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1、Unit 9How to Grow OldConsolidation ActivitiesI. Text Comprehension1. Decide which of the following best states the authorspurposeA. To explore the reasons why people usually fear death in old age.B. To supply somemedical information about health and genetic influence on one s longevity.C. To offer s

2、uggestions on how to keep open-minded and makesome psychological adjustments in the process of growing old.Key C 2. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1) . With a few exceptions, most of the author s ancestors lived to a great age. T 2) . The author is v

3、ery particular about his diet and carefulin his lifestyle. F 3) . If you left your grown-up children alone, they would become very callous because of your indifference. F 4) . It is obvious that those who do not have strong impersonal interests will unduly concern themselves with their children and

4、grandchildren to fill the void in their lives. T 5) . With the decay of vitality and increase of weariness, the fear of death in the old people is inevitable and justifiable. F II. Writing StrategiesIn the last paragraph the author compares ones life to a river with its different phases. Nowtry to d

5、escribe howthis metaphor works for the theme of the essay. The metaphor is used to illustrate particular characteristics of an individual humanexiste nee in three differe nt phases:1) When people are young, they are more vigorous and energetie(“rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls ” )

6、, but less experie need ( “ small, ” “ contained with in its ban ks” ).2) When they reach their middle age, they have got moreexperie nee and wisdom (“ Gradually the river grows wider, thebanks recede . ” ) and their pace of life becomesmore gentle but steady (“. the waters flow more quietly .” ).3)

7、 As their sense of fulfillme nt in creases in old age, theirsense of individuality decreases, and their lives become increasingly blended with the universal life ( “becomemerged in the sea, ” “ lose their in dividual being ” ).III. Lan guage Work1. Explain the underlined part(s) in each sentence in

8、your own words.1) . Although both my pare nts died youn g, I have done well inthis respect as regards my other an cestorswith reference to/relati ng to2) . Of remoter ancestors I can only discover one who did notlive to a great age, and he died of a disease which is now rare, namely, hav ing his hea

9、d cut off.ancestors who lived a long time ago; specifically3) . She used to relate how she met in Italy an elderly gentleman who was look ing very sad.tell4) . I have seve nty-two gran dchildre n, and if I were sad eachtime I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal existenee!bid farewell to/

10、were separated from; a miserable life5) . I n ever do any thi ng whatever on the gro und that it is goodfor health, though in actual fact the thi ngs I like doing aremostly wholesome.for the reas on that; healthful6) . Psychologically there are two dan gers to be guarded aga inst in old age.we shoul

11、d prevent from happening/we should watch out for7) . . you are likely to become a burde n to them, uni ess theyare unu sually callous.heartless/i ndiffere nt8) . I n the young there is a iustificati on for this feeli ng.good reas on9) . And if, with the decay of vitality, weari ness increases,the th

12、ought of rest will not be un welcome.tired ness10) . The best way to overcome it . is to make your in terestsgradually wider and more impers on al, un til bit by bit the wallsof the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly mergedin the uni versal life.what disti nguishes your own self from oth

13、ers graduallydisappears or becomes less and l essdist in ct;becomesin creas in gly one with/becomes in creas in gly ble nded with2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the givenwords.1) .Many people oppose the death penalty because of thepossibility of miscarriages (miscarry) of justice

14、.2) . There is somethi ng wrong with anyone who is so habitu (habit) rude.3) . There s no need to be unduly (undue) pessimistic about the situatio n.4) . Some poisonous gases can enter the body by absorption (absorb) through the skin.5) . He takes ple nty of vigorous (vigor) exercise.6) . According

15、to the instructions, these vitamin pills will restore lost vitality (vital).7) . She was stari ng out over the lake, lost in con templation(con templative).8) . I could n t have man aged at college if I had n t had anallowance (allow) from my parents.9) . He was justifiably (justify) proud of his ac

