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1、Carols shopping list,Lesson 79,Do you like shopping?What do you usually buy ?,I don t have anything to eat .,也可以說: I havent got anything to eat.,I don t have any meat . I havent got vegetables. I dont have beer and wine.,have got 與 have 意思一樣,都是“有”的意思,但兩者有區(qū)別 have 可以用于任何場合 have got 通常用于口語等非正式的環(huán)境中。 hav

2、e -dont have 沒有 We dont have much money. have got-havent got 沒有 We havent got much money.,have got 的第三人稱單數(shù)has got,他有許多土豆。 He has got a lot of potatoes. 否定句: He hasnt got many potatoes. 一般疑問句: Has he got many potatoes? 回答: Yes, he has./No, he hasnt.,Ive got a lot of .,books,flowers,fruits,cheese,coca

3、cola,Weve got a lot of potatoes. 2.We havent got much tea or coffee. 3.Have you got any beer and wine? 總結(jié):1. have got 表示“有” 2. have 為助動詞 3. have got 三單形式: has got,有,沒有,你們有嗎?,have與have got, We havent got many tomatoes. Have they got many oranges?,many+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),Have you got many ? I havent got many,cabb

4、ages,birds,colour eggs,Have you got much ? I havent got much ,steak,cheese,Scotch whisky,一、用have got改寫下列句子. Do you often have headache? _ 2.I have a new dress. _ 3.Do you have flu? _ 4.Do you have any brothers and sisters? _ 5.I had a temperature last week. _,Have you often got headache?,I have got

5、a new dress.,Have you got flu?,Have you got any brothers and sisters?,I had got a temperature last week.,make a shopping list,Avas shopping list,Making a shopping list,New words, shopping p n. 購物,go shopping=do some shopping 去購物 shopping center 購物中心 make a shopping list 制作購物清單 How about go shopping

6、this afternoon? 我們下午去購物怎么樣?, list list n. 單子,1.名詞 n. (1)n.表;名冊;目錄Cshopping list 購物單, vegetable n.蔬菜 veditbl, need ni:d v. 需要, v. 需要 Does he need to know? 他需要知道嗎? n. 需要(物);必要 It is no need spending so much money. 沒有必要花這么多的錢。, v 必要,需要 He neednt speak so aloud. 他不必說那么大聲。 You neednt trouble about that.

7、你不必為這費(fèi)事了。, hope hup v.希望 v. 希望;盼望;期待 hope to do sth. I hope to study abroad next year. 我明年想去國外學(xué)習(xí)。 hope that I hope that you study abroad next year. 我希望你明年去國外學(xué)習(xí)。, n. 希望,期望;指望 Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。,2020/12/28, We havent got much tea or coffee. Have your friends got much hone

8、y?,much+不可數(shù)名詞,2020/12/28,What do we need? We need a lot of things this week. - I have got a lot of apples.,2020/12/28,a lot of + 所有名詞 用于肯定句 many + 可名復(fù) 用于否定句,疑問句 much + 不可名 用于否定句,疑問句,a lot of + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) 用于肯定句 many + 可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) 用于否定句,疑問句 much + 不可數(shù)名詞 用于否定句,疑問句,Remember !,三、用many, much或a lot of填空。 I need _ w

9、riting paper. I havent got _. 2. How _ weeks are there in a year? 3. I want to buy _ tins of beer. Have you got _. 4. Have you got _ potatoes on your plate?,a lot of,much,many,a lot of,many,many,5. I saw _ chickens in the garden. 6. They havent got _ fresh chicken in the store. 7. How _ pounds of su

10、gar do you need? 8. There arent _ chocolate in the box. 9. There are _ pictures in this book. 10. Were _ students absent yesterday?,many,a lot of,much,many,much,a lot of,many,much,alotof,any, some,Ihaventseen_Englishfilms. Ihaventdone_worktoday. I have _ friends. He drinks _ milk. Would you like _ t

