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1、An alysis of Chinas agriculturalmecha ni zati on promoti on of thi nkingSummary of agricultural mecha ni zati on is an importantsymbol of the modernizationof agriculture,ruralecono micdevelopme ntis also an importa ntguaranteefor the specific performaneeof the advaneedproductive forces in rural area

2、s, therefore, accelerate the mecha ni zati onof agriculture and the promoti onofadva need agriculturaltech no logyhas great sig nifica neefrom the status of agriculturalmechanization, thesig nifica neeof thedevelopme ntofagriculturalmecha ni zati on,agriculturalmecha ni zati onpromoti onmeasures,mea

3、surestopromoteagriculturalmecha ni zati ontech no logyand otheraspects aredescribed.Keywords agricultural mecha ni zatio n; the statusquo; meaning; promoti on strategiesIn recent years, the CPC Central Committee to address rural issues as a priority, to accelerate the construction of new countryside

4、, implement preferentialiagricultural policy, especially on the purchase of medium-sizedcoun triestoin creasesubsidies foragricultural machinery .21 century,China s agriculturefaces several major challe nge,one agriculturalin come,and second, structuraladjustmentand the third is foodsecurity, agricu

5、lturalmechanizationin which plays animportant role, so the mechanization of agriculture and the promoti on of agricultural tech no logy is n ecessary 1-4.1 status of agriculturalmechanizationAfterreform and openingup, after 30 years of continuousdevelopment of China s rural economic development toac

6、hieve a breakthrough. The con ti nu ous developme nt of agricultural mecha ni zatio n, which not only meet the n eeds of rural econo mic developme nt, but also led to the rapid progressof China s agricultureand agriculturalmecha ni zati onin tech no logicalequipme nt,work moreefficient, work safety

7、and so has also made gratifying achievements. In 2009, China s gross agricultural mach inerymore tha n 800 millio nkW, the level ofmecha ni zed farming in come has reached 45%, comparedto 20% in 1978, the results are obvious, i nclud ing mach inein come,sow ingmach in es, mecha ni zed farming level,

8、respectively 32%, 35%, 62% of agricultural machinery employed reached 40millio n,while agriculturalhouseholds and agricultural services, families are more than 3760 milli on. Accord ing to the evaluatio n of agricultural development on the international standards, China s agriculturalmechanizationha

9、s largely achievedthe in termediate stage, while also expa nding the scale and improve efficie ncy, expa nd the field, enhance the level of efforts.agricultural2sig nifica neemecha ni zati onmecha ni zati onmoder ni zati onagriculturalof thedevelopme ntis a prerequisiteAgriculturalof2.1 Agricultural

10、to achieve agriculturalmoder ni zati onin theproducti on of majororga ni zati onalandprofessi onal in tegratio n, and in agricultural producti on toachieve the scie ntific method, such as the use of computer and n etwork com muni cati on and other moder n scie ntific tech niq ues, and these tech niq

11、 ues to achieve the orga nicintegrationof agricultural production , it must take3account of agriculturalmechanization,thus enhancingagricultural mechanization is the prerequisite for the realizati on of agricultural moder ni zatio n.2.2 Agriculturalmechanizationis the practicalneeds of China s agric

12、ultural development China s curre nt agricultural producti on, there is a certa in level and that the gap, work ing tools, the use of agricultural or most primitive tools such as hoes, sickles, plows, etc.; i n pla nting and harvestingcrops, or on the work of many humanphe nomenon, and the fragme nt

13、atio n of agricultural la nd, so that the utilizati on of the land would be difficult to get a good raise, only to promote agricultural mecha ni zati on can fun dame ntally cha nge the productivity is not high, the problem of low utilizati on of land.2.3 the developme nt of agriculturalmecha ni zati

14、 on,become a new growth pointDevelopme nt of agricultural mecha ni zati on, n eed a varietyof agricultural mach in ery, agricultural mach inery in large part to promote scie ntific and tech no logicalresearch,to sales to the repair of one-stopproductionscaleen terprise sector, which con tributed to

