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1、高三一輪復(fù)習(xí)檢測(cè)高三一輪復(fù)習(xí)檢測(cè) 手段的有效性研究手段的有效性研究 一一.關(guān)于檢測(cè)的頻率關(guān)于檢測(cè)的頻率 二二.如何進(jìn)行檢測(cè)組題如何進(jìn)行檢測(cè)組題 三三.講評(píng)課講評(píng)案的設(shè)計(jì)與運(yùn)用講評(píng)課講評(píng)案的設(shè)計(jì)與運(yùn)用 一一.關(guān)于檢測(cè)的頻率關(guān)于檢測(cè)的頻率 由于檢測(cè)的目的不同,由于檢測(cè)的目的不同, 檢測(cè)的頻率肯定也不一樣。檢測(cè)的頻率肯定也不一樣。 詞匯檢測(cè)詞匯檢測(cè) 知識(shí)點(diǎn)檢測(cè)知識(shí)點(diǎn)檢測(cè) 語(yǔ)法檢測(cè)語(yǔ)法檢測(cè) 綜合檢測(cè)綜合檢測(cè) (一)詞匯檢測(cè)(一)詞匯檢測(cè) -ing, ed 形容詞我們采用同類(lèi)詞歸類(lèi)檢測(cè)的方式進(jìn)行。(形容詞我們采用同類(lèi)詞歸類(lèi)檢測(cè)的方式進(jìn)行。(m1b1) interest, excite, disappoi

2、nt , bore ,amaze ,surprise ,shock, astonish, frighten, encourage , embarrass, satisfy, please ,tire ,worry, puzzle ,move (1)i was _to hear that he was badly hurt in the accident. this is a really _result.(amaze) (2)she was _when they asked her age. i dont like making speeches in public , for its so

3、_.(embarrass) (3) the _boy sat in the corner, _(disappoint, tire ) (4) what she said was _and we were_at once. (encourage) (5) he was _at the _news. (excite) (6) he was_ by the _film. (move) (7) the _look on his face suggested that he didnt win the game. (disappoint) (8) the situation was more _than

4、 ever and i was _about what to do next .(puzzle) (9) he is _ with the _ answer . ( satisfy please ) (10) everyone was _at the _news. (shock) (11)he stood there,(puzzle)_. (12) (satisfy)_with the result, he smiled. 例如復(fù)習(xí)完book1m1時(shí),對(duì)單詞表我們采用的檢測(cè)方式是詞組和小段落英漢互譯。 module1book1詞組英漢互譯 1.參加一個(gè)學(xué)術(shù)報(bào)告 2.山東省 3.對(duì)熱心 4.一件

5、令人吃驚的事 5.一條信息 6.在網(wǎng)站上找信息 7.閱讀理解 8.按照說(shuō)明書(shū) 9.指示某人干 10.用這種方法 11.對(duì).厭倦 12.他感到很尷尬 13.對(duì)生活的態(tài)度 14.以前的行為 15.描述. 16.他感到很吃驚 17.令人尷尬的一件事 18.先進(jìn)的技術(shù) 19.這部電影使我印象深刻 20.他說(shuō)英語(yǔ)很流利 21.產(chǎn)生很多誤解 22.他對(duì)這個(gè)令人失望的消息感到很失望 23.建立一種完善的教育體制 24.搬到倫敦 25.一個(gè)店員 26.他被這個(gè)感人的電影感動(dòng)了 27.這些錢(qián)不夠支付這些費(fèi)用 28.報(bào)道這起車(chē)禍 29.這就是封面是紅色的那本書(shū) 30.獲得文憑 1.attend an academ

6、ic lecture 2.shandong province 3.be enthusiastic about 4.an amazing thing 5.a piece of information 6.look for information on the website 7.reading comprehension 8.follow the instructions 9.instruct sb to do sth 10.with this method= in this way= by this means 11.be bored with. 12.he felt embarrassed

7、13.the attitude to life 14.previous behaviour 15.give a description of. 16.he felt amazed 17.an embarrassing thing 18.advanced technology 19.the film impressed me deeply 20.he speaks english fluently 21.cause a lot of misunderstanding 22.he was disappointed at the disappointing news. 23.set up a per

