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1、第8講動詞及動詞詞組1、關(guān)于連系動詞: 連系動詞用來連接主語和表語,連系動詞后面常為形容詞。 常見的連系動詞有:be、become look、feel、sound smell、taste seem turn、grow get go fall、 sit stand lie 等。 有些連系動詞來源于實義動詞,意思也跟著變化:looK)、feel() smel()、tast)、turn()、 grow)、 get)、go(所不同的是,作為實義動詞時,后面不能跟形容詞。become get go be grow turn 的用法區(qū)另廿:become表示 變成”比較正式,通常不用將來時表示動作已經(jīng)完成。

2、get也表示動作已經(jīng)完成,但是更加口語化,通常表示溫度、時間、歲數(shù)等變化。 go表示變得”常見于某些短語中,后面常有形容詞bad blind hungry等。 be表示 是、成為、當(dāng)”多用于將來時、祈使句或不定式中。grow表示 變得”常指逐漸的變化,表示身高、歲數(shù)的增長。turn表示 變得”指變?yōu)榕c原先不同的情況,通常指顏色等變化。女口: I was caught in the rain and Iill.He hasrich.Hea scie ntist in the future.My little brothermuch taller in the past year.The sand

3、wichbad.Her facered after her mother criticized扌比評)her.【考例】1、 The nu mber of gia nt pan das is gett ingbecause their liv ing areas are beco ming farmla nds.A. less and lessB. larger and larger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer2、 -I am gett ingeach mon th. I cant put on my jea ns.-Im afraid y

4、ou have to take exercise every day.河南省A. heavy B. heavierC. the heavierD. the heaviest3、The food in that restaura ntdelicious but it tastes bad 沈陽市A. looksB. feelsC becomesD. gets4、一 What do you think of the music, Fred?一 Itwonderful.臺州市A. smellsB. looks.C. tastesD. sounds5、It is said that no one bo

5、ught that kind of fruit.一 Thats true. It tasted.浙江A. goodB. terribleC. wellD. terribly6、一 Do you know the final of mens singles will be played between Wang Liqin and Ma Lin?Yes. I feltwhen I heard thenews.黃岡A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C . exciting; exciting D. excited; excited7、-Hi, mu

6、m. Have you cooked fish for dinner? I canit 河南A. tasteB. smellC. feelD. touch8、Carl feltbecause he won the first prize in the school singing competition.安徽省A. i nterested B. proud C. angry D. worried2、短語動詞的辨析(1)be made in, be made of(2)come dow n()come along() come to on eself()come true() come out(

7、)come over)come in()come on()come up with()(3)do one s best()do well in()do one s homework()do some read in g()(5)get down, get on),back() , get off(),get to(),get on wellget up( with(_ , get ),get(4)fall asleep(), fall behind(), fall off(), fall down()married(), get together(】(6) give up(), give a

8、hand(, give a concert(), go , go ) , go),have a resthave a cough),have a(7) go back(), go on(), go home(), go to bed(over(), go out(), go wrong(), go on doing(_shopp in g() , goboati ng(), go fishinghik in g(), go skat in g(), go straight alon g()(8) have a look(), have a seat() , have supper () , h

9、ave sports () , have a cold (),() , have a good time () , have a headache (try()(9) look for() , look out() , look over() , look up(),look after() , look at() , look like()look the same()(10) make friends(), make phone calls() make money()make the bed(_) make a noise() make faces()make one s way to(

10、)make room for()make a decisi on()make a mistake() make up one s mind( )(11) put on() , put up() , put down() , putaway(_),put off()(12) take off(), take photos() take time(),take out() take a seat() take an active part in()take care of() take exercise() take one s place(),take turn()(13) talk about

11、(), talk with()(14) turn on(), turn off(), turn down(), turn over()(15) th ink of() , think about()【考例】1After they passed their exams, they _by having a party 沈陽市A. succeeded B. celebrated C. preparedD. received2、I am sure that he isa lie.廣東省A. say ingB. talki ngC. speak ingD. telli ng3、How long doe

12、s ityou to wash all the dishes?成都市A. takeB. useC. spend4、I visited many places including the History Museum last Saturday; When I_ at the hotel,it was very late.太原市A. gotB. reachedC. arrived5、I am greatly interested in this painting. Something in it the painters deep love for nature.河南省A. expresses

