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1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to短語歸納1. dance to (music)隨著(音樂)跳舞 2. sing alo ng with隨著一起唱3. musicia ns who play differe nt kinds of music單奏不同類型音樂的音樂家4. electro nic music電子音樂6. suppose sb to do sth.猜想某人做某事 事8. suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以為10. in one s spare在某人的空閑時間12.a film director一名電影導演14.in t

2、hat case既然那樣16.smooth music悅耳的音樂18. prefer doing A to doing B20. feel like doing sth 想要做某事22. be down 悲哀,沮喪24. have a happy ending有個美滿的結局5. not much沒什么(事)7. be supposed to do sth 應該做某9. have spare time有空閑時間11. spare the time to do sth 抽時間做 13. thi nk too much 想太多15. World War II第二次世界大戰(zhàn)17. prefer A t

3、o B比起B(yǎng)來更喜歡A19. prefer to do sth. rather tha n do sth.21. stick to 堅持,固守23. cheer sb up 使高興/振奮25. try one s best to de盡某人最大努力做 26. less serious 不那么嚴重27. a good way to do sth 做某事的好辦法28. make me feel even sadder 讓我感覺更傷心29. provide ple nty of in formatio n about a certa in subject 提供了大量的關于某個主題的信息30. shu

4、t off my brain 關閉我的大腦31. in time及時 on time按時/準時 32. once in a while 偶爾的,有時 33.write one s own iy自己寫歌詞34.si ng the words clearly歌詞唱的清楚35. take sb to sw帶某人去某地36. Chi nese folk music 中國民間音樂 37.be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的38 move sb感動某人,sb. be moved by 39. strangely beaU異常的 /出奇的美40. sense a stro ng sad

5、ness and pair感覺到一種強烈的傷感和痛苦41. one of the most movi ng pieces of mus 最令人感動的樂曲之一42. look up 查看,查閱43. be written by sb. 由 / 被寫的44. in the city of在市45. play many musical instruments 彈奏很多的樂器46. by age 17到17歲的時候47. be known for musical ability 因音樂才能而出名48. develop a serious ill ness 得了一種很重的病49. become bli

6、nd成了盲人,變瞎50. for several years幾年51. make money賺錢52. get married (to sb)(和某人)結婚53. continue to do sth.繼續(xù)做某事54.perform in this way用這種形式表演55. duri ng/ i n ones在某Me有生之年 56. by the end of到末為止57. It s a pity that遺憾的是58. in total總共59. be recorded for the future world to hear被記錄下來供后人聆聽60. the great erhu mas

7、ters 很棒的二胡大師61. master a foreig n Ian guage 掌握一門外語62. praise -for 因為贊美63. China national treasures 中國的國家珍寶64. paint a picture of 描繪了一幅畫 65. recall one s deepest wo喚起某人 最深的傷痛66. painful experiences痛苦的經(jīng)歷67. a time for spreading joy 傳播快樂的時間二用法集萃1. prefer的用法【1】prefer A to B A與B相比較,比較喜歡A例:l prefer Englis

8、h to Chinese. I prefer fish to meat.【2】prefer doing A to doing B,A與B相比,比較喜歡做 A例:I prefer swimming to running.【3】prefer to do A rather than do B, A與B相比,比較喜歡做A例: I preferred to stay behind rather than go with you.【4】詞組prefer not to do不愿意做”2. whatever 相當于 no matter what例:Wherever you go, whatever you 血

9、 right here 訓aiting for you.3. cheer up高興起來;振作起來使歡樂;使高興例:Cheer up! Your troubles will soon be over:He tried to cheer them up with funny stories:1. marry娶;嫁;結婚;和結婚marry sb. / get married 表示動作例.He married a pretty girl.She married a soldier. =She got married to a soldier.They got married last year.4.

10、keep healthy 保持健康例.In order to keep healthy, he keeps jogging every day,keep in good health, keep fit和 stay healthy 都表示 保持健康”巧記以o結尾的名詞變復數(shù):注:,hero英雄/ tomdt0西紅柿,potato 土豆,這些詞變復數(shù)時要加是-es,其余以o結尾的加-s。5. 定語從句觀察兩個句子,看看有什么區(qū)別:an interesting book形容詞 interesting 做定語修飾 booka book that is interestingthat is inter

11、esting 句子做定語修飾 bookinteresting/that is interesting 作用是相同的 ,都是用作定語來修飾名詞 book, 這種 在復合句中修飾名詞或代詞的從句叫做定語從句。定義:復合句中, 修飾某一名詞或代詞的從句叫做定語從句。 定語從句要跟在所 修飾的名詞或代詞后面, 被定語從句修飾的名詞或代詞叫做先行詞。 定語從句一 般用關系代詞 who,that, which 和 whose 來引導,放在從句的句首使從句與主 句相連,并在句中擔當一定的成分。I like music that I can dance to. ( 作賓語 )I prefer singers