16、hievements.10. Wewere unable to sleep because of the oppressive (oppress) heat.3. Fill in the bla nk(s) in each sentence with a phrase take n from the box in its appropriate form.merge | cut off | respect | suck into | cheat |infancyguard aga inst | concern | sphere | as regards1) . This proposal di

17、ffers from the last one in many important respects.2) . They decided to merge the two companies into one.3) . There is no problem as regards the finan cial arra ngeme nts4) . Regular exercise helps guard aga inst heart disease.5) . If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be c

18、ut off.6) . There s no need for you to concern yourself with what happened.7) . The system is still in its infancy. 8) . I really don t want any part in this whole argument, butI can feel myself being sucked into it.9) . The mini ster said that the gover nment pla nned to developexchanges with other

19、 countries,particularly in cultural,scie ntific and econo mic spheres.10) . She claimed that her cousin had cheated her of her in herita nee.4. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.1) . We owe it to our descendants to leave them a clea n worldto live in.future gen erati on s/c

20、hildre n and gran dchildre n2) . I think next time we need any decorating we ll get it doneprofessi on ally.by skilled people3) . Her absorption in her work is so great that she thinks about nothing else.en grossme nt in, or preoccupati on with her work4) . Con ti nued rapid growth in con sumer spe

21、nding will suck in more imports.draw in/en courage5) . I m not very good where money is concerned.whe n deali ng with money6) . Taxpayers should claim as many allowableexpenses as possible aga inst their taxed in come.expe nses on which no taxes are paid7) . Her acti ons were quite justifiable in th

22、e circumsta nces.There was a good reas on for her acti ons8) . He won t be conten ted un til he s upset every one in theoffice.satisfied9) . On his wall he has a poster of Maril yn Mon roe, her lipsforever parted in an ticipatio n.separated/ope n10) . I suspect he cheats the taxma n.avoids pay ing t

23、axes by using illegal methods5. Correct the errors in the followi ng passage. The passagecontains ten errors, one in each indicatedline. In each case, only one word is invo Ived.Correcti ons should be done as follows:Wrong word: un derl ine the wrong word and write the correct word in the bla nk.Ext

24、ra word: delete the extra word with an“x . ”Missing word: mark the position of the missing word with a“A” and write the miss ing word in the bla nk.Old Age(1) inPeople are liv ing far Ion ger these daysthan A the past. This is creating a number(2) ensure of problems for which we need to seekspecial

25、solutions. Firstly, we need to(3)derivedassure that the elderly have decent in comes, probably derive from provide nt fun ds. Secon dly, we must make sure the health system is sufficie nt to give adequate care. Thirdly, ways must be(4) i ntofound to keep the old from feeling neglected or Ionely. We

26、may be able to(5) varysolve the second problem by keepingpeople healthier inthe first place.Partly this maybe achieved by that/whichen couragi nghealthierlife-styles,anc(7) thethere is also hope fromresearch of aging.Speed of agi ng and Ion gevity varies fromspecies to species, male to female andfam

27、ily to family. They are largelygen eticallydeterm in ed.Scie ntistsbelieve they have ide ntified about 200genes A play a fun dame ntal role in theaging process.(8) effects(9) however(10) honoraryIt should, in the theory, be possible now to produce drugs able to delay the process and hold back the af

28、fects of aging. It would not add to our lifespan. That seems fixed at a maximumof 120 years. It would, moreover, make us fitter to far greater ages. The third problem is being tackled in Singapore by making it a legal duty for children to take good care of their parents. In Italy, there is also a sy

29、stemof adopt ing hono rable gran dpare nts, old people who dislike the thought of going into an old people s home. A family agrees to look after an old person until death in return for a generous bequest in the old person s will.The idea,unfortunately,does seem very open toabuse. It isn t often a go

30、od idea to be in the care of people who will ben efit from one s death.6. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONEappropriate word.Growi ng OldHappy birthday! Do birthdays really make people happy Ofcourse they do. Birthdays celebrate the day we were (1) born. Moreover, that extra candle on

