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1、AbstractWith the fast economic prosperity in the last three decades,researchersat home gradually attach enthusiasm to the studies of marketing strategies in sports goods brands. Consequently, a few studies have emerged in China, while those of foreign capitalism countries have been flourished. There

2、fore, this study attempts to exploit marketing strategies of Nike to enlighten sports goods brands in china.In this study, the author looks into the history and development regarding to marketing strategies of Nike, and then selects Nikes 4Ps marketing strategies advantageson the chosen subjects. Th

3、rough the 4Ps analysis comparison of both Nike and domestic brands, we found out Nike s strengths to conclude viewpoints to redeem our brands shortages. We hope that this study can provide some insightful viewpoints to enlighten our brands.Key Words: Nike; 4Ps analysis; marketing strategies; domesti

4、c brands摘要隨著改革開放 30年經(jīng)濟(jì)的快速發(fā)展, 有關(guān)于體育用品品牌營(yíng)銷策略的研究逐漸引起了 國(guó)內(nèi)學(xué)者研究的興趣。其結(jié)果是,國(guó)內(nèi)涌現(xiàn)出一批相關(guān)研究,盡管國(guó)外資本主義國(guó)家關(guān)于 這方面的研究已相當(dāng)發(fā)達(dá)。有鑒于此,此篇論文嘗試去挖掘耐克公司的市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷策略對(duì)我 國(guó)體育用品品牌產(chǎn)生的啟示作用。在這次研究中,作者首先研究了耐克市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷策略的歷史和發(fā)展,然后根據(jù)選定的主 題挑選出耐克市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷策略的優(yōu)勢(shì)。 通過 4Ps 分析方法比較耐克和國(guó)內(nèi)品牌, 我們發(fā)現(xiàn)耐 克的優(yōu)勢(shì),并總結(jié)出來(lái)有助于彌補(bǔ)國(guó)內(nèi)品牌此方面的不足之處。我們希望本研究能夠提出 一些對(duì)中國(guó)體育用品品牌起到啟示作用的觀點(diǎn)。關(guān)鍵詞:耐克;4Ps

5、分析方法;市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷策略;國(guó)內(nèi)品牌ContentsAbstracti摘要 i.i.1. Introduction 11.1 Rationale 11.2 Aim and objectives 11.3 Organization of the paper 22. Literature Review 32.1 Definition of marketing strategies 32.2 Previous studies on marketing strategies of Nike3.3. Main Content of 4Ps Theories 44. Analysis and Applicat

6、ion of Nikes 4Ps Theories 54.1 Product 54.1.1 Technology renewal according to realistic need.s 54.1.2 Crossover product through non-competitive strategic alliance 54.1.3 Actively imitating competitor 54.1.4 Focusing on design and contribution, outsourcing the production 64.2 Price 64.2.1 Specific pr

7、ice location according to different market 64.2.2 Fixed price 74.3 Place 74.3.1 Distribution through E-commerce 74.3.2 Reasonable distribution 74.4 Promotion 74.4.1 Diversified investment on well-known athletes and teams to gain attention 74.4.2 Skills in implementing consumersemotional acquiring 85

8、. Conclusion 105.1 Major findings 105.2 Suggestions to our brands 105.3 Shortages of this paper 11References 12Acknowledgements 131. Introduction1.1 RationaleStudies on an alyz ing market ing strategies of successful sports goods compa nies have gained great atte nti on in developed coun tries, beca

9、use not only the scholars but also the en trepre neurs want to find out the hidde n secret of those compa ni es.Sports in dustry has a rapid developme nt in the last decade. Early in the 2000, the global sports industry gross output has attained 400 billion dollars, meanwhile an average 20% in creas

10、e achieved each year. Moreover, i n Australia, Can ada, Japa n, UK, Germa n, Fran ce, Italy, etc., sports in dustry con tribute 1%-1.5% GDP in those developed cou ntry. (Zhou Xikua n, 2003: 347)Although our national sports industry did not keep pace with the trend, encouragingly several n ati onal s

