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1、2015-2016外研社初英語八年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)全套模塊測(cè)試題【含答案】八年級(jí)上學(xué)期英語模塊檢測(cè)(一) module 1一、單項(xiàng)選擇(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)從下列各題所給的a、b、c、d四個(gè)選項(xiàng)選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。( ) 1 - ho about _hiking this sunday? - great! id like _ith youa to go; going b going; to go c going; going d to go; goes ( ) 2 there are some mistakes in your homeork you should _in

2、your notebook a rite don it b rite it don c rite don them d rite them don( ) 3 dont forget _ speaking english every day a to practise b practising c practises d practise( ) 4 - why not go to lao she teahouse(老舍茶館) tonight?- a thank you b sounds great c it doesnt matter d sorry to hear that( ) 5 he c

3、ant anser this question, so he ants to ask the teacher _ help a for b ith c in d to( ) 6 id like you to give me _ on ho to learn englisha some advices b some advice c an advice d a fe advices( ) 7 its a good idea _ in the sea a sim b simming c sam d to sim( ) 8our teacher often advises us _computer

4、games a lot a, to play b, playing c, not to play d, not playing( ) 9 its very important for us _ some healthy food every daya, eat b, eating c, to eat d, eats( ) 10 -bob, its getting cold outside _ take a jacket?-all right, mum a why not b why do you c why did you d why dont二、完形填空(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)

5、閱讀下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后從a、b、c、d四個(gè)選項(xiàng)選出最佳選項(xiàng)。my name is liu yuqing i ill never 11 my first english teacher, miss yang, because i learned a lot from her miss yang is a young oman she has a round face 12 big eyes there is alays a 13 on her face世紀(jì)教育網(wǎng)版權(quán)所有she taught me english hen i entered the school when i first

6、 met her, i as 14 and couldnt speak a ord of english she said to me, “come on! dont be shy you can do it ell” she alays 15 me ith my english hen she as free21-cn-jycomevery day, she prepared (準(zhǔn)備) her lessons 16 before class when she came into the classroom, she said hello to 17 she tried to make eve

7、ry class 18 she had all kinds of activities in class and tried to make every student speak english after class, if e had problems ith studies or life, she ould give us some 19 with her help, my english 20 a lot and she as very happy for me miss yang is really a good teacher( )11 a see b forget c rem

8、ember d tell( )12 a in b of c on d ith( )13 a message b mouth c smile d club( )14 a shy b sad c happy d strict( )15 a sent b matched c helped d filled( )16 a clearly b carefully c loudly d badly( )17 a everybody b anybody c somebody d nobody( )18 a tiring b boring c interesting d bad( )19 a nes b ti

9、me c money d advice( )20 a needed b improved c kne d took三、閱讀理解(共13小題;每小題2分,滿分26分)閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的a、b、c、d四個(gè)選項(xiàng)選出最佳選項(xiàng)。a do you like telling jokes in your english study? jokes can make your ords colourful and interesting if (如果) you make people laugh, you can kno that people are interested in your topicin

10、 order to get jokes, you can atch comedies or talk shos on tv when you hear david lettermans jokes in his programme, youd better rite them don then you can have more jokes to tell hen you talk ith others if your english is good enough, you can also rite your on jokes to tell at a party or to break t

11、he ice before a speechho to make your jokes more interesting? not all the english ords sound funny some english ords sound funny by themselves, hile others can get a laugh only in phrases and sentences you have to choose different people may have different feelings on a joke so dont be sad if others

12、 dont laugh after you tell a joke after all, telling english jokes is just a ay to help you ith your english study ( ) 21if people laughed after you told a joke, they might be your topica bored ith b sad about c interested in d good at( ) 22 from the passage, e can guess that david letterman may be

13、a(n) a movie actor b english riter c language learner d host (主持人) of a talk sho( ) 23which of the folloing is true according to the passage?21cnjya almost all the english ords sound funnyb your ords cant be interesting ithout jokes【版權(quán)所c you can rite your on jokes to get a laughd people alays like t

14、he same jokes hen they listen to a talk sho( ) 24 what is the best title for the passage?a colouring your life b making friends at partiesc famous english jokes d learning english by telling jokes benglish is one of the important subjects and there are many ays for us to learn it ell but i think it

15、is not easy to do so we must try our best everyone ants to remember all the vocabularies we also ant to use them correctly of course, e cannot expect to do this in a fe months we must read and rite every day we must study grammar and e must practice more the more you speak, the better your english i

16、ll become everyone can make mistakes hen speaking we should keep humorous hen someone laughs at our mistakes what e can do is just to speak more as the old saying goes,”practice makes perfect” keep trying and orking hard to improve your english because i believe here there is a ill, there is a ay( )

17、 25 which of the follo is true?a english is one of the most important subjects in our studies b english is too difficult to learn c english is not important d we can remember all the ne ords in a fe months( )26 _ can learn english ell if he doesnt study hard enougha nobody b somebody c anybody d eve

18、rybody( )27 to learn english ell, e must_a remember all the vocabularies b read and rite every dayc study grammar and practice more d all of the above( ) 28 what should you do hen some laughs at your mistakes?a we should get angry b we should keep humorousc we should get excited d we should get happ

