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2、NTRACT9. FORCE MAJEURE10. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES11. APPLICABLE LAW12. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SCHEDULE A DEFINITIONS1、定義2、具體操作條款3、如有必要,根據(jù)交易具體情況設(shè)定相應(yīng)先決條件4、陳述和擔(dān)保保證5、合同期限6、合同終止7、保密義務(wù)8、違約9、不可抗力10、爭議的解決11、適用法律12、其他規(guī)定THIS CONTRACT( “ Con tract ” )is made in city and provi nce,Ch ina on this_day of ,200by

3、and between Party A name,Party A entity form established and existing under the laws ofChina, with its le gal address at address (here in after referred to as“ Party A ” ), and Party B naParty B entity form organized and existing under the laws of Party B jurisdiction ofin corporatio n with its lega

4、l address at address (here in after referred to as“ Party B ” ). PParty B shall here in after be referred to in dividually as a“ Party ” and collectively as the本合同于 年 月 日由以下兩方在地點簽訂:甲方組織形式,法定地址為甲甲方名稱,一家根據(jù)中華人民共和國法律組建及存續(xù)的方法定地址(以下簡稱“甲方”):乙方名稱家根據(jù)乙方所在國法律組建及存續(xù)的乙方組織形式,法定地址為乙方法定地址(以下簡稱“乙方”)。甲乙雙方以下單獨稱為“一方”,合稱

5、為“雙方”PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 前言add background information if appropriate視交易具體情況決定是否應(yīng)介紹合同背景After frien dly con sultati onscon ducted in accorda nee with the prin ciples of equality and mutualben efit, the Parties have agreed to describe subject matter of the Con tract in accorda nee with Applicable law

6、s and the provisi ons of this Con tract.雙方本著平等互利的原則,經(jīng)友好協(xié)商,依照相關(guān)法律名稱以及其他有關(guān)法律,同意按 照本合同的條款,描述合同標(biāo)的。Now the Parties Hereby Agree as follows:雙方現(xiàn)協(xié)議如下:1. Defin iti ons定義Un less the terms or con text of this con tract otherwise provide, all term used in this Con tract shall have the meanings set out i n Sched

7、ule A hereto.除本合同條款或上下文另有所指,本合同中所有相關(guān)用語的定義見附錄甲。2. OPERATIVE CLAUSESCon diti ons Precede nt (if any)Represe ntati ons and Warra ntiesAdd unilateral representations and warranties if appropriate具體操作條款如有必要,根據(jù)交易具體情況設(shè)定相應(yīng)先決條件陳述和擔(dān)保保證2.1 Representations and Warranties 如有必要,根據(jù)交易具體情況設(shè)定相應(yīng)單方陳述和擔(dān)保條款2.2 Each party

8、 represents and warrants to the other Party that on the date hereof: 雙方分別向?qū)Ψ疥愂霾?dān)保,于本合同簽訂日:(a) it is an independent legal person duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the place of its establishment; 根據(jù)其成立地的法律,該方為獨立法人、 依法定程序設(shè)立、有效存續(xù)、且相關(guān) 手續(xù)完備(b) it has full authority to

9、 enter into this Contract and to perform its obligations hereunder; 該方有全權(quán)訂立本合同以及履行本合同項下義務(wù);(c) it has authorized its representative to sign this Contract and from and after the Effective Date the provisions of this Contract shall be legally binding upon it; 該方已授予其授權(quán)代表簽署合同的權(quán)力,從生效日開始,本合同的條款對其具有法 律約束力(d

10、) its execution of this Contract and its performance of its obligations hereunder(i)will not violate any provision of its business license, articles of incorporation, articles of association or similar organizational documents; (ii) will not violate any Applicable Law or any governmental authorizati

11、on or approval; and (iii) will not violate or result in a default under any contract to which it is a party or to which it is subject; 該方簽訂本合同以及履行本合同項下義務(wù):( i)不會違反其營業(yè)執(zhí)照、成立協(xié)議、章程或類似組織文件的任何規(guī)定(ii )不會違反有關(guān)法律或任何政府的授權(quán)或批準(zhǔn);并且(iii )不會違反其作為當(dāng)事人一方(或受之約束)的其他任何合同,也不會導(dǎo)致其被認定在該合同項下未履約:(e) no lawsuit, arbitration or oth