11、ports goods,Liksran dting, Peak, An ta, 361, and so forth, emerge oneafter another not only in the domestic market, but also penetrate foreign markets, concluding from the NBA stars weari ng those brands shoes in the games.We can t deny that “ made in China ” products make a remarkable sales volume

12、globally. Ir ano ther words, the workshop of the world is put forward to describe China acts an importa nt role in manufacturing and processing. Actually, a great majority of consumers associatesChinese products with image of low price, inferior quality, and bad after-sales service.Can Chinese athle

13、tic brands get rid of the negative image? Can they transform their traditional operating ideas into far-sighted and establish globally well-known sports empire as other sports in dustry gia nts, like Nike?Con fucius said, among any three people walk ing, I will find someth ing to lear n for sure. Th

14、eir good qualities are to be followed, and their shortco mings are to be avoided. Nike, the most valuable brand, can be regarded as a successful model and we can extract some useful, adva need methods to follow.1.2 Aim and objectivesThis study aims to find out Nike effective marketing strategies and

15、 provide somesuggesti onson how to develop our own bran ds. In gen eral, the study has the follow ing three objectives: (i) to inv estigate the in flue ntial eve nts in Nike history and the curre nt situati on; (ii) of Nike 4Ps marketing strategies to enlighten our sports goods brands.to con duct an

16、 an alysis on specific bran ches of Nikes marketingeXtactgeenceDuring the process of the study, we first accumulate both domestic and abroad dissertati ons about Nike marketing strategies. Then we allocate them under each category of Nike 4Ps marketi ng strategies and an alyze the certa in effect on

17、 customers.1.3 Organization of the paperThis paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter one serves as an in troducti on of the rati on ale and aim of the study. Chapter two is an overview of the theories and studies related to marketing strategies lear ning. Chapter three describes the research met

18、hodoloy4Ps marketi ng strategies. In chapter four, we separateNike development into three periods to reveal its focuses on strategies change. Chapter five focuses on dividing Nike snarketing strategies into four categories: product, price, place, promoti on, which is the core eleme nt in the whole s

19、tudy. Chapter six concludes the findings of Nike s 4Ps marketing strategies sunggpisbividesto our country sports goods in dustry stre ngths, as well as the shortages of this paper.2. Literature ReviewIn this chapter, we will briefly introduce the theories and studies concerning Nike 4Ps marketing st

20、rategies.2.1 Definition of marketing strategiesMarketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opport un ities to in crease sales an dachieve a susta in able competitive adva ntage.Market ing strategies serve as the fun dame ntal un

21、 derp inning of market ing pla ns desig ned to fill market n eeds and reach market ing objectivesMarketing participants often employ strategic models and tools to analyze marketing decisi ons. Whe n beg inning a strategic an alysis, the 3Cs can be employed to get a broad understanding of the strateg

22、ic environment. The 3C basMostemisdai , which offers astrategic look at the factors needed for success. The 3C s model points out that a stratecfocus on three key factorsthe corporati on, the customer, and the competitors, for success. And then the 4Ps can be utilized to form a marketing plan to pur

23、sue a defined strategy.Marketing strategy invoIves careful scanning of the internal and external environments. Internal environmental factors include the marketing mix, plus performance analysis and strategic constraints. (Almaney, 2000: 3) External environmental factors include customer analysis, c

24、ompetitor analysis, target market analysis, as well as evaluation of any elements of the tech no logical, econo mic, cultural or political/legal en vir onment likely to impact success. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company s overarchi ng missi on sta

25、teme nt.2.2 Previous studies on marketing strategies of NikeIn recent decades there were large amounts of research achievements about the studies regardi ng lear ning strategies both in the foreig n coun tries and in China. For example, among the foreig n studies, Don ald Katz (2001) studied how Nik

26、e ben efit from exploit ing the sports stars potential values; A. J. Almaney (2000) instructs his team prove their findings through professional data and segment strategies by 4Ps analysis. In China, Chen Limin (2008) con ducted a study on two typical advertiseme nts of Nike, emphasiz ing Nike well