12、who can write their own songs. ( 作主語 )注 1:That 在從句中作主語或賓語 (作賓語時 that 可省略)第九單元檢測題、用所給單詞的適當形式填空。1 There are a lot of excellent (director) in this country.2 I try my best (solve) the problems.3 You are too tired (go) to school.4 It is fun (have) a party.5. There is something wrong with her eyes. She ca

13、n t see things (clear).6 We should learn how (deal) with difficulties.7 It is easy for me (work) out the problem.8The (pain) expression (表情 ) on her face suggested that she hadknown the sad news.9 Could you tell me where (go) to the hotel?10Would you mind (do) his work?11 Im thirsty.Could you give m

14、e something (drink)12.1 feel like(take) a photo.13 Do you know a girl(call) Ya ng Lipi ng?二單項選擇1 Laura enjoys story books.Me, too.A. read ingB. readC. to read2. What fun The Croods is! Yeah! I like the movie, too. It s soA.bori ngB. scaryC. i nteresti ng D. sad3. Many children are left alone in the

15、countryside.Let try our bestthem.A. helpB. helpi ngC. to help D. helps4. Do you like Zhou Libos talk show?Yes. His talk show is very funny. It always makes people.A. laugh B. laughedC. laughing D. to laugh5. You don t have toevery new word in the dictionary while reading.A. look for B. look up C. lo

16、ok atD. look after6. Alice prefersto . Then, let ask her to take part in ourdancing club.A. dancing, singing B. dancing, sing C. sing, dancing D. to sing, dance7. He isclever boy. A. so an B. a so C. such an D. such a8. The bananas tasteand sell.A. well; well B. good; goodC. good; well D. well; good

17、9. What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can sing alongor dance.A. to; withB. with; withC. to; to D. with; to10. What kind of music do you like?I like musicI can dance to.A. because B. whenC. whoD. that11. He looks unhappy today Let _s.A. cheer him up B. help out him C. look him after D

18、. argue with him12. Id like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie?I prefer coffeesugar. A. tha nB. for C. with D. to13. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Peoples Hospital?Walk along this streetthe end and youll find it on your left.A. in B. toC. byD. at14. The woma nis singing in t

19、he hall is our teacher.A. what B.which C. whoD. whom15.What do you think of Jays new CD?.I ve listened to it many times.A. Not at all itB. Of courseC. I enjoy it very muchD. I really don tike16. The bookhe bought yesterday is very in teresti ng.A.不填B. whyC. whe nD. what17. Yao Ming is a famous baske

20、tball staris playing in the NBA.A. whose B. who C. what D. which18. Is the girlis in terviewi ng the man ager of that compa ny your friend?Yes, she is a journalist from CCTV.A. whom B. which C. who D. whose19. Do you know the manis sitting behind Nancy?A. whatB. whichC. whoD. whom20. We were justtim

21、e to fin ish our homework.A .inB. byC. atD. for21. Why dont you go out to play, Rose? rm afraid I cant .I have much homeworkA. doB. doesC. doingD. to do22. What do you think of the school uniforms?Very good.I like clothes make me feel comfortable.Athat BwhatCwho D whose23. May I play computer games,

22、 Mom? No, you .AdontBcantC wouldnt Dwont24.I was looking for the pen I bought yesterday when you called me.AwhoBwhere Cwhich Dwhat25.My pen pal Andrew found it difficult Chinese well.Alearning Blearn Cto learn Dlearned26.Now many people smoke and get ill. So we should do something can help stop smok

23、ing.A what BwhoC/D that27.I prefer some sports to TV at home on weekends.Ado; watchingB doing; watchC do; watchD doing;watching28.Its a custom in China to have some tea or other drinks before the meal Aserves B served Cis servedD will be served29. Barclays Bank is one of the banks in the world.Abig

24、B bigger Cbiggest Dbiger30. Do you enjoy My heart will go on? No, I prefer songs loud.Athat isB which isC that areDwhat are31. What kind of house would you like? Id like with a garden in frontof .A it; oneB one; one Cone; itDit; it32. Neither he nor I from Canada.We are from Australia.AisB areCamDbe

25、33. Jessicas parents always encourage her out her opinions.AspeakB speaking C to speakDwill speakA從方框中選擇合適的詞組,并用其適當形式填空。stick to, in that case, pienty of, shut off, once in a while1. It will cost about 2,000 yuan to fly to San ya.Well, , why not fly to Guan gzhou first and the n take a trainthere?2.

