曬課 教案 Unit 3 Seasons_第1頁
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1、Unit 3 Seasons教學(xué)目標(biāo)話題Topic季節(jié)(Seasons)功能Functions1. 能聽懂、會(huì)說相關(guān)季節(jié)以及其氣溫特點(diǎn)的八個(gè)詞匯:spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,warm,cool,cold,并嘗試借助圖片和情境來識(shí)別單詞。2.能聽懂、會(huì)說相關(guān)詢問和回答某人最喜歡的季節(jié)及其氣溫特點(diǎn)的功能句:Whats your favourite season? Spring./Summer./Autumn./Winter. Its warm/hot/cool/cold.詞匯和常用表達(dá)Words & expressions1.能準(zhǔn)確使用下列詞匯 (按詞性排列)N

2、oun: spring, summer, autumn, winter, seasonAdjective: hot, warm, cool, cold, favourite2.能準(zhǔn)確使用下列常用表達(dá)Whats your favourite season? Spring./Summer./Autumn./Winter. Its .學(xué)習(xí)策略Strategies1.利用貼近生活的圖片來輔助理解所學(xué)習(xí)的材料2.根據(jù)情景推測(cè)生詞詞性及詞義文化知識(shí)Culture了解不同季節(jié)有著不同溫度和天氣特點(diǎn),學(xué)生要根據(jù)實(shí)際情況來添衣保暖,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生獨(dú)立生活的意識(shí)和水平。三維目標(biāo)Three-dimensionaltarg

3、et知識(shí)與技能1.能掌握以下單詞:Noun: spring, summer, autumn, winter, seasonAdjective: hot, warm, cool, cold, favourite2.熟練掌握句型:Whats your favourite season? Spring./Summer./Autumn./Winter. Its .過程與方法1.通過情景創(chuàng)設(shè),角色扮演,Group work,Pair work等方法,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生就本單元的季節(jié)話題展開討論,并在討論中學(xué)習(xí)和應(yīng)用本單元的知識(shí)點(diǎn)。2.讓學(xué)生理解和掌握本單元的重點(diǎn)句型和單詞,尤其是季節(jié)及相關(guān)溫度形容詞的用法。情感態(tài)

4、度與價(jià)值觀1.通過本單元的學(xué)習(xí)能引導(dǎo)學(xué)生注重自己及身邊人的興趣愛好、并學(xué)習(xí)如何去關(guān)心他人及根據(jù)季節(jié)變化提出適當(dāng)穿衣的建議,保持健康并養(yǎng)成良好的生活習(xí)慣。2.教會(huì)學(xué)生關(guān)心大自然的精神。 3.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生獨(dú)立生活水平和對(duì)生活的基本常識(shí)判斷。此外,生活中遇到困境,需要靈活去面對(duì)一切。重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)1.用Whats your favourite season?去提問。2.與季節(jié)變化相關(guān)的溫度表達(dá)。3.掌握相關(guān)的單詞和詞組,并能夠靈活使用。4.學(xué)生對(duì)聽力材料中新句型、新詞組的理解。教法與突破 本課時(shí)重點(diǎn)是Whats your favourite season? 提出建議,在 A 部分通過大量的對(duì)話操練使學(xué)生真正地

5、掌握本單元的語法要點(diǎn)。寓教于樂,提升課堂的活躍度和趣味性。通過訓(xùn)練使學(xué)生能聽懂關(guān)于季節(jié)的對(duì)話。使用Role-play,pair work和Group work的方式,提升學(xué)生的口語表達(dá)水平和交際協(xié)作水平。 B部分 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的口頭表達(dá)水平和實(shí)際使用水平,讓學(xué)生能夠使用所學(xué)的單詞和句型,針對(duì)本單元的話題實(shí)行討論或描述。在討論時(shí)候用上句型:Whats your favourite season? Spring./Summer./Autumn./Winter. I can .in spring./summer./autumn./winter.引導(dǎo)學(xué)生提升應(yīng)變水平和轉(zhuǎn)述的水平。引導(dǎo)學(xué)生帶著問題去思考,鼓

