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1、雅思閱讀之找小標題作題技巧 雅思閱讀解題技巧丨h(huán)eading題型 找小標題作題技巧1.題型要求*由若干段話組成,要求給每段話找個小標題。小標題即指該段話的段落大意,中心思想,主旨。本題型不是讓你寫出每段話的小標題,這樣不好評判對錯。而是要求從選項列表(list of headings)中選擇。在現(xiàn)在的考試中,選項的數(shù)目往往大大多于*中段落的數(shù)目,假如*有五段話,選項的數(shù)目很可能是十個,甚至十二個。也就是說,有很多干擾選項。題目形式通常是*中的一段話標出小標題作為例子,要求選余下段落的小標題。給出小標題通常是原文的第一段。在考試中,該題型a類每次必考一組,共5題左右。有時會考兩組,共十題左右。g

2、類不是每次必考,考的時候,一般只考一組,共五題左右。2.解題步驟(1)先將例子所在的選項從選項列表中劃去,同時,不讀例子所在的段落。每個選項最多只能用一次,也就是說,兩個段落的小標題不可能是一個選項。這是因為不同段落的主旨肯定是不同的,原文將他們分為不同的段落,就是要分別說不同的內(nèi)容。如果兩段的主旨相同,即表達的中心思想一致,應(yīng)該將它們合為一段,是沒有必要分為兩段的。有時,這類題目的要求中有這樣一句話:you may use any heading more than once(你可以使用任何小標題超過一次)。這句話純屬誤導(dǎo),也就是說,即使題目的要求中有這句話或類似的話,任何選項也不可能被使用



5、確答案,正確選項一般就該句話的改寫。如果答案不能確定,應(yīng)再讀該段話的第二句,然后,與選項列表中的各選項一一對應(yīng)。如果答案還是不能確定,應(yīng)再讀該段話的最后一句,再與選項列表中大各選項一一對應(yīng)。如果還是找不到正確答案,則就需要閱讀整段話了。根據(jù)統(tǒng)計,段落的主題句在第一句的可能性超過50%,段落的主題句在第二句的可能性超過20%,段落的主題句在最后一句的可能性超過20%。也就是說,按照上述方法做這種題型,讀完該段話的第一句,就能在選項列表中找出該段話的heading, 這種可能性超過50%。整段話都需要閱讀的可能性不到10%。這個做題方法不僅有統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)的依據(jù),還有理論的基礎(chǔ)。英文段落展開的方法比較簡

6、單,主要有兩種:演繹法(deductive method)及歸納法(inductive method)。演繹法指的是由觀點到例子及論據(jù),所以主題句在該段話的第一句,但有時,第一句是個過渡性或描述性的句子,主題句有可能放在放在該段話的第二句,總之,主題句在第一句或第二句,都是deductive method。inductive method 是指由例子及論據(jù)到觀點,所以主題句在該段的最后一句,70%左右的段落使用deductive method寫的,而且其中絕大部分主題句在第一句。20%左右的段落是用inductive method寫的。有的人會問:我怎么知道某段話是用演繹法寫的,還是歸納法寫的

7、?是的,不讀完整段話,是不知道的。但讀完整段話,很浪費時間,而且,由于*句子結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜,再加上有一些不熟悉的單詞,很可能你也讀不太懂。所以,若讀完整段話在來選擇該段的heading, 不僅時間不夠用,而且往往正確率也不高。上面介紹的方法,就是按照概率,首先認為段落是用演繹法寫的,而且主題句在第一句,按照第一句的意思,在選項列表中確定正確答案。如果選項列表中有一項與這句話的意思相同,即可認為是正確答案。如果不能確定,再依次讀該段話的第二句和最后一句,再與選項列表中的各選項一一對應(yīng),確定正確答案。實踐證明,這種方法不僅節(jié)省時間,而且正確率也很高。(4)某段話的答案確定后,將它的選項從選項列表中劃去。

8、前面已經(jīng)講過,每個選項最多用一次,也就是說,不可能兩個段落的小標題是一個選項。所以,一段話的答案確定后,將它的選項從選項列表中劃去,以免被誤選為其它段落的小標題。而且在選其它段落的答案時,可以不看選項,節(jié)省時間。但某段話的答案不太確定,如第三段可能是c,也可能不是c,這時不能將c從選項列表中劃去。notice(1)如果答案不確定,先將可能的選項全部選出。(2)干擾選項的特點是:段落中未展開說明的細節(jié)。(3)如果主題句比較復(fù)雜(如復(fù)合句),應(yīng)重點看主句部分。主題句中,常常有如下的句式:although/while/despite/despite the fact的中文意思是:“雖然,但是”。前面

