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1、英語筆譯綜合,名詞與主謂一致,重點(diǎn): 名詞的語法屬性性、數(shù)、格 名詞單復(fù)數(shù)的構(gòu)成和主謂一致 名詞所有格與of-詞組 名詞的搭配,名詞是指人或物的名稱,是為了識別人、物和地點(diǎn)等而賦予的名稱。 名詞可以用作動(dòng)詞的主語、動(dòng)詞的直接賓語或間接賓語、介詞的賓語、Be或seem等其他系動(dòng)詞的表語 名詞可分為專有名詞和普通名詞。專有名詞是指特定的人、物、地方或概念。這些人、地方、物或概念實(shí)際上被認(rèn)為是獨(dú)一無二的,開頭要大寫,前面一般不用冠詞。,名詞的分類,專有名詞包括如下幾類: 人名 稱呼 地理名稱 地名 月份、星期、節(jié)日和季節(jié) 凡不屬于特定的人名、地名、事物、概念名稱的名詞都是普通名詞,在普通名詞前可以用

2、a/an,the及零冠詞。普通名詞可分為可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞。 可數(shù)名詞又可分為具體名詞和抽象名詞 具體的不可數(shù)名詞包括這樣一些詞:固體、液體、氣體、糧食、活動(dòng)、語言:iron, milk, air, drinking, Arabic, Turkish。多數(shù)不可數(shù)名詞是抽象名詞,名詞數(shù)的構(gòu)成,規(guī)則的復(fù)數(shù)形式 構(gòu)成法:一個(gè)名詞如果表示一個(gè)或一樣?xùn)|西,它取單數(shù)形式,如pen,dog,church。如果表示兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上的這類東西,則需要名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。構(gòu)成復(fù)數(shù),大多數(shù)是在單數(shù)形式后加-s或-es,有下面幾種情況:,1,在單數(shù)形式后直接加-s girl-girls hat-hats 2,如單數(shù)名詞以

3、s,x,sh,ch或z結(jié)尾,需在后面加-es kiss -kisses tax-taxes brush- brushes 3,以y結(jié)尾的詞,變y為I,再加-es lady -ladies story - stories 如果y前面還有一個(gè)元音字母,則直接加-s day -days monkey -monkeys 4,以o接尾的詞,多數(shù)加-s demo-demos inferno-infernos kilo-kilos tempo-tempos cello-cellos memo-memos octavo-octavos 八開本 dynamo-dynamos 發(fā)電機(jī) solo-solos pho

4、to-photos ratio-ratios,以“元音字母+o”結(jié)尾的詞,一概加-s curios rodeos bamboos tattoos 但有少數(shù)以o結(jié)尾的詞后要加-es echo-echoes embargo-embargoes jingo- jingoes torpedo-torpedoes veto-vetoes hero-heroes Negro-Negroes potatopotatoes mosquito-mosquitoes go-goes no-noes 其他以o結(jié)尾的詞,一般既可加-s,也可加-es zerozeros/ zeroes halohalos/haloes

5、 日月周圍的光暈 mangomangos/ mangoes motto, tornado, volcano, cargo, buffalo, commando,5,以f或fe結(jié)尾的詞,多數(shù)直接加-s chief-chiefs reef-reefs cliff-cliffs cuffcuffs roof-roofs fife-fifes 橫笛 belief-beliefs safe-safes gulf-gulfs strife-stifes 但有幾個(gè)名詞,需變f為v,再加-es elf-elves leaf-leaves calf-calves thief-thieves shelf- she

6、lves loafloaves half-halves life-lives self-selves wife-wives wolf-wolves knife-knives 有個(gè)別名詞,可加-s或-es hoofhoofs/hooves wharfwharfs/wharves scarfscarfs/scarves dwarfdwarfs/ dwarves beefbeefs/beeves staffstaffs/staves,不規(guī)則的復(fù)數(shù)形式 有些名詞有不規(guī)則的復(fù)數(shù)形式 1,把單數(shù)形式稍加變化,成為復(fù)數(shù)形式: man-men alderman-aldermen foot-feet foot-