27、impleme nti ng customers emotio n to in crease its brand recog niti on; Xue (2009) con ducted non-competitive allia nce study how Nike and Apple cooperate on perfectly in tegrat ing product.3. Main Content of 4Ps Theoriess uniqutheeJiliiriqiueoquality thatThe marketi ng mix is a bus in ess tool used

28、 in marketi ng products. The marketi ng mix isoften synonymous with the “ fourPs” : “place ” . However, in recent times, the process , evidhysuca” and peopleisofte n crucial whe n determ ining a product or brand differentiates a product from its competitors), andprice , product ,promotion, andexpand

29、ed to the seven Ps with the addition of Recently, four Cs” theory is also in the limelight.The term“ marketing mix ” wajdcoi1953 by Neil Borden in his American MarketingAssociation presidential address and became popular in the article written by Neil Borden calledr The Con cept of the Marketi ng Mi

30、x.” He started teachi ng the term after he lear ned about it withan associate.The prominent marketer, E. Jerome McCarthy, proposed a Four Ps classification in 1960, which has since been widely used by marketers throughout the world. Since consumerism appeared late in the 1960s, Four Cs theory has be

31、e n proposed in Japa n (1973) and the Un ited States (1993).The r four Ps ” consist of the following(1) Product. A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a consumer needs or wants. It is a tan gible good or an in ta ngible service.(2) Price. The price is the amount a customer pays for the pr

32、oduct. The price is veryimporta nt as it determ ines the compa nyn dhepcet survival.(3) Place. Place refers to providi ng the product at a place which is convenient for con sumers to access. Place is synonym ous with distributi on.(4) Promoti on. Promotio n represe nts all of the methods of com muni

33、 cati on that a marketer may use to provide information to different parties about the product. Promotion comprises elements such as: advertising, public relations, personal selling and sales promotion4. Analysis and Application of Nik 4Ps Theories4.1 Product4.1.1 Tech no logy ren ewal accordi ng to

34、 realistic n eedsContinuous emphasis on technical innovation in the design of footwear, apparel, and athletic equipment has been the key for company leadership position in the footwear and apparel market. The company employs its own staff specialists in the areas of biomechanics, chemistry, exercise

35、 physiology, engin eeri ng, in dustrial desig n, and related fields, in order to pursue the simple goal-products best suited to athletic n eeds. Besides, the compa ny also utilizes research committees and advisory boards made up of athletes, coaches, trainers, equipment man agers, orthopedists, podi

36、atrists, and other experts for con sultati ons on desig ns, materials, and concepts for product improvement. Furthermore, the company employs services of athletes, either employed with the compa ny or en gaged un der sports marketi ng con tracts, to evaluate products during the design and developmen

37、t process. They will, in certain time, meet the company sstaff, scrutinize various design projects, product stuff and think of product improveme nt.4.1.2 Crossover product through non-competitive strategic allia neeCrossover product is a heated topic no wadays. Two un related eleme nts can be elabor

38、ately assemble into one new product, like BMW automobile offeri ng its brake tech niq ues to bicycle manufacturing. Apparently, this crossover attempt should follow the non-competitive alliance principle. The parties including the non-competitive strategic alliance are usually not in the same indust

39、ry line, not even subject to limitation of the tradition supply chain. Consequently,their corporati on is based on resource compleme ntary, that is, through core resource shari ng, in clud ing visible source like product, tech niq ues, equipme nt, and inv isible source bran d, like in tellectual pro

40、perty, the alliance member can reach a win-win situation position.For example, Nike lau nched Nike & GPRS App on the App Store in September 2010. The new Nike & GPRS App includes several features which allow runners to use their iphones to map every run while tracking pace, distance time and calorie

41、s-burned. It also provides instant feedback duri ng and after each run from athletes. Nike part nered with Apple to develop a shoe with embedded chip that com muni cates data on speed and distae covered to the runner s iPod. The popularity and customer pen etrati on of iPods and other mobile devices

42、 that runners ofte n use during exercise showcases Nike s competency in innovative product design.4.1.3 Actively imitating competitorCreativity doesn t merely mean continuously exploiting undiscovered aspects, it also means digesting other successful experience and then it internalizes, and improves

