PEP小學英語五年級上冊《Unit 5My new room》教學設(shè)計_第1頁
PEP小學英語五年級上冊《Unit 5My new room》教學設(shè)計_第2頁
PEP小學英語五年級上冊《Unit 5My new room》教學設(shè)計_第3頁
PEP小學英語五年級上冊《Unit 5My new room》教學設(shè)計_第4頁




1、pep小學英語五年級上冊unit 5 my new room教學設(shè)計part a lets learn【教學內(nèi)容】 lets start. a: lets learn. lets play. lets sing.【教學目標】(一)知識目標 1、能夠聽、說、讀、寫本課主要單詞:mirror,curtain,closet,end table,trash bin。2、能夠聽、說、認讀單詞air-conditioner以及句型:is this your? i have 。(二)能力目標1. 能聽懂會說課文中的問句:is this your bedroom?2能夠用“is this your bed r

2、oom?”“i havein my room”來和其他同學交流,并結(jié)合句子表達的情境,學會恰當?shù)奶鎿Q句中的單詞。3、能夠聽懂、會唱歌曲“my small bedroom”(三)情感、策略、文化目標1 學習策略:能積極與人合作,運用所學英語進行交流。2. 創(chuàng)設(shè)多種活動,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,讓學生體驗成功。3營造寬松,和諧的課堂氣氛,讓學生在快樂中學習英語【教學重、難點分析】 1. 掌握四會單詞:end table,closet,curtain,trash bin,mirror.2.會用“is this your bed room?”“i havein my room”來和其他同學交流。3.本課時

3、的難點是能夠正確書寫出本課要求四會的單詞:curtain, closet, mirror, end table, trash bin單詞air-conditioner的發(fā)音?!窘叹邷蕚洹?.準備與本課時相關(guān)的錄音帶和四年級上冊第四單元的錄音材料。.2.準備與本課相關(guān)的六張單詞卡片,cai ,錄音機,彩色粉筆,鑰匙,相關(guān)掛圖,顏色卡片,圖片(臥室/房間物品/服裝/衣櫥/魔鏡/各色窗簾),紙簍,調(diào)查表,充氣小錘子等。【教學過程 】 step 1: warm talkwhats in your bedroom?what colour is your bed/desk?where i

4、s your tv?how many windows are there in your bedroom? .2. lets do教師播放四上unit4 b lets chant和學生一起拍手說唱.內(nèi)容如下:mom is in the living room .dad is in the bedroom .where are you?brothers in the kitchen.sister is in the bedroom .where are you?step 2: presentation t: its a key. the key is for my n

5、ew house. im very happy because i have a new house. do you want to have a look?(點擊鼠標,出現(xiàn)一間空房)t: my new house is empty. i want to buy something to make my house beautiful. can you help me? what should i buy? now boys and girls, lets have a race, ok?(出示一張評價圖表,鼓勵學生多說)ss: desk, bed, chair.1.呈現(xiàn)單詞closet t:

6、 ok, thank you very much. i still have some money. what else should i buy?(做沉思狀)(cai出示很多衣服)look, i have a lot of clothes. what should i buy?(課件出示有鏡子的衣柜圖片)教授新詞:closet(板書:closet)cl-o-clo, s-e-t-set, closet.(按音節(jié)直拼,暗示發(fā)音及拼寫規(guī)律)自編chant: closet, closet, open the closet.2.呈現(xiàn)單詞mirror t: look at the closet. th

7、ere is a mirror on it.教授新詞:mirror(板書:closet)m-i-mi, rr-or-rror, mirror.自編chant: mirror, mirror, mirror, clean the mirror.3. 呈現(xiàn)單詞curtaint: look at the window. how to make it beautiful?教授新詞:curtain(板書:curtain)c-u-r-cur, t-ai-n-tain, curtain.(課件出示圖片)自編chant: curtain, curtain, close the curtain.4.呈現(xiàn)單詞ai

8、r-conditioner t: are you tired? im very tired and hot. what things can make me cool?教授新詞:air-conditioner(板書:air-conditioner)air-air, c-o-n-con, d-i-di, tion-er-tioner, air-conditioner.(課件出示圖片)自編chant: air-conditioner, air-conditioner, make me cool.5. 呈現(xiàn)單詞end table t: thank you, everyone. i have boug

9、ht a closet with a mirror and some curtains. please sit down please and have a rest.(課件出示一茶幾,上面放著一些水果)t: there is some fruit on the end table.教授新詞:end table(板書:end table)e-n-d, t-a-b-l-e,end table.自編chant: end table, end table, move the end table.6.呈現(xiàn)單詞trash bint: have some bananas please, and put t

10、he banana peel into the trash bin. (課件出示垃圾桶圖片)教授新詞:trash bin(板書:trash bin)tr-a-sh, b-i-n,trash bin.自編chant:trash bin , trash bin , empty the trash bin.7. 教師播放錄音引導學生聽音跟讀。教師簡單講解:一人指圖一人讀單詞,學生兩人一組進行單詞認讀練習。8lets start教師給學生呈現(xiàn)lets start部分的教學掛圖,教師引導學生進入lets start部分學習,教師提問學生:“what can you see in zooms room?”

11、。 學生選中一件物品后說出“i can see a chair/a table .”。 學生兩人一組做對話練習,教師請若干組到前面做對話演示。如:a: what can you see in zooms room?b: i can see a closet. (點擊衣櫥)and its orange. 找一找 學生看課件,展示出一幅美羊羊臥室的圖。教師提問:“what can you see?”,學生用“i can see .”句型說一說看見的物品。 學生讀一讀單詞,教師及時糾正學生的發(fā)音。 教師請若干名學生指出某單詞的正確位置,其他同學判斷對錯。step 3: practice1.lets

12、chant:closet,closet,open the closet!mirror,mirror,clean the mirror!curtain,curtain,close the curtain!trash bin,trash bin,empty the trash bin!end table,end table,move the end table!air-conditioner,air-conditioner,make me cool!2.做“排卡片”游戲:教師快速報詞卡名稱,學生按次序在桌面上排列自己的詞卡。3.通過課件出示對話“is this your bedroom? yes,

13、it is. come and look at my new curtains.”,學生進行跟讀后,出示圖片(先可以仍是bedroom,把東西做替換,然后可以是其它房間,其它的東西),讓學生同桌表演對話,或是同桌自由練習,但以同桌表演為主。例如:“is this your living room? yes,it is. come and look at my new sofa.”。4.lets play : 學生分組做句型接龍(用充氣小錘子敲黑板上小組競賽欄的圖片,要求用“in my room i have”進行回答).如:學生a說:“in my room i have a trash bin

14、. ”學生b在學生a的句子基礎(chǔ)上加上一個詞,如:“in my room i have a trash bin and a mirror.”step4: consolidation and your new room and try to describe it.(讓學生四人一小組,互相合作,用獎勵得到的小圖片,通過粘貼共同設(shè)計屬于他們的房間,并嘗試進行描述,使人人有機會運用語言。教師注意示范的明確性及對學生合作、交流的指導。)2.take a report.3. lets sing 播放“my small bedroom”歌曲兩遍。 教師請學生說一說歌中唱到

15、了什么,學生答出:“a small house, a small bedroom, a small closet, a small bed and a small me.”。 再播放歌曲,教師鼓勵學生跟唱。4. 教師和學生一起總結(jié)本課時的教學重點,回顧學過的知識內(nèi)容。step5:homework :make a survey.nameamyend table2mirror1air-conditioner1trash bin1tv1curtain1computer12. do housework for your parents.3. .預習a lets talk.板書設(shè)計 :parta lets learncloset mirror curtain ai


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