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1、四年級英語下冊知識點(diǎn)第一單元: 一、對應(yīng)詞 my?yourI?youour?yourthis?thathere?there yes?nocome?goteacher?studentboy?girlhis?her 二、知識點(diǎn) 1、表示在幾樓上,要用介詞on,如onthefirstfloor.在一樓。 Thefirst表示第一的,序數(shù)詞在使用時前面一定要加the,表示事物的排列順序。 2、介紹離自己近的事物時用thisis.,介紹離自己比較遠(yuǎn)的事物時用thatis如:Thisismycomputer.這是我的計算機(jī)。Thatisyourcomputer.那是你的計算機(jī)。 3、howmany?多少?

2、用來詢問物品的數(shù)量有多少,后面只能跟名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。如Howmanybooksdoyouhave?你有多少本書? 4、當(dāng)表示有一個時,名詞的前面可以用a或者an.元音前用an,輔音前用a.如anapple一個蘋果anorange一個橙子 apear一個梨adog一只狗 5、當(dāng)用Isthis?Isthat?提問時,一般用肯定回答是:Yes,itis.否定是:No,itisnt. 第二單元: 1、同義詞:supper=dinner晚飯 2、say(第三人稱單數(shù))?says 3、同義句:Whattimeisit?=Whatsthetime?現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了? 4、Lets后面直接跟動詞的原形。如:Lets

3、go!讓我們走吧! Letscleantheclassroom.讓我們打掃教室吧! 5、Itstimefor后面跟名詞。如:Itstimefordinner.該吃晚飯了。 ItstimeforEnglishclass.該上英語課了。 Itstimeto后面跟動詞。如:Itstimetoeatdinner.該吃晚飯了。 ItstimetohaveEnglishclass.該上英語課了。 第三單元: 1、對應(yīng)詞:puton-takeoffwhite?blackthese-those 2、特殊疑問詞Whatcolour?什么顏色?用來問物體的顏色,回答時一定要有表示顏色的詞語。如:Whatcolou

4、risyourbag?Itsblue. 3、Who和Whose的區(qū)別: Who誰。用來問人是誰。如:Whoisthatgirl?那個女孩是誰?Sheismysister.她是我的姐姐。 Whoisthattallman?那個高個子男人是誰?Heismyfather.他是我的爸爸。 Whose誰的。用來詢問物品是誰的。在回答Whose引領(lǐng)的問題時,如果答案有人名,要在人名的后面加s,其中的s表示“某人的”。如:Whoseshirtisthis?這是誰的襯衣? ItsMikes.它是mike的。 Whosebikeisblue?誰的書包是藍(lán)色的?Mybagisblue.我的書包是藍(lán)色的。 4、ha

5、ve(第三人稱單數(shù))?has 5、pants,socks,shoes,shorts,jeans這些單詞都是成雙成對出現(xiàn)的,所以在句子中一般都是復(fù)數(shù)形式。如: Thesearemyshoes.這是我的鞋子。 Thoseareyoursocks.那是你的襪子。 6、人稱代詞和名詞性物主代詞對應(yīng): 我I我的my你you你的your 他he他的his她she她的her 我們we我們的our你們you你們的your 他們they他們的their她們they她們的their 人稱代詞一般在句中用作主語。 物主代詞一般后面加名詞。 第四單元: 一、對應(yīng)詞: close?openputon?takeoffco

6、ld?hotwarm?cool 復(fù)數(shù)形式:foot?feet(腳) 二、表示天氣的幾個形容詞都是同是由相應(yīng)的名詞變化而來的,它們的對應(yīng)形式是: 名詞形式形容詞形式 rain雨rainy下雨的 snow雪snowy下雪的 wind風(fēng)windy有風(fēng)的 cloud云cloudy有云的 sun陽光sunny晴朗的 三、一般疑問句Canyou?的回答形式有兩種,肯定回答是:Yes,Ican.否定回答是:No,Icant. 一般疑問句CanI?的回答形式也有兩種,肯定回答是:Yes,youcan.否定回答是:No,youcant. 四、同義詞:Howabout?=Whatabout?怎么樣? 五、當(dāng)問某個

7、地方的天氣如何時,要用Whatstheweatherlikein+地名? 如:WhatstheweatherlikeinBeijing?北京的天氣怎么樣? 第五單元: 一、CanIhelpyou?是一般購物時,售貨員的禮貌用語。 二、Howmuch與Howmany的區(qū)別: 1、Howmuch意思是多少錢?用來問物品的價格。在回答時一般要有表示價錢的單位。如: 問一件物品的價錢時用Howmuchis? Howmuchisthisjacket?這件夾克衫多少錢? Itsforty-fiveyuan.它是45元。 問多件物品的價錢時用Howmuchare? Howmucharethesebooks?

