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1、2016年全國小學生英誦競賽(NECPS)五年級組決賽賽題(笞S3時何MO分鐘總分門皿分)聽力部分(共四大題汁30分)I. Words (聽卅單i司)(其5小割侮小85 I分計5分陸配從A.乩三個述硝中選出你聽聽列的單訶。短個彳冋炭兩追。(答衣涂衣答超弟上)1. Afoni2 AWedB. pokC. 6tnt MjrrB. Tlir onp Kith Woiuly in it.C Moihin (tin7/12I7 On Snhmlay. hn! Mr Wendy nm! In(lo?R W atch rC Help her dad.1& What inri TX endy hnw to !

2、 on Sundiiy morning?I9 Which of the following i tmr?C Clean the windows.20. k it Friday today?A TrncJy me him Rin. B. WendjukM want to go out with Charlo.Iz WAnU to huve n rnnl ml 恃 i movi with Wcfblv.rv.Ezg俅隠文理館與聽寫)(共io小迪:毎小題1分計io分)仏 聽咅,劌斷F列句子正丫溟門。攻文讀兩釦 偌鄴涂在衿逛址上)21. Ann is a b4?auriftil tisrnty-KC4

3、ir-nl“1兒_25. .Ann uwially ridw l)nr hik* Id !hr honkAhnp. 7 cnbbagr for dinner. Hr likw pldtoes and cabbage, too*.(B)聽音填寫譏詞和短語補全叛文(每空詞).更文說兩乩 俗案對在答題紙上)ochxk h,nW ,it 10牛?A. R. C. D四個選項中選樣駅詒當?shù)氖嵧瓿傻樽印埃ù鸺倚旒哟鸫挚v上)nn I have lwk?H. anC. the32 Dont miikr 肋 nnichB. noirC voiceL) music33. Tlir tmffic Itht i.

4、pm. yout ywr 帥叭 i 一 mv 仏血百*取.younprrC. the youngest D yenunA yotrnj;younprrinesyounprr tlian38. Why does Tom rn jew liifi wrl? 一6九 Sr he can Wdirk.B. But he cant ron.C. Because its inlrrMinp.3. _ arr ynu going ! Hong Kong?D- He likes vhite bMTomorrow.B. WhfftiC. HowD Whew4Q, 1 sc Moine (luck”in the

5、river.A, swimminpR.側inwI), tfi RwimJL年級俎決賽弗題第4頁(.世12頁)VTDZogur;(悄衆(zhòng)金活)(韭10小逍;莎小也I分計10分)?。膬篐.e蝕卿k選出昴恰當?shù)囊豁椦a個對話。(答家徐曲引a最上)1 A. Tni drnwinp n pirturrR. I do wrll in drawingC. I can draw myself.D I like drawing very much.42- A. Anr you biwv?“ 肪卯(彫急的).David; No1 problem. (43)Helen: Hr hfiu ll. Bwt lei me

6、pv(j h th you, (40)David: OK.腫I il.Helen: TluinJc you “ry much.Dantf: (50)A. You*fe welecme.B. Dza ho have your Hiunhr?C. I li . Frnd there?D. WhM廿 your frleplione- number?E. Its 498-3567Fi Hi arc you FYed?G. Cnn I tnkr nreiape ( 口 lii)?五年炎如夬賽茹融藥6貢(異12 7i)Vtl Words, phrases.5伽心 S洞忠語和旬干)(共10小題:毎小fiF

7、I分計10分)(A)根據(jù)圏片握朮取弔虹訶補全句子(邨空圖沖詞幷宇舟巳細1)“(答案第在答 述紙上51. Wow. ynu live in Mirli n tall b_52. Ail ef onr rlub metnlxrs low m snjp.Mcnt of our activities (活動)are indoors.54. lam“,kinS English.(B)按懿炕嵐下列易子俺空 W連詞應句”要求將句子可九四線三格中片佶宛 邊紙上),56 Your iiimhcr hi* Mich nMiuMki1%iile/f改為一般疑問旬)五耶級加決乘賽題斛7及(昇12頁)yowr iikt

8、iImtwwch a brnutifiil ?(nilr?5? My grandfcithrr collecU old fYiaaxinc*. I 改為否宜句) Wy BHlfalhrr _old nuiga/ine*.58. The store Cpe赫 at 8.30 in ihr moniiny.(對劃絞邯分視問)iloe ihr Mon* p-n in ih?. morning?59. id I. my. rlo-nt. ajiyboily. hpiw! Q60. choose. I. which, .him should, colour.(連詞曲句)W Gap-filling (瑕文

9、用方框中所給小訶的適肖形戒覽空補金屈丈便短文克思完號(毎個小呵只能用 汰其中有沔?zhèn)€多余單訶人(請將彳訶寫在答融紙上)/hwjiticr cri. Eirl.yrllow. wear, nl Ye$tenlY was my friend Beth*? birthday. I wnt 2 lhe pnttv (61)hr hou;c. Therf weresome other boys and (62) from mrthere. Bclh *wfis (63)H pik drWH.Hr mother made r pinl rnkf- Even th cup an(J plnfrt pink.!