13、B. discussesC. expectsD. imag ines6 In the 49 world Table Tenn is Champio nship錦標(biāo)賽),Wang LiqinMa Linandthe champion冠軍)of the Mens Singles.蕪湖市A. beat; beatB. won; wonC beat; wonD. won; beat7、一 why do Chinese people like red?Because they think it canthem good luck浙 江省A. carryB. bringC. makeD. take8、Sh

14、e has tosome of her hobbies because she has no time to spend on the太原市 A. give upB. look upC. pick up9、 More and more foreigners want totheir companies in ChinaA. open upB. look upC. clean upD. pick up10、 Dont _while the bus is moving , or you may hurt yourself and eve n some one outside 南通 市 A. get

15、 onB get upC. get offD. get in11、Wake up, Nick . Its time to, or youll be late for school .溫州A . get upB . get backC . get awayD . get off12、-Excuse me, Mr Li, I dont know the meaning of the whole sentence. What shall I do?成都市-Youd better firstthe new words.A. look forB. look upC. look through13、Kat

16、e did nt go to the movie last ni ght because she had toher sick dog at home.陜西省A. look atB. look up C. look forD. look after14、The pla neat three oclock in the after noon 廣東省A. takes off B. takes awayC. takes outD. takes dow n15、 After eight hours hard work,the fireme n fin allythe forest fire .07 連

17、云港市A . put awayB . put outC . put dow nD . put in16、Though their parents work in faraway cities to make money those “ stayome children can themselves 臺州市A . look out ofB come up with C . take care of D . catch up with17、-Do you have this kind of MP4?-Sorry, weyesterday. You can come next week.南寧市A .

18、 wrote them dow nB. tried them on C . took them off D . sold them out18、Dontpeople in trouble. Try to help them,吉林省A. hear. from B. go over C. laugh at D. took like14 . -Tom, its cold outside.your coat whe n you go out.-OK, Morn.安徽省A. Take off B. Take away C. Put away D. Put o n15、My parents and I l

19、ike to _ outside after dinner. It is really relaxing.太原市A. run offB. hang outC. dress up16、Lots of people in our citythe old and they usually offer their seats to the old on buses.A. agree withB. worry aboutC. laugh atD. care for17、They are going to _a hospital to help poor people 07 南充市A . write do

20、w nB. hand outC . set up18、The twins are talking about the book Who Moved My Cheese. Its fun tothem.A. joi nB. joi n inC. take part inD. en ter【語法過關(guān)】1-Do you like the music the Moo nlight Son ata?-Yes, itreally beautiful.A. feelsB.soundsC.liste nsD.hears2. Bill might phone while rm out this evening.

21、 If he,could you take a message?A. doesB.mightC.pho nedD.will3. Alice, we are going to spe nd our holiday in Can ada or, if you, we can go to Chi na in stead.A. hopeB.wishC.preferD.agree4. He is so careless that he alwayshis school things at home.A. forgetsB. forgotC. leavesD. left5.1 bought a new d

22、icti onary and itme 30 yua n,A. paidB. spe ntC. tookD. cost6.1 have to go now. Please remember tothe lights whe n you leave,A. turn offB. turn dow nC turn upD. turn on7. - all your thi ngs, Tom! I hate them here and there. -OK, Mom.Put upB. Put onC. Put downD. Put away8. How do you go to work every

23、day?Ion my bicycle.A. rideB. driveC. takeD. walk9. Oh, you pain ted the walls yourself?Yes. It was not hard. The whole work didntmuch.A. wantB. costC. spe ndD. pay10. One more satellite was sent up in to space in Chi na in May.Right. The gover nment spokethat.highly forB. high ofC. well ofD. highly

24、of11. There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours?Oh, yes, its mine.Let mefor you.to pick up it B. to pick it upC. pick up itD. pick it up12. May Iyour Chi nese- En glish dictio nary?Sony, Iit at home.borrow, forgot B. le nd, leftC. le nd, forgotD. borrow, left13. Your sweater looks ni ce, is itwool?Yes, and itsInner Mon golia.A. made of, made by B. made of, made in


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