8、fect education system 24.move to london 25.a shop assistant 26.he was moved by the moving film 27.the money cant cover the expenses 28.cover the accident 29.this is the book whose cover is red 30.get the diploma 小段落小段落 m1在某在某省省的一所學(xué)校里,一位的一所學(xué)校里,一位熱心的熱心的老師正在老師正在網(wǎng)站上網(wǎng)站上 搜索一些搜索一些學(xué)術(shù)學(xué)術(shù)信息。他對(duì)教學(xué)信息。他對(duì)教學(xué)方法方法的理解很

9、出色,而且的理解很出色,而且 他的他的指示指示和和描述描述給學(xué)生給學(xué)生留下了深刻的印象留下了深刻的印象。他也。他也糾正糾正學(xué)學(xué) 生的生的行為行為,鼓勵(lì)鼓勵(lì)他們要互相理解,不要使別人感到他們要互相理解,不要使別人感到尷尬尷尬 和和厭煩。厭煩。 in a school in some province, an enthusiastic teacher is searching for some academic information on the website. his comprehension of teaching method is brilliant, and his instruc

10、tion and description impress his students. he also corrects the students behavior and encourages them to understand each other and not to get others embarrassed and bored. 以下是以下是book1m26的單詞串成的小段落的單詞串成的小段落。實(shí)踐證明者對(duì)于學(xué)生克服單詞記。實(shí)踐證明者對(duì)于學(xué)生克服單詞記 不牢,對(duì)單詞反應(yīng)遲鈍等問(wèn)題很有幫助。不牢,對(duì)單詞反應(yīng)遲鈍等問(wèn)題很有幫助。 m2:an amusing and intelligen

11、t father and an energetic and patient mother had an adopted son. the son was shy and would become very nervous at seeing a stranger. too much seriousness led to his avoiding seeing strangers. the son couldnt deal with his personal relationship with others .to change his situation, the king adoptive

12、parents developed their sons communicating ability scientifically. they made him interested in literature, in which he can feel the beauty and magic of communication. the son at admitted his shortcoming and very appreciated his parents love. he said to his parents loudly, “i love you!” the child bec

13、ame lively ever since and often waved to others politely. sometimes , he can even tell jokes .during his summary on the graduation ceremony from senior high, he sais like this :”in this world , the people i respected most are my parents and my teacher. 一位有趣的、聰明的父親和一位精力充沛的,耐心的母親收養(yǎng)了一個(gè)兒子。這個(gè)孩子非常害羞,遇到陌生人

14、就緊張。過(guò)分的嚴(yán)肅導(dǎo)一位有趣的、聰明的父親和一位精力充沛的,耐心的母親收養(yǎng)了一個(gè)兒子。這個(gè)孩子非常害羞,遇到陌生人就緊張。過(guò)分的嚴(yán)肅導(dǎo) 致他回避見(jiàn)陌生人,不能很好的處理人際關(guān)系。為改變這種狀況,善良的養(yǎng)父母十分科學(xué)的培養(yǎng)兒子的交往能力。他們讓他愛(ài)上文致他回避見(jiàn)陌生人,不能很好的處理人際關(guān)系。為改變這種狀況,善良的養(yǎng)父母十分科學(xué)的培養(yǎng)兒子的交往能力。他們讓他愛(ài)上文 學(xué),從中體會(huì)到人際交往的美麗與魅力。孩子最終承認(rèn)了自己的缺點(diǎn),非常感激父母對(duì)他的愛(ài)。他大聲對(duì)父母說(shuō):學(xué),從中體會(huì)到人際交往的美麗與魅力。孩子最終承認(rèn)了自己的缺點(diǎn),非常感激父母對(duì)他的愛(ài)。他大聲對(duì)父母說(shuō):“我愛(ài)你們!我愛(ài)你們!” 孩子從此

15、變得活潑起來(lái),見(jiàn)了人就有禮貌的揮手致意,有時(shí)甚至能夠講笑話。在他高中畢業(yè)典禮上,他這樣總結(jié):孩子從此變得活潑起來(lái),見(jiàn)了人就有禮貌的揮手致意,有時(shí)甚至能夠講笑話。在他高中畢業(yè)典禮上,他這樣總結(jié):“在這個(gè)世界上,在這個(gè)世界上, 我最尊重的人是我的父母和老師。我最尊重的人是我的父母和老師?!?m3 at midnight several days before, an abandoned 5-year-old boy was found in an apartment. the child was frightened and exhausted at that time. so the polic