12、er legal or governmental proceeding is pending or, to its knowledge, threatened against it that would affect its abilityto perform its obligationsunder this Contract; and pend vi. 懸而未決 不存在將影響該方履行本合同項下義務(wù)的能力的、已經(jīng)發(fā)生且尚未了結(jié)的訴訟、仲 裁申請或其他司法或行政程序,而且據(jù)其所知無人威脅將采取上述行動:并且(f) it has disclosed to the other Party all

13、documents issued by and governmental department that may have a material adverse effect on its ability to fully perform its obligations under this Contract, and the documents previously provided by it to the other Party do not contain any misstatements or omissions of material facts. 該方已經(jīng)向?qū)Ψ教峁┛赡軐ζ淙?/p>

14、履行其在本合同項下義務(wù)的能力造成重大不利 影響的相關(guān)政府機構(gòu)頒發(fā)的所有文件, 并且該方此前提供給對方的文件中沒有對任 何重要事實的不實陳述或者漏述。2.3 con seque nces of in accuracy in Represe ntatio nsif any of the above representations and warranties of a Party are not accurate in all material respects on the date hereof, the n such Party shall be in breach of this Con

15、tract.如果在本合同簽訂日,一方的上述陳述和擔(dān)保的任何一項與實際情況有實質(zhì)性不符, 則構(gòu)成該方違約。Add un dertak ings if appropriate如有必要,根據(jù)交易具體情況設(shè)定相應(yīng)保證條款Term合同期限1 TermSubject to the provisi ons of Article .2,the term of the Con tract (“ Term”yeOrslJbe comme ncing on the Effective Date.合同期限 本合同期限(“本合同期限”)為】年,于合同生效日開始,并于合同到期日(“合同到期日”)屆滿。2 Exte nsi

16、onThe Term shall expire automatically on the Expirati on Date, uni ess exte nded for an additi onal term of _ years through a writte n con tract sig ned by the authorized represe ntatives of the Parties at least sixty (60) days prior to the Expiration Date.合同期限的續(xù)展本合同于到期日自動終止,除非在到期日之前雙方授權(quán)代表至少提前六十(60)

17、天簽署書面協(xié)議,續(xù)展本合同期限。Termin ati on 合同終止1 Termination合同終止(a) This Con tract shall term in ate upon the expirati on of the Term uni ess exte nded pursua ntto Article .2 (Term).本合同于合同到期日終止,除非雙方按照第條(合同期限的續(xù)展)的規(guī)定續(xù)約。(b) This Con tract may be term in ated at any time prior to expirati on of the Term by the mutua

18、l writte n con tract of the Parties.本合同其限屆滿之前,雙方可通過書面協(xié)議隨時終止本合同。(c) At any time prior to the expiration of the Term, a Party ( “ Notifying Party )may termi nate this Con tract through no tice to the other Party in writ ing if:本合同期限屆滿之前,如果發(fā)生以下情形之一,一方(“通知方)可隨時向?qū)Ψ桨l(fā)出書面通知后終止本合同:(i) the other Party materia

19、lly breaches this con tract, and such breach is notcured with in the Cure Period gra nted pursua nt to Article .1(a) (Remedies for Breach of Con tract); or對方違反本合同項下某一主要義務(wù),且未在通知方根據(jù) (a)條(違約救濟)規(guī)定發(fā)出的書面違約通知中規(guī)定的補救期內(nèi)對違約予以補救;(ii) the other Party becomes bankrupt, or is the subject of proceedings for liquida

20、ti on or dissoluti on, or ceases to carry on bus in ess or becomes un able to pay its debts as they come due; or對方破產(chǎn),或者成為解散或清算程序的對象,或者歇業(yè),或者無力償還到期債 務(wù);(iii) the con diti ons or con seque nces of Force Majeure (as here in after defi ned)which have a material adverse effect on the affected Party abili t

