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1、.Circuit breaker .斷路器Compressed air circuit breaker is 一 a mechanical . switch .equipment, . can be i 空氣壓縮斷路器是一種機(jī)械開(kāi)關(guān)設(shè)備,能夠在n no rmal and special con diti ons break ing curre nt (such as short circuit cur 正常和特殊情況下開(kāi)斷電流(比如說(shuō)短路電流)。rent). . For . example, . air. circuit . breaker, oil . circuit. breaker, i

2、nterference circ例如空氣斷路器、油斷路器,干擾電路的導(dǎo)體uit . con.ducto.r for . the application .of . the safety .and reliability, of the . circuit.干擾電路的導(dǎo)體因該安全可靠的應(yīng)用于其中,breaker,. current in. arc . from . is . usually . .divided . into. .the . following. grades: a 電流斷路器按滅弧遠(yuǎn)離通常被分為如下等級(jí):ir. switch, .circuit .breaker, . o.i.

3、l . circuit .breaker,e.ss . oil . circuit. breaker, . compr 空氣開(kāi)關(guān)斷路器、油斷路器、少油斷路器、壓縮空essed. air . circuit . breaker, . a . degaussing. of isolating. switch, .six. sulfur .hexaf 氣斷路器、具有消磁性質(zhì)的隔離開(kāi)關(guān)、六氟luoride . circuit . breaker . and .vacuum .breaker. . Their .parameters . of .voltage, 化硫斷路器和真空斷路器。他們的參數(shù)有電壓

4、等級(jí)、current, . insulationevel . of . breaking .capacity, . instantaneous .voltage off ti 開(kāi)斷容量的電流、絕緣等級(jí)開(kāi)斷時(shí)間的瞬時(shí)電壓恢復(fù)和me. .of .recovery. and. a . bombing. Breaker . plate. .usually . include.:. .1. .the. maxi轟炸時(shí)間。斷路器的銘牌通常包括:1.最大可承受電流;2最大中斷電流;3.最大線line vol坦g_e; 4. .interrupt the . cycle .number.n . the . 6

5、0hHZ . system,. interrupt路電壓;4中斷周期數(shù)量。在60hHZ的系統(tǒng)中,中斷mayast. from. 3- . to . 8 . cycle, .in. order. to. quickly .break. up .to . the. load . c.urre可能持續(xù)3-至8個(gè)周期,為了快速中斷達(dá)負(fù)荷電流,nt, we . have .to. . ensure . continued . to . cool it, high-speed, .breaking . can .limit我們不得不確保它的持續(xù)冷卻,高速 開(kāi)斷能限制on . transmission. l

6、ine damage, .it. is equally. important .to. help. . system . to . mai對(duì)傳輸線路的損害,這一點(diǎn)是同等重要的它幫助系統(tǒng)ntain. stable operation . at . any time. of the . accident, .the. main. circuit breaker在任何事故發(fā)生時(shí)維持穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行,斷路器主要.by. operating mechanism, actuator. and . arc. . quenching . chamber.由操作機(jī)構(gòu)、執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)和滅弧室組成。Whe n a trigger

7、 curre nt or voltage, spri ng operati on mecha nism of air isol當(dāng)有觸發(fā)電流或者電壓時(shí),空氣隔離開(kāi)關(guān)的彈簧操作機(jī)構(gòu)ation. switch. moves . quickly . to. . reduce . the. . contact .loss, .special . shape, .and u迅速動(dòng)作以用來(lái)減少觸點(diǎn)的燒損,主觸點(diǎn)的特殊形se . the. . material . of. main. contact. .completely. fit . for . the. arc . of . contact, . ai

8、r. .is狀和使用材料完全適合電弧的接觸,空氣olation .switch further . improvement .is . due . to . the . arc. .quenching .performa n 隔離開(kāi)關(guān)更進(jìn)一步的改進(jìn)是由于滅弧性能ce, insulating baffle_ plates . arc shield, with, arc the . function of these . specia.絕緣隔板組成的滅弧罩,帶滅弧功能的觸頭等這些特殊性i. properties, it .is , used, in _ low , voltage . and .