16、eman sent him to the downtown hospital quickly by motorbike. on arriving the medical expert examined him carefully and found nothing seriously. soon the boy recovered .he likes listening to cassettes and reading cartoon books. the police are visiting kindergartens to look for the clue of his parents

17、 now. hopefully, the poor child found his family soon. 幾天前的午夜,一個(gè)被遺棄的五歲男孩在一幢公寓里被發(fā)現(xiàn)。那時(shí),男孩受到驚嚇,疲憊不堪。因此,警察迅速騎摩托車(chē)把她送到幾天前的午夜,一個(gè)被遺棄的五歲男孩在一幢公寓里被發(fā)現(xiàn)。那時(shí),男孩受到驚嚇,疲憊不堪。因此,警察迅速騎摩托車(chē)把她送到 市區(qū)的醫(yī)院。一到那兒,醫(yī)學(xué)專(zhuān)家就做了仔細(xì)的檢查,發(fā)現(xiàn)沒(méi)什么大礙。不久,男孩就恢復(fù)過(guò)來(lái)。他喜歡聽(tīng)錄音帶和看漫畫(huà)書(shū)。現(xiàn)市區(qū)的醫(yī)院。一到那兒,醫(yī)學(xué)專(zhuān)家就做了仔細(xì)的檢查,發(fā)現(xiàn)沒(méi)什么大礙。不久,男孩就恢復(fù)過(guò)來(lái)。他喜歡聽(tīng)錄音帶和看漫畫(huà)書(shū)?,F(xiàn) 在警察正在走訪幼兒園試圖找到他

18、父母的線索。希望這個(gè)可憐的孩子盡快找到家。在警察正在走訪幼兒園試圖找到他父母的線索。希望這個(gè)可憐的孩子盡快找到家。 m4 a survey shows that the local economy in my hometown has improved a lot. there are many reasons. firstly , many newly-built architectures are pretty attractive and fascinating , which attracts tourists all over the world. secondly, as more

19、 and more factories are set up ,many people are in employment, especially those with professional skills. so the number of people who are unemployed is reduced. thirdly ,the traffic is very good. there are many parking places .its convenient for businessmen to exchange their goods. which has a good

20、effect on local economy. recently , there are more and more people who can afford to buy new cars .all households lived a happy life. 一項(xiàng)調(diào)查表明,我家鄉(xiāng)的地方經(jīng)濟(jì)提高很大。這種情況的出現(xiàn)有很多原因。首先,許多新建的建筑是非常有吸引力和迷人的,它們一項(xiàng)調(diào)查表明,我家鄉(xiāng)的地方經(jīng)濟(jì)提高很大。這種情況的出現(xiàn)有很多原因。首先,許多新建的建筑是非常有吸引力和迷人的,它們 吸引了來(lái)自世界各地的游客。第二,隨著越來(lái)越多工廠的建起,許多人找到工作,尤其是那些有專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)的人,失業(yè)

21、的人數(shù)在減少。吸引了來(lái)自世界各地的游客。第二,隨著越來(lái)越多工廠的建起,許多人找到工作,尤其是那些有專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)的人,失業(yè)的人數(shù)在減少。 第三,交通很好,有很多停車(chē)的場(chǎng)所,方便了商人們做交易,促進(jìn)了當(dāng)?shù)亟?jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展。最近,越來(lái)越多的人買(mǎi)得起新車(chē),所有的家第三,交通很好,有很多停車(chē)的場(chǎng)所,方便了商人們做交易,促進(jìn)了當(dāng)?shù)亟?jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展。最近,越來(lái)越多的人買(mǎi)得起新車(chē),所有的家 庭過(guò)著幸福的生活。庭過(guò)著幸福的生活。 m5 water is an ordinary substance of nature.it exists as liquid.when heated,it expands.when cooled,i

22、t contracts.its an oxide of oxygen and hydrogen.if you put a nail into the boiling water,it cant rust.so we can draw a conclusion that iron does not rust in air-free water.lets weign some copper by the balance and add it to the crucible by tongs.when we burn it on the flame,we are astonished to see

