



1、過去完成時用法講解一、 概念: 表示過去的過去,其構(gòu)成是had +過去分詞。 二、 用法:1. 表示某一動作在過去某一時刻之前已完成。例如:He had gone to bed by 10:00 last night. (昨夜十點鐘之前他已上床去睡了。)2. 與一般過去時搭配,表達(dá)某一動作在過去的動作發(fā)生時已完成。例如:The train had started when I got to the station. (當(dāng)我到達(dá)車站時火車已開走了。)The minute I saw a lady getting off the bus, I knew it was she, for I had

2、seen her before. (我一看到正在下公共汽車的那位女士就知道是她,因為我以前看見過她。)解說: 使用過去完成時在簡單句里表達(dá)某一動作在過去的某一時刻已完成時,該過去的時刻常以“by +過去時間”的短語來表達(dá)。例如下面的說法是不正確的:He had gone to bed at 10:00 last night.若是要說“at 10:00 last night”就必須用一般過去時“He went to bed.”。 請再觀察下面的句子試比較:It had rained yesterday. (誤)It rained yesterday.(正)或許你會說:“昨天下了雨,可是今天已放晴

3、了,下雨已是過去的事,而且已經(jīng)下完了,所以就用過去完成時?!边@就是最令同學(xué)們對一般過去時和過去完成時感到混淆和困惑的。實際上只要我們了解下面的兩點原則就可以消除這種現(xiàn)象。1. 由過去的時間作狀語來修飾動詞的句子都使用一般過去時。2. 除非從談話的先后關(guān)系和上下文關(guān)系對過去的動作完成的基準(zhǔn)點可以確定以外,應(yīng)該避免在簡單句中使用過去完成時。三、過去完成時常用的連詞有: before, by, until, when, after, once, as soon as等。例如:He said that he had learned some English before.By the time he

4、was twelve, Edison had began to make a living by himself.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 四、在什么情況下使用過去完成時?1. 在told, said, knew, heard, thought等動詞引導(dǎo)的賓語從句中,一般用過去完成時。例如:She said (that) she had never been to Paris.2. 狀語從句在過去不同時間發(fā)生的兩個動作中,發(fā)生在先,用過去完成時;發(fā)生在后

5、,用一般過去時。例如:When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.3. 表示意向的動詞,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等,用過去完成時表示“原本,未能”。例如:We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt.典型例題:The students _ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _ in the office.A. had written, leftB. were

6、writing, has leftC. had written, had leftD. were writing, had left答案D。 “把書忘在辦公室”發(fā)生在“去取書”這一過去的動作之前,因此“忘了書”這一動作發(fā)生在過去的過去,用過去完成時。句中when代表時間的一點,表示在“同學(xué)們正忙于”這一背景下, when所引導(dǎo)的動作正在發(fā)生。因此前一句應(yīng)用過去進(jìn)行時。初中英語語法梳理和提高14過去完成時態(tài)講解 試題過去完成時態(tài)1)過去完成時態(tài)的構(gòu)成: 肯定式:had + 動詞的過去分詞 否定式:hadnt + 動詞的過去分詞 疑問式:Had + 動詞的過去分詞 簡略回答: Yes, 主 + h

7、ave/has had. No, 主 + had現(xiàn)在完成時的用法過去完成時的用法:1、表示在過去某一時間或動作之前已經(jīng)發(fā)生或完成的動作。 他表示的時間是過去 的過去 常與by last year, by the time of yesterday,等連用。如: She said she had seen the film 4 times. When Mr Li got to the classroom, all the students had begun reading. By the time they arrived, the bus had left.2、表示 從過去某一時間開始一直延

8、續(xù)到過去另一時間的動作或狀態(tài)。常與for (后跟段時間)或since (后跟點時間)等連用.如: She had worked in this school since it opened 25 years ago.例題解析:舉一反三,學(xué)的更輕松!1. He _ in Shanghai University for four years before he _ Beijing.A. studied, had gone B. had studied, wentC. has studied, goes D. had studied, had gone解析:他去北京之前在上大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)了4年 。在上海學(xué)

9、習(xí)的動作發(fā)生在去北京之前,因此第一個空應(yīng)用過去完成時。此題選B。2. Mary said it was at least five years since he _ a good drink.A. enjoyed B. was enjoying C. had enjoyed D. would enjoy解析:It was + 時間段+since 引導(dǎo)的從句中用過去完成時。應(yīng)選C。3. Xiao Pei said she _ Hainan for 3 months.A. has been in B. had been in C. had been to D. had gone to解析:小培說她

10、去了海南三個月 。have been to 和have gone to 都是短暫性的動詞短語。所以適應(yīng)表示狀態(tài)的have been in. 應(yīng)選B.時態(tài)綜合例題解析:-What are Mr and Mrs Black doing ?-They _ tea in the garden. A. are drinking B. drank C. have drunk D. drink2. My mother often asks me _early . A. get up B. got up C. getting up D. to get up3. Soon Wu Dong _ up with L

11、i Lei, then they were neck and neck. A. taught B. caught C. bought D. brought4. The car _and stopped at the red traffic light. A. got on B. got off C. slowed down D. picked up5. Tom _ the CD player for two weeks. A. has lent B. has borrowed C. has bought D. has had6. -Do you know _? -Sorry, but if h

12、e _ back, I _ you know as soon as possible. A. when will he be back, comes, will let B. when he will be back, will come, will let C. what time will he be back, will come, let D. what time he will be back, comes, will let7. We _ to the park if it is fine tomorrow. A. will go B. have gone C. go8. A ne

13、w shoe factory will _ in this part of the city. A. be building B. be built C. build 9. -_ all your things, Tom! I hate them here and there. -Ok, Mom. A. Put up B. Put on C. Put down D. Put away10. - How about going hiking this weekend? - Sorry, I prefer _ rather than _. A. to stay at home, go out B.

14、 to go out, stay at home C. staying at home, go out D. going out, stay at home解析:1.根據(jù)問句的時態(tài)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時,答句時態(tài)要一致,故選答案: A 2.根據(jù)句中的謂語動詞ask的固定搭配 ask sb to do sth. 故答案:D 3.根據(jù)第一句的固定動詞詞組 catch up with sb 及第二句的過去時態(tài),故選答案: B 4.此題主要考查四個動詞詞組的掌握.根據(jù)后半句在紅燈時停下來,故選答案: C 5.此題主要考查現(xiàn)在完成時的延續(xù)和非延續(xù)動詞,根據(jù)for two weeks 時間短語。故選答案: C 6.此題主要考查賓語叢句和狀語叢句的習(xí)慣用法。第一句是特殊疑問句的賓語叢句,要用陳述句語序。第二句是if 條件句。叢句用一般現(xiàn)在時,主句用一般將來時。故選答案


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