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1、The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,顆粒栓塞劑介入臨床應用體會,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,一、介入栓塞劑發(fā)展史,1949 1960s1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 未來,栓塞劑發(fā)展史,Usi

2、ng pea seeds for embolization of smaller arteries and a 1:20 starch suspension for embolization of the arterials and capillaries. Surgery. 1949.,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,2000年4月美國FDA批準Embospheres 用于多血管腫瘤和動靜脈畸形的栓

3、塞。,2008年中國FDA批準了在中國市場的營銷。,80年代初,開始最初的動物實驗;80年代末開始最初的臨床應用。,1994年,Embospheres首個校準的微球。,1997年獲得歐盟(CE mark)批準,批準前已經進行了有限的臨床應用。,微球栓塞劑發(fā)展史,2010年10月,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,二、介入栓塞劑的分類,1、機械栓子,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital

4、of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(1)彈簧栓子 (2)血管塞,可推式 可脫性,2、液體栓塞劑,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(1)碘化油 (2)酒精 (3)硬化劑 (4)膠/onyx,3、顆粒栓塞劑,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of

5、Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,1、微球 2、PVA 3、明膠海綿顆粒,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,三、常用栓塞顆粒的特點,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱

6、市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,1、明膠海綿顆粒的特點,明膠海綿顆粒為特殊工藝合成的高分子網狀海綿材料; 具有良好的伸壓縮性; 可吸收 大小尺寸范圍(m) 150-350,350-560,560-710 710-1000,1000-1400,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,2、PVA顆粒的特點,PVA (PolyVinyl Alcohol Part

7、icles) 即聚乙烯醇顆粒 不可吸收 不規(guī)則形態(tài)、不規(guī)則直徑 大小尺寸范圍(m) 150-350,350-560,560-710 710-1000,1000-1400,1400-2000,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,3、微球的特點,Embospheres 三羥甲基-丙烯酸微球 永久栓塞特性 抗簇集性 彈性可壓縮性 長期生物相容性 大小尺寸范圍(m) 40-120,100-300,300-500,

8、 500-700,700-900,900-1200,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,微球的特性-永久栓塞,Embosphere 是具有化學惰性的不可吸收的栓塞微粒,有良好的細胞貼服性能;這些特性導致該產品對血管有完全和永久性的機械阻塞。,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號

9、郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,微球的特性-抗簇集,簇集(Aggregation)是指非球形栓塞顆粒的缺點。 親水的球形表面防止了栓塞微粒在導管和血管腔內的簇集。 Embospheres :柔軟球形、親水,不容易聚集,均勻一致的阻塞和可預期的血管網的滲透性,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,微球的特性-彈性可壓縮性,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital o

10、f Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,微球的特性-彈性可壓縮性,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,球形栓塞劑的特性-長期的生物相容性,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾

11、濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,四、栓塞劑的臨床應用體會,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(一)脾功能亢進的介入栓塞治療,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 /

12、,脾動脈分支栓塞(彈簧圈),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,脾動脈瘤栓塞(彈簧圈),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,術后5天復查,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin M

13、edical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,彌漫栓塞(PVA),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,血常規(guī)示:白細胞WBC, 1.65 109 cells/L; 粒細胞granulocytes (G), 1.10 109 cells/L; 紅細胞RBC, 3.67 1012 cells/L; 血紅蛋白

14、HGB, 109 g/L; 血小板PLT, 30 109/L, PLT size was normal。,彌漫栓塞(微球),術前,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,血常規(guī)示:白細胞WBC, 7.54 109 cells/L; 粒細胞G, 6.05 109 cells/L; 紅細胞RBC, 3.31 1012 cells/L; 血紅蛋白HGB, 100 g/L; 血小板PLT, 231 109/L。,術后

15、1月復查,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(二)子宮肌瘤的介入栓塞治療,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,子宮肌瘤栓塞治療(PVA),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin

16、Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,子宮肌瘤的栓塞治療(微球),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(三)肺癌的介入栓塞治療,第一次介入治療,術前CT,患者男,47歲,肺鱗癌,患者男,47歲,肺鱗癌,第二次介入治療,術前CT,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Ha

17、rbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(四)椎體術前的介入栓塞治療,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,第六頸椎轉移瘤術前栓塞(微球),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗

18、區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(五)消化道出血的介入栓塞治療,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,大量便血(PVA),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,空腸間質瘤出

19、血(微球),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,胃十二指腸動脈出血栓塞治療(彈簧圈+微球),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(六)腎出血的介入栓塞治療,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of

20、 Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,經皮腎鏡術后出血(微球),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(七)咯血的介入栓塞治療,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學

21、府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,肋間動脈栓塞(微球),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,支氣管動脈栓塞(NBCA),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,胸廓內動脈栓塞(彈簧圈),The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890 / ,(八)肝癌的介入栓塞治療,The 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Contact Us 哈爾濱市南崗區(qū)學府路246號 郵政編碼:150001 P. 123 456 7890


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