9、dc , circuit , breaker.質(zhì),所以仍被應(yīng)用于低電壓等級(jí)和直流斷路器中。Oil . circuit . breaker .in around . 1.900, .mainly . to . meet .the .new, . breaking . capa多油斷路器出現(xiàn)于1900前后,主要用來(lái)滿足新的開(kāi)斷容量的要求,city . requirements,. AC . switch .is . .immersed .in. an oil. cylinder, . the oil . in . the交流開(kāi)關(guān)被浸入一個(gè)油缸之中,油在arc .quenching . and .

10、zero . set . off . function . is. very . effective .in. the . current, arc熄滅電弧和在電流過(guò)零時(shí)建立開(kāi)斷功能是十分有效,.gate, .noz 乙i.e, pear, . a . new, operation mechanism. and . a . variety of .the . new c滅弧柵、噴油嘴、鴨梨鋤頭、新的操作機(jī)構(gòu)和多種新的斷路功能ircu.it . function . in . recent . decades to. .introduce . .the . use. . of .oil .cir

11、cuit .breaker在近幾十年引進(jìn)使用多油斷路器能夠適應(yīng)362kV。can . a_da.pt.to.362.kVTypes. .and. Construction . of. Transformer 變壓器的類型和結(jié)構(gòu)A transformer is a device that alternating current electric energy at one vo變壓器是一個(gè)通過(guò)磁場(chǎng)作用將一個(gè)交流電壓值變成另一個(gè)電壓值的ltag.eeveL .into. . .alternating . current . electric . energy. .at .another. volt

12、age. level設(shè)備。.through _ the action . of. a _ magnetic field.It _ consists _ of , two . or more , coils wir它由2條或更多的金屬絲纏繞在e . wrapped. around . a . common. ferromagnetic co.re.These . coils . are . (usually)一個(gè)核心磁鐵上組成的。這些繞線(一般)不直not .directly. connected. . The . only connection . between, the . coils .

13、is . the . com接接觸。繞線之間唯一的聯(lián)系是它們共有的存在于磁芯mon . magnectic . flux presen . within . the. core.-的磁通量。One . of . the. .transformer . windings . is connected . to . a . source . of . ac . electric. .po一組變壓器繞組連接到一個(gè)交流電源上,wer,and. .the . secon.d(and . perhaps . third). .transformer. winding . supplies . elect同

14、時(shí)第二組(或許第三組)變壓器繞組作為電源提供給負(fù)載。ri.c . power . tooads. the . transformer, .winding . connected. .to. the . power . souce連接到電源上的變壓器繞組叫做一次繞組,或者輸is called the primary winding or in put windin g.a nd the winding conn ecte- - -i 一 . - - - - - - - - - - - 一 _一_ _ 入繞組。連接負(fù)載的繞組叫做二次d . . to . theo ads . is. called

15、.the . secondary, winding. or .input winding.If there . is繞組或者輸出繞組。如果電壓.a . third . winding . on. the . transformer,.it .is. called . the . tertiary, winding. . .Powe器上有第三繞組,它叫做三次繞組。電力變r(jià) . transformer. are . constructed . on. .one. of two . types . of . cores.one. type . o.f. con壓器由一兩種磁芯中的一種構(gòu)成一種構(gòu)造是由

16、struction consists . of a . simple. rectangular .laminated .piece , of . steel . with . the 一種簡(jiǎn)單的變壓器繞組纏繞在矩形兩邊的矩形薄鋼片組成。.transformer, windings . wrapped. . around . two . sides .of the . recta.n.gle.This . typ這種構(gòu)e . of . construction ,is . know . as . co.reform.The .other .type .consists. of. th.ree-i

17、e 造類型被認(rèn)為是核心形式。另一種類型是由繞組纏繞在中心gged lam in ated core with the windings wrapped around the cen ter leg .Th 引腳的3引腳疊片鐵心構(gòu)成。is. .type. of . construction. is . know . as . shell. .form.In . either. .case,the . core . is .con 這種構(gòu)造類型貝殼形式。其中任意一種類型,磁心都structed. of .thin.aminations. electrically . isolated . form

18、. each. other . in . order i 是由排列整齊的彼此之間電氣隔離的薄迭片構(gòu)成, n . order . to . reduce . eddy . currents . to . a .minimum.The. primary . and . secondary . windings . in . a. . physical. transformer . are. . wrapp 一個(gè)物理變壓器的一次繞組和二次繞組被纏繞成一個(gè)在內(nèi)部的另一e.d . one . on top . of. the. . other. .with. . the. .low.-voltage.