11、ea? Li Jiacheng has _ money.,many,much,many/some,some/ much,some,a lot of,四、模仿例句改寫一下句子 eg: I dont have any eggs. I havent got many eggs. He doesnt have any coffee. He hasnt got much coffee. I dont have any butter. _ 2.You dont have any envelopes. _ 3.She doesnt have any biscuits. _ 4.They dont have

12、any stationery. _,I havent got much butter.,You havent got many envelopes.,She hasnt got many biscuits.,They havent got many stationery.,2020/12/28,text,Watch the video then answer the questions: What is Carol not going to buy? Which vegetables are Carol going to buy? What are the things Carol doesn

13、t have?,Beer and wine.,tomatoes.,Sugar , jam and meat .,TOM:What are you doing, Carol?CAROL:Im , Tom.,making a shopping list,TOM:What do we need?CAROL:We this week.,need a lot of thing,2.need的用法 (1)need 做情態(tài)動詞時,need表示“需要”、 “必須” need + 動詞原形 沒有時態(tài),人稱、數(shù)格的變化 可以直接加否定形式 不能單獨(dú)做謂語,后邊加動詞原形。,(2)need 做行為動詞 有人稱、數(shù)量

14、及時態(tài)上的變化,疑問句中也需用助動詞do; need to 在肯定句中,need后只跟動詞不定式, 不跟動詞原形。 He needs some money. 他需要一些錢。 I need to go home. 我要回家。 What do they need this week? 他們這周需要什么東西?,1:need在否定句和疑問句中,跟動詞原形.,2: need to在肯定句中, need后只跟動詞不定式,need to do sth,I neednt study. I dont need to study. Need you study? Do you need to study?,判斷詞

15、性,3.A lot of 很多=lots of,A lot of既可用在可數(shù)名詞前(可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)),也可用于不可數(shù)名詞前。一般用于肯定句。 There are a lot of apples on the table. 桌子上有很多蘋果。 There is a lot of milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有很多牛奶。,CAROL:I must go to We havent got much tea or coffee, and we havent got any sugar or jam.,the grocers .,4.many和much的用法,many和much均可譯成“

16、許多”,但用法不同: many放在可數(shù)名詞之前 There are many people in the park. 在公園有很多人。,much放在不可數(shù)名詞之前。 I have too much homework to do. 我有太多的作業(yè)要做。,2020/12/28,too many too much much too,后面接可數(shù)名詞,,后面接不可數(shù)名詞,,后面接形容詞,CAROL:What about vegetables? I must go to . We havent got many tomatoes, but weve got a lot of potatoes.,the g

17、reengrocers,8.名詞所有格,grocer 雜貨商 greengrocer蔬菜水果商 the grocers (shop)/greengrocers (shop) 食品店/蔬果店 表示店鋪、醫(yī)院、學(xué)校、住宅、及公共建筑時,名詞所有格后常常不出現(xiàn)修飾的名詞。 at the butchers 在肉店 at the dentists 在牙科 at the stationers(在文具店) at the booksellers 在書店,*5.have got=have,I have got some friends. =I have some friends.,CAROL:I must go

18、 to the butchers, too. We need some meat. We havent got any meat at all.,6. at all 絲毫,一點(diǎn),根本,完全,I dont like singing at all 我根本不喜歡唱歌。 There was nothing to worry about at all 完全沒有什么可擔(dān)心的。,TOM:Have we got any beer and wine?CAROL:No, we havent. And Im not going to get any!,TOM:I hope that youve got some m

19、oneyCAROL:I havent got much.TOM:Well, I havent got much either!,8. I havent got much either! either 否定句句尾,7.must的用法,must表示“必須,應(yīng)當(dāng)” Must I call the doctor? No , you neednt. 我必須請大夫嗎?不,不必。,We havent got,much,any,any,many,some,a lot of,2020/12/28,TOM: What are you doing, Carol?CAROL: Im making a , Tom.TO

20、M: What do we ?CAROL: We need thing this week.CAROL: I go to the grocers. We havent got tea or coffee, and we havent got sugar or jam.TOM: What about vegetables?CAROL: I must go to the . We many tomatoes, but weve got a lot of potatoes.CAROL: I go to the butchers, . We some meat. We havent got any meat at all.TOM: we got any be


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