31、the cake represents another year of growth and maturity or so we hope. Weall like to imaginethat we re getting wiser and not just (2) older. Most of usenjoy observing the miracle of growth in others, as well. Forin sta nee, see ing our childre n develop and lear n new thi ngs makes us feel proud.For

32、 America ns, like people in most cultures, grow ing up isa wonderful pro cess. But growing old That s a different (3) story.Grow ing old is not exactly pleasa nt for people in youth-orie nted America n culture. Most America ns like to look young, act young and feel young. As the old saying goes,“You

33、 re as young as you (4) feel. Older people joke about how many years young they are,rather tha n how many years (5) old.People in some countries value the aged as a source of experie nee and wisdom. But America ns seem to favor those that are (6) young , or at least “ young at heart. ”Many older Ame

34、rica ns find the “golde n years ” to be anything (7) but golden. Economically,“senior citizens”ofte n struggle just to get (8) by. Retireme nttypically atage 65 brings a sharp (9) decrease in pers onal in come. Social Security ben efits usually cannot make up the (10) differenc Older people may suff

35、er from poor nu tritio n, medical care andhous ing. Someeve n experie nee (11) age discrim in ati on.In 1987,American sociologist Pat Moore dressed up like an older person and wan dered city streets. She was ofte n (12) treated rudely eve n cheated and robbed. However, (13) dressed as a y oung pers

36、on, she received much more respect. Of course, not all elderly America ns have such n egative (14) experie nces. But old age does prese nt unique challe nges.Ironically, the elderly population in America is expanding fast. Why People are livi ng Ion ger. Fewer babies are being born. And middle- aged

37、 “baby boomers” are rapidly(15)entering the ranks of the elderly. America may soon be a place where wrinkles are“in. ”Despite the (16) challenges they face, America ns in their“ twilight years ” gen erally (17) refuse to give up on life.They find a variety of ways to keep themselves (18) active.Tohe

38、lp them stay in (19) shape, they mayjoin mall walkers clubs, fitness program s and even the“Senior Olympics. ” They canenjoy hours of entertainment at senior centers and adult amuseme nt (20) parks. Many en roll in continuing educati on programs to mai ntai n their mental skills. For America ns, if

39、you re going to grow old, you might as well do it gracefully.IV. Tran slati on1. Tran slat ing Senten ces1) .她與他在一起生活度日艱難。(existenee)She had a hard existe nee with him.2) .至于你剛才提出的問題,我將另外撰文回答。(as regards)As regards the questi ons you raisedjust now, I willan swerthem in ano ther article.3) .這聽起來也許很無

40、情,但我才不在乎他是否無家可歸呢。(callous)It might sound callous, but I don t care if he s homeless.4) .他對老板的尊敬幾乎到了低聲下氣的地步。(abject)He is almost abject in his respect for his boss.5) .痛苦的記憶漸漸從她腦海里消退。(recede)The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.6) .我們應該避免對他們的挑釁作出過度的反應。(guard against)Weshould guard again

41、st overreactionsto their provocation.7) .你最好關心關心自己的事而不是我的事!(co ncern on eselfwith)You d better concern yourself with your own bus in ess andnot mine!8) .該影片是一部有益的家庭娛樂劇。(wholesome)The film is good wholesome family en tertai nment.9) .學校中止了給那位學生提供的助學金,理由是他去年的成績不夠好。(on the ground that)The uni versity h

42、as stopped provid ing finan cial support tothat student on the ground that his performanee in the past year was not good eno ugh.10).為了幫助那些國有小公司渡過經(jīng)濟危機,政府把它們合并成為 一家大公司。(merge)The gover nment merged those small state-ow ned firms in to a large companyin order to help them survive the economic crisis.2

43、. Tran slate the followi ng passage into Chin ese.My mother, dead now to this world but still roam ing free in my mind, wakes me some mornings before daybreak. “If there s one thing I can t stand, it s a quitter. ”I have heard her say that all my life. Now, l ying in bed, coming awake in the dark, I