9、是個讓步狀語從句,后面是主句,要說明的觀點在主句中。(4)如果主題句中有show和suggest等詞,應(yīng)重點看其后的賓語從句。show和suggest是“表明”、“說明”的意思,其后的賓語從句往往是要說明的觀點,是該段的主旨。(5)如果主句是not onlybut also句型,應(yīng)重點看but also后面的部分。not onlybut also的意思是“不僅而且”,常用來承上啟下。not only的后面是“承上”,即上一段主旨,but also 后面的部分是“啟下”,即本段的主旨。所以重點看but also后面的部分。(6)問句不會是主題句問句通常作為引題,是過度性的句子。(7)舉例子的句子

10、不會是主題句(8)正確答案應(yīng)是主題句的改寫,所以與主題句特別一致的選項應(yīng)引起懷疑。例:某段話的第一句(主題句)為overall, female students outnumbered male students in the survey.有個選項為:l. female studens原句的意思是:在調(diào)查中,女生的數(shù)目超過男生的數(shù)目。上述選項只提到了女生,所以它不對。應(yīng)用本條規(guī)律,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)它與主題句中的詞female students一模一樣,所以也應(yīng)該懷疑它不是正確選項。正確選項為:gendergender的意思是“性別”。在主題句中并沒有這個詞,可見正確答案應(yīng)是主題句的改寫。(9)如果需

11、要閱讀整個段落,應(yīng)重點閱讀該段落中的重點詞句a. 反復(fù)出現(xiàn)的詞b. 括號里的詞c. 引號里的詞d. 黑體字 e.斜體字總結(jié):每個選項只能用一次,常常是主體句的改寫讀一段話做一道題,選出一個就在選項里劃掉一個選項通??丛牡牡谝痪?,第二句和最后一句出現(xiàn)復(fù)合句,重點看主句部分。although/while/despite等,后面是主句出現(xiàn)show/suggest時,看賓語叢句。出現(xiàn)not only , but also時,看but also后面。問句不會是主題句,舉例子不會是主題句。雅思閱讀機經(jīng)真題解析-flight from realityflight from realitymobiles a

12、re barred, but passengers can lap away on their laptops to their hearts content. is one really safer than the other? in the us, a congressional subcommittee grilled airline representatives and regulators about the issue last month. but the committee heard that using cellphones in planes may indeed p

13、ose a risk albeit a slight one. this would seem to vindicate the treatment of manchester oil worker neil whitehouse, who was sentenced last summer to a year in jail by a british court for refusing to turn off his mobile phone on a flight home from madrid. although he was only typing a message to be

14、sent on landing not actually making a call, the court decided that hems putting the flight at risk.athe potential for problems is certainly there. modern airliners are packed with electronic devices that control the plane and handle navigation and communications. each has to meet stringent safeguard

15、s to make sure it doesnt emit radiation that would interfere with other devices in the plane-standards that passengers personal electronic devices dont necessarily meet. emissions from inside the plane could also interfere with sensitive antennae on the fixed exterior.bbut despite running a number o

16、f studies, boeing, airbus and various government agencies havent been able to find clearevidenceof problems caused by personal electronic devices, including mobile phones. weve done our own studies. weve found cellphones actually have no impact on the navigation system, says maryanne greczyn, a spok

17、eswoman for airbus industries of north america in herndon, virginia, not do they affect other critical systems, she says the only impact airbus found? sometimes when a passenger is starting or finishing a phone call, the pilot hears a wry slight beep in the headset, she says.cthe best evidence yet o

18、f a problem comes from a report released this year by britains civil aviation authority. its researchers generated simulated cellphone transmissions inside two boeing aircraft. they concluded that the transmissions could create signals at a power and frequency that would not affect the latestequipme

19、nt, but exceeded the safety threshold established in 1984 and might therefore affect some of the older equipment on board. this doesnt mean mission critical equipment such as the navigation system and flight controls. but the devices that could be affected, such as smoke detectors and fuel level ind

20、icators, could still create serious problems for the flight crew if they malfunction.dmany planes still use equipment certified to the older standards, says dan hawkes, head of avionics at the caas safely regulation croup. the caa study doesnt prove the equipment will actually fail when subjected to

21、 the signals, but docs show theres a danger. weve taken some of the uncertainty out of these beliefs, he says another study later this year will see if the cellphone signals actually cause devices to fail.ein 1996, rtca, a consultant hired by the federal aviation administration in the us to conduct

22、tests, determined that potential problems from personal electronic devices were low. nevertheless, it recommended a ban on their use during critical periods of flight, such as take-off and landing. rtca didnt actually test cellphones, but nevertheless recommended their wholesale ban on flights, but

23、if better safe than sorry is the current policy, its applied inconsistently, according to marshall cross, the chairman of mega wave corporation, based in boylston, massachusetts. why are cellphones outlawed when no one considers a ban on laptops? its like most things in life. the reason is a little