21、y to perform continue for a period in excess of six (6) mon ths and the Parties have bee n un able to find an equitable soluti on pursua nt to Article .2(c)(Con seque nces of Force Majeure) hereof; or不可抗力(如下文所定義)事件或其影響持續(xù)超過六(6)個月,且雙方無法按照第條(不可抗力的后果)的條款達成一項公正的解決方案;(iv) a fun dame ntal provisi on of thi

22、s Con tract (without which one or both of the Parties would not have en tered into the Con tract) is declared or becomes in valid un der Applicable Law.根據(jù)有關(guān)法律,本合同的某一基本條款(如果沒有該條款則一方或雙方不會訂立 本合同)被判定為無效或成為無效條款;(v) insert other con diti ons triggeri ng term in ati on as appropriate根據(jù)情況設(shè)定其他導(dǎo)致合同終止的條款2 Con

23、ti nuing Obligati ons雙方持續(xù)的義務(wù)The provisi ons of Article (Term in ati on), Article _(Breach of con tract) (but only withrespect to claims aris ing prior to the term in ati on hereof or with respect to other continuing obligations), Article (Confidentiality) and Article (Settlement of Disputes) shallsu

24、rvive the term in ati on of this con tract.以下各條的條款在本合同終止后繼續(xù)有效:第條(合同終止),第條(違約)(但其效力僅限于本合同終止前發(fā)生的違約事件以及違反其他持續(xù)義務(wù)的情形),第條(保密義務(wù)),以及第條(爭議的解決)。Con fide ntiality 保密義務(wù)1 From time to time prior to and duri ng the term of this Con tract either Party ( “ disclos ing Party ” )has disclosed or may disclose Con fide

25、 ntial In formati on to the other Party (“ Receivi ng Party ” cTving Party shall, duri ng the term of this Con tract and for _ years thereafter:本合同訂立前以及在本合同期間, 一方(“披露方”)曾經(jīng)或者可能不時向?qū)Ψ?“受方”)披露該方的保密資料。在本合同期限內(nèi)以及隨后()年間,受方必須:(a) mai nta in the con fide ntiality of Con fide ntial In formatio n;對保密資料進行保密;(b)

26、not to use Con fide ntial In formatio n for any purpose other tha n those specifically set out in this Con tract; and不為除合同明確規(guī)定的目的之外的其他目的使用保密資料;(c) not disclose any such Con fide ntial In formati on to any pers on or en tity, except to its employees or employees of its Affiliates,its age nts, attor n

27、eys, acco untants and other advisers who n eed to know such in formati on to perform their resp on sibilities and who have sig ned writte n con fide ntiality con tracts containing terms at least as stri ngent 嚴(yán) 厲的 as the terms provided in this Article _.除為履行其職責(zé)而確有必要知悉保密資料的該方雇員(或其關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu)、該方律師、會計師或其他顧問的雇

28、員)夕卜,不向其他任何人披露,且上述人員須簽署書面保密協(xié)議,其中保密義務(wù)的嚴(yán)格程序不得低于本條的規(guī)定。2 The provisi ons of Article _.1 above shall not apply to in formatio n that:上述第條的條款對以下信息不適用:(a) can be show n to be known by the receivi ng Party by writte n records made prior to disclosure by the disclos ing Party;s breac受方有在披露方向其披露前存在的書面記錄證明其已經(jīng)掌

29、握;(b) is or becomes public kno wledge otherwise tha n through the receivi ng Partyof this Con tract; or并非由于受方違反本合同而已經(jīng)或者在將來進入公共領(lǐng)域;或者(c) was obta ined by the receivi ng Party from a third party hav ing no obligati on of con fide ntiality with respect to such in formati on.受方從對該信息無保密義務(wù)的第三方獲得。3 Each par

