連接作用,但可以省略。比如,以上兩個句子就存在這個問題,所以一般都會改為: It surprises us all (that) he will e to our village tomorrow. It is known to all (that) she used

10、 to be a spy. (二) 如果句子是疑問句,則必須用帶形式主語it的結(jié)構(gòu)。如: That she is our English teacher is true. (她是我們的英語老師,是真的。) That he has been there twice is a fact. (他去過那兒兩次了,是真的。) 這兩句話如果改為一般疑問句時,不能這么改: 錯誤:Is that she is your English teacher true? 錯誤:Is that he has been there twice a fact? 而是要改為含有形式主語it的句子: Is it true th

11、at she is your English teacher? Is it a fact that he has been there twice? (三) 在形式主語it引導(dǎo)的主語從句結(jié)構(gòu)“It is+形容詞/名詞/名詞短語等+that主語從句”中,如果is后面的表語是表示重要或必要等(如important、necessary、a necessity等)含義時,that從句中的謂語動詞一般要采用“should+do”的虛擬語氣形式,should經(jīng)常省略。如: It is imperative that we (should) make a quick decision. (我們要盡快做出決定

12、。) It is necessary that we (should) learn English well. (我們必須學(xué)好英語。) 四、if/whether引導(dǎo)的主語從句 當(dāng)主語從句本身含有是否的意思時,連接詞必須用if或whether。但是,如果主語從句位于句首時,只能用whether,不能用if。如: Whether it will do good to us remains to be seen. (是否對我們有害還要看一看。) 這種情況下,因?yàn)橹髡Z從句也比較長,會導(dǎo)致頭重腳輕的情況,所以也經(jīng)常用形式主語it來代替,而把主語從句放到句末去。此時,連接詞除了用whether外,也可以用

13、if。如上面的句子就可以改為: It remains to be seen if/whether it will do good to us. 再比如: Whether the band would visit our city was still a mystery. (這個樂隊(duì)是否會來我們城市仍然是個謎。) 上面的句子可以改為: It was still a mystery if/whether the band would visity our city. 五、連接代詞引導(dǎo)的主語從句 常用來連接主語從句的連接代詞有:who、whom、whose、which、whoever、whomeve

14、r、whichever等。這些連接代詞在從句中有的作主語,有的作賓語,有的作定語。如: 作主語:Who won the game hasnt been announced yet. (誰贏得了比賽,還沒宣布。) 作賓語:Whom you talked to just now will be confirmed later. (你剛才跟誰說話了,之后會證實(shí)的。) 作定語:Whichever nation explodes an atomic bomb will engage the whole world in war. (無論哪個國家使用.會使全世界卷入戰(zhàn)爭。) 為了避免頭重腳輕,這種情況下的

15、主語從句也經(jīng)常用形式主語it來代替,而把主語從句放到句末。但是,連接代詞始終都不能省略。如上面的兩句話可以改為: It hasnt been announced yet who won the game. It will be confirmed later whom you talked to just now. It will engage the whole world in war whichever nation explodes an atomic bomb. 六、連接副詞引導(dǎo)的主語從句 能夠用來連接主語從句的連接副詞主要有:when、where、why、how等。這些連接副詞在主

16、語從句中作狀語。如: When they will arrive at the station doesnt matter. (他們何時到站沒有什么關(guān)系。) How the aident happended is still unknown. (這場事故是怎么發(fā)生的,還不清楚。) Why he was absent from the meeting remains a mystery. (他為什么沒有參加會議仍然是個謎。) Where I will spend my summer is none of your business. (我在哪里過暑假不關(guān)你的事。) 為了避免頭重腳輕,上面的句子可

17、以改為: It doesnt matter when they will arrive at the station. It is still unknown how the aident happended. It remains a mystery why he was absent from the meeting. It is none of your business where I will spend my summer. 七、what引導(dǎo)的主語從句 與that不同的是,what除了可以引導(dǎo)主語從句起連接作用外,還同時在從句中充當(dāng)主語或賓語。如: 作主語:What really

18、matters is that she needs a shower at once. (真正重要的是,她得馬上沖個澡。) 作賓語:What I am worried about is their taking my son to France. (我擔(dān)心的是他們要把我兒子帶到法國去。) 有的時候,whatever也可以用來連接主語從句。如: Whatever you do makes no difference to me. (你做什么對我來說都沒區(qū)別。) 需要注意的是,當(dāng)what或whatever引導(dǎo)主語從句時,一般不能改為由形式主語it來引導(dǎo)的句子。 give in 該短語表示“屈服;投

19、降;讓步;呈交”。如: I wont give in in any instance. ( 在任何情況下我都不會屈服。) The enemy were forced to give in. (敵人被 迫投降。) He told me plump that he would not give in. (他直截了當(dāng)告訴我,他決不讓步。) Give in your examination papers now. (現(xiàn)在把考卷交上來。) 【注意】 give in后面會再接介詞to,表示“屈服于”。如: Give in your examination papers now. (現(xiàn)在把考卷交上來。) T