24、bit technical, a little bit economic and a little bit political,” says cross.fthe company wrote a report for the faa in 1998 saying it is possible to build an on-board system that can detect dangerous signals from electronic devices. but crosss personal conclusion is that mobile phones arent the rea

25、l threat. youd have to stretch things pretty far to figure out how a cellphone could interfere with a planes systems, he says. cellphones transmit in ranges of around 400, 800 or 1800 megahertz. since no important piece of aircraft equipment operates at those frequencies, the possibility of interfer

26、ence is very low, cross says. the use of computers and electronic game systems is much more worrying, lie says. they can generate very strong signals at frequencies that could interfere with plane electronics, especially if a mouse is attached the wire operates as an antenna or if their built-in shi

27、elding is somehow damaged. some airlines are even planning to put sockets for laptops in seatbacks.gtheres fairly convincing anecdotal evidence that some personal electronic devices have interfered with systems. air crew on one flight found that the autopilot was being disconnected, and narrowed the

28、 problem down to a passengers portable computer. they could actually watch the autopilot disconnect when they switched the computer on. boeing bought the computer, took it to the airlines labs and even tested it on an empty flight. but as with every other reported instance of interference, technicia

29、ns were unable to replicate the problem.hsome engineers, however, such as bruce donham of boeing, say that common sense suggests phones are more risky than laptops. a device capable of producing a strong emission is not as safe as a device which does not have any intentional emission, lie says. neve

30、rtheless, many experts think its illogical that cellphones are prohibited when computers arent. besides, the problem is more complicated than simply looking at power and frequency. in the air, the plane operates in a soup of electronic emissions, created by its own electronics and by ground-based ra

31、diation. electronic devices in the cabin-especially those emitting a strong signal-can behave unpredictably, reinforcing other signals, for instance, or creating unforeseen harmonics that disrupt systems.idespite the congressional subcommittee hearings last month, no one seems to be working seriousl

32、y on a technical solution that would allow passengers to use their phones. thats mostly because no one -besides cellphone users themselves-stands to gain a lot if the phones are allowed in the air. even the cellphone companies dont want it. they are concerned that airborne signals could cause proble

33、ms by flooding a number of the networks base stations at once with the same signal this effect, called bigfooting, happens because airborne cellphone signals tend to go to many base stations at once, unlike land calls which usually go to just one or two stations. in the us, even if faa regulations d

34、idnt prohibit cellphones in the air, federal communications commission regulations would.jpossible solutions might be to enhance airliners electronic insulation, or to fit detectors which warned flight staff when passenger devices were emitting dangerous signals. but crosscomplains that neither the

35、faa, the airlines nor the manufacturers are showing much interest in developing these. so despite congressional suspicions and the occasional irritated (or jailed) mobile user, the industrys better safe than sorry policy on mobile phones seems likely to continue. in the absence of firm evidence that

36、 the international airline industry is engaged in a vast conspiracy to overcharge its customers, a delayed phone call seems a small price to pay for even the tiniest reduction in the chances of a plane crash. but youll still be allowed to use your personal computer during a flight. and while that re

37、mains the case, airlines can hardly claim that logic has prevailed.question 14-17complete the following summary of the paragraphs of reading passage, using no more than three words from the reading passage for each answer. write your answers in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.the would-be risk surl

38、y exists, since the avionic systems on modern aircraft are used to manage flight and deal with _14_. those devices are designed to meet the safety criteria which should be free from interrupting _15_ or interior emission. the personal use of mobile phone may cause the sophisticated _16_ outside of p

39、lane to dysfunction. though definite interference in piloting devices has not been scientifically testified, the devices such as those which detect _17_ or indicate fuel load could be affected.question 18-22use the information in the passage to match the organization (listed a-e) with opinions or de

40、eds below. write the appropriate letters a-e in boxes 18-22 on your answer sheet.a. british civil aviation authorityb. maryanne greczync. rtcad. marshall crosse. boeing company18. mobile usages should be forbidden in a specific fame.19. computers are more dangerous than cell phones.20. finding that

41、the mobile phones pose little risk on flights navigation devices.21. the disruption of laptops is not as dangerous as cellphones.22. the mobile signal may have impact on earlier devices.question 23-26do the following statements agree with the information given in reading passage 2?in boxes 23-26 on

42、your answer sheet, writetrue if the statement is truefalse if the statement is falsenot given if the information is not given23. almost all scientists accept that cellphones have higher emission than that of personal computers.24. some people believe that radio emission will interrupt the equipment

43、on plane.25. the signal interference-detecting device has not yet been developed because they are in priority for neither administrative department nor offer economic incentive.26. faa initialed open debate with federal communications commission.篇章結(jié)構(gòu)體裁論說文題目電子信號影響飛行結(jié)構(gòu)a段-機艙內(nèi)部發(fā)射電頻信號的風(fēng)險b段-但是,航空公司與政府目前沒有證據(jù)表明風(fēng)險屬實c段-


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