30、ty shall formulate rules and regulati ons to inform its directors, senior staff, and other employees, and those of their Affiliates of the con fide ntiality obligati on set forth in this Articles _.每一方應(yīng)制訂相應(yīng)的規(guī)章制度,告知該方(以及該方的關(guān)聯(lián)機構(gòu))董事、高級職員以及 其他雇員本條規(guī)定的保密義務(wù)。4 Upon the expirati on or term in ati on of this

31、Con tract, and in any eve nt upon the disclos ingParty s request at any time, the receivig Party shall (i) return to the other Party, or at the disclos ing Party s direct ion destromaaerials (in clud ing any copies thereof) embody ingthe other Party s Con fide ntial In formati on and (ii) certify in

32、 writi ng to the other Party, with in ten days following the other Party s request, that all of such materials have been returned ordestroyed.本合同終止后(或經(jīng)披露方隨時提出要求),受方應(yīng)(1)向?qū)Ψ綒w還(或經(jīng)對方要求銷毀)包含對方保密資料的所有材料(包括其復(fù)印件),并且(2)在對方提出此項要求后十(10)日內(nèi)向?qū)Ψ綍姹WC已經(jīng)歸還或銷毀上述材料。Breach of Con tract 違約1 Remedies for Breach of Con tra

33、ct違約救濟Except as otherwise provided here in, if a Party (“ breach ing party ” ) fails to perform any of imaterial obligati ons un der this Con tact, the n the other Party (mayagttieved party ” )optio n:aggrieved英?gri?/d美?yivd adj.受委屈的;權(quán)利受到不法侵害的除本合同其他條款另有規(guī)定外,如果一方(“違約方”)未履行其在本合同項下某項主要義務(wù),則對方(“受損害方”)除享有有

34、關(guān)法律賦予的權(quán)利外,還可選擇采取以下救濟措施:(a) give writte n no tice to the breach ing party describ ing the n ature and scope of thebreach and dema nd that the breach ing party cure the breach at its cost with in a reasonable time specified in the notice (“ Cure Period ” ); and向違約方發(fā)出書面通知,說明違約的性質(zhì)以及范圍,并且要求違約方在通知中 規(guī)定的合理期

35、限內(nèi)自費予以補救;并且(b) if the breach ing party fails to cure the breach with in the Cure period, the n inaddition to its other rights under Article .1(c)(i) (Termination) or ApplicableLaws, the aggrieved party may claim direct and foreseeable damages aris ing from the breach.如果違約方未在該書面通知中規(guī)定的補救期內(nèi)予以補救,則受損害方可就

36、違約引起的可以預(yù)見的直接損失提出索賠。2 Limitatio n on Liability責(zé)任限制Notwithsta nding any other provisi on of this Con tract, n either Party shall be liable to the otherParty for damages for loss of revenues or profits, loss of goodwill or any in direct orconsequential damages in connection with the performanee or non-

37、performanee of thisCon tract .The aggregate liability of a Party for all claims for any loss, damage or indemnitywhatsoever result ing from such Party performa nee or non-performa nee of this Con tractshall in no case exceed Uni ted States Dollars (US$) or the RMB equivale ntthereof.notwithstanding

38、adv.盡管,仍然 prep.盡管,雖然 conj.雖然無論本合同其他條款有何規(guī)定,任何一方均不向?qū)Ψ匠袚?dān)因本合同的履行或不履行而造成的收入或利潤喪失、商譽喪失或任何間接或附帶性損失的賠償責(zé)任。在任何情況下,一方因本合同的履行或不履行而造成的損失、損害或補償索賠所承擔(dān)的責(zé)任累計總額不得超過美元(US )或等值的人民幣。aggregate adj.聚合的;集合的;合計的Force Majeure 不可抗力1Defin iti on of Force Majeure抗力的定義“ ForceMajeure ”shall mean all events which are beyond the con

39、trol of the Parties to this Contract, and which are unforeseen, unavoidable or insurmountable, and which prevent total or partial performance by either of the Parties. Such events shall include earthquakes, typhoons, flood ,fire, war, strikes, riots, acts of governments, changes in law or the applic