7、foots 殘?jiān)?woman-women countrywoman-countrywomen goose-geese goose-gooses 熨斗 Mouse-mice dormouse-dormice (睡鼠 ) louse-lice child,-children ox-oxen,2,把單數(shù)形式用作復(fù)數(shù)形式(單復(fù)同形) 1)動(dòng)物名稱通常用規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)。然而,許多動(dòng)物的名稱有兩種復(fù)數(shù)形式:-s和零復(fù)數(shù)。 規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)與零復(fù)數(shù)并存 antelope, reindeer, fish, flounder(比目魚) herring(青魚 ) 通常用零復(fù)數(shù) bison(美洲或歐洲的野牛) grouse, q

8、uail, salmon(鱒) swine 永遠(yuǎn)用零復(fù)數(shù) sheep, deer, cod(鱈),2) 數(shù)量名詞 名詞dozen, hundred, thousand, million有另一個(gè)數(shù)量詞作前置修飾語時(shí),他們用零復(fù)數(shù)形式。 Three dozen glasses two hundred people 以上四個(gè)名詞后面接-of短語時(shí),不論它們前面是否有不定數(shù)量詞,通常用復(fù)數(shù)形式。 Many dozens of glasses thousands of spectators 另外,注意以下組合: tens of thousands of people hundreds of millio

9、ns of stars hundreds ( and hundreds ( and hundreds) of times,表示長度的foot和表示重量的pound常用零復(fù)數(shù),尤其是在它們之后接一個(gè)數(shù)詞時(shí):Shes only five foot two. 如果pound表示貨幣時(shí),當(dāng)它后面接一個(gè)數(shù)詞時(shí)既可用零復(fù)數(shù)也可用規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)。 This ticket costs only two pound(s) fifty. 其他用零復(fù)數(shù)的數(shù)量名詞 ten gross of nails gross=12 dozen a stand of pine 高大植物或樹的群叢 a fleet of 10 sail 一

10、支由十條船組成的船隊(duì),3) 國籍名詞 以-ese結(jié)尾的國籍名詞也用零復(fù)數(shù)形式 Chinese Japanese Vietnamese Burmese Swiss Portuguese Lebanese,外來語的復(fù)數(shù)形式 許多名詞原來是外來詞,特別是一些科學(xué)上的術(shù)語,仍沿用原來的復(fù)數(shù)形式。但其中有些已經(jīng)采用英語詞尾-s或-es。,1. 拉丁語 1) 以-us結(jié)尾的名詞 大多數(shù)的復(fù)數(shù)形式是-i/ai/, 如 stimulusstimuli alumnus-alumni bacillus-bacilli(桿菌) nucleusnuclei locusloci(地點(diǎn),所在地;軌跡) cumuluscu

11、muli(堆積;積云)corpuscorpora/ corpuses genusgenera(類,屬) 用規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)(-uses)的包括: apparatus, bonus, campus, caucus, census, chorus, circus, impetus, minus, prospectus(內(nèi)容說明書,樣張), sinus(竇, 穴, 灣, 凹處), status, virus, genius, magus(魔術(shù)家,占星師), narcissus, incubus(夢魘,沉重的負(fù)擔(dān)), 具有兩種復(fù)數(shù)形式的: focus, radius(半徑), terminus, fungus

12、, syllabus, octopus, hippopotamus,2) 以-a結(jié)尾的名詞 復(fù)數(shù)形式大多為-ae /I:/ alumnaalumnae algaalgae larvalarvae 僅用規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)(-as)的有: area, arena, dilemma, diploma, drama, era 具有兩種形式的:antenna, formula, nebula, vertebra(脊椎骨),3) 以-um結(jié)尾的名詞 外來語復(fù)數(shù)為-a corrigendumcorrigenda(勘誤表) ovumova(卵子) bacteriumbacteria datum-data erratum