43、. Nike never con ceals its respect and in terest to Adidas, especially Adidas product strategy. We can con clude this strategy as the followings: (i) Manufacturing new-design, different model product to segment market, fulfilling different needs; (ii) Associating product with contracted famous athle

44、tes, weari ng the product with compa ny ; (iii) Updajing product to follow the pace of product developme nt. Nike imitates its competitor and shorte ns its time to success.4.1.4 Focusing on design and distribution, outsourcing the productionThe complete process of sale contains three elements: produ

45、ct design, product manufacturing, and product distribution. Outsourcing the manufacturing part with low added value, Nike can make no spare effort on desig n and distributi on. Nike product ion facilities, mostly situated throughout Asia and South America, are located close to raw materials and chea

46、p labor sources. The cost sav ings due to the placeme nt of product ion facilities allows for cheaper product ion of products.4.2 PriceNike aims at the consumers who are likely to develop product intimacy; those who care more about the utility and quality of the product than the price. In this way,

47、the pricing is not affected too much in a bid to accommodate a large number of consumers. Nike targets the con sumers who embrace product in timacy and thus care less about the product. This has en abled Nike to set relatively higher prices than its competitors.This is a strategy that calls for high

48、er pric ing points so as to push the perceived product value. It has bee n established that con sumers who con sider a product to be of high quality are likely to pay the high price more often and consistently. Once consumers develop product intimacy, they come to associate their person with the pro

49、duct and will pay whatever price quoted on the product provided it has the Nike logo on it.Another very important thing to note is the fact that Nike uses the vertical integration pric ing strategy in which they take own ership of the participa nts at cha nn el levels that differ and they also engag

50、e in multifarious channel level operations both in a bid to control costs and thus in flue nee pric ing function.4.2.1 Specific price locati on accordi ng to differe nt marketWhen it comes to set price, the customerspsychology n eed to be weighed as importa ntly as rais ing compa nys in come simulta

51、 neously. Only reach ing a bala nee betwee n the above two aspects can a compa ny step on a fast growth track.Referring to Asia purchasing culture, luxury goods represent one s unique taste, hstatus, respected occupation, which has a close relation with the Chinese concept face”. Throughout a Chines

52、e life fhce” must be maintained and enhanced through giving to and recei ving from others in words and actions. Through admitt ing high price strategies, con sumers spontan eously realize high price equals to intern ati onal quality, their face enhancing in visibly with which they wear. What they co

53、ncern most is if others grant what the appearance tries toconv ey, price seems less esse ntial to con sumers objectives.4.2.2 Fixed priceAs Nike enjoys high brand recognition, well market response, firm customer loyalty, there is no need to reduce price for better sales, regardless of adopting promo

54、tion when product was outdated and old fashion designed. First and foremost, Nikes well-established reputation will not fade away in customers bottom heart; somehow this can stabilize customersc on fide nee and impose consistent satisfaction on consumers. Furthermore, it signals Nike is the leading

55、role in the sports goods in dustry and this situati on wort be altered in the future.4.3 Place4.3.1 Distributio n through E-commerceNike has taken the leading role in e-commerce by being the first to market with its e-commerce web-site. Nike launched its e-commerce site in April 1999 by offering 65

56、styles of shoes to the U.S. market for purchase. Nike in creased its e-commerce prese nceby launching Nike ID in November 1999. Nike ID enables online consumers to design key elements of the shoes they purchase. The program represents the first time a company has offered mass customizati on of footw

57、ear.The traditi on way of promotio n based on substa ntial outlets, fran chised shop and so forth will cost a lot of investment on finding partner, location. The virtual atmosphere can provide quick access to customers no matter what time or where the customers live, offeri ng relatively low price d

58、ue to cutt ing price on process.4.3.2 Reas on able distributio nThe delivery of the right product at the right time to the consumer not only effects utility but also leads to high degree of con sumer satisfact ion and loyalty. Nike has built a comprehe nsive computerized n et-work ing linking its shop, accelerati ng product ion and allocati on.Nike distributes its products on basic level. The high priced premium products are give n to certain distributors while leaving the low price to be sold at highly discounted prices at mega retail stores such as Wal-


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