八年級英語下冊 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city park單元綜合測試題 (新版)人教新目標版_第1頁
八年級英語下冊 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city park單元綜合測試題 (新版)人教新目標版_第2頁
八年級英語下冊 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city park單元綜合測試題 (新版)人教新目標版_第3頁
八年級英語下冊 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city park單元綜合測試題 (新版)人教新目標版_第4頁
八年級英語下冊 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city park單元綜合測試題 (新版)人教新目標版_第5頁
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1、Unit 2 單元測試題. 單項選擇(每小題1分, 共15分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中選擇可以填入空白處的最佳答案。( )21. Changing schools made a big difference _ his life.A. on B. at C. to D. for( )22. Marys uncle made _ possible for her to travel around the world.A. it B. that C. this D. one( )23. The girl is _, so she needs a guide dog to help her.A.

2、sick B. blind C. tired D. sad( )24. My friend Tom volunteered _ in the countryside two years ago.A. to work B. work C. working D. works( )25. Excuse me, I _ find my hotel.You could ask the policeman.A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt( )26. She used to _ a bike to school, but now she is used to

3、_ to school.A. ride; walk B. riding; walking C. riding; walk D. ride; walking( )27. He is very _, so he can carry the heavy box.A. clever B. strong C. quiet D. excited( )28. Who is the _ of the house?Mr. Black. He bought it last year.A. passenger B. guest C. visitor D. owner( )29. _ vacations by the

4、 sea is Dales dream.A. Spend B. Spending C. Spends D. Spent( )30. They often help _ sick children in the childrens hospital.A. cheer up B. clean up C. set up D. make up( )31. My cousin has difficulty _ English newspapers.A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read( )32. My computer doesnt work. Could you

5、 help _ it?A. repair B. buy C. raise D. open( )33. How nice these pictures are! Please _ on the wall.A. put it up B. put up it C. put up them D. put them up( )34. I can help my mother do some things like _ the rooms.A. cleans B. cleaning C. clean D. to clean( )35. We shouldnt read in the sun. _. Its

6、 bad for our eyes.A. Sorry to hear that B. That sounds greatC. Youre right D. I dont think so. 完形填空(每小題1分,共10分)先通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后從A、B、C、D四個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳答案。易讀度A few months ago, I learned that the city food bank needed some volunteers. I used to be the 36 in my group of friends. So, I sent letters to

7、 10 friends. Id like to 37 a group that would volunteer to make and serve dinner for the disabled people. I wanted to 38 my friends to be part of the group. Almost all of my friends 39 . One day, several of my friends brought some food and helped prepare the 40 . “I got such a strong feeling of sati

8、sfaction when I saw the 41 people get the food!” said one friend. Later, another friend made a list (清單) about serving, 42 we could do quickly and easily. Now each month there are new faces that join the group. One woman 43 invited another group of her friends to serve. Its hard to imagine that simp

9、le 44 asking friends to help have made a great difference. At first, I just wanted to be an organizer. Now, I 45 my idea. I also love to work as a volunteer, because I can get more joy from the happy faces of the disabled people.( )36. A. volunteer B. organizer C. singer D. nurse( )37. A. set up B.

10、cheer up C. give up D. clean up( )38. A. take B. move C. invite D. teach( )39. A. refused B. agreed C. stayed D. left( )40. A. training B. journey C. party D. meal( )41. A. disabled B. strong C. clever D. kind( )42. A. but B. so C. because D. or( )43. A. still B. hardly C. only D. even( )44. A. word

11、s B. visits C. letters D. e-mails( )45. A. keep B. get C. change D. open. 閱讀理解 (每小題2分,共20分)A易讀度Ann wanted to play in the city orchestra (管弦樂隊), but she was nervous (緊張的). She thought it might be too difficult. The first day she was so nervous, and she could hardly breathe. After a few rehearsals (排練

12、), she could comfortably play along with everyone else. She found that there was no reason to be nervous and began to enjoy herself.In rehearsals, Ann became friends with Danny. Danny sat next to her and always helped her. Ann often asked him questions about music. Dannys parents were musicians. The

13、y started teaching Danny music when he was only five years old. Ann couldnt imagine playing the violin at that age.Anns another friend in the orchestra was Marie. After rehearsal, Marie would tell Ann funny stories. Though Marie was much older than Ann, the two became good friends.The orchestra was

14、rehearsing music for a concert. Ann invited some of her friends at school to come. Though they didnt understand music, they promised to come. They all liked Ann and wanted to cheer her. Anns family also planned to go to the concert. Ann looked forward to the event, and she hoped it would not rain on

15、 the night of the concert.On the night of the concert, Ann was excited. Danny and Marie both told her that the concert would be fun. Ann knew that she would enjoy it. The conductor (指揮) Mike was nervous. Ann was surprised because she knew that he conducted many big concerts all over the world. After

16、 the concert was over, the conductor seemed happy. He said the orchestra gave a fine performance.根據材料內容選擇最佳答案。( )46. From the first paragraph we can learn that Ann _.A. didnt want to learn musicB. was excited to try new thingsC. thought there was no reason to be nervousD. wasnt interested in playing

17、 in the orchestra( )47. Ann made _ friends in the orchestra.A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5( )48. Some of Anns friends promised to come to the concert because _.A. they enjoyed the music B. they wanted to cheer herC. they wanted to learn to playD. they wanted to make new friends( )49. How did Ann feel on the ni