13、errata(錯(cuò)字勘誤表) addendumaddenda(附錄) desideratumdesiderata(迫切需要得到之物) 僅用規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)的: album, chrysanthemum, museum, premium 通常是規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)的: forum, stadium 具有兩種形式的: aquarium, candelabrum, curriculum, maximum, medium, memorandum, millennium, minimum, moratorium(延期償付), podium(樂隊(duì)指揮臺), referendum, spectrum, stratum, symp

14、osium, ultimatum,media常以“news media”的意義來指報(bào)刊,廣播等,有時(shí)作單數(shù)看, 復(fù)數(shù)形式是medias。 strata是stratum常見的復(fù)數(shù)形式,有時(shí)strata也用作單數(shù)來指社會(huì)階級。 除了單數(shù)的candelabrum(枝狀大燭臺)及其復(fù)數(shù)外,還有單數(shù)的candelabra,復(fù)數(shù)形式是規(guī)則的。 agenda和insignia(勛章)在英語里用作單數(shù),復(fù)數(shù)形式是規(guī)則的。,4) 以-ex,-ix結(jié)尾的名詞 復(fù)數(shù)形式是-ices。如index-indices。但是index和appendix具有規(guī)則和外來兩種復(fù)數(shù)形式。規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)形式indexes用來指一本書或其他

15、出版物的索引;復(fù)數(shù)形式indices多半用來指indicators Appendix作“附錄”講時(shí),可用這兩種里的任何一種;作“身體一部分”講時(shí),用規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)。 其他的還有:apex,vortex(旋渦),matrix。 僅用外來復(fù)數(shù)形式的有codex-codices (古代典籍的抄本;法律;規(guī)則;藥典),2. 希臘語 1) 以-is結(jié)尾的詞,復(fù)數(shù)形式為-es oasisoases basisbases analysisanalyses, axis, crisis, diagnosis, ellipsis,hypothesis, paralysis, parenthesis, synopsis,

16、 synthesis, thesis, metropolis, pelvis 2) 以-on結(jié)尾的詞,復(fù)數(shù)形式為-a criterioncriteria phenomenonphenomena 只用規(guī)則變化的: electron, neutron, proton(質(zhì)子) 用兩種變化的:automatonautomata/ automatons(自動(dòng)機(jī)器),3.法語,意大利語和希伯來語 1) 一些以-eau和-eu結(jié)尾的名詞,如bureau和adieu,除了用普通的-s復(fù)數(shù)形式外,還可保留法語里的-x作為復(fù)數(shù)形式。同樣的還有tableau(生動(dòng)的場面;戲劇性局面),plateau,有些以-s和-

17、x結(jié)尾的,單數(shù)形式的最后一個(gè)咝音不發(fā)音,其復(fù)數(shù)形式是規(guī)則的,讀作/z/,但書寫形式不變。如:corps, abatis, (鐵絲網(wǎng)) chamois (巖羚羊), rendezvous, faux pas (失禮,失言), chassis (底盤), patois (方言,行話),2) 以-o結(jié)尾的意大利詞,外來語復(fù)數(shù)是-i,如tempotempi 只用規(guī)則復(fù)數(shù)的有:solo,soprano(女高音)。 兩者都可的有virtuoso(藝術(shù)品鑒賞家),libretto(歌劇等的劇本),tempo。Confetti(狂歡節(jié)撒的糖果,紙屑等)和其他意大利語的復(fù)數(shù)名詞如ravioli,spaghett