23、that it forms an oxide. 水是自然界的普通物質(zhì),它的存在形式為液體。當(dāng)加熱的時(shí)候,它會(huì)膨脹。當(dāng)冷卻的時(shí)水是自然界的普通物質(zhì),它的存在形式為液體。當(dāng)加熱的時(shí)候,它會(huì)膨脹。當(dāng)冷卻的時(shí) 候,它會(huì)收縮。它是氧氣和氯氣的氧化物。如果你把一個(gè)釘子放入沸騰的水中,它不會(huì)候,它會(huì)收縮。它是氧氣和氯氣的氧化物。如果你把一個(gè)釘子放入沸騰的水中,它不會(huì) 生銹。因此我們可以得出一個(gè)結(jié)論:鐵不會(huì)在無(wú)氧氣的水中生銹。讓我們用天平稱(chēng)一些生銹。因此我們可以得出一個(gè)結(jié)論:鐵不會(huì)在無(wú)氧氣的水中生銹。讓我們用天平稱(chēng)一些 銅,用夾子把它放入坩堝中。當(dāng)我們?cè)诨鹧嬷腥紵臅r(shí)候,我們會(huì)吃驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)它形成銅,用夾子把它

24、放入坩堝中。當(dāng)我們?cè)诨鹧嬷腥紵臅r(shí)候,我們會(huì)吃驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)它形成 了一種氧化物。了一種氧化物。 m6 the internet is an important invention.it contains a lot of fantastic essays and is the biggest source of information.if you want to log on it via the computer,put the keyword in it,then its accessible.many people concentrate themselves on the intern

25、et.you can look through the data,documents,military news and so on.it can shorten the distance between people.we should frequently use the internet to help our study,and create and design the things we like.it also has many disadvantages.for example,it may crash,or break down when needed. 因特網(wǎng)是一項(xiàng)重要的發(fā)

26、明。它包含許多挺好的文章,是最大的信息來(lái)源。如果你想登陸因特網(wǎng)是一項(xiàng)重要的發(fā)明。它包含許多挺好的文章,是最大的信息來(lái)源。如果你想登陸 時(shí),通過(guò)電腦把密碼輸進(jìn)去,然后就可以進(jìn)入了。許多人都關(guān)注因特網(wǎng)。你可以在網(wǎng)上時(shí),通過(guò)電腦把密碼輸進(jìn)去,然后就可以進(jìn)入了。許多人都關(guān)注因特網(wǎng)。你可以在網(wǎng)上 瀏覽數(shù)據(jù),文件,軍事,新聞等。它可以縮短人與人之間的距離。我們應(yīng)該經(jīng)常上網(wǎng)來(lái)瀏覽數(shù)據(jù),文件,軍事,新聞等。它可以縮短人與人之間的距離。我們應(yīng)該經(jīng)常上網(wǎng)來(lái) 幫助我們的學(xué)習(xí),創(chuàng)造設(shè)計(jì)我們喜歡的東西。它有許多缺點(diǎn),比如在需要時(shí)它可能會(huì)崩幫助我們的學(xué)習(xí),創(chuàng)造設(shè)計(jì)我們喜歡的東西。它有許多缺點(diǎn),比如在需要時(shí)它可能會(huì)崩 潰或

27、出故障。潰或出故障。 (二)知識(shí)點(diǎn)檢測(cè)二)知識(shí)點(diǎn)檢測(cè) 對(duì)于知識(shí)點(diǎn)我們常采用對(duì)于知識(shí)點(diǎn)我們常采用翻譯翻譯 句子句子的方式進(jìn)行檢測(cè),我們的方式進(jìn)行檢測(cè),我們 設(shè)計(jì)翻譯句子的原則是設(shè)計(jì)翻譯句子的原則是作文作文 中可能會(huì)用到的句子。中可能會(huì)用到的句子。 例如復(fù)習(xí)例如復(fù)習(xí)bim1時(shí),我們?cè)O(shè)計(jì)的翻譯句子是時(shí),我們?cè)O(shè)計(jì)的翻譯句子是: 老師對(duì)每個(gè)學(xué)生都很老師對(duì)每個(gè)學(xué)生都很熱心熱心。(。(enthusiastic) 我發(fā)現(xiàn)用這種我發(fā)現(xiàn)用這種方法方法我可以快速提高我可以快速提高閱讀理解力閱讀理解力。(method) 我以前我以前厭倦?yún)捑胗⒄Z(yǔ)閱讀。英語(yǔ)閱讀。(bored) 他的教學(xué)他的教學(xué)方法方法給我給我留下了深刻