19、. winding. innermost.Such. a 個(gè)低壓繞組的上面。這樣安n . arrangement . severs. .two . purposes: . 1.Jt . simplifies . the. problem . of. insulati 排達(dá)到了兩個(gè)目的:1.它簡(jiǎn)化了從磁芯到高壓繞組的絕 ng the high- voltage winding from the core.2.It results in much less leaka緣問(wèn)題。2.與過(guò)去將兩個(gè)繞組在磁心上ge. flux than . would _ be _ the .two. windings

20、. were . separated . by _ a . distance _ on t 隔離一定距離比起來(lái),它導(dǎo)致更少的漏通量。he. core.Power. transformer . are . given a. variety. of different . names,. depending . on. th 電力變壓器被賦予了很多不同的名字,取決于它們?cè)趀ir . use . in. . power systems.Atransformer . connected . to . the . output . of . a .ge ner當(dāng)前系統(tǒng)中的作用。一變壓器連接到一個(gè)發(fā)電機(jī)的

21、輸出端,ator and used to step its voltage up to transformer levels is sometimes call _l_ _l_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ 并且用于步調(diào)它的電壓達(dá)到變壓器值有時(shí)被叫做單位變壓器。ed . unit . transformer. . The . transformer. ai. the .other end. of the . transformer li變壓器一個(gè)排在另一個(gè)后面一一將電壓從傳送值ne,which . steps. the . voltage . down. from, transmissi

22、on, levls .to. . distributione 步降到分布值,vels,is . called. a . substation . transformer.Finall.y,the. .transformer. that . takes th被叫做變電站。最后,變壓器將分布電壓和步幅e . distribution. voltage . and . steps . is down .to . the final . voltage . ai . which . the. p 降到最后的實(shí)際使用的電能被叫做發(fā)送變壓器。ower . is actually. used .is . c

23、alled. a . distribution. .transformer.All . these . devices所有這些設(shè)備本.are . essentially. . the . same-the. only . difference . among, .them . is their .intended質(zhì)上都是相同的一一它們之間唯一不同的是它們的特定用途。.use.In . addition, to. the _ various . power transformer, two _ special-purpose, trans除了各種電力變壓器兩個(gè)專用變壓器使用電formers .

24、are .used. . with . electric .machinery and . power systems.The . first. of t 動(dòng)機(jī)械和電力系統(tǒng)這些特殊hese . special. . transformers. is . a . device . specially . designed .to. . sample . a .high變壓器中的第一個(gè)是一個(gè)專門(mén)簡(jiǎn)化高電壓產(chǎn)生較低的二次電壓而設(shè)voltage . and .produce. a. low. secondary . voltage .directly. proportional .to. . it.

25、S 計(jì)的裝置uch a. transformer . is called. . a .potential . t.ra.nsform.er.A .power . transformer . al 例如一個(gè)變壓器叫做電壓互感器一個(gè)電力變壓器也產(chǎn).so . produces . a . secondary. voltage . directly .proportional . to. its . primary. volta生二次電壓直接與它的初級(jí)電壓成正比ge;the . difference . between. . a. .potential . transformer. and. a .