40、ation thereof or any other instances which cannot be foreseen, prevented or controlled, including instances which are accepted as Force Majeure in general international commercial practice.“不可抗力”指超出本合同雙方控制范圍的、 無法預(yù)見并且無法避免或無法克服的事件, 該事件使得本合同一方部分或者完全不能履行本合同。 這類事件包括但不限地地震、 臺 風(fēng)、洪水、火災(zāi)、戰(zhàn)爭、罷工、暴動、政府行為、法律規(guī)定或者其

41、適用發(fā)生變化,或者 其他任何無法預(yù)見、避免或者控制的事件, 包括在國際商務(wù)初中中通常認定為不可抗力 的事件。2 Consequences of Force Majeure不可抗力的后果(a) if an event of Force Majeure oc curs, a Partys contractual obligations affected bysuch an event under this Contract shall be suspended during the period of delay caused by the Force Majeure and shall be a

42、utomatically extended, without penalty, for a period equal to such suspension. 如果發(fā)和不可抗力事件,一方在本合同項下受不可抗力影響的義務(wù)在不可抗力 造成的延誤期間自動中止, 并且其履行期限應(yīng)自動延長, 延長期間為中止的期 間,該方無須為此承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任。(b) The Party claiming Force Majeure shall promptly inform the other Parties in writing and shall furnish within fifteen (15) days the

43、reafter sufficient proof of the occurrence and duration of such Force Majeure. The Party claiming Force Majeure shall also use all reasonable endeavors to terminate the Force Majeure. 提出受不可抗力影響的一方應(yīng)及時書面通知對方,并且在隨后的十五( 15)日內(nèi)向?qū)Ψ教峁┎豢煽沽Πl(fā)生以及持續(xù)期間的充分證據(jù)。 提出受不可抗力影響 的一方還應(yīng)盡一切合理的努力排除不可抗力。(c) In the event of Force

44、 Majeure, the Parties shall immediately consult with each other in order to find an equitable solution and shall use all reasonable endeavors to minimize the consequences of such Force Majeure. 發(fā)生不可抗力的,雙方應(yīng)立即進行磋商, 尋求一項公正的解決方案, 并且要盡 一切合理的努力將不可抗的的影響降至最小。Settlement of Disputes 爭議的解決1 Friendly consultati

45、ons友好協(xié)商In the event of any dispute, controversy or claim (collectively, “ dispute a”ris)ing out of or relating to this Contract, or the breach, termination or invalidity hereof, the Parties shall attempt in the first instance to resolve such dispute through friendly consultations. 如果發(fā)生由本合同(或者違反、終止或者

46、無效)引起或者與其相關(guān)的爭議、糾紛或者索賠(統(tǒng)稱“爭議” ),雙方首先應(yīng)爭取通過友好協(xié)商來解決爭議。2 Arbitration仲裁If any dispute is not resolved by friendly consultations within sixty (60) days after the date such consultations were first requested by a Party, then any Party may submit the dispute for arbitration in Singapore before the Singapore

47、International Arbitration Centre in accordance with its rules of arbitration procedure, supplemented by the following: 如果某一爭議未在一方首次提出協(xié)商之日后 六十( 60) 日內(nèi)通過友好協(xié)商解決,則任何一方可將該爭議提交 新加坡國際仲裁中心 在 新加坡 仲裁,仲裁按照 該中心 仲裁程 序規(guī)則進行,同時應(yīng)遵循以下補充規(guī)定:(a) There shall be one (1) arbitrator appointed by the arbitration body.仲裁由該仲裁機

48、構(gòu)指定的一( 1)位仲裁員審理。(b) The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the English language.仲裁程序用 文進行。(c) The arbitration award shall be final and binding on the Parties, and the Parties agree to be bound thereby and to act accordingly. 仲裁裁決為終局性的, 對雙方均有約束力, 雙方同意受該裁決的拘束并且依照 裁決執(zhí)行。(d) All costs of arbit

