Linguistic features of publicity and its ChineseEnglish Translation Strategies英語(yǔ)畢業(yè)論文_第1頁(yè)
Linguistic features of publicity and its ChineseEnglish Translation Strategies英語(yǔ)畢業(yè)論文_第2頁(yè)
Linguistic features of publicity and its ChineseEnglish Translation Strategies英語(yǔ)畢業(yè)論文_第3頁(yè)
Linguistic features of publicity and its ChineseEnglish Translation Strategies英語(yǔ)畢業(yè)論文_第4頁(yè)
Linguistic features of publicity and its ChineseEnglish Translation Strategies英語(yǔ)畢業(yè)論文_第5頁(yè)
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1、linguistic features of publicity and its chinese-english translation strategiesabstract: the publicity language has its own language features, that is clear, concise language, with indicative, suggestive, restrictive and mandatory, with static and dynamic distinction. according to peter newmarks tra

2、nslation theory to analyze the characteristics of publicity language, translated the rationale for communicative translation method. will be publicized in chinese language translated into english, the use of the strategy is divided into cross-cultural communication strategies, contextual analysis st

3、rategies, user-friendly strategies and concise strategy. key words: publicity language; chinese-english translation; translation; grounds; strategy publicity language is a special kind of style, it has been involved in every aspect of our lives and permeate every corner of society, such as street si

4、gns, shop signs, advertising language, warnings, propaganda slogans and so on. it can be seen everywhere in our lives, carefully sliding caution, wet floor, box office ticket office, china central television cctv and so on. words were different types of publicity can serve to regulate peoples social

5、 behavior, and adjusting relationships, improve productivity, deter criminals and passion inspirational role. therefore, brief language, some scholars will be publicized as: that is to let the public see the text in the public language. english-language corresponding to say, public signs; hj ( there

6、 are scholars is defined as: it is the a common special style in a public place, or only a handful of words, or simple easy solution icon or icons and text intended to use either to express their audience to a request or a cause for some sort of attention. 2】 (with i believe that mr. lv hefa languag

7、e of publicity that a more comprehensive overview of its contents, nature and characteristics, it is: open and face the public, notices, instructions, tips, display, warning, marking its life, production, life , ecology, industry, text and graphical information based on solidarity. 3】 (longs well-pu

8、blicized language translation can make chinas foreign businessmen, tourists in the clothing, food, shelter, transport, and so feel at home as a convenient and comfortable. it is necessary to take seriously the words of the chinese-english translation of publicity. 1 , linguistic features of publicit

9、y (a) clear and concise text, sometimes accompanied by graphics. publicity language widely used in public facilities, public transport, tourist attractions, foreign offices of the place. special occasions, special scenarios, special audience in a limited period of time to learn and understand a mess

10、age, which calls for publicity language simple and clear. we have seen hanging in front of businesses business / open signs, customers only need a little glance at, we know that the shops are open, i can go shopping, but we have never seen: we are now open open for business / now we areopen such sig

11、ns. there are international departure internationaldeparture, tourist stop closed to visitors, room center housekeeping center, etc., sometimes in order to make publicity more specific figurative language, but also accompanied by a simple icon. (b) the indicative, suggestive, restrictive and mandato

12、ry four functions. analysis of the application of language publicity and its functions, we can sum up the above-mentioned four functions. more indicative publicity use of language in public places, it provides an information service to the public, telling the public what it is like wulin square wuli

13、nsquare, police station police station, toilet restroom, shanghai-hangzhou high-speed shanghai -hangzhou expressway and so on; suggestive language publicity to remind the public of a fact or phenomenon, it did not limit the meaning of, and no coercive intent, such as wet paint wet paint , where ther

14、e are explosives safety danger : explosive , old, weak, sick, disabled pregnant and post-secondary seat courtesyseats , limited to 5 meters high restricted height 5 m . grass green. foot xia liuqing the grass is so fair, it needs yourcare and so on; restrictive publicity relatively euphemistic langu

15、age but clear, direct tone to the public upon request, contain restrictions on the meaning of the other constraints, such as, office space, non-requested mo into the employees only , guests stop closed to visitors , construction site, prohibiting access construction site, keep out and so on; mandato

16、ry publicity publicity language where language is a tone of the most hard-line, it asking the public must take such kind of action, such as to prohibit overtaking no overta-king, left driving keep left, is limited to emergency use emergency use only, no smoking smoking is strictly prohibited and so

17、on. analysis of its function will help us in the translation, according to their function and role to take a different translation strategies, in the words, tone and so different, to achieve functional equivalence translation publicity purposes. (c) can be divided into dynamic and static. analysis o

