



1、新目標八年級下Unit1 Whats the matter?Period1(sectionA)第一課時一、教材分析 本單元的話題是健康問題,健康是一切活動的保障,本節(jié)課的話題出自Unit1 Whats the matter?(sectionA),主要讓學生認知表示身體部位的單詞以及部分疾病的表達方法,學會談論自己及他人的健康狀況,能針對健康問題提出合理化建議。在具體教學中我對教材內(nèi)容實行了整合,刪除了材料中的聽力部分,將其用圖片的形式展示出來以保持課堂的完整性。我還對教材做了適當?shù)男薷暮蛿U充,使內(nèi)容更貼近生活,讓學生有更多的發(fā)揮空間。二、學情分析 八年級的學生具有過渡性和動蕩性的心理特點,處于

2、兩極分化的突出時候,學生差異較大,所以在任務設計上我注重分層,面向全體,充分調(diào)動每個學生的積極性。但因為這個階段的學生活潑好動,好奇心較強,再加上本節(jié)課又是他們從未接觸過的相關健康的話題,所以在課堂設計上我十分注意生動活潑但不幼稚,發(fā)揚傳統(tǒng)但不古板。 三、教學目標分析 1、Knowledge Objectives(知識目標) (1) Be able to master the pronunciation,meaning and spelling of the names of body parts and diseases. (2) Be able to learn the expressio

3、ns of giving advice. (3) Be able to talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a” and give advice by using “You should You shouldnt” 2、Ability Objectives(水平目標) (1) Be able to talk about ones health problems and give advice fluently (2) Be able to role play doctor and patient 3、Mor

4、al Objectives(情感態(tài)度目標) (1) Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing (2) Care more about yourself and others health 四、重難點設計 因為本節(jié)課的話題是談論健康,根據(jù)課標要求,學生需掌握相關疾病的單詞,并能針對疾病提出合理化建議,所以本節(jié)課的教學重點設計如下: The teaching focus: 1、Master the names of diseases. 2、Master the expressions of giving ad

5、vice 3、Talk about health problems by using “Whats the matter? I have a” and give advice by using “You should You shouldnt” 本節(jié)課的話題學生以前接觸較少,知識儲量有限,讓他們在較短的時間內(nèi)掌握較多的新單詞有一定難度,再者,因為學生生活經(jīng)驗的限制,在談論如何給出合適建議時會出現(xiàn)一定的困難。所以本節(jié)課的教學難點設置如下: The teaching difficulties: 1、Students may find it difficult to remember all the

6、 target new words in the class 2、Students may find it difficult to give appropriate advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience. 五、教學方法和學習策略分析 (一)教學方法 (1)恰當使用多媒體輔助教學,提升課堂效率增加趣味性。 (2)以學生為中心,展開Role play, Guessing game, Pair work等英語教學活動。 (3)注重分層教學,尊重差異,讓不同層次的學生都能參與,獲得成就感。 (4)

7、“任務型“活動策略,在做中學和練,任務明確,活動面廣,使學生在交際中真實使用所學知識。 (二)學習策略 (1)Inferring vocabulary (2)Role play (3)Group and pair work 六、教學過程 (一)、Lead-in (導入)Play a song for all the students (Ss) to sing along with-“If you are happy”. While singing,touch the part that is mentioned in the songs .(clap your hand, stomp your

8、 feet , wink your eye ). Then sing the song ,add up other parts-If you are happy and you know it shake your head, open your mouth, lift up your leg, lift up your arm etc. And the teacher(T) shows the pictures about body parts on the blackboard. (設計說明:以學生熟悉的拍手歌開始本節(jié)課的教學,讓學生在唱歌的同時完成對身體部位單詞的認知,并通過對歌曲的改編

9、聯(lián)系更多的有關身體部位的單詞。在開始新課前創(chuàng)設比較活潑輕松的學習氛圍,激發(fā)學生的學習熱情,為下面的教學做好鋪墊。) (二)、Presentation of words about body parts(介紹身體部位) T: Ok, class, we know the body parts just now. They are in altogether in one family, but I want to tell you that they cant friendly. They will have a fight sometimes. If you cant believe, let

10、s watch the programe -Body fight. After the programe, ask the Ss: Now, do you know -Why do they fight? What are they fight for? Ss:Who is important? T:Good! Do you think who is the most important ? And tell me the reason, Why? S1:Mouth, because I cant eat to live without it. T:What else can mouth do