28、的印象留下了深刻的印象。(impress) 老師的老師的鼓勵(lì)鼓勵(lì)在我的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)中起著很重要的作用。在我的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)中起著很重要的作用。(encourage) 現(xiàn)在我說(shuō)英語(yǔ)很現(xiàn)在我說(shuō)英語(yǔ)很流利流利,也很擅長(zhǎng)閱讀理解,我為此深感自豪。,也很擅長(zhǎng)閱讀理解,我為此深感自豪。(fluent) the teacher is enthusiastic about every student. i find i can improve my reading comprehension rapidly with his method. i used to be bored with reading exercis

29、es. his teaching method has left a deep impression on me . the teachers encouragement plays an important part in my english study. now i can speak english fluently ,of which i feel very proud. 這些翻譯句子如果串聯(lián)起來(lái)就可以形成另外一種詞匯檢測(cè)方式,即段落翻譯。常這些翻譯句子如果串聯(lián)起來(lái)就可以形成另外一種詞匯檢測(cè)方式,即段落翻譯。常 采用這種檢測(cè)方式可以開(kāi)一培養(yǎng)學(xué)生從復(fù)習(xí)一開(kāi)始就養(yǎng)成采用這種檢測(cè)方式可以開(kāi)

30、一培養(yǎng)學(xué)生從復(fù)習(xí)一開(kāi)始就養(yǎng)成將重點(diǎn)和高級(jí)詞匯靈活將重點(diǎn)和高級(jí)詞匯靈活 運(yùn)用到作文中的意識(shí)。運(yùn)用到作文中的意識(shí)。 我以前厭倦英語(yǔ)閱讀。但新老師對(duì)每個(gè)學(xué)生都很熱心。他的教學(xué)方法給我留下了我以前厭倦英語(yǔ)閱讀。但新老師對(duì)每個(gè)學(xué)生都很熱心。他的教學(xué)方法給我留下了 深刻的印象。我發(fā)現(xiàn)用他的方法我可以快速提高閱讀能力。而且,老師的鼓深刻的印象。我發(fā)現(xiàn)用他的方法我可以快速提高閱讀能力。而且,老師的鼓 勵(lì)在我的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)中起著很重要的作用?,F(xiàn)在我說(shuō)英語(yǔ)很流利,也很擅長(zhǎng)閱勵(lì)在我的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)中起著很重要的作用?,F(xiàn)在我說(shuō)英語(yǔ)很流利,也很擅長(zhǎng)閱 讀理解我為此深感自豪。讀理解我為此深感自豪。 再如,復(fù)習(xí)完再如,復(fù)習(xí)完b1m1

31、-2之后我們也采用了小作文的檢測(cè)方之后我們也采用了小作文的檢測(cè)方 式。式。 我的化學(xué)老師是一個(gè)很我的化學(xué)老師是一個(gè)很熱心熱心的人,的人, 他總是充滿(mǎn)他總是充滿(mǎn)活力活力。雖。雖 然他對(duì)我們的學(xué)習(xí)要求然他對(duì)我們的學(xué)習(xí)要求嚴(yán)格嚴(yán)格但總是很但總是很耐心耐心的幫助我們的幫助我們糾糾 正正我們學(xué)習(xí)上的錯(cuò)誤。開(kāi)始的時(shí)候我們上課很我們學(xué)習(xí)上的錯(cuò)誤。開(kāi)始的時(shí)候我們上課很緊張緊張,盡,盡 管他盡力管他盡力避免避免讓我們感到很讓我們感到很尷尬尷尬。令人吃驚的是令人吃驚的是, 隨著隨著 時(shí)間的過(guò)去,時(shí)間的過(guò)去, 因?yàn)樗囊驗(yàn)樗墓膭?lì)鼓勵(lì)和生動(dòng)的教學(xué)和生動(dòng)的教學(xué)方法方法我們的我們的緊緊 張感張感消失了,消失了, 甚至有

