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1、主講嘉賓,茍浩傳 北京外國語大學(xué)碩士、西華學(xué)堂創(chuàng)始人兼校長?!?1世紀(jì)西華學(xué)堂杯”英文演講賽總指導(dǎo)。著有高考英語備戰(zhàn)策略、高考英語24話題讀與寫。十年育桃李,芬芳香天下。學(xué)生遍及北大、清華、港大、耶魯?shù)群?nèi)外名校,被譽為“魔鬼教練”、“狀元之師”、“業(yè)界一絕”。,語言素材運用,茍浩傳西華學(xué)堂(微博)ladykiller_888(微信),語言素材運用,改 , 變,同義“改”寫,“變”是王道。,維度與標(biāo)準(zhǔn),語言,改變審題主題,寫作,素材,積累與應(yīng)用,詞匯:同義“改”寫,“變”是王道,主要工作: 打掃衛(wèi)生,整理書籍 向顧客介紹書籍,幫助銷售員賣書 (深2模),主要工作: 打掃衛(wèi)生,整理書籍 向顧客介

2、紹書籍,幫助銷售員賣書 (深2模) 構(gòu)思: 1. 我的主要工作是 ,主要工作: 打掃衛(wèi)生,整理書籍 向顧客介紹書籍,幫助銷售員賣書 (深2模) 構(gòu)思: 1. 我的主要工作是 2. 我的工作主要包括 3. 我的工作主要涉及 ,主要工作: 打掃衛(wèi)生,整理書籍 向顧客介紹書籍,幫助銷售員賣書 (深2模) 轉(zhuǎn)換: 是 be 包括 include 涉及 involve,我的主要工作是打掃衛(wèi)生,整理書籍,向顧客介紹書籍, 幫助銷售員賣書 My main job was . My job mainly included My job chiefly involved ,內(nèi)容:作者用中國傳統(tǒng)方式教育兩個女兒的

3、故事 這本書講述了作者如何用中國傳統(tǒng)的教育方式教育兩個女兒,精準(zhǔn),個性化:同義改寫,變是王道。,討論,描寫,敘述,涉及,告知,講 述,discuss,describe,relate,focus on,tell,talk,This book tells us about how she taught her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book discusses how she taught her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book describes how

4、 she taught her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book relates about how she taught her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book focuses chiefly on how she taught her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,總 結(jié),instruct,nurture,foster,cultivate,teach,educate,This book tells

5、 us about how she taught her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book discusses how she educated her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book describes how she instructed her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book relates about how she cultivated her two daughters

6、in traditional Chinese way.,This book focuses chiefly on how she fostered her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book tells us about how she taught her two daughters in traditional Chinese way.,This book discusses how she educated her two daughters by using traditional Chinese way.,This

7、book describes how she instructed her two daughters using traditional Chinese way.,This book relates how she cultivated her two daughters by adopting traditional Chinese way.,This book focuses chiefly on how she fostered her two daughters adopting traditional Chinese way.,句型:高級句型,整合信息,旅游的好處: 1)開闊視野

8、2)緩解壓力 3)豐富知識 4)結(jié)交朋友,Traveling broadens our horizons, relieves us of pressure, enriches our knowledge, and helps make friends.,Traveling not only broadens our horizons and relieves us of pressure, but it also enriches our knowledge and helps make friends.,展館內(nèi)容: 1. 1942年以來的發(fā)展 2. 歷任校長簡介 3. 歷屆師生獲獎情況 4.

9、 教學(xué)理念、輝煌成就,It shows the history of thriving since 1942,the brief introduction of successive headmasters, the rewarding by teachers and students of previous years, and teaching thoughts and brilliant achievements.,It shows the history of thriving since 1942,the brief introduction of successive headma

10、sters, and _ the rewarding by teachers and students of previous years, and teaching thoughts and brilliant achievements.,It shows the history of thriving since 1942,the brief introduction of successive headmasters, and displays the rewarding by teachers and students of previous years, and teaching t

11、houghts and brilliant achievements.,It not only shows the history of thriving since 1942,the brief introduction of successive headmasters, but it also displays the rewarding by teachers and students of previous years and teaching thoughts and brilliant achievements.,專家解讀: 1)原因很復(fù)雜 2)至今沒有藥物可以治愈近視眼。,1.

12、 The last face was so horrible that he gazed at it in amazement.,Her eyes are so powerful that she can read my mind.,Her eyes are powerful. She can read my mind.,The coffee maker is brilliant.,Almost all the cups are proud of his coffee inside.,.so .that .,The coffee maker is so brilliant that all t

13、he cups are proud of his coffee inside.,專家解讀: 1)原因很復(fù)雜 2)至今沒有藥物可以治愈近視眼。,專家解讀: 1)原因很復(fù)雜 2)至今沒有藥物可以治愈近視眼。 The reasons for it are complicate. We have no medicine available for it.,專家解讀: 1)原因很復(fù)雜 2)至今沒有藥物可以治愈近視眼。 The reasons for it are so complicate that we have no medicine available for it.,段落寫作4要素:,主題句,支

14、持句,過渡語,素材,段落寫作4要素:,主題句,任務(wù)寫作:“非常31”,拓展句,過渡語,主題句寫作 1)三大要求 2)五大命題套路,1、你是否贊成李明參選學(xué)生會主席并說明原因;,2、你是否贊成他提出的加強課外活動的建議,為什么?,3、談?wù)勀阆矚g的課外活動。 高考英語24話題讀與寫,Way 1:分析原因型,1、你是否贊成李明參選學(xué)生會主席并說明原因,I quite approve of Li Mings becoming chairman of Students Union for two reasons below.,1、今天閱讀經(jīng)典作品的人越來越少了,Nowadays,a lessening

15、number of people are reading classics.,There are,in my opinion, two primary reasons contributing to this phenomenon.,1、你是否贊成這種做法并說明理由;,2、你是否會動員你的家人或你周圍的人參加熄燈一小時活動?為什么?,3、日常生活中為了保護(hù)環(huán)境我們 還可以做什么? 西華學(xué)堂P32,以約120個詞就“熄燈一小時有意義嗎”發(fā)表你的想法,內(nèi)容包括:,1、你是否贊成這種做法并說明理由,I quite approve of this practice for two chief reas

16、ons blow.,1、你對用金錢鼓勵孩子學(xué)習(xí)的看法;(10年高考題),I quite disapprove of this practice that children are paid for harder work.,1、回憶童年時最好的伙伴;,2、講述一件發(fā)生在你們之間難忘的趣事;,3、你覺得你和童年的玩伴在一起的這段 時光里得到了什么? 西華學(xué)堂P8,Way 2: 舉例子,1、講述一件發(fā)生在你們之間難忘的趣事,1、講述一件發(fā)生在你們之間難忘的趣事,This awakened my memory of an unforgettable story a couple of years a

17、go.,1、日常生活中為了保護(hù)環(huán)境我們還可以做什么?,1、日常生活中為了保護(hù)環(huán)境我們還可以做什么?,As high school students, we are supposed to start small in our daily life.,1、人們在參觀動物園時為什么喜歡和動物拍照?,2、假如你處在那些動物的處境,你會有什么反應(yīng)?,3、你認(rèn)為是否應(yīng)該禁止游客和動物拍照? 09年高考,以約120詞就“該不該禁止游客和動物拍照”進(jìn)行討論,內(nèi)容包括:,Visitors like to have pictures taken with animals for two reasons below.,I would do the followin


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