19、y( ) 29the main idea of this passage is that_a english is important and e should ork hard on itb we cant expect to learn english ellc you neednt orry hen you make some mistakesd the more you speak, the feer mistakes you ill makeccan you sim? do you like simming? yes? well, ho can you learn to sim? i

20、 think the best ay is to go into the ater and learn im afraid youll never learn to sim just by reading books about simming or looking at others simming its the same ith the english study we must practice, practice and practice listening and speaking are very important for beginners the children in e

21、nglish-speaking countries first listen to others then they try to imitate and speak we can listen to english programs on radio you may just understand a fe ords it doesnt matter just be relaxed, try to catch every ord somebody may be a good listener but he dare not speak hes afraid of making mistake

22、s you kno e sometimes make mistakes hen e speak chinese dont be afraid we must be brave if you really ant to learn english ell, you must try to speak ith everyone so long as he knos english whether you kno him or not is not important hen theres nobody to talk ith, you can talk to yourself in english

23、 its interesting and also a good ay to practice your spoken english remember, the more you speak, the feer mistakes youll make reading and riting are more important for senior school students first e must choose the books ere interested in a lot of reading ill improve your language sense this is the

24、 most importantkeep riting english diaries we can also rite english articles you may even post them to english magazines dont be afraid of failure failure is the mother of success easier said than done well, lets do more practice from no on im sure youll learn english ell in this ay( ) 30you can lea

25、rn to sim by_ a reading books about b looking at others simming c having lessons on it d going into the river and learning ( ) 31 we should learn english by _ a listening and speaking b reading and riting c a and b d simming ( ) 32 whats more important for senior school students? a listening b speak

26、ing c reading and riting d learning ( ) 33 we can listen to english _, according to the passage a by train b on the radio c every minute d no and then四、單詞拼寫(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分) 根據(jù)漢語提示,寫出單詞的正確形式。1thats good for your _ (發(fā)音) 1 2thepeopleallovertheorldshould (改善)theenvironment 2 3 isit (可能的)tofinishtheorki

27、naeek? 3 4 couldyougivemesome_(建議)onhotoplaybasketballell? 4 5whatabout_ (記住)fivetotenordseveryday? 5 五、詞匯應(yīng)用(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分) english is one of the most important 1 (subject) in the middle school and it is one of the most important 2 (language) in the orld hoever, ho do you study? i think the best

28、 ay 3 (improve) your english is to improve your english skills we should 4 (remember) more ords and grammars 5 (read)more english story books or novels and 6 (atch) more english cartoon tvs or moves are very important when e learn english, e should read more, speak more, listen to english from time

29、to time and we should spend enough time in 7 (practice)8 (rite )every day only in this ay can e learn it ell you ill find studying english9 (be)interesting and 10 (help)1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10 _六、翻譯句子(共7小題;每小題2分,滿分14分)根據(jù)括號(hào)內(nèi)的提示,將下列句子譯成英語。1 讓我們盡可能多地講英語。(try to do sth)_2為什么不把這些錯(cuò)誤記在我們的筆記本上

30、?(hy not )_?3每天拼寫并大聲朗讀新單詞是個(gè)好主意。(its +n +to do sth)_?4不要忘記把正確答案寫到錯(cuò)誤答案的旁邊(forget to do )_5和美國(guó)朋友用英語寫信是學(xué)好英語的一種很好的方法(動(dòng)名詞做主語)_6 我建議你多征求你老師關(guān)于提高英語口語的建議( advise sb to do / ask for)_7現(xiàn)在聽聽英語歌曲怎樣?(hoabout)_七、閱讀表達(dá)(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分) 閱讀下面的短文,并根據(jù)短文后的要求答題。if you are studying english, the language study fair (游樂會(huì))tha

31、t is being held this month ill certainly attract you the fair is going on beteen the 28th and 30th of june at the national education centre it is held to anser all your questions about self-study no matter ho your english is the language study fair gives a very good chance for you to see and to get

32、all kinds of information to help you improve the ay you study over 350 producers of educational materials (材料)ill be at the fair come along to this, and you ont aste your money in the future on materials that are out-of-date, or books that you just dont need weve got lots of different things for you

33、 to see and hear there ill be stands (展臺(tái))shoing different kinds of self-study textbooks and talks by educational speakers on the best ays to study by yourself were sure youll also enjoy atching people using the latest computer programs to make studying english alone so much easier this is for you to

34、 make good decisions about hat to buy you can come to the fair from nine thirty to five tickets cost 5 each, or 3 if youre a full-time student all tickets can be booked by ringing the ticket hotline the number is 9847711 so, e hope to see you there! 1 who ill go to the language study fair? _ 2 what

35、ill attract those ho go to the language study fair ? _ 3 what ill you buy if you ant to make studying english much easier? _ 4 what is the opening time of the fair ? _ 5 ho can you get a ticket for the fair ? _ 八、寫作(15分)每個(gè)同學(xué)都有自己喜歡的學(xué)科和學(xué)習(xí)方法。請(qǐng)以“my ways of learning”為題,為english learner寫一篇征文,介紹你的學(xué)習(xí)方法。要點(diǎn)如下