11、? S1:Drink, speak English, sing songs, talk with my friends S2:Ears, because I cant grab my pen without them. S3:Fingers, because I cant grab my pen without them. (as many as they can tell) (設計說明:在完成對新單詞的認知之后,我給學生展示了一個Body fight的視頻節(jié)目,這個節(jié)目的題材很符合本節(jié)課,涉及了身體部位的學習。學生在完成老師的任務時大多采用了節(jié)目中的內(nèi)容來對身體器官的作用進行闡述,加深了對新

12、輸入單詞的理解鞏固,為接下來疾病的學習打下基礎。并且在這一環(huán)節(jié)中還訓練了學生對輸出信息的捕捉能力。) (三)、Presentation of words about diseases(關于疾病的用語) 1、T: Everbodys answers are very good. In fact, the body parts are in one family. They cant fight, they can help us do many things, They are all important. So, we should take care of them. But the bod

13、y parts has some problems sometimes. The T use body language to guide the Ss to guess the illness: have a cold, have a fever T: I am not feeling well now. I am ill. Do you know the illness? Whats the matter with me? Ss: You have a fever. (show the illness-have a cold with the body language, too) 2、T

14、hen the T shows a bandage and tell the Ss there is something wrong in the place where the bandage lies. Then get Ss to guess the health problems. When the T does the actions,ask the Ss-Whats the matter? (write it on the blackboard) The T puts the bandage on the stomach, and asks: Whats the matter wi

15、th me? Im not feeling well. I have a stomachache. Next, the T puts the bandage on the other part of body and gets the Ss to guess the problems: have a toothache, have a headache, (show them on the blackboard) T: Yes, look at the blackboard. Do you know how to use ache? If my are aches, we can say I

16、have an Ss: I have an earache. T: About the back? Ss: I have a backache. T: Yes, and I can say I have a sore back, too.(show sore) T:(the teacher coughs) Whats the matter with me? my throat? Ss: I have a sore throat. (設計說明:老師在課堂上展示醫(yī)療用具-繃帶,喚起學生的好奇心,使其積極參與到教學活動中來。通過繃帶所綁的不同位置和老師形象的肢體語言,自然的引出了有關疾病的單詞,簡單

17、直觀,易于學生接受。在此環(huán)節(jié)中,我還注重讓學生大膽猜測,進行推理,在常態(tài)下自己總結(jié)運用一些簡單的構詞法,由已知引入未知,變教師單一講授為師生互動交流,在交流中解決知識難點。) (四)、Pair work (小組合作練習)1、The T puts the bandage on the part of a students body and ask: Whats matter? and guide him to use the pattern: I have a/an Then asks the Ss to work in pairs and talk about health problems

18、by using the bandage and using the target languages: Whats the matter? I have a/an Later act them out in the class. 2、After sever pairs, the T chooses one pair and ask other Ss: T:Whats the matter with her? Ss:She has a headache. Then the T ask some Ss to show the health problems with the body lagua

19、g, and ask other Ss to have conversations in pairs. S1: Whats the matter with him/her? S2: He/She has a (自然引入第三人稱單數(shù)的學習運用) (五)、Presentation of expressions of given advice (關于建議的用語)T: Ok, we have so many problems in the practice just now. Don worry ,they are not true. But we are really ill one day. Wh

20、at should we do? Now, I give you some pictures. I think they will help you find the answers .(將一些建議以圖片的形式展示出來,降低信息差,使學生易于總結(jié)) T: Suppose you are a doctor. If I have a cold/fever/toothache.What shou I do? What shouldnt I do? S1:You should S2:You shouldnt(學生可隨意發(fā)揮,必要時教師給予修正,最后將所有建議羅列出來,作為下面活動的提示語) (設計說明:在這兩個環(huán)節(jié)中,我一直以學生為中心,置學生于語言環(huán)境交際之中,調(diào)動學生的參與熱情,將課堂教學成為一個師生共同學習創(chuàng)造的過程,由易到難,實現(xiàn)知識結(jié)構逐步上升。運用發(fā)散思維讓學生提出建議,為下面的知識輸出打下伏筆。) (六)、Production (綜合運用)T: Do you want to be a doctor to help others? Do you go to see a doctor when you arent healthy? Today ,I give you a chance, now, suppose you are a doct


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