20、he employer is obliged to give in to his employee. (雇主被 迫向他的雇員們讓步。) give away 該短語表示“贈送;背叛”。如: He decide to give away everything he possessed and bee a monk. (他決定放棄他所有的一切,出家為僧。) He gave away his books to a circulating library. (他把自己的書籍損贈給一家循環(huán)圖書館。) She gave away state secrets to the enemy. (她將 _泄露給敵人了

21、。) He was given away by one of his aomplices. (他被他的一個同謀者出賣了。) give up 該短語表示“放棄;戒除;交出”。如: She wont give up easily: shes a real fighter. (她不會輕易放棄的,她十分頑強(qiáng)。) He will give up smoking for good and all. (他再也不吸煙了。) He had to give his passport up to the authorities. (他得把護(hù)照交給.) 【注意】 give oneself up to sb.,表示“向

22、某人投降”。如: Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy. (我方的三名軍官向敵人投降了。) give back 該短語表示“歸還;恢復(fù)”。如: I must give back the two books to the library before Friday. (星期五之前我必須把這兩本書歸還圖書館。) Living here has given back my health. (在這里居住使我恢復(fù)了健康。) 更多常用的give短語 (一)give off/give out 這兩個短語都表示“發(fā)出;散發(fā)”,兩者經(jīng)??梢曰?/p>

23、換,但如果非要加以區(qū)分,give off多指發(fā)出可見的東西,如光或煙霧等,而give out多指發(fā)出不可見的東西,如氣味或熱量等。如: When wine is fermented it gives off bubbles of gas. (酒發(fā)酵時會放出氣泡。) The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. (散熱器釋放出很多熱量。) 【注意】 give out也可以表示“公布”。如: The news of the Presidents death was given out in a radio broadcast. (總統(tǒng)逝世的消息已在電臺上播出了

24、。) (二)give rise to 該短語表示“導(dǎo)致;引起”,to是個介詞。如: Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours. (她失蹤一事引起了各種流言蜚語。 Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and plications. (許多這樣的義務(wù)會引起各種問題和糾紛。) (三)give birth to 該短語表示“生孩子;引起”,to是個介詞。如: The ewe gave birth to only one lamb. (這母羊只產(chǎn)了一個羊羔。) The traf

25、fic aident gave birth to a chain of events. (交通事故引起了一連串的事件。) put up 該短語較為常用的意思是“搭建;張貼”。如: 搭建:They are putting up several new buildings in that block. (他們正在那一街區(qū)建幾幢樓房。) 張貼:The names of the suessful candidates will be put up on the College notice board. (錄取 _將公布在學(xué)院布告欄里。) 【注意】 當(dāng)put up后面跟的賓語表人時,往往表示“給某人提

26、供住宿”。注意當(dāng)賓語是代詞時,要放在put和up中間。如: We can put you up for the night. (我們可以招待你過夜。) put out 該短語表示“撲滅;發(fā)表”。如: 撲滅:Far water does not put out near fire. (遠(yuǎn)水救不了近火。) 發(fā)表:The government put out a warning against flood. (政府發(fā)出了預(yù)防水災(zāi)的警告。) put on 該短語主要表示“穿上;戴上”。如: The man put on his smock and went out. (那人穿上罩衫,然后走了出去。)

27、【注意】 put on常和air連用,構(gòu)成短語put on air,表示“裝腔作勢;擺架子”,也可用作put on airs。如: He cant stand for those who put on airs. (他不能容忍擺架子的人。) put up with 該短語表示“容忍”,相當(dāng)于stand或bear。如: I have no mind to put up with any nonsense. (我不想容忍任何胡言亂語。) put down 該短語表示“鎮(zhèn) 壓;寫下”。如: 鎮(zhèn) 壓:The military were called out to put down the riot.

28、(軍隊(duì)奉召出動去鎮(zhèn) 壓暴 動。) 寫下:Make sure that you put down every word she says. (切實(shí)要記下她說的每一個字。) put off 該短語主要表示“推遲”。如: Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (今日事今日畢。) put away 該短語主要表示“放好”。如: This vase wasnt wiped out properly before it was put away. (這個花瓶沒擦干凈就收起來了。) 更多相關(guān)短語 (一)put forward 該短語主要表示“提出”,后面常跟建議、計(jì)劃等。如: These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture. 這些外國人提出了一個合資企業(yè)的建議。 (二)put through 該短語主要表示“接通(電話)”,其賓語常為電話或人,而且基本都放在put和through中間。如: I will put the call through for you now. (我馬上為您接通電話。) (三)put in 該短語主要表示“插入”。如: He put th


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