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1、A true story,Lesson 119,Listening focus: 聽力理解,What happened ? Where did it happen? How many people died? How much money did they collect?,Review!,現(xiàn)在,將來,過去,B:I was leaving for school when an earthquake happened.,過去進行時的構(gòu)成:,was/were現(xiàn)在分詞,(三)與過去進行時連用的時間狀語有:,1.at this (that)time +過去時間 2.at ten oclock+過去時間

2、 3.from 6 to 9+過去時間 4.those days , at that time 5.由when和while引導(dǎo)的一般過去時的句子 When從句可跟短暫性動詞,也可跟延續(xù)性動詞, while從句只能跟延續(xù)性動詞。,Practice Time!,1. While she _ TV, Penny fell asleep. watches was watching, watched watch KEY: B,2. Penny _ dinner when she cut her fingers. had having was having is having KEY: C,What_ y

3、ou _(do) when I _(come) in just now? I_ (play) the piano while mum _(cook) the dinner yesterday. They _ (have) a party at this time last Sunday. When she_ (clean) the room, someone opened the door. We were watching TV at ten last night.(改為一般疑問句) Amy was writing a letter when the telephone rang.(對劃線部

4、分提問),were doing came,was playing was cooking,were having,was cleaning,Were you watching TV at ten last night?,What was Amy doing when the telephone rang?,New words and expressions,看音讀詞注意: 1.每個單詞有多少個音節(jié)(syllable) 2. 重讀(stress)在哪個音節(jié),st:r d:k hpn t:t i:f vs ent prt,story n. 故事 happen v. 發(fā)生 thief n. 賊 en

5、ter v. 進入 dark adj. 黑暗的 torch n. 手電筒 voice n. (說話的)聲音 parrot n. 鸚鵡 exercise book n. 練習(xí)本,看詞讀音注意每個詞的詞性(the part of speech),Key wordsexpressions,1. story n. 故事 a ghost story tell stories 謊話 Dont tell stories! to make a long story short,長話短說,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs /dw :f/,c,Little Red Riding Ho

6、odLittle Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother.小紅帽去探望她的外婆.,The Frog Prince,The Emperors New Clothes,An Ugly Duckling,Aquamarine /,kwmri:n/,Key wordsexpressions,2. happen (不能用于被動語態(tài)) 1) v. 發(fā)生 What happened? A strange thing happened to a friend of mine a year ago. 一年之前,一件希奇的事發(fā)生在我的一位朋友身上。 2) v.

7、碰巧,恰好(to) happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事。 I happened to meet her on my way home. 在回家的路上,我碰巧遇見了她。 I happen to know that professor. 我正好熟悉那位教授。,Key wordsexpressions,3. thief n.賊 復(fù)數(shù): thieves A World without Thieves,Key wordsexpressions,5. enter v. 進入,穿入 enter the room 他們進入了房子后,就去了餐廳。 After they had entered the

8、 house, they went into the dining room. 參加,加入 enter the Party Four students from our university entered the final contest. 我們大學(xué)的4名學(xué)生進入了競賽的決賽。 輸入 enter into the computer,enter for 報名參加 Our team has entered for the competition. 我們隊已報名參加比賽.,(入黨),Key wordsexpressions,5. dark adj. 黑暗的 too dark 深色的 dark b

9、lue 陰暗的 dark future- bright future n. 黃昏,黑夜 at dark in the dark,天黑時,在暗處,light,Key wordsexpressions,6. torch n. 手電筒 turn on/ off the torch 火炬 light the torch,Key wordsexpressions,7. voice n. 聲音 in an angry voice 意見 speak out my voice lose ones voice 失音 raise ones voice voice 表示人說話時嗓子發(fā)出的聲音 sound 表示世間萬

10、物的聲音 noise表示雜音,不悅?cè)说穆曇?嗓子變啞,提高嗓門,drop,Key wordsexpressions,8. parrot n. 鸚鵡,story n. 故事 happen v. 發(fā)生 thief n. 賊 enter v. 進入 dark adj. 黑暗的 torch n. 手電筒 voice n. (說話的)聲音 parrot n. 鸚鵡 exercise book n. 練習(xí)本,看詞讀音注意每個詞的詞性(the part of speech),Notes on the text,Free talk,Tell us something about thief.,handcuff

11、s 手銬 He was taken away in handcuffs. 他被銬走了。 A policeman put handcuffs on the thief. 一個警察給那小偷帶上了手銬。,Questions on the text,1.When did the story happen? 2.What was George doing when the thieves entered the room? 3.Why did they turn on a torch? 4.Who called out to the thieves in the dark? 5.Whos Henry?,

12、Listen and answer:,Language points,1、Do you like stories? 這里stories泛指故事這一類東西。 2、I want to tell you a true story. want to do sth. 想要做某事。 tell a story 講故事。 true 真實可信的 do; finished B. Have; done; finished C. Have; done; have finished D. Will; do; finish 2. Where is Li Lei? He _ Shanghai. A. has gone to

13、 B. has been to C. went to D. goes to 3. Those foreign friends left Guangzhou _. A. since last week B. a week ago C. for a week D. since a week ago 4. By the end of last year he_ about 1500 English words. A. learns B. learned C. was learning D. had learned 5.Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two

14、 years . . was ; studying . will ; study . has ; studied . are ; studying,Exercise,B,A,B,D,C,1. I _ 900 English words by the time I was ten。 A. learned B. was learning C. had learned D. learnt 2. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _ the dinner already. A had cooked B. cooked C. have co

15、oked D. was cooked 3. By the time he was ten years old, he _. A has completed university B. has completed the university C had completed an university D. had completed university 4. He _ to play _ before he was 11 years old. A had learned, piano B. had learned, the piano C. has learned, the piano D.

16、 learns ,piano 5.The students _ their classroom when the visitors arrived. A . have cleaned B. had cleaned C. was cleaned D. have been cleaned,C,A,D,A,B,1. 造句:用過去完成時造三個句子. 2. 完成課練L119&L120. 3. 準(zhǔn)備(聽寫) and (背誦) of L119 4. 預(yù)習(xí) 120,Homework,過去完成時: 構(gòu)成: 主語+had +動詞的過去分詞 過去完成時主要用于表示兩個事件中一個發(fā)生在前,或者說是表示較早的過去。when、after 、before等也常與過去完成時連用,以強調(diào)事件發(fā)生的先后次序。 already(已經(jīng)),ever(曾經(jīng)), for+表示時間段的詞,just(剛剛)和never(從未)也常與過去完成時連用,以強調(diào)事件發(fā)生的先后次序。,Grammar in use,4


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