18、i等,通常在英語中作不可數(shù)名詞處理,它們后面的動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)。,3)來源于希伯來語的名詞:kibbutzkibbutzim (以色列的集體農(nóng)場) 外來語復(fù)數(shù)是詞尾加-im,通常兩者都可的是:cherubcherubs/cherubim(小天使), seraph (六翼天使;熾天使),其他復(fù)數(shù)形式 某些詞,字母,數(shù)字,斜體字,縮略語的復(fù)數(shù)形式: before, befores; perhaps, perhapss ; s, ss ; p, ps 9, 9s; 765, 765s Tribune, Tribunes; liang, liangs; Macheth, Macheths M.P., M.P

19、.s; Iou, Ious; Bro, Bros; Prof, Profs p, pp (pages) 專有名詞和人名的復(fù)數(shù)形式: Mary-Marys, Maries; CharlesCharles, Charleses JanuaryJanuarys, Januaries 帶頭銜的人名可有兩種復(fù)數(shù)形式 Miss AndersonMisses Anderson (formal) , Miss Andersons the Ladies Huntington or the Lady Huntingtons,合成詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式: 最普通的方法,尤其在非正式用法中,是將復(fù)合詞看作簡單名詞并將最后一個(gè)成

20、分變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)。 1) 復(fù)數(shù)通常在最后一個(gè)成分中表示: assistant directorassistant directors babysitterbabysitters breakdown-breakdowns merry-go-roundmerry-go-rounds forget-me-notforget-me-nots,2)復(fù)數(shù)表示在第一個(gè)成分。這種情況尤其出現(xiàn)在復(fù)合詞含有一個(gè)后置修飾語或詞末小品詞(particle)的時(shí)候。 Commander-in-chiefcommanders-in-chief father-in-law maid-of-all-work tenants-at-

21、will man-of-war passer-by bride-to-be editor-in-chief,3) 同位復(fù)合詞,其中第一個(gè)成分是man或woman的詞,復(fù)數(shù)形式同時(shí)表示在兩個(gè)上面。 Man servantmen servants man saintmen saints woman singerwomen singers Woman writerwomen writers gentleman farmergentlemen farmers,絕大多數(shù)復(fù)數(shù)形式的意義和單數(shù)形式相同,只有數(shù)量上的差別。但是有些名詞只有復(fù)數(shù)形式有意義,單數(shù)形式不存在,如:tidings, news, oat

22、s, trousers, mathematics, bowels, dregs, summons. 另有許多名詞,特別是不可數(shù)名詞,只有單數(shù)形式有意義,只能用單數(shù)。如: ink, pork, paste, soil, lumber, haste, quiet, thunder, might, wisdom, courage, hunger,Days passed monotonously. The old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches of the be

23、nevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection of the tropic sea were on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavily fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishl

24、ess desert. 老人瘦削而憔悴,脖頸上有些很深的皺紋。腮幫上有些褐斑,那是太陽在熱帶海面上反射的光線引起的良性皮膚癌變。一塊塊褐斑從他臉的兩側(cè)一直蔓延。一雙手常常用繩索拉大魚,留下了深深的斑斑傷疤。但是這些傷疤中沒有一塊是新的,而是古老得像無魚可打的沙漠中一片片被侵蝕的地方。 Men die, but man is immortal.,單位詞 partitive,A + noun + of + noun An eruption of gunfire 突然爆發(fā)的一陣槍聲 A clap of thunder 響起了一陣?yán)茁?A gust of anger 冒出一股怒氣 A stab of

25、guilt 因良心譴責(zé)而感到痛苦 A twinge of embarrassment 因難堪而感到一絲痛苦 A breadth of wind 刮過一絲風(fēng),關(guān)于名詞的理解與翻譯,攻城不怕堅(jiān),攻書莫畏難。 科學(xué)有險(xiǎn)阻,苦戰(zhàn)能過關(guān)。 Fear not its impregnability, Quest for knowledge, Mind not the difficulties. Be there risks and perils In scaling the height of science, Victory to those Who in struggle persevere.,What

26、 I despised him was his drinking, gambling, and cursing. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. His continual, unnatural watching of others movements aroused our suspicion. There was a sudden fall in temperature. To some extent it gets into the question of the chicken or the egg.,In her habits,

