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1、Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者,事竟成,名詞的用法,1.名詞作主語 The boy opened the door. 2.名詞作表語 Class 3 was the winner. 3.名詞作賓語 I told him a story,4.名詞作定語 We are discussing the population problem. 5.名詞作狀語 He sat here a long time. 6.名詞作賓語補足語 He named her Jenny,Lets correct: I goes to school at six every

2、 day. He dont like playing football. 3. They likes playing games. 4. Daming watchs TV in the evening. 5. Does he usually has a party? 6. What do they on Sunday? 7. Tony goes always to school at eight oclock. 8. What they eat in the party? 9. Lily haves lunch at school. 10. What do his parents usuall

3、y gives him ,go,doesnt,like,watches,have,do,has,give,do,按照要求改寫句子 1.Coco watches TV every evening. (改為否定句) 2.I do my homework every day. (改為一般疑問句,作否定回答) 3.She likes milk. (改為一般疑問句,作肯定回答) 4.Amy likes playing computer games. (對劃線部分提問) 5.We go to school every morning. (改為否定句,usual,unusual,Lesson 5758 An

4、 unusual day,shop p n. 商店,Shopping 購物 Shopping mall 商場 Window shopping 只逛不買 go shopping 購物,“血拼,moment mumnt n. 片刻,瞬間,at the moment+V-ing 此刻,目前 She is doing her homework at the moment. in a moment 立即,馬上 for a moment 片刻,一會兒 for the moment 暫時;目前,moment mumnt n. 片刻,瞬間 Ill be back in a moment. 立即,馬上 我一會兒

5、就回來。 Id like to speak to you for a moment. 片刻,一會兒 我想和你談一會兒。 the moment +to do 應(yīng)該做.的時候 This is not the (best) momnet to tell him the news. 現(xiàn)在不是告訴他這個消息的(最佳)時機,It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops,shop商店 shopping mall 大型購物中心 sup

6、ermarket 超市,go to the shops go shopping,Grammar in use語法點比較,一般現(xiàn)在時 現(xiàn)在進行時,一般現(xiàn)在時句式:表一般性或經(jīng)常性的動作或狀態(tài)。 1.I often go to school by bike. He does his homework every day. 2.My sister wears glasses. My father works in a school. He is tall. 3.The earth goes around the sun. Summer follows spring,Look! They are ru

7、nning . Listen! Someone is singing in the next room. 3. The Greens are watching a football match now,現(xiàn)在進行時,表示現(xiàn)在、說話瞬間正在進行或發(fā)生 的動作,構(gòu)成: be動詞(am/ is / are) +動詞ing形式,標志性詞語,now, at present at the moment at this moment(在此刻,現(xiàn)在進行時,現(xiàn)在進行時句式:表示正在進行的動作 肯定句: 主語+be +動詞ing+其他 e.g. I am staying at home . 否定句: 主語+be+

8、not+動詞ing+其他 e.g. I am not staying at home. 一般疑問句: Be+主語+動詞ing+其他? e.g. Are you staying at home,一般現(xiàn)在時表示持續(xù)情況,經(jīng)常性、習(xí)慣性行為或客觀存在的事實;而現(xiàn)在進行時表示暫時性或有限時刻的持續(xù)。 He lives Beijing.(生活在北京-習(xí)慣性) She is living in Beijing. (目前祝在北京-暫時性) 一般現(xiàn)在時常常和always,often,usually,seldom等頻率副詞連用;而現(xiàn)在進行時常和now,at the moment連用,一般現(xiàn)在時和現(xiàn)在進行時的區(qū)別

9、,at,in,1)一般情況下直接加ing: think-thinking sleep-sleeping 2)以不發(fā)音字母e結(jié)尾的單詞,先去掉e,再加ing: wake-waking make-making come-coming 3)以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾,呈現(xiàn)“輔,元,輔”結(jié)構(gòu)的動 詞,先雙寫末尾的輔音字母,再加ing 。 這類詞有:begin, cut, get, hit, run, set, sit, spit, stop, swim, beg, drop, fit, nod, dig, forget, regret, rid, 等。 4)以 y 結(jié)尾的動詞 直接加 ing: carry ca

10、rrying enjoy enjoying 5)以ie結(jié)尾的動詞,把ie改為y ,再加ing: die-dying lie-lying,動詞ing形式的用法及變化規(guī)則,going to school on foot,going to the shops,drinking tea in the garden,playing in the garden,reading an interesting book,It is six oclock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they

11、 are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden,1.by car 乘汽車 by+交通工具 by boat by bus by plane 2. on foot 步行 go to school on foot=walk to school 3.take a/the bus ride a/the bike,How to tell the time? 如何表達時間,Whats the time? Its about eight three. What time is it? Its nine five,What time is it,現(xiàn)在是7點30。 Its half past seven,What time is it,1. Its nine forty-five. ( Its a quarter to ten.) 現(xiàn)在是九點四十五分。 (現(xiàn)在是差一刻十點。,2. Its two seventeen. ( Its seventeen past two.) 現(xiàn)在是兩點十七分。 (現(xiàn)在是兩點過了十七分。,9:45,2:17,5. Its six fifteen. ( Its a quarter past six. )


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