32、些同學(xué)不得不甚至有些同學(xué)不得不承認(rèn)承認(rèn)很喜歡他的課。很喜歡他的課。 我們之間的關(guān)系也變得輕松了。高考的時(shí)候,我們之間的關(guān)系也變得輕松了。高考的時(shí)候, 我們都獲我們都獲 得了滿(mǎn)意的分?jǐn)?shù),得了滿(mǎn)意的分?jǐn)?shù), 很多同學(xué)被理想的大學(xué)很多同學(xué)被理想的大學(xué)錄取錄取。 拿到拿到畢畢 業(yè)證書(shū)業(yè)證書(shū)的時(shí)候,的時(shí)候, 我們實(shí)在無(wú)法我們實(shí)在無(wú)法描述描述對(duì)老師的對(duì)老師的尊敬尊敬和和感激感激, 由衷的祝福我們的老師健康快樂(lè)。由衷的祝福我們的老師健康快樂(lè)。 【走近高考走近高考 】book1m1知識(shí)點(diǎn)檢測(cè)知識(shí)點(diǎn)檢測(cè) (10個(gè)高考題)個(gè)高考題) 1. - do you have enough to _ all your dai

33、ly expenses? - oh yes, enough and to spare. (2009山東山東) a. cover b. spend c. fill d. offer 2. there is _a cold drink to make one feel cool in summer. a. something like b. nothing like c. no like d. some like 3. -may i use your computer this afternoon? - _. you can use it any time. a. never mind b. by

34、 no means c. sorry, im afraid not. d. by all means 4. i told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, _? (2011重慶) a. could he b. didnt i c. didnt you d. could they 5. -i would never come to this restaurant again. the food is terrible! -_. a. nor am i b. neither would i c. same to me d. so do

35、 i 6. - silly me! i forgot what my luggage looks like. - what do you think of _ over there? (2011重慶) a. the one b. this c. it d. that 7. -he said he enjoyed the quiet life in the countryside. - _and _. a. so did he; so did i b. so he did; so did i c. he did so; i did so d. did he so; so i did 8. the

36、 doctor told him to read the _ on the bottle before he took the medicine. a. instructions b. direction c. instructor s d. production 9. the spring festival all the children were looking forward to _ at last. a. coming b. came c. come d. to come 10. -i know you went to the party last night._ -wonderf

37、ul. everyone had a good time. a. how was it b. oh, really? c. is that right? d. cool! (三)語(yǔ)法檢測(cè)(三)語(yǔ)法檢測(cè) b1m3的語(yǔ)法項(xiàng)目是的語(yǔ)法項(xiàng)目是done作定語(yǔ)作定語(yǔ),因?yàn)槭歉呷龔?fù)習(xí)我們對(duì)于作定語(yǔ)因?yàn)槭歉呷龔?fù)習(xí)我們對(duì)于作定語(yǔ) 的動(dòng)詞形式也進(jìn)行了歸納梳理。對(duì)于這個(gè)的語(yǔ)法項(xiàng)目,我們采用了的動(dòng)詞形式也進(jìn)行了歸納梳理。對(duì)于這個(gè)的語(yǔ)法項(xiàng)目,我們采用了 如下兩種檢測(cè)方式如下兩種檢測(cè)方式 a填空填空 (1) prices of daily goods (buy) _through a computer can be lo

38、wer than store prices. (2) dont use words (know)_only to people with specific knowledge (3) the disc, digitally (record)_in the studio, sounded good. (4) the olympic games (第一次舉行第一次舉行)_in 776 b.c didnt include women players. (5) many things (consider)_ impossible in the past are very common today. (

39、6)there are a lot of (excite)_people at the concert. (7)(train)_ camels carried food and other things for people. (8)we all like the photos (take )_ by our teacher. (9)those (invite)_ to the party are all my friends. b.單選(單選(31個(gè)單選)個(gè)單選) 1.the picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew. a. having h

40、ung b. hanging c. hangs d. being hung 2. the _ boy was last seen _ near the east lake. a. missing; playing b. missing; play c. missed; played d. missed; to play 3. the bell _ the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion. a. indicating; interrupting b. indicated; interrupting c. indicated; int