8、這些書多少錢? Theyareninety-nineyuan.它們是99元。 2、Howmany意思是多少。用來詢問物品的數(shù)量有多少,后面跟名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式,回答時一般數(shù)字后面沒有單位。如: Howmanycowsdoyouhave?你有多少頭奶牛? Ihave12.我有12頭。 Howmanyhorsesarethere?那兒有多少匹馬? Theyare12.有12匹。 第六單元: 一、復(fù)數(shù)形式 sheep?sheep(綿羊)hen?hens(母雞)lamb?lambs(羊羔) goat?goats(山羊)cow?cows(奶牛)horse?horses(馬) goose?geese(鵝)fo

9、ot?feet(腳)tooth?teeth(牙齒) 二、可數(shù)名詞變復(fù)數(shù)的規(guī)則: 1、一般情況下,在單數(shù)名詞詞尾加“s”.如: cat?catsdog?dogsbook?booksruler?rulers 2、在以s,ss,x,sh,ch結(jié)尾的名詞后面加“es”,如: box?boxespeach?peachesbus?busesclass?classes 3、在以o結(jié)尾的單詞后面加“es”,如: tomato?tomatoespotato?potatoes 4、以元音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞,直接加“s”如: boy?boystoy?toysday?days 以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞,去掉y后加“i

10、es”,如: baby?babieslady?ladiesbutterfly?butterflies 5、以f,fe結(jié)尾的名詞,去掉f或fe后加“ves”,如: shelf?shelvesleaf?leavesknife?knives 三、Ilike后面要加可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式或者不可數(shù)名詞,如: Ilikeapples.我喜歡蘋果。 Ilikechicken.我喜歡雞肉。 四、特殊疑問句:Whatarethese?Whatarethose?Whatarethey?在回答時,都要用“Theyare” Whatisthis?Whatisthat?Whatisit?在回答時都要用Itsa(an) 一

11、般疑問句:Arethese?Arethose?Arethey?的回答形式也都是一樣的,肯定回答:Yes,theyare.否定回答:No,theyarent. 一般疑問句:Isthisa(an)?Isthata(an)?Isita(an)?的回答形式也都是一樣的,肯定回答:Yes,itis.否定回答:No,itisnt. 四年級英語短語1.MayIhave.?Yes/Sure.Hereyouare. 我可以有.嗎?當(dāng)然。給你。 2.HappyTeachersDay祝教師節(jié)快樂 3.inatoyshop在一家玩具店里 4.Isee.我明白了 5.havealook看一看 6.Idlike我想要 7

12、.Whatsthis/that?這/那是什么? Itsa.是. 8.onthedesk在課桌上 9.Inwhichbox?在哪只盒子里? 10.overthere在那邊 11.intheclassroom在教室里 12.comehere過來 13.Letmesee.讓我看看。 14.Notatall.不用謝。 15.Excuseme對不起,打擾了 16.Sorry,Idontknow.對不起,我不知道。 17.Me,too.我也是。 18.Whatsthis/thatinEnglish?這/那用英語怎么說? Itsa.是. 19.inEnglish用英語 20.Ilike.(用復(fù)數(shù)形式)我喜歡

13、 21.Doyoulike.?你喜歡.嗎? Yes,Ido./No,Idont.是的,我喜歡。/不,我不喜歡。. Unit6?9單元 1.Trythisoneon.試穿這件。 2.Trythispairon.試穿這條。 3.Whoseisthis?這是誰的? Itss.是的。 4.Whosearethey?這是誰的.? Theyres.是的。 5.Dontworry.別擔(dān)心。 6.Oh,dear!喔,天呀! 7.getup起床 8.havebreakfast吃早飯 9.gotoschool去上學(xué) 10.havelunch吃午飯 11.gohome回家 12.watchTV看電視 13.goto

14、bed上床睡覺 14.gotothecinema去看電影 15.Whatsthetime,please?請問幾點(diǎn)了? Its 16.Whattimedoyou?你什么時候做什么? Iat 17.Seeyou.再見。 18.Itslate.遲到了。 19.Itstimeto是的時候了 20.Shallwe?我們,好嗎? 21.Whatsand?幾加幾等于幾? Its是 22.Whatsthematter?怎么了? 23.readthenewwords讀生詞 24.boysandgirls孩子們 25.sitdown坐下 26.standup起立 27.dothepuzzle玩拼圖 28.Good