10、 Beth opened some of her binhday- promts She gnt a pink trdfly bran n pink hwek卩m:k and pinkfrom thrOher kik J felt Mid (M)my gift xtb ho small, h ww juook But when Bethopened b K.hu was so happy. She Sd if lh br? keep up xith you. nndyEll probably 呵(5) on 叫“Dwfl worn-! - Mid Elep喩誦 carry you wi,h m

11、y 耐(象鼻)0 Elephant picked up Turtle五年級俎決賽祁題篥8頁(藝12貢)imd Harted off.“Stop! 2 mid Tim.“WhE the mnttcr?M 罰EJeplani.“I think wr7r loM:# vill trut you. LcVs go/J lhey did go for a “Ik. They hmd n good time. Turtle and Elephant were pKwl frirnds. ItwARrftkit they kpt (ryin#糧抿短文內容,為下列各題選樣正確的答耗X答塞涂在答題紙上)6*6.

12、 What 也 this story alw?A. friends whn race each other.Tff Fncnib who play tricks on (捉弄 each other.C Friends who 1rwst each other.1). Friends who like so travel.67, Why wns it hand for Turtle and Elephant A). Bccue Elephant was older than Turtle.B. Because Turtle didnt. like bannniuC. Because E/kpha

13、nt wn h謳 nnd Turtle 咄as small.D Becuusc Turtle walked too68. Hew many steps did Elrphant vralk when Turtle osked tn op?A. Only one.B Two.C Foam,0 Five.69. How did Elephant know where they were?A. Elcphnnt could 啊 fl lon:g way.B. Turtle knew the wajC lcp!)ant :用Led somnc for help.I). There sew rmuw i

14、gns Jilonp I hr* rond.70. .Acconlinp k lhe piiSMgc. which aidoF h H氏M?a. ElepFuinl picked up Turlln.b Elephant wanterl to 凹 for a walkc. Jliey hml 41 good linir.d. Turtle ked B:kphant to stop.A. a*bcdB. fr-C.D. c-*ab-*d五年級如決秦賽建第9頁(共12 51)(Bm l.inenln MMh Srhi 丁屮加如”皿腫怦 ”口“冋“川tW-52 /rri* 幾仙尸可“ fkttr C

15、oach Dmgmv to them ” 附M 伽17/12常 i t kakes you Io doWII. Tirx, yhi did 41 grcnl job* I am irry prul M M of、: Y(hi workrl haid in practice d “ helped us. Eien Hmm曲-口 便)the Wiznnjf* orr 1 gwd 悴忤 you 恥呷 ffK-t up 放棄) Vou played hnr(| unhl lh? yxL They 眇 tirrJ htH W Mi麗 I. Tiw” iy why you won tlir: Ratne.

16、Next w0k ist xut going to play lh Repton in FfiD City. o.m h bi脣 tenm. Mo?t of the players are stmngr thnn youarv. But Ton be a(iaid Yov lire faster. This wr*k n practice 稅 will 0 lots of quick passing exerciser. 1 thiink ihg will help us win the garw! lxt go!啟據(jù)短文內客列慚下列旬于正(T暇(F).(答舉涂左答題紙上)71. Tig如 w

17、on rjny bMktball 妙時宀.72. David is the conch of Tigers.73. WfiKanl5 an* a gotKl tram, ami thry lh ginir.74, SfoM of ihr players in Raptors nrr Mronge-r than thw of rfigcm.75. Tigers will lo lots of quick pacing ofenSserf tftfs wtrtlc. Q:Evn* nwmins Sally gnt up at 7:00 o clock. Sdinol Marled at StOO

18、odock”9 But Sally x?二 Q”nlmoM Ijit of wliool even flaj? (80) Somrlimr lir haomin $ch仏h (安排).五年如俎決舉棗題第10更(具12貢)AMae bed糧據(jù)短文內容及圖茨倍息完嵐下刊竹題(再菜寫程存題紙1:) 簡要何答7678小題76 When did Sally rt up?77. Den Sally U0tz show win the tnwraing?78. How long docs it take Sully to watch TV?79. 劃線旬子冇一處鉗課請改叫80. 將劃怨句子別說戍漢語,X. IQ tt (初力測試)(共5小您祁小逐1分計5分) 按要求完下列各魁。(答案涂f烏羽剳紙上)81. Bwmis Fmnk Im n sweel tooth and lovr-1 rnrat. he * gcllinR falter and fnttrr. Whnt docs h貯 a wl 1tI/* mean herr?A.長苦一殺秫牙R.有一戦吃輔的牙C.IX牙上有糖82. Wk(Mc figure (IS形)are The sam


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