41、errupted d. indicated; interrupted 4. there was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light. a. followed b. to be followed c. following d. being following 5. they found a _ old man _ on the ground when the door was broken open. a. dying; lying b. dying; lied c. dead; lied d. dead; lain 6. the littl

42、e boy still needs the _ 20 dollars to do with some things _. a. remaining; remained to be settled b. remaining; remaining to be settled c. remained; remained to settled d. remained; remaining to settle 7. there are lots of places of interest _ in our city. a. needs repairing; b. needing repairing c.

43、 needed repaired d. needing to be repaired 8. - havent you seen the sign, _ “no photos”? - im really sorry i didnt. a. says b. to say c. say d. saying 9. the building _ will be completed in a month. it will be our lab building. a. to paint b. being painted c. to have painted d. painting 10. tigers _

44、 meat-eating animals _ meat. a. belonged to; fed on b. belonging to; feed on c. were belonged to; feed on d. belonging to; feeding on 11. “we must keep a secret of the things _ here”, the general said, _ at the man in charge of the information office. a. discussed; stared seriously b. being discusse

45、d; seriously staring c. to be discussed; seriously stared d. discussed; stared 12. prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices. a. are bought b. bought c. been bought d. buying 13. dont use words, expressions, or phrases_ only to people with specific knowledge. a. being

46、 known b. having been known c. to be known d. known 14. the disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. a. recorded b. recording c. to be recorded d. having recorded 15. linda worked for the minnesota manufacturing and mining company, _ as 3m. a. knowing b. known c. b

47、eing known d. to be known 16. the olympic games, _ in 776 b.c., did not include women players until 1912. a. first playing b. to be first played c. to be first playing d. first played 17. we must treasure every minute because _ time is _ forever. a. lost; losing b. lost; lost c. losing; losing d. lo

48、sing; lost 18. the _ look in her face suggested that she _ it before. a. surprising; wouldnt know b. surprised; hadnt known c. surprising; hadnt known d. surprised; shouldnt know 19. take your time. there is still half an hour _. a. leaving b. to leave c. left d. gone 20. do you know the boy -_ unde

49、r the big tree? a. lay b. lain c. laying d. lying 21. there was terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light. a. followed b. following c. to be followed d. being followed 22. most of the artists _ to the party were from south america. a. invited b. to invite c. being invited d. had been invited 23. th

50、e computer centre, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. a. open b. opening c. having opened d. opened 24. the first text book _ for teaching english came out in the 16th century. a. having written b. to be written c. being written d. written 25. when i got back home i saw

51、a note pinned to the door, _ “sorry to miss you; i will call later.” a. read b. reads c. to read d. reading 26. as soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers _ by the mother. a. buying b. being bought d. were bought d. bought 27. the story-book _ was borrowed from the library

52、. a. which it is on the desk b. which on the desk c. is on the desk d. lying on the desk 28. will you be able to attend the lecture _ next week? a. giving b. given c. to be given d. being given 29. the wheat fields are irrigated by water _ from a pond through bamboo pipes. a. bring b. brings c. brou

53、ght d. bringing 30. six _ nine makes fifteen. a. added to b. adds to c. added up to d. added up 31. there are a lot of peasants _ in the rice field. a. who works b. who worked c. work d. working 32. - why are you looking so sad, tom? - the football game _ for tomorrow will not be held. a. planned b.

54、 planning c. to plan d. to be planned 講評(píng)時(shí)對(duì)同類(lèi)題目的歸類(lèi)處理講評(píng)時(shí)對(duì)同類(lèi)題目的歸類(lèi)處理 在對(duì)這些項(xiàng)目的檢測(cè)進(jìn)行講評(píng)時(shí),對(duì)于學(xué)生在對(duì)這些項(xiàng)目的檢測(cè)進(jìn)行講評(píng)時(shí),對(duì)于學(xué)生 集中出錯(cuò)的關(guān)于集中出錯(cuò)的關(guān)于consist of , belong to ,date back to ,miss ,remain 作定語(yǔ)時(shí)的用法作定語(yǔ)時(shí)的用法又進(jìn)又進(jìn) 行了歸類(lèi)處理,效果很不錯(cuò)。行了歸類(lèi)處理,效果很不錯(cuò)。 交際用語(yǔ)歸納整理;交際用語(yǔ)歸納整理; 失分原因失分原因: 應(yīng)對(duì)措施應(yīng)對(duì)措施 1.-thank you -thats all right not at all you ar

