1、AWL-Sublist 1V ocabulary Exercises for the Academic Word ListSublist 1 Exercises Exercise 1a Exercise 1b 1. He did an _ of the way children learn language for hisMasters thesis.analysis2. He was arrested for drunk driving because he had drunk more than the _ limit of alcohol.legal 3. The culture of
2、the United States is quite _ to that of Canada.similar 4. The Canadian _ is largely based on natural resources.economy5. Environmental pollution seems to be an important _ inthe increase in cancers all over the world.factor6.The apartment will be _ on June first.available7. The young popstar became
3、famous while still in high school after winninga _ with a major record label.contract8. Your continued lateness for class _ to me that you are notreally a very serious student.indicates9. Living in Berlin during the _ when the Berlin Wall wastorn down was an unforgettable experience.period10. Some _
4、 into second language learning suggests that oralfluency may increase with moderate amounts of alcohol.research1. There are wind-surfers and kayaks _ for rent at the lake. available2. The planet Mars has a surface which is somewhat _ tothat of our moon.similar3. It could take weeks to _ all the data
5、, but when we do, theresults will be very helpful to our project.analyze4. Spencers father is doing _ into the melting of the polarice cap in the Arctic.research5. The boss was really excited when he heard we had won the _.contract6. Here in British Columbia, it is not _ to sell cigarettes topeople
6、under the age of sixteen.legal Exercise 1c Exercise 2a 7. The low number of people attending the lecture is a clear _ of lack of interest in the topic.indication8. Alcohol was a major _ in a car accident which claimedthree lives over the weekend.factor9. Canadas _ growth has been quite consistent fo
7、r the lastfew years.economic10. Canada went through a _ of economic prosperity in the1950s.period1. _ of water is vital to all plant and animal life.availability2. We need to find a more _ way to manufacture ourproducts because our profit margin is too low.economical3. Warmer than average weather wa
8、s the deciding _ inour decision to postpone our ski trip.factor4. Interest in the planet Mars has greatly increased since_ of water raised the possibility that life in some form may have evolved there.indications 5. Music downloaders are questioning the _ of file sharing, claiming the law is unclear
9、 on the matter.illegality 6. Meetings will be held _ for the members of the project to discuss their progress.periodically 7. Jane Goodalls _ into chimpanzees has greatly increased our knowledge of these animals.research 8. We are _ obliged to deal with this firm.contractually9. The DNA of chimpanze
10、es shows a remarkable _ tothat of humans.similarity10. At the end of a research project, the researcher is normally faced with lots of observations which need to be _.analyzed1. One of the _ of studying English in Victoria is thatyou have the opportunity to speak English outside of class. Benefits2.
11、 The cat slowly _ the bush where the mouse was hiding.Approached 3. A department store spokesman says that their new outlet will _ more than 75 permanent jobs in the city.Create Exercise 2b Exercise 2c 4. The government recently passed _ which prohibitstobacco advertising at sporting events.legislat
12、ion5. There are many things you can do in your everyday life to help protectthe _, such as recycling or riding a bicycle. environment6. The _ of the river is somewhere in the mountains.source7. You must _ to our offer within 30 days or it will bewithdrawn.respond8. The government has announced a spe
13、cial program to help _ new small businesses.finance9. It is the _ of our government that no one should bewithout food or shelter.policy10. The oldest _ to win a medal in the Olympics wasOscar Swahn, who won a silver medal in shooting at the age of 72.individual1. The government is offering more prog
14、rams which _low income families.benefit2. She _ her boss about getting a raise.approached3. Celebrities generally receive so much fan mail that it is impossible to_ to each and every letter personally.respond4. Victoria is generally a safe and friendly _ for foreignstudents to study in.environment5.