44、 feel the fury of her energy fighting the good-for- nothing idler within me who wan ts to go back to sleep in stead of tackli ng the brand-new day.Sile ntly I protest: I am not a child anymore. I have made somethi ng. of myself. I am en titled to sleep late.Russell, you ve go t no more gumption than

45、 a bump on alog.She has hounded me with these battle cries since I was a boy in short pants.“Make something of yourself! ”“Dont be a quitter!”“Have a little ambition, Buddy.”參考譯文我母親早已不在人世,但她仍時時自由地浮現(xiàn)在我心中,有時早 晨天還未亮就把我喚醒。 “我最最不能容忍的就是半途而廢的人。 ”我一生不斷聽到她說這句話。此時此刻,我躺在床上,在黑暗中 慢慢醒來,想重回夢鄉(xiāng)而不愿直面嶄新的一天,我感覺到了她正怒氣 沖

46、沖地與我體內那個沒出息的懶漢奮力斗爭。我默默地抗議道:我已經(jīng)不是孩子了。我已經(jīng)小有成就,我有資 格睡懶覺?!傲_素,你一點進取心也沒有,和二流子簡直沒什么兩樣?!睆奈疫€是個穿著短褲的孩提時代起她就一直用這些話激勵我前 進:你要混出個人樣來!“不要半途而廢!”“要有點志氣,孩子V. Oral Activities1. Giving A Talk“To be or not to be, that is the question.” For thousands ofyears, death seemsto have been an eternal topic for people all over t

47、he world, old and young, men and women. Numerous discussions have been carried out on this theme and in the last paragraph of this passage the author also elaborates on the topic of how to avoid the fear of death. Whats your view onthe solemn topic of death Now give a talk. You may choose any aspect

48、, for example, how to brave death.(For reference)For thousands of years, death has been an eternal topic for human beings. Many opinions have been stated on it but today I want to talk from a different angle: our last contribution to society cremation.Even today, burial is still commonin China, espe

49、cially in rural areas. How-ever, with the intensified process of urbanization, land is increasingly precious and the traditional practice of burial takes up too muchspace. Besides, traditional burial has a bunch of hazards. First and foremost, it is a waste of land, which is one of the most precious

50、 unrecyclable resources. Second, it is bad for the environment since it consumes so many trees every year. In contrast, cremation is both clean and environment-friendly. People sashes can be buried under trees or even scattered at sea. Just think how much land and how many trees could be saved in th

51、is way! So call on everyone around you, friends and relatives, to maketheir last contribution to society and our offspring when they have to leave this world one day.2. Having A DialogueIn “Howto GrowOld” Russell warns that psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One

52、is undue absorption in the past. The other is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigour from its vitality. As a matter of fact, most parents in China are still clinging to their children due to some historical and cultural reasons. Do you think aging parents should live with their children And

53、 why Now have a dialogue with your partner, supposing that you two have different opinions.(For reference)A: I think that aging parents should live with their children so that they can be taken good care of.B: No, I dont agree with you. Their children may also have their own business and don t have

54、much time for them. In this connection, they d better employ a nurse or a maid. They can ask their children to pay for this. Or they can go to a retirement center where they can make a lot of friends.t they needA: Money doesn t mean everything. I think wha most is love and spiritual support from the

55、 family. Friends are good, but they are not family. Besides, they can also help in housework and baby-sitting.B: That s true. But parents are always asking too much from us. They always treat us like little boys and girls and whenever we have disagreements with them, they get hurt so easily, and are

56、 never really patient enough to listen to us.A: But are you patient enough to listen to them Communication is something mutual. Weshouldn t expect our parents to listen to us if we don t listen to them at all. Parents love us unconditionally and they are always ready to sacrifice for us. They deserv

57、e every bit of our respect.B: Well, you do have some points. But as far as I know, many people still don t want to live with their parents.A: I m really sorry to hear that. But I still insist that when our parents are too old to take care of themselves, we have the obligation to live with them. We should let them feel that they are loved and needed despite their old age.VI. Research Paper WritingRevising Your PaperThe first and most important thing to keep in


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