18、f language, words, and part of speech publicity, publicity is not difficult to find language with both active and passive distinction. instructions, labeled, notices the class publicity static words the phrase often used, such as zhejiang museum of zhejiang museum, emergency exits, emergency exit, h

19、all manager assistant manager, internet cafe internet bar; with those containing the corresponding dynamic the nature of publicity language, tone of such publicity is often a tough language, containing requirements, restrictions on the meaning, its purpose is to arouse public concern in order to ach

20、ieve the purpose of their promotional messages. such as hold the handrails hold thehand rail, dog person prohibited within the dogs not allowed, life is limited, careless driving limit your speed, or limityour life, any point you can eat all you can eat. study the dynamic and static publicity langua

21、ge allows us to better analyze and handle the publicity languages, and thus a more effective language translation of publicity to the public the precise and clear information. rationale for language translation of publicity english translation theorist peter newmark theoretical basis of language fun

22、ction in the language features will be divided into six categories, expressive function (expressive function), messaging (information func-tion), call function (vocative function), power of aesthetics (aesthetic function) , phatic function (phatic function), and meta-language features (metalingual f

23、unction), and the first three categories as a primary function of language. newmark according to the classification of language function, the text has been divided. serious literature, authoritative speech, autobiography, essays, and personal communications for the expression of type text; teaching

24、materials, professional reports, newspaper articles, theses and meeting minutes on the types of information such as text; notices, publicity, advertising, brochures, and persuasive text for the call type the text. must be pointed out that few texts have only one function, the vast majority of the te

25、xt with both several functions, but only focus is different. language is a kind of publicity to the public display of the language as a communication tool it is useful to devote the necessary message to the public, thus arousing public attention and publicity language in accordance with the instruct

26、ions, tips, restrictions, mandatory and other requirements to fulfill or regulate their own behavior. as a result, we can conclude that, publicity calls functional language belonging to the text. depending on the type of text, peter newmark put forward two basic methods of translation, semantic tran

27、slation (semantic transla-tion), and communicative translation (communicative transla-tion). _4 j ( semantic translation in the target language linguistic structure and semantics to the extent permitted to the original author in the original meaning of the expression to accurately reproduce them. se

28、mantic translation priority is the original form and the original intent of the original author, not the target language context and presentation, but is not to translation into the target language and cultural scenario thing. as the semantic translation to the original one as a sacred word, it may

29、sometimes be contradictory, vague or even wrong translation. semantic translation usually applicable to literary, scientific and technical literature, and other equally important as the original language and content of the text genre. communicative translation refers to as translated as took place i

30、n a social context in the communicative process -5 j (any one of the translation methods or means. although all of the translations are to some extent, as ways to translate the communication, while talking about here are totally communicative translation to the target language reader or recipient-or

31、iented. along this pathway translators in when dealing with the original, are designed to communicate information rather than to copy a string of the language unit, his concern is how to retain the original function and its role in the new readers. communicative translation and step through line by

32、line translation, literal translation of the different lies in the fact that it put the text in the form of words and sentences should be considered only as a translator of some of the factors. communicative translation of its aims is to work to make the target language translation of the effect of

33、the reader and the original readers of the source language the effect of the same. in other words, the focus of communicative translation is based on the language of the target language, culture and pragmatics way to transmit information, rather than try to faithfully copy the original text. transla

34、tor in communication translation degree of freedom to interpret the original text adjust the style and remove ambiguities, and even to amend the original author wrong. as the translator to achieve a communicative purpose, with the specific purpose of audience, so he is bound to break the translation

35、 produced by the original limitations. usually communicative style of translation types include news reports, textbooks, public notices and many other non-literary works. thus, we conclude that publicity should be used communicative language translation translation method. third, publicity language

36、translation strategies we compared the semantic translation and communicative translation, found a greater difference between them. semantic translation in the source language (sl) as the center, focusing on the text to convey meaning, the translator in the translation process is still in the origin

37、al basis, which insists on its position in the source language culture, the only interpretation of the meaning of the original to help the reader understand the text in the target language meaning. therefore, translation is usually generated by more complicated, cumbersome, wordy and too detailed. t

38、ranslation is a translation of the communicative language readers (target readership) as the center, focusing on the context meaning of the text (contextualmeaning), its concern is the target language reader, as far as the target language to exclude the reader reading or communication difficulties a

39、nd obstacles , so that communication carried out smoothly. it emphasizes the translation effect, arising from translation are usually fluent and understandable, clear and direct, regulate natural, in line with the characteristics of the domain areas of language. translation publicity should be focus