15、 My fathers company has been experiencing some _difficulties, so they are going to have to lay off some staff. financial6. Many people the world over are urging governments to pass _ limiting the development of new cloning technologies.legislation 7. In the past 5 years, this government has _ 15 new
16、 major parks in the province.created8. The refund _ at this store allows you to return itemsfor a credit, but not for cash.policy9. The main _ of jobs for teenagers in Victoria duringthe summertime is the tourist industry.source10. Do you believe that _ rights are more important than the collective
17、rights of society?individual Exercise 3a 1. Some doctors suggest that taking vitamin pills is not really very _ to our health.beneficial 2. The native people of our province have many wonderful legends regarding the _ of our world.creation3. The major _ issue in Fiji is how to dispose of wastemateri
18、als in a responsible manner.environmental4. At Computaschools, we offer _ learning programsthat fit your needs, and let you progress at your own rate.individualized5. Denise and I have very different _ to the job, but Ithink we are both quite successful in what we do.approaches6. Children in Canada
19、generally become _ independent of their parents in their 20s.financially7. The _ of this company is that either parent can takea six-month paid leave after the birth of a child.policy8. The government is considering _ the striking nurses back to work.legislating 9. Wind is now the worlds fastest gro
20、wing _ of power.source10. In _ to Indian nuclear weapons testing, Pakistanconducted its own tests in 1998.response1. The old woman couldnt speak English, so her grandchildren had to _ for erpret2. For very young children, the _ of truth and lies are notvery clear.concepts3. The English Langua
21、ge Program at the University of Victoria was _ in May of 1987.established4. Our society supposedly believes in the _ of equalityfor all.principle5. We will need to examine a lot more _ before we canmake any conclusions.data6. They want to build a new shopping mall in an _ whichis presently forest.ar
22、ea7. Smoking is a _ cause of cancer.major 8. Doctors are as yet unsure what _ diet plays in the development of the disease.role Exercise 3b Exercise 3c 9. Coca-Cola has a secret _ for its beverage that is onlyknown to a small group of people.formula10. I dont know what you mean. Can you be a bit mor
23、e _about what problems your car is having?specific1. Under the Soviet system, the economy of Georgia was run on socialist_, such as public ownership of the means of production. principles2. The _ of an arranged marriage is almost totally unknown in this country.concept 3. Gasoline has no _ freezing
24、point; it freezes at any temperature between -180 and -240 degrees Fahrenheit.specific4. The police have not yet been able to _ the cause of deathfor a man who was found floating in the river.establish5. We had to memorize about 20 different _ for the mathtest.formulas6. The country covers a total _
25、 of over 1,725 square kilometres.area 7. The worlds _ rainforests are located in South and Central America, and in South-east Asia.major8. Jefferson has a largely defensive _ to play on the team,and is not known for scoring.role9. Heinrich W. Brandes made the first weather map in 1815, based on _ ga
26、thered in 1783.data10. We need an accountant to _ our financial statements. interpret1. Very young children _ ideas of depth, height andsize in different ways from adults.conceptualize2. Guatemala is the only country in the world where American Indiansare a _.majority3. The _ of a U.N. peacekeeping
27、force was supposedto reduce the number of conflicts internationally.establishment4. Varying _ of the Bible have resulted in the creation of many different religious groups within Christianity. interpretations5. Penelope is hoping to play the _ of the nurse in Romeo and Juliet.role Exercise 4a Exerci
28、se 4b 6. The oranguatan obviously spent a lot of time and effort _ his plan for escape from the zoo.formulating 7. This is the first time that a political party has done advertising _ aimed at minority voters.specifically 8. In April of 1978, Afghanistans armed forces seized power, and established a
29、 government based on Islamic _. principles 9. There is a large play _ for the children near the entrance to the housing complex.area 10. Analysis of _ is a difficult and complicated process.data1. We will use the first week of classes to _ your speakingability.assess2. The test will _ of a series of
30、 true or false questions andtwo essay questions.consist3. Nicks job as a salesman _ a lot of travelling around theprovince.involves4. The traditional family _ has undergone a great many changes in the last few decades, due to the increase in the divorce rate. structure5. The _ of the heart is to pum
31、p blood throughout the body. function6. The grammar notes appear in the back _ of the book. section7. His _ for the renovations to our house was $2,250.estimate8. Attention passengers on flight 514 to Honolulu. Please _to gate 33 where your plane is now ceed9. It can be quite difficult t
32、o clearly _ abstract ideas such aslove or friendship.define10. I dont think hitting children is a very effective _ of teaching them anything.method1. I still dont even know how to use half the _ of this computer program.functions2. The polar bears diet _ almost entirely of seals and fish. consists3.