26、.power . transforme之間差異的一個(gè)潛在功率變壓器和一個(gè)變壓器,是潛在的變壓器r .is. that . the . potential. transformer . is designed . to. handle . only . a .very. . small c 是設(shè)計(jì)來(lái)處理只有一個(gè)很電流。urrent.The . second. type. .of. special .transforms r. is . a .device . designed. to . prov在第二種類型的變壓器是一個(gè)特殊裝置設(shè)計(jì)為提供一個(gè)二次側(cè)ide. .a . secondary, cu

27、rrent.much. smaller. tha n. .but . directly . proportional . to . its電流。多小但比比例對(duì)其直接初級(jí)電流。primary. current.This . device . is . called . a .current. transformer.這個(gè)裝置叫做電流互感器Lin gt ing protecti on.aJL 7. _.L防雷保護(hù)The . thunder . and .lightning . protects to. connect . the _ ground; _ Connect, the gr 雷電保護(hù)接地

28、是避雷技術(shù)最重要的環(huán)節(jié),不管是直擊雷、ound. to. .avoid the . thunder . the. most .important . link . of the .technique, . ignore 感應(yīng)雷或其他形式的雷,避.is . a. shot thunder,. respond . the . thunder. of .the . thunder . or. other . form, and a 雷工作的最終都是把雷電流送入大地。void. . the . thunder . work . most . all . of . . send. into . the

29、earth . the .thunder electric current. Store . the. thunder . energy. to. be.have.the. type . to . build . the ., curre nt t 儲(chǔ)存雷能量為人類造福,目前科技echnology . to . still . reach .to .not . arrive,. and . therefore have .no . the reason.abl 還達(dá)不到,因此沒(méi) 有合理而良好的接地裝置是不可能談及防雷的。e but good conn ect the ground equip

30、to is impossible to speak about to de fend the thunder.Therefore say the design, the construction is very high st - - - - - i - - - I 一一- - I _一 、_一 - 一 - m - - - 所以說(shuō)設(shè)計(jì)、施工好高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的接地系統(tǒng)是防雷工作an dard to conn ect the ground system is a heavy in side that defe nd thunder 的重中之重。s. work. it . heavy. High . ele

31、ctric . potential. that . For long. time, people . have a n長(zhǎng)期以來(lái), 人們有一個(gè)錯(cuò).illusio n, .and. . think. that. conn ect .th.e . ground, .electric. resistance. more . small覺(jué),認(rèn)為接地電阻越小避雷效果就越好,被保護(hù)的對(duì) 象就安全。.avoid, the _ thunder .result , and . then . more .like, . quilt , object , that , protect , safet y. . Cer

32、tainly . the . electric. resistance .is .more . the . small . is. more . quick, strike 當(dāng)然電阻越小散流越快,雷擊的by . lightning. to. .reserve . time more. short, . the .risk . is. more . small, electric . vo 高電位保留時(shí)間越短,危險(xiǎn)性越小,其跨步電 壓、ltage . of its . stride, . get in . touch. with . the the . electric .voltage .pr

33、oduce. the . m 接觸電壓產(chǎn)生的機(jī)遇也就越小。achine .too . the . more the . ?But, construction . that . the. fulfillment .proof .of ne 但是,近十幾年來(lái)的實(shí)踐證明,ar and. more . than . ten .in, the . l ast. yearses, . with . its . say. that . connect the . wort 與其說(shuō)接地電阻值重 要,h . importance of . ground . electric . resistance, not

34、. equal . to . say that connect t 不如說(shuō)接地裝置的結(jié)構(gòu)更合he . ground . to . equip . more . reasonable, . importance . electricity . equipments, d 理、重要。e.mand . variety . that . nows, .city, . there. .is . l o.ts. .of .in. a . building . inside . not . the. c 現(xiàn)在的城市,在一座建筑物內(nèi)有許多不同性質(zhì)的電氣設(shè)on geniality . connect. the

35、. ground, .device, . if . avoid . the. thunder . to . conn ect. the 備,需要多種接地裝置,如避雷接地、電氣安全接地、交.ground,. electricity. the . safety . to. connect .the . ground, . AC power. the . work t 流電源工作接地、通信及計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)接地,o . connect the. ground, correspondence, and _ calculator _ system to. connect th e ground, accord

36、 ing to the fulfillme nt proof, totally use to connect the gro根據(jù)實(shí)踐證 明,共用接地是應(yīng)用最為廣泛的und .is. an . application most . for extensive . connect the . l o.cal. . type. . 接地方式。.That A,. the .independence . connect . the . ground:. As . above. part. . for . dema nd一、獨(dú)立接地:如上面所談到的需要接for. . speak . ofing . . .