40、ed on impact, readability of text easy solution to pass a message to the public, and only publicized so that our language interpreter in order to achieve the desired results. reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/ (a) a focus on cross-cultural awareness. the target language the rea

41、ders mind. language is the carrier of culture, no nation has a deep cultural heritage, peoples of different cultural backgrounds, social background, living habits, way of thinking there are differences, then their language is also unique styles. language translation of publicity is to properly conve

42、rt the source language into target language, in this process it is necessary to keep the information in the source language, but also take into account cultural differences, so that the target language readers can correctly understand the information, while making the source language should not lose

43、 the original function, nor can sense due to cultural differences led to misunderstandings. one company named shanghai vientiane clothing company, in the companys chinese name printed in english, called shanghm wanxiang elephant garment co. ltd. elephant in the eyes of the chinese people are loyal,

44、simple and honest, lovely thing, but in the eyes of westerners, it is reckless, ignorant, violent thing. be translated into the elephant garment, who would wear violent, ignorant, the clothes? in fact as long as the shanghai wanxiang garmentco., ltd. can. in our specific historical environment often

45、 involve some with chinese characteristics words, such as red-banner pacesetter, some people have translated red flagger. we have to understand that translation is to allow foreigners and understand our culture, ideology, not a foreigner will know what the chinese call red-banner pacesetter in fact,

46、 containing the words advanced by an exemplary person and implied meaning, so model work-er or advanced worker can be well expressed red-banner pacesetter of that word. (b) analysis of context. correctly grasp the translation and elegance translated or not translated principle. publicity language is

47、 an application style, form a rich, using a wide range. but not all of the publicity can be copied word translated into foreign languages. taking into account the different countries, different national conditions, its publicity language translation should follow the translation, ya translated or no

48、t translated principle. how to understand this principle then, i believe that according to the context, a careful analysis, a correct understanding. such as shop signs, street signs and other publicity meaning of the phrase containing the instructions that we usually direct translations, such as cha

49、ngan avenue changan avenue, the first department store no.i departmentstore and so on. for those who suggest that restrictions, mandatory language of publicity will have to learn from cross-cultural communication theory, to follow peter newmarks communicative translation method effective, elegant to

50、 translate. the publicity in the chinese language, there are a lot of prohibited category of publicity language, such as in restaurants, there are shall not bring their own drinks, shops, there are all goods shall not be bargained in public places, there are prohibited noise and so on, in the langua

51、ge translations of such publicity, we analyze the context, functional equivalence in the case of the source language translated into subtle, tactful, if possible, or even humor, this is elegant translation. let us compare the above-mentioned two kinds of language translation of the three publicity n

52、o self-winebeverage allowed corresponds to consumption of our foods only. no bargaining corresponds to fixed price noise is strictly prohibited corresponds to please keep silent. obviously, the latter is even more elegant than the capacity of gas and acceptable. the phrase is obviously some publicit

53、y with the local chinese characteristics, characteristics of the times, and some even explicitly against our own citizens, we believe that as time goes on, a higher level of our civilization, such publicity words will be a gradual shift from our perspective disappeared, such a show after the languag

54、e context of our analysis, if possible, to achieve no translation. such as please speak mandarin, no gambling, prostitution, urine-mae station and so on. (c) to seek user-friendly. avoid chinese-style english. some experts will be translated recognized as a re-creation process. this shows the import

55、ance and difficulties of translation. the source language and target language does not make a deep study of the difficult to achieve mastery between the two languages. huang yi-language interpreter at the first national seminar on publicity said: many people simply think that i say or i write, you t

56、ranslate it wants to. an article writing can be used for a week or even months, to be released to the public of the when we come to think of looking for someone to translate into foreign languages. results to the translation time is too short, resulting in translation are translated in accordance wi

57、th the laws did not have time to seriously and carefully weighed, and the results were miserable not only translated, but also difficult to come up with high-quality translation draft. 】 (canthus have a tourist map of hangzhou, where the text with english hangzhou travelthe map (the proposed transla

58、ted touris guidance map ofhan-gzhou), the more interesting is the guests stop , the translation is quite interesting, on the 1st guest go no further, on the 2nd guest stophere, zhejiang shenlong thousand island lake scenic area on the island, compared with translation tourists stop the step. some pe

59、ople have said such a joke: after the visit, translation still have not seen foreign friends back to the agreed place, sent to look for a result, they are a passengers, stophere (the chinese as the guests stop), the cards before the wait because the foreigners think that in a public place will not have to act in accordance of


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