27、she was a living personification of order, method, and exactness. 她的生活習(xí)慣體現(xiàn)了她的為人:做事井井有條,一絲不茍。 如果你能陪我一塊兒去,我一定會(huì)高興。 Of course I shall be glad of your company on the journey. 仔細(xì)比較一下,就能看出他們的不同。 Careful comparison will reveal to us their difference.,No Thoroughfare 禁止通行 No admittance Except on Business 閑人免

28、進(jìn) No Passing 禁止超車 Under Construction 正在施工 For Persons over 18 Years of Age 未滿18歲者禁止入內(nèi) No Hawkers 嚴(yán)禁擺攤設(shè)點(diǎn) Compliments of This Establishment 本店竭誠服務(wù) Full 3 Months Unconditional Service Guaranteed 免費(fèi)保修三個(gè)月,He was considered a poor loser. My family are all early risers. That boy is a master complicator. Be

29、 careful! He is known as a blame-shifter. He might have been stronger and better able to stand his illness if he had not been a bottle-boy but a breast-fed boy. 我怕坐飛機(jī)。,人名地名的翻譯,人名地名翻譯的基本原則:名從主人、約定俗成 人名地名翻譯的基本技巧:音譯 Catherine Conan Doyle Leighton Stuart Mattbien Ricci Kissinger arrived in Cambridge as

30、a 23-year-old freshman. 翻譯人名地名要勤查字典世界人名譯名手冊,一般地名多為音譯,用的漢字有個(gè)約定俗成的問題,不能隨便用同音的字。 有些地名習(xí)慣是意譯的,如 Yellow Stone Salt Lake City Little Rock Rocky Mountains,漢語地名的英譯一般也照音譯。 注意,由于“山”和“陜”發(fā)音一樣,一般將山西譯為Shanxi,而將陜西譯為Shaanxi(國外有的分別作Shansi和Shensi)。 如果是概念化了的人名時(shí)(如諸葛亮、豬八戒,黃蓋),可以用加注的方法,也可根據(jù)情況避開具體人名而采取解釋性的翻譯,使譯文更加簡潔。,開諸葛亮?xí)?/p>

31、 Hold a meeting to pool the wisdom of the collective 豬八戒照鏡子,里外不是人 The Piggy looks at a looking glass, neither he or his image in it look like a person. He was blamed by both sides.,His wonderful speech got a Kentish fire. 他精彩的演說獲得了熱烈的掌聲。 We had to take this. It was Hobsons choice. 沒有別的選擇,我們只能買這個(gè)。 He

32、 felt comforted by the thought that he had given Mrs. Carr a Roland for her Oliver. 想起對卡爾太太來了個(gè)以牙還牙,他感到很得意。,所有格,英語中唯一的“格”的形式就是所有格。單數(shù)人稱名詞末尾加s構(gòu)成。 名詞屬格主要用于表示下列意義: 1)表示所有關(guān)系 Mrs. Johnsons passport 2)表示“主-謂”關(guān)系 The boys application 3)表示“動(dòng)-賓”關(guān)系 The boys release 4)表示來源 The generals letter 5)表示類別 A womens coll

33、ege,帶有獨(dú)立屬格的of-詞組又叫做雙重屬格 雙重屬格中,用作介詞補(bǔ)足成分的屬格名詞,必須是確定所指的,而且一般指人。 A friend of the doctors 雙重屬格所修飾的名詞可帶a, any, some等表示非確定特指導(dǎo)限定詞,但通常不帶定冠詞,由雙重屬格修飾的名詞也可以和this, that 等指示限定詞連用,表示愛憎褒貶等感情色彩 This 表示直接的,常常是同情性的關(guān)注;而that常有否定,甚至輕蔑的意味。 This brilliant idea of Davids That clever remark of your sisters 還可以帶有which等疑問限定詞和數(shù)