18、ght of the concert?A. Excited. B. Tired. C. Nervous. D. Sad.( )50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Anns parents were musicians. B. Marie was two years older than Ann.C. Danny started playing the piano at age 5.D. Mike had much experience in conducting concerts.B 易讀度Here ar

19、e some ideas for you on how to help others through volunteering.(51) _When people get older, it becomes harder to do many things, from walking to the store to doing the housework. Old people living alone can also feel lonely. As a volunteer, you can do a lot to help the old in your neighborhood. You

20、 could visit them and help them with their housework. (52) _Many people with disabilities need help. You could volunteer to read books to the blind or deliver (遞送) something for people who cant get around too well.(53) _There are lots of volunteer jobs to do in hospitals and health care centers. As

21、a volunteer, you can make beds, deliver flowers and gifts, help serve meals, and do lots of other important jobs.(54) _Some families dont have enough money to buy food and clothes for their kids. Some people dont have place to live at all. To help these people as a volunteer, you can give clothes, f

22、ood or money to, or raise money for, a charity (慈善機構).(55) _Sometimes people need more help when the holidays come. Holidays are happy, but for people who are alone or unlucky, they can be a lonely, hard time. As a volunteer, you can deliver holiday dinners to less lucky people, visit the lonely old

23、 people and serve food to the homeless.根據材料內容,從AE中選出與各段落相對應的標題,并將其標號填寫在下面題號后的橫線上。A. Helping poor familiesB. Helping the disabledC. Helping during holidays D. Helping your old neighborsE. Doing the hospital work51. _ 52. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _. 情景交際 (每小題1分,共10分) 根據對話內容及所給首字母提示,補全所缺單詞(含縮略形式),使對話完整、通順。A:

24、Hello, can I help you?B: Yes, please. Id like to b (56) a volunteer. A: What k (57) of volunteer work would you like to do?B: Any work is OK.A: Oh, we need someone t (58) help teach kids basketball.B: Sorry, I cant play basketball. Is there anything e (59)?A: There is a job cleaning up the parks. It

25、s every Sunday.B: Thats n (60) good. I have to help look after my grandmother on Sundays.A: Oh, I see. Here is another job. Do you know h (61) to repair bicycles?B: Sorry. I c (62) even repair my own bicycle.A: OK. M (63) this is a good one. Would you like to read to sick people in the hospital? You

26、 can d (64) it any day you like.B: That sounds good. W (65) could I start?A: How about today?B: OK, no problem!. 詞匯運用 (每小題0.5分,共5分)A)根據句意及所給漢語提示,寫出句中所缺單詞。66. We are making some (通知) for Clean-Up Day.67. She is (聾的). She cant hear anything.68. At last, I (理解) what she said.69. We should help (有殘疾的) p

27、eople.70. They had to (扛) their boxes to the village.B)根據句意,用括號內所給單詞的適當形式填空。71. Dont hurt others (feel). Its not good.72. The car has six (wheel). Its very interesting.73. You cant (imagine) how I missed the bird.74. After ten days of (train), now I can drive a car. 75. I got out of trouble because

28、of your (kind). 完成句子 (每小題2分,共10分)根據各題后括號內的要求完成下列各題,每空一詞(含縮略形式)。76. Susan would like to help her friend out. (改為一般疑問句)_ Susan _ to help her friend out?77. Jet helped give out food at the food bank. (改為一般疑問句)_ Jet _ give out food at the food bank?78. My grandfather used to walk a dog after dinner. (改為

29、否定句)My grandfather _ _ to walk a dog after dinner.79. I hope you can repair my blender in time. (改為同義句)I hope you can _ _ my blender in time.80. You could help buy some flowers. (對劃線部分提問)_ could I _?. 綜合填空 (每小題1分,共10分) 閱讀短文,從方框中選擇恰當的詞并用其適當形式填空,使短文通順、意思完整,每詞限用一次,其中有兩個詞是多余的。易讀度 week, he, what, idea, w

30、hy, refuse, dog, daughter, start, do, hope, readJennifer and her sister Katie learned in Sunday School how they should care about others. This gave them a great idea! “Lets (81)_ a new club at school. We can call it THE CARE CLUB!” said Katie. “CARE means Caring and Respecting (尊重) Everybody.” Jenni

31、fer agreed it was a wonderful (82)_. Every night they planned (83)_ they would do the next day to show love to others.One day they helped a boy with (84)_ homework after school. Another day they stayed after school to help a little girl learn to (85)_. On the weekend they walked a neighbors (86)_ an

32、d even gave the dog a good shower. Katie and Jennifers parents understand their (87)_ very well. They also love helping others and they are having so much fun (88)_ it.Later, the other kids at school (89)_ to join the club. So Katie and Jennifer opened the club up to new members (成員). Every new memb

33、er had to promise to show love to others. They had (90)_ meetings and planned who they would help and how they would do it. Everyone pitched in (出) some money each week so they could buy flowers or cards for sick people to cheer them up. . 書面表達 (15分)假如你是魯冰,你們班將在3月份組織志愿者活動,請你根據下表提示給你的美國筆友Tina寫一封電子郵件談談該月的活動安排。時間活動3月4日打掃火車站。3月11日去養(yǎng)老院洗衣服、打掃房間、表演節(jié)目。3月18日在人民公園附近修理自行車、收音機。3月25日去附近小學輔導孩子寫作業(yè)、給他們講故事。參考詞匯: 表演節(jié)目 give performances 要求:1. 根據提示內容進行寫作,可適當發(fā)揮;2.


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