49、ration shall be born by the Parties as determined by the arbitrationtribunal. 所有仲裁費用由雙方根據(jù)仲裁庭作出的決定承擔(dān)。3 Continuing Rights and Obligations 持續(xù)的權(quán)利和義務(wù)When any dispute occurs and is the subject of friendly consultations or arbitration, the Parties shall continue to exercise their remaining respective right

50、s and fulfill their remaining respective obligations under this Contract, except in respect of those matters under dispute. 當(dāng)某一爭議已發(fā)生并且正在通過友好協(xié)商或仲裁解決時, 雙方可繼續(xù)行使其各自在本合 同項下的其他權(quán)利, 同時應(yīng)繼續(xù)履行其各自在本合同項下的其他義務(wù), 但與爭議事項有 關(guān)的權(quán)利和義務(wù)除外。4 Enforcement of Award n. 獎品;判決裁決的執(zhí)行Judgment upon any arbitral award may be entered i

51、n any court having jurisdiction over the Party against which the award has been rendered, or application may be made to any such court for judicial acceptance of the award and an order of enforcement, as the case may be. In the event of judicial acceptance and an order of enforcement, each Party exp

52、ressly waives all rights to object thereto, including any defense of sovereign immunity and any other defense based on the fact or allegation that it is an agency or instrumentality of a sovereign state.allegation 英 ?l ?ge?(?)n 美 ?l ?ge?n n. 主張,斷言;辯解 仲裁勝訴方可請求對仲裁敗訴一方有管轄權(quán)的法院作出相應(yīng)判決, 或者向該法院申請對 仲裁裁決予以司法承

53、認并發(fā)布強制執(zhí)行令(以適用者為準(zhǔn)) 。在法院對仲裁裁決予以司 法承認并發(fā)布強制執(zhí)行令的情況下, 雙方特此明確放棄其提出抗辯的所有權(quán)利, 包括以 主權(quán)豁免作為抗辯事由, 以及基于其是一個主權(quán)國家的機構(gòu)或部門的事實或主張的其他 抗辯事由。5 Injunctive Relief申請禁制令的司法救濟權(quán)利injunctive ?nd?kt?v adj. 命令的;指令的;禁止令Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties agree that each Party has the right to seek injunctive or other similar r

54、elief in any court of competent jurisdiction in respect of any claims of breach of confidentiality or IPR infringement.infringement 英 ?nfr?n(d)?m(?)nt 美 ?nfr?nd?m?nt n. 侵犯;違反 無論本合同前述條款有何規(guī)定, 雙方同意如果一方提出對方違反保密條款或侵犯知識產(chǎn) 權(quán)的指控, 則提出指控一方可向任何一個有管轄權(quán)的法院申請發(fā)布制止侵權(quán)、違約行為的禁制令或采取其他類似救濟措施。Applicable Law適用法律The validity

55、, interpretation and implementation of this Contract shall be governed by the laws of the People Rsepublic of Chinaanother jurisdiction (without regard to its rules governing conflict of laws).本合同的效力、解釋以及執(zhí)行適用 中華人民共和國法律 另一司法區(qū)域的法律 (但不 適用有關(guān)法律沖突的規(guī)則)Miscellaneous Provisions 其他規(guī)定Miscellaneous 英 ,m ?s?le ?

56、n ?s 美 m ?s?len ?sadj. 混雜的,各種各樣的;多方面的,多才多藝的1 Independent Contractor Relationship合同雙方之間的獨立關(guān)系The parties are only establishing an independent contractor relationship with each other by entering into this Contract. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed or implied as: 合同雙方簽訂本合同僅僅在他們之間產(chǎn)生獨立合同關(guān)系。 本合同

57、任何條款均不得被解釋 為:(a) establishing between the Parties hereto any partnership or any other form of relationship entailing joint liability; 合同雙方之間形成合伙關(guān)系或其他導(dǎo)致共同責(zé)任的關(guān)系;(b)constituting either of the Parties hereto as the agent of the other Party (except withthe other Party s prior written consent); or使任何一方成為另一方的代理人(對方事先書面同意的除外) ;或者(c) authorizing either Party to incur any expenses or any other form of obligation onbehalf of the other Party (except with the ot


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