33、 The coachs new _ for teaching basic football skills tosmall children has been very successful.method Exercise 4c 4. Fever is usually _ as an oral temperature above 37.4 degrees.defined 5. The value of his art collection has been _ at over $200,000.assessed6. The first _ of the New York City subway
34、was opened in1900 after four years of work.section7. At an _ population of 40 million, there are more thantwice as many kangaroos as people in Australia.estimated8. In August 1990, about 15,000 vehicles were _ in the biggest traffic jam in Japans history.involved 9. After loading our skis and bags,
35、we _ onto the ceeded10. The eye of an octopus is very similar in _ to the humaneye.structure1. She is very slow and _ in her work, but she certainly does an excellent job.methodical2. The power station should be fully _ by the end ofthe year.functional3. The company is required to do an _ of
36、theenvironmental damage that would be done to the area before beginning the project.assessment 4. The boys suppers for the three days they went camping together _ of hamburgers, chocolate bars and potato chips.consisted5. Research shows that people usually _ the amountof time it will take them to le
37、arn a second language.underestimate6. The government has said that construction of the factory will not beallowed to _ until changes are made to reduce the impact on the ceed 7. The island of Cyprus is divided into two _: Greekand Turkish.sections8. The police have as yet no proof of
38、his _ in the robbery.involvement 9. According to anthropologists, there appears to be a universal _ of human beauty.definition 10. The building suffered significant _ damage during the earthquake.structural Exercise 5a Exercise 5b 1. The police freed a suspected murderer because they didnt have enou
39、gh_ to charge him.evidence2. It is important to learn a _ which will help you to guessthe meaning of new vocabulary from cess3. When you didnt come to work I just _ that you weresick.assumed4. Many words in English are _ from French. derived5. The woman was unable to _ the man who stole h
40、er purse because it had been too dark at the time of the robbery. identify6. The accident _ about 9:00 this morning.occurred7. Canadas aboriginal population _ a small but importantpart of our country.constitutes8. An important _ under discussion in the world of sporttoday is the participation of pro
41、fessional athletes in the Olympic Games.issue9. Many _ now believe that vocabulary development iseven more important than grammar study for second language learners.theorists10. Jobs in the tourism _ have risen by over 5% this year. sector1. About 16% of Americans work in the manufacturing _. sector
42、2. Current _ trace our first human ancestor to Africa about5 to 7 million years ago.theories3. Bananas and coffee together _ almost 38% of Costa Ricas export earnings.constitute4. One can _ some important conclusions using the resultsof a proper set of experiments.derive5. He doesnt have enough _ to
43、 support his theories just yet.evidence6. Our response to the controversial social _ of our timewill determine our future.issues7. The music which the world _ with Argentina is the music of the tango.identifies8. It will take a least a month to _ your application for cess9. Many people seem
44、 to _ that Canadians are just the same assume Exercise 5c Exercise 6a as Americans.10. Earthquakes _ in the world about once every hour.occur1. The president has resigned, and the country is in the middle of a _ crisis.constitutional 2. The notion of the Big Bang _ that the universe began as a huge
45、explosion of matter.theorizes3. A large percentage of the population of Paraguay _their living from agricultural activity.derives4. The body of the person killed in the fire was so badly burned that itwas _.unidentifiable5. There is some _ that a diet high in broccoli and cabbage reduces a womans ri
46、sk for breast cancer.evidence6. The union is _ notices that there may be a strike asearly as next week.issuing7. The data can be _ by computer in a matter of cessed 8. Unless safety procedures are improved immediately, an accident could easily _.reoccur9. We shouldnt make any _ until we h
47、ave heard fromeveryone involved in the incident.assumptions10. Tourism has been the biggest growth _ in the Greek economy since the 1970s.sector1. Management is meeting with _ to begin discussions ona new contract.labour2. He is a well-known _ on the language used by bees tocommunicate the location
48、of food.authority3. Could you please _ the answer sheets while I hand outthe tests?distribute4. The amount of rain we receive _ from year to year ofcourse, but this year has been very dry.varies5. Vocabulary is generally easier to understand if you look at it in _.context Exercise 6b Exercise 6c 6.
49、This airline seat-sale _ you to book your ticket at leasta month in advance.requires7. We have noticed a _ improvement in Teddys attitudesince you had a talk with him.significant8. I think that the _ of students that have to repeat a levelin this program is usually about 25% or less.percentage9. In the future, Canada will be under great pressure to _fresh water to the United States.export10. It is generally quite difficult to raise a family on a single_ in Canada today, so very often both
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