26、 Once you have started the job, it better it until it iscompleted.3. Your phone must before the plane takes off.4. “ ThQontinent ” a good movie with jokes. It makes melaugh and thi nk a lot.5. I like pop music best, but I liste n to some country music.B.從方框中選擇合適的詞組,并用其適當形式填空。(sound like, a piece of,

27、 develop an illness, in this way, during one) s lifetime1. Deng Lijun sang many beautiful song.2. Deng Lijun called asthma (哮喘)in her forties. Many peoplebelieve that asthma killed her.3. I love liste ning to En glish son gs. I thi nkI can improve myEn glish.4. Why not listen to music and have a res

28、t?5. The movie The House That Never Die京城 81 號) a ghost(鬼)story. But in fact, there is no ghost in it.四.A根據(jù)課文內容,用合適的詞填空完成下面的句子。(under, by, recall ,worse, recorded ,become, himself ,instruments , moving ,treasures)1. Erqua n Yin gyue, which I heard at a con cert of Chin ese folk music wasvery. I sen

29、sed a strong sad ness and painthe beauty.2. Abing s father taught him to play many musi . However, hisfather died and Abing s life grew .3. Abing sin ess made him bli nd He made a liv ingsinging and play ing music on the streets.4. Abing could play more tha n 600 pieces of music, many of which were

30、writte n by Butit s a pity that only 6 pieces were.5. Abing s music has become one of China s nationalbecause its sad beautymakes people their deepest wounds.B.根據(jù)方框中所給詞完成短文(write,in flue need, eve nts, least, travel , pers on al, Intern et,improve,usefulMost)Over ten years ago, blogs(博客) were mostly

31、 just online diaries written by teen agers. Today,they are so much more. Blogs have become powerful eno ugh to in flue nee the media(媒體),or eve n the gover nmen ts.It s said that the number of blogs on the 1 is between 10 to 32 million. Many of these are 2. blogs that people use to keep in touch wit

32、h their friends.But some are public ones on superstars, sports and up-to-date (最新的)3.Studies show that 30 perce nt of America ns have read a blog at 4 on ce.Even if people do not read blogs regularly定期地),they might still be5. by them in some way.Now, people are starting to ask: Will blogging take th

33、e place of other types of media? The an swer is “ NO Most bloggers do not do first-ha nd report ing. Un like reporters, they do not 6. to the places or meet peoplethey 7. about. They just get information from other media for their blogs.But blogs might help 8. the quality of other media. Reporters a

34、re more careful whe n they know bloggers will point out their mistakes.五、讀寫綜合(請閱讀下面這篇文章,根據(jù)所提供的信息,完成信息卡。How important is music? When they are asked this question, students and pare nts usually an swer that music is ni ce, but not very importa nt.lt is ofte n con sidered only as en terta inment, but n

35、ot the first choice for educatio n. This opin io n is shortsighted (短視的).In fact, music education is necessaryand important for all stude nts.Music tells us who we are.Music reflects 反映)the creators thin ki ng and values, as well as the social environment it came from.For example, just as Mozart mus

36、ic represents a lifestyle, rock music 搖滾樂)represents a lifestyle, too.The jazz爵士樂) in flue nce that George Gershwin and other musicia ns in troduced into their music is obviously America n, because it came from America n musical traditi ons.Music provides a kind of ability to know the world in a dif

37、ferent way.Science explains how the sun rises and sets.Music explores the emotive (情感的) meanin gs.We n eed every possible way to discover and respond 回應)to our world because no one way can get it all.Music is a form of thought, as powerful as scie nce.lt is a way we huma n beings “ talk ” each other

38、.Through the Ianguage we expressour feelings, our discoveries, our ideas, our imag in ati on and our hopes so that they can be shared with others.Whe n we do not let our children receive good music education, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.Sciencedoes not tell us what it me

39、ans to be huma n.M usic does.So music educati on is much more n ecessary tha n people gen erally realize.Information CardPassage outl ineDetailed in formati onIn troductio nShortsighted opinion; Music is only a way of 1., not thetop choice for educati on.Truth: Music educatio n is importa nt for all

40、 stude nts.Mai nBodyA way to tell who we areMusic not only reflects the social en vir onment it came from but also expresses peoples thinking and 2. .A way to know theWe cant discover and resp ond to our world in just oneworldway.3.expla ins how n ature goes.Music explores the emotive meanings of n

41、ature.A way to com mun ic ate with each otherWe use music to 4.our feeli ngs, discoveries,ideas, imag in ati on and hopes with others.Music, 5.from scie nee, tells us what it meansto be huma n.Con clusi onMusic educati on is n ecessary.六.任務型閱讀There is always somethi ng that we can n ever forget. And

42、 it can really cha nge our life.Time is important for us. It organizes our everyday moments. Howeve beforereceived a watch from my father, time never had any importanee in my life. It orga ni zed my life and made me more resp on sible.I received this gift on a Sun day. I had to go to the airport at

43、9:00 am to pick upUncle Jim and take him to my father s house. However, I was late because I hung outwith my frie nds. Later on that day, around 11:00 am, I remembered my uncle and went to the airport to meet him, but I was too late. He had left the airport and take n a taxi to my father s house.I got to my father s house at 2:00 pm that day. Lookinface ph y fatherfelt ashamed(羞 愧的)at that mome nt. My fathe


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