55、e welcome dont mention it forget it my pleasure=its my pleasure 2.-im sorry -(it) doesnt matter never mind no problem thats all right. cheer up cheers! well done congratulations! go ahead good luck! what a pity its up to you im with you on that can you help me carry the box? with pleasure thats righ

56、t thats all right / ok you guess it got it! so what? how come? come on no way forget it im afraid not i hope/believe/guess not take it easy take your time take care be careful look out watch out hold on please not really not a bit= not at all not yet not likely no wonder no hurry no doubt no problem

57、 pardon me pardon why not i couldnt agree more exactly i suppose so youll make it it depends 39.ill check 40.why bother . 41.of course -by all means (四)對(duì)某些題型的限時(shí)檢測(cè)(四)對(duì)某些題型的限時(shí)檢測(cè) 顧名思義限時(shí)很重要。根據(jù)高考對(duì) 每個(gè)限時(shí)檢測(cè)項(xiàng)目的時(shí)間要求安排 測(cè)試。下面我以完型為例談一下我 們對(duì)完型的限時(shí)檢測(cè)。15分鐘限時(shí) 完型給出答案將正確答案填到 文章中大聲朗讀兩遍感悟失誤 每日積累。在感悟中學(xué)生對(duì)于自 己在完型中的失分原因及應(yīng)對(duì)方法

58、都會(huì)掌握很好。 完形填空練習(xí)的選材問(wèn)題: 優(yōu)先選擇高考真題,這樣學(xué)生在 真正面對(duì)高考題的時(shí)候才會(huì)有似 曾相識(shí)之感,做題才會(huì)得心應(yīng)手。 次之選擇各地模擬真題; 一般不選所謂的專(zhuān)家原創(chuàng)題。 日積月累:日積月累: para1. 1.be involved in an accident 卷入卷入 2. a finger remained on the right hand 右手只剩下一個(gè)手指右手只剩下一個(gè)手指 3. possess a brilliant mind 擁有聰明的頭腦擁有聰明的頭腦 4. enrich/ broaden our mind 豐富、拓寬頭腦豐富、拓寬頭腦 para2 1.a t

59、hought came/ occurred to sb. 某人突然想到一個(gè)想法某人突然想到一個(gè)想法 2. shut in 關(guān)在家中關(guān)在家中 3. be set free 被釋放被釋放 para3 1. be concerned with 與與有關(guān)有關(guān) 2. be against prison rules 違反違反 3. take up one-sided correspondence 開(kāi)始從事單方面的通信開(kāi)始從事單方面的通信 4. tax his strength to the limit 體力消耗達(dá)到極限體力消耗達(dá)到極限(tax-vt.使負(fù)重?fù)?dān))使負(fù)重?fù)?dān)) 5. put his whole

60、soul into those letters 全身心投入全身心投入 6. be hard doing 費(fèi)力做某事費(fèi)力做某事 para4 pass the letters from cell to cell cell:牢房:牢房 這是我們對(duì)曾經(jīng)進(jìn)行限時(shí)檢測(cè)的一篇完型歸納的單詞和詞組:這是我們對(duì)曾經(jīng)進(jìn)行限時(shí)檢測(cè)的一篇完型歸納的單詞和詞組: 二如何組題二如何組題 三綜合檢測(cè)三綜合檢測(cè) 方式方式:周測(cè)周測(cè),月測(cè)月測(cè) 組題組題:聽(tīng)力聽(tīng)力都用現(xiàn)成的材料,都用現(xiàn)成的材料,單單 選題選題當(dāng)然是最近剛復(fù)習(xí)過(guò)的知識(shí)當(dāng)然是最近剛復(fù)習(xí)過(guò)的知識(shí) 點(diǎn)。點(diǎn)。完型完型一般選自高考題,一般選自高考題,閱讀閱讀 和閱讀表達(dá)和閱


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