37、connecting .the. .ground . of,. all . distinguish . to .independently 地的部分,都分別獨(dú)立地建立自己的establish the own to connect the ground system, and this kind of connect 接地系統(tǒng),這種接地方式稱為獨(dú)立接地。theocal. type . to . call. the . independence . to . connect . the .ground. Its. advantag它的好處是e. . is. each. . system . and

38、 . cant. result . jn 上 he. .mutual, .interference, .and . this. .is . part 各系統(tǒng)之間不會(huì)造成互相干擾,這對(duì)通信系統(tǒng)尤其重要。icularly. important . to .correspondences . systems:But . the adoption, indepe nd但網(wǎng)絡(luò)容易被雷擊壞,ence . that . network . easily . were. strike. by. .lightninged . is. bad, so. .besides. hav故除有防爆炸e . to . de

39、fend. to . explode the . dangerous . environment . requesting. . to must . wan 要求的危險(xiǎn)環(huán)境必須要采用獨(dú)立的避雷方式外,t .the . adoption . the. independence . .of avoid, .the . thunde 匚 method. generally . no般不主張采用獨(dú)立接地的方式t lay , claim, to, , the _ way to connect . the ground. . Two, totally use . to . connect t二、共用接地:

40、he , ground: , Also , call. unify , to, connect the , g.round.The , each . system, .that, it c也叫統(tǒng)一接地。它是把 需要接地的各onnect . the. .ground . the demand, unifies .to , receive . a connect , the .ground , to e個(gè)系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)一接到一個(gè)接地裝置上,quip , top, , or , is originally , each , system of , connect , the , ground , devic

41、e, . to pass或者把各系統(tǒng)原來(lái)的接地裝置通過(guò)地下或者地上用金屬導(dǎo),the underground , to , p erhaps and up , l ink, make , them , the electricity , for bec體連接起來(lái),使它們之間成為暢通的電氣接oming of its to connect the ground to unify the ground net with metals co 地統(tǒng)一地網(wǎng),這樣的接地方式 為共用接地。nductor, -like. , this , of. connect ,th.eocaLtype. ,is , to ,

42、 totally, use , to , connect , the ground. it is current to use to connect the ground totally applied the most共用接地是目前應(yīng)用最廣泛的接地方式。extensive, .connect , the , local , type.,. , Each, .system , that. Three, .conn三、一點(diǎn)接地:ect, .the . ground, 1:00:. , Method. that , connecting, .the . ground. ,l.i ne , to .

43、 receive , to 把各系統(tǒng)的接地線接到接地母線同一點(diǎn)或同一金屬平面上, connect , the , same , point or , same , metals flat . surface , of .line .of. ground. moth er of each system . is . up, like this . call connect _the. ground . 1:00 method.這樣的方法叫一點(diǎn)接地法。Connect i_:oo_ the .ground一 method一can. .re.so.ive. the .etc. Electric .po

44、tential to 一點(diǎn)接地法能解決各系統(tǒng)接地線的等電位問(wèn)題,所以能夠降低 各系 connect . the . groundine_ -the . problem,. can . thereforeower. of .each . system c 統(tǒng)之間的干擾程度,an can cellati on of top of in terfere nee fun dame ntal for of in terfere nee degree, .particularly .is 50. H 乙 work . signal. to . system, and . connect. the . gr

45、ound, m 尤其是50HZ工頻信號(hào)對(duì)系統(tǒng)的干擾基本上得以消除,ethod , on . the . engineering. to. . get. the . extensive. .ap.plication. .therefore . and i: 所以一點(diǎn)接地法在工程上得到廣泛應(yīng)用。00,. .& #61550;. Four, the . many. point connect . the . ground:The . ground. line o四、多點(diǎn)接地:各系統(tǒng)的接地線f .connecting. . of . each . system . adopt .many . pointses . s.ho.rt. on-line. connect th 采用多點(diǎn)短連線的接地方式,稱作多點(diǎn)接地。elocal .type, and. call. .to.m.uchorae.r .to. connect. the . ground,. . . Five mix. with .to. . connect. the. .ground:. Metals . li ne . .that . so- . called . admixture . con五、混合接地:所謂


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