36、:1你最喜歡什么學(xué)科2就你喜歡的這門學(xué)科,談?wù)勀愕膶W(xué)習(xí)方法(列舉三條)3在學(xué)習(xí)過程遇到問題時(shí)你是怎樣解決的八年級(jí)上學(xué)期英語模塊檢測(cè)(一)答案一、1-5 bdaba 6-10 bdcca 二、11-15 bdcac 16-20 bacdb 三、21-25 cdcda 26-30 adba d 31-33 ccb四、1pronounciation 2 improve 3 possible 4 advice 5 remembering五、1subjects 2langnages 3to improve 4 remember 5 reading6atching 7 practicing 8riting

37、 9is 10helpful六、1 lets try to speak english as much as possible2 why not rite don the mistakes in our notebooks?3 its a good idea to spell and pronounce ne ords aloud every day4 dont forget to rite don the correct ansers next to the mistakes5 writing to your american friends in english is a good ay

38、to learn english ell6 i advise you to ask your teacher for some advice/ some suggestions about improving your spoken english i advise you to ask your teacher for some advice/ some suggestions about ho to improve your spoken english 7ho about listening to english music no?七、1、school students / englis

39、h learners / lovers of english2、all kinds of information on english learning 3、different kinds of self-study textbooks and the latest computer programs 4、from nine thirty to five beteen the 28th and 30th of june 5、by ringing / phone the ticket hotline / by calling 9847711八、one possible version:my wa

40、ys of learning englishmy favorite subject is english i as interested in learning english hen i as a little child ho to do it ell? the most important thing is that hen you are learning english, you must listen to the teacher carefully i listen to the english nes on the radio from voa, bbc, cri, too w

41、hile listening to the nes, i rite don everything i hear so that i can learn some expressions and also practice my dictation when i find my reading is not poor, i begin to read china daily, china today, readers digest, and some other english materialsthese are my ays of learning english ill try my be

42、st to learn english ell 八年級(jí)上學(xué)期英語模塊檢測(cè)(二) module 2一、單項(xiàng)選擇(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)從下列各題所給的a、b、c、d四個(gè)選項(xiàng)選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。 ( ) 1 the red pencil is _ than the green one a short b shorter c very short d the shortest( ) 2 tony plays basketball as_ as paula good b better c best d ell ( ) 3its going to rain remember _

43、an umbrella,a to take b taking c take d taking( ) 4 beijing is a big city _ many old buildingsa of b for c ith d has( ) 5china is famous _ the great wall the great wall is famous _ a place of interesta of; for b for; of c for; as d as; for( ) 6 the city is _ old a hundreds years b hundreds of years

44、c hundred years d hundreds of year( ) 7the actress is already 50,but she looks _ than she really isa young b old c older d younger ( ) 8 what_ the population of shanghai? a are b is c have d has( ) 9 hong kong has about seven _ peoplea millions b million of c millions of d million( ) 10 -the t-shirt

45、 it too big for me, ould you mind giving me a _ one?-ok, here you area larger b smaller c fatter d smallest二、完形填空(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)閱讀下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后從a、b、c、d四個(gè)選項(xiàng)選出最佳選項(xiàng)。venice is a great city in italy it is a water city you cant see _11_ cars or taxis there when you _12_ to go to a far place, you can

46、take a boat there are many rivers around the city and there are many _13_ of boats the best ay to visit venice is alking _14_ you are tired, you can buy some _15_ the ice cream in venice is good to _16_ venice is a good place for _17_ to have fun you can let your kids _18_ food to pigeons on san mar

47、co square they are all _19_ and beautiful or you can also take a ater-bus to some nice places guggenheim museum is near san marco it is a good place for kids to go, too there kids can learn _20_ dont ait ! go to venice to have a good time soon( )11 a a b an c some d any ( )12 a think b ant c teach d

48、 come ( )13 a kinds b colors c lots d bags ( )14 a and b but c when d ho ( )15 a food b vegetables c desert d ice cream ( )16 a see b listen c eat d drink ( )17 a parents b kids c girls d boys ( )18abuy b sell c give d play( )19 a black b hite c red d green( )20a a lot of b lots of c a lot d lot of

49、三、閱讀理解(共13小題;每小題2分,滿分26分)閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的a、b、c、d四個(gè)選項(xiàng)選出最佳選項(xiàng)。akunming is the capital of yunnan its a city ith a long history kunming has a population of more than 5, 000, 000 though the eather in yunnan changes form place to place, kunming is famous for her beautiful eather its neither too hot in summer

50、nor too cold in inter thats hy more and more people like to travel and even to live here you can see that great changes have taken place here a lot of tall buildings, cinemas and hospitals have been put up you can cross the streets over footbridges in the city you can buy hatever you ant in shops an

51、d supermarkets in or around the city peoples lives are becoming better and better at eekend or on holiday, people like to relax themselves in different places and in different ays in inter, people especially old people ould like to climb the western hills from the top of hills, you can have a good look at the beautiful scenery of kunming far aay from the hills, you can enjoy


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