34、詞等定量限定詞 Which novel of Dickens,比較下列結(jié)構(gòu) He is a friend of my fathers. He is a friend of my father. a portrait of Mr. Browns a portrait of Mr. Brown A student of Eppersons A student of Epperson,She is staying at_. A. my uncles B. my uncle C. my uncles D. mine uncles 如果名詞所有格所修飾的此是指家宅、商店、學(xué)校、醫(yī)院、教堂、機(jī)構(gòu)等,這些此

35、往往可以省略。,主謂一致,在英語中,主語與謂語動(dòng)詞之間要求保持一致,主要是人稱和數(shù)的一致 1. Grammatical concord 2. Notional concord The government have broken all their promises. Fifteen years represents a long period of his life. 3. Proximity Neither Julia nor I am going. No one except his own supporters agree with him.,主謂一致的原則說起來很簡單,但用起來卻常遇

36、到復(fù)雜的情況,應(yīng)注意以下問題: There-句型中,動(dòng)詞的變化取決于真正的主語的形式,當(dāng)句子的主語部分為并列結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí),動(dòng)詞就與近名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)形式一致: There is no reason to doubt his honesty. There is a swing and a footbridge in the garden. There are some chairs and a table in the room.,在以it 和what-分句作主語的句子中,謂語動(dòng)詞采取單數(shù)形式: It takes me 20 minutes to walk to school. What is neede

37、d is acts. 專有名詞如書名、酒店名、學(xué)科名、國家名作主語時(shí),盡管其中包含復(fù)數(shù)形式,謂語動(dòng)詞也要采取單數(shù)形式: Prunes and Prisms was a syndicated newspaper column on grammar and usage. The Canterbury Tales is a masterpiece of comedy.,當(dāng)句子的主語使用each, either, neither, no one, everyone, someone, anyone, nobody, everybody, somebody, anybody, whatever, who

38、ever等不定代詞時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù): Neither of his themes was acceptable. 以數(shù)詞作名詞詞組中心詞構(gòu)成主語時(shí),數(shù)字可看作一個(gè)整體,謂語動(dòng)詞采用單數(shù)形式: Twenty miles is not a great distance in these days of rapid travel.,由or, nor, eitheror, neithernor, notbut, not onlybut also連接的并列主語,謂語動(dòng)詞與最近的并列成分保持一致: Either her mother or her younger sisters come to see

39、her every Saturday afternoon. Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else has been awarded the first prize.,集合名詞作句子的主語時(shí),要視其所指的意義來確定謂語動(dòng)詞的形式。 The family are attending different churches. My family has moved into the new house. 集合名詞中的有些名詞,如people, police, cattle, militia, poultry等,在句子中作主語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞往往用復(fù)數(shù): The poult

40、ry have done mischief among the flowers in our garden.,有些集合名詞,如foliage, furniture, machinery, merchandise, evidence等,在句子中作主語,謂語動(dòng)詞往往用單數(shù): More and more evidence against him has been provided.,表示全體、部分、種類、許多等名詞性詞組(包括all, most of, some of, a great deal of, a number of, a lot of, a kind of, a fleet of, a

41、flock of, a herd of, a series of, a portion of等)作主語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞要根據(jù)其意義來決定單復(fù)數(shù)的變化. All, most of, some of, half of, the rest of, the remainder 等詞組作為主語的中心詞時(shí),所指為復(fù)數(shù)意義,謂語動(dòng)詞采用復(fù)數(shù)形式,所指為單數(shù)意義,謂語動(dòng)詞采取單數(shù)形式:,I have eaten half of the cake; the rest is enough for you three to share. Some apples have gone bad; the rest are kept in the fridge.,A large amount of, a piece of等只修飾不可數(shù)名詞的詞組作主語部分的中心詞時(shí),謂語部分只能用單數(shù);a number of, a plenty of, a great many, a good many等修飾復(fù)數(shù)可數(shù)名詞的詞組構(gòu)成主


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