15、our good in dustrialdevelopme nt.thedevelopme ntof agriculturalmecha ni zati on and the n eed to stre ngthe n rural tran sport, irrigation and other aspects of basic infrastructure,willfacilitate the tran sportati on,en ergy,con structi onandother sectors, the development of enterprises. As the prom

16、otionof agriculturalmechanizationcan promoteChina s in dustrial, tran sportati on, con structi on and other developme nt, so long as to guide appropriate agriculturalin dustry will become new econo mic growth point.3Measurestopromoteagriculturalmecha ni zati on3.1 publicity, cha nge the old con cept

17、 offarmers Now many farmers because the impact ofeducatio nallevel, ideas are too old, that small-scaleproducti on and man ageme nt well, relucta nt to accept themoder nagricultural equipme nt, the main directi onofdevelopme ntofmoder nagricultureis not clear.Therefore, should step up publicity to e

18、nhance farmersun dersta ndingof agricultural scie nee and tech no logy,such as agriculturalextensiondepartments around the5use of traditi onal Spring Festival, Chin ese New Y ear back home most of the farmers the opport un ity to recomme nd some tech no logyreaders to farmers, farmers can alsowatch

19、the modernorganization video of agriculture sothat farmers feel the backward agricultural producti on to achieve the purpose ofpromoti onof agriculturalmecha ni zati on.3.2 The establishme nt of dem on strati on garde nto show adva ntages of agricultural mecha ni zati onLocalagricultural exte nsion

20、part of the local agricultural industry, according to the specific circumstancesof theestablishme nt of dem on strati on garde n, so that farmers have a intuitive understanding of modern machinery, so that farmers can deeply understandthe advantagesofmoder n mecha ni zati on and adva need, so that t

21、he farmers to producti on tools from hoes, sickles and other primitive tools to comb ine, straw mach ines and othermoder nmecha ni calcha nges,to achievemoder ni zatio nofagricultural producti on, mecha ni zatio n purposes.3.3 establish an in formatio n service system, andin creasetheir agricultural

22、 in formatio n storage Theestablishme nt of agricultural in formatio n service n etwork, to provide farmers with agricultural trade,tech ni calservices, new scie ntific and tech no logical achieveme nts in agriculture, i ndustrial developme nt and other in formatio n, so that farmers in agricultural

23、producti onandman ageme nt, the timely, accurate in formati on services, to assuage their agricultural producti on and man ageme nt of blindness,the modernizationof agricultural productstrade.3.4 times, andcon sta ntlyimprove thetech no logical content of agriculturalequipme ntWiththe cha nging time

24、s, the tech no logy content of agricultural equipmentshould be with the times, so the agriculturalextensionservices should work closely with agriculturalproducers to improve agriculturalautomati onandin tellige neeto con ti nu ouslyimprove farm equipme nt,agricultural mach inery to promote adva need

25、 tech no logies, so as to achieve continuouslyimprove the efficiencyofagricultural producti on purposes. .com4 Measures to promote agricultural mecha ni zati ontech no logy4.1 selectivelytech no logypromoti onPromotio nof each tech no logyprior to first see whetherthe contents of the farmers product

26、i on tech no logy is applicable, whether the tech no logy is feasible, reliable, adva need tech no logy does not n ecessarily promote nor ofgreat value. The promotionoftech no logyaccord ingtolocalrealities tochoose,thechoice ofprioritieswaseffective,lessin vestme ntintech no logy,whilethepromoti on

27、 of tech no logy to focus on the overall situati on, not only consider the economic, ecological and social ben efits is very importa nt.4.2 agro no mictech no logycomb inedwith thepromoti onTraditi onal agriculture, agriculturalmach ineryand agriculturalcomb in ati onis always aproblem,oneof themost

28、 important question is cropvarieties and farming systems change, and agricultural machinery isdifficultto keep upwith thischange.Therefore, in order to achieve the organic integrationofagricultural and agro no mic,First, the establishme ntofagricultural structure to adapt to agricultural operati ons;sec ond is to stre ngthe n the tech ni cal capacity of tech ni cal staff.4.3 to promote the tech no logyto be testedNo matter what kind


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