6、勵(lì)學(xué)生對(duì)身邊伙伴實(shí)行積極交流。教學(xué)內(nèi)容1.熟記本部分的單詞與短語。 2.學(xué)習(xí)使用由What提出的提問。3.學(xué)習(xí)使用“Its .”結(jié)構(gòu)談?wù)摷竟?jié)溫度。4.利用所學(xué)知識(shí)實(shí)行對(duì)話練習(xí)。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備 設(shè)計(jì)教學(xué)PPT,錄音機(jī),圖片,多媒體。教學(xué)過程Step. Warning-up【情景1】1.Show pictures about seasons,and asks questions, and lead Ss to practice pronunciation with phonics.Design idea: In this part, T can help Ss to review four season

7、s, and prepare for next part. So Ss will have a overall sensation of this lesson. T: What can you see from this picture ? S: Grass. Growing grassT: Whats your favourite season?S: SpringT: Read after me! .Ss: .Then T show pictures of a thermometer and weather. Design idea: T should help Ss understand

8、 what is the use of a thermometer, and let Ss know there are different weather in every season.2. T show pictures of a thermometer and weather icon related with spring. T should help Ss to understand the meaning of warm, and lead Ss to practice the pronunciation.Design idea: T should help Ss underst

9、and what is the use of a thermometer, and let Ss know What the weather is like in spring.T: Look at this, its a thermometer. In this place, it means warm. Do you understand?S: Yes!T: So whats the weather like in springS: Its warm and windy.The same teaching process as summer,autumn and winter. 3. Pa

10、ir workIn this part, T can see Ss abilities through their presentation.T: Lets talk about your favourite season. Talk like this: Whats your favourite season? Spring. Its warm and windy. Pair work, lets go!Ss: Talk, talk, lets talk!.Step.Look, listen and repeat1. Context understanding: T shows a pict

11、ure from Part A, and let Ss to guess: Who are they?/What are they doing?/What are they talking about? Then T plays a tape, and let Ss listen carefully, and asks volunteers to repeat the conversation. T: Who are they? S: They are Joy,Lily and Yaoyao. T: What are they doing? S: They are flying kites.

12、T: What are they talking about? Lets listen to a tape. .2. Lets role play! (1) T and Ss play roles together(2) Boys and girls play roles together(3) Play roles with your partner(4) Show your work to the classStep. Lets say1. In this part, T shows pictures about seasons, weather and playtime, and T i

13、s going to foreshadow Part B, and practice the sentences: What can you do in your favourite season? I can . T: What can you do in spring? S: I can . T: What can you do in summer? S: I can . .2. Pair work Q: What can you do in your favourite season?A: I can _ in _.After pair work, T asks students in

14、random.T: A,what can you do in your favourite season?A: I can . in . Step . Lets survey 1.Context understanding: T shows pictures from Part B, and let Ss to guess: Who are they?/What are they talking about? Then T plays a tape or read their conversation, and let Ss listen carefully, and asks them to

15、 do survey. T: Who are they? S: They are Andy and Yaoyao. T: Lets listen what theyre talking about? (T plays a tape or read the dialogue) .2.Lets survey (1)T shows the sentence structure Q: Whats your favourite season?A: _. I can _ in _.(2) Show your work : Firstly, T asks a student to be the partne

16、r,and does the survey on PPT. T: A, whats your favourite season? A: Summer. I can swim. T: So I put As name here. How do I introduce her favourite season? (T shows a sentence structure: _s favourite season is _. She/He can _.) T: So I can say. As favourite season is summer. She can swim. Now, I give

17、 you 1 min to think about your words. .Step .Value and emotion 價(jià)值與情感1. T shows a context with blanks to Ss. Each season is different. Spring is _. Summer is _. Autumn is _. Winter is _. You should wear suitable clothes in each season.2. T says this context with Ss, and let Ss to fill the blanks3. Th

18、en T shows the pictures of clothes, and tell them we should wear different clothes in different season, and learn to look after themselves.Step . SummaryT let Ss to sum up the characteristic of four seasons. Step . Homework1. Read the words and sentences in lesson 22. Talk about what youve learnt with your parents3. Prepare next lesson before class板書設(shè)


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