15、night.晚安。 29.aglassofwater一杯水 30.havesomecakes吃些蛋糕 31.Goodevening.晚上好。 32.havesomesoftdrink喝些飲料 PEP教材四年級英語下冊知識點(diǎn)歸納一、語音1. cakesnakegrapesface /applebagcathat 2. wemeweheshe/eggbeddeskpen 3. bikericekiteice-cream / milkfishpigwindows 4. O holehomenoserose/boxfoxorangelock 5. studentcutemusictube / umbr

16、ellatoothbrushcupbus 二、詞匯 (一)四會單詞 1、computer boardfanlight /thisismythatyour teachers deskpicturewallfloor /yesit 2、onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten MathChineseEnglishP.E.music /whattimeits=it is oclock forclass 3、jacketshirtskirtdressT-shirt redblueyellowgreenwhite /nonotcolour 4、warmcoldcoo

17、lsnowysunny /today Jeanspantssocksshoes /lets=let usplayfootball 5、bigsmalllongshort / how much applebananapearorangewatermelon/arethey 6、horsecatrabbitpigduckdog eleventwelvethirteenfifteentwenty /how manythere arent=are not (二)聽、說、認(rèn)讀詞匯 1、playground / garden / teachers office / library / canteen We

18、lcometoourmanyclassatplease art room / computer room / washroom / music room / gym / TV room 2、lunch English class music class breakfastdinnerP.E. class Get upgo to schoolgo homego to bedready 3、weatershorts sotheyre=they are 4、hotweatherrainywindycloudyhellohibye 5 、colourfulprettycheapexpensivehel

19、psneakersslipperssandalsboots Forall rightthem 6、sheephenlambgoatcowfattomatocucumberpotatoonioncarrot 三、句型 (一)Lets learn部分 1、Where is the canteen?Its on the first 。 Where is the art room?Its on the second floor. 2、What time is it ?Its nine oclock. Itstime for English class . Its time to go to schoo

20、l. 3、I like the white sweater with the green skirt.I like the blue dress. Where are my socks? What colour? White. 4、This is the weather report. Its cool in Lhasa . Heres the world weather .Its rainy in London. 5、Look at that dress.Its pretty.Yes.Itis . Can I help you? Yes.I want a pair of sneakers.

21、6、What are they? They are goat. (二)Lets talk部分 1、Welcome to our school! Thisis the teachers office. How many students are there in your class? Forty-five. Do you have a library? Yes.This way ,please. Is this the library?Yes, it is.Is that the art room?No,it isnt. Your school is beautiful /cool. 2、Sc

22、hool is over. Lets go to the playground. OK.Lets run. Hurry. Its time to get up. Breakfast is ready!Its time for English. Im ready. 3、 Whoseis this ?Itsyourbaby brothers. Where are they? These are your baby pants. Wow! Theyre so small. Our neighbour has a new baby. 4、 Can I wear my new shirt today?N

23、o,you cant.Its cold. What are you doing?Not much. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its snowy today. Whats the matter? Its windy now. I have to close the window. 5、 Look at that dress. Its colourful. Its very pretty. Can I help you?Yes ,please. What size?Size five. How much is this dress ? Its eigh

24、ty-five yuan. Well take it. Oh,thatstoo expensive. Are they all right?Yes ,they are. 6、Oh, this farm is so big. Are they sheep/horses/donkeys? No, they arent. How many cows do you have? I dont know./One hundred. Are these tomatoes? Yes, they are. /No,they arent. Are those potatoes? Yes, they are. /N

25、o,they arent. What are they?Theyre onions. Are those cucumbers? Yes, they are. (三)Read and write部分 1、This is my computer.That is your computer. Is this a teachersdesk . Yes ,it is . 2、What time is it ?Its two oclock. ItsIts time for math class. 3、Is this your T-shirt? No,its not.What colour is it ?

26、Its white. 4、 Its warm today. Lets play football. Its cool.Is it cold? 5、 How much is it ? Its ten yuan. How much are they? Theyre three yuan. 6、 Are they ducks? No, they arent. How many horses are there? Twelve.PEP四年級下(第四冊)各單元句型總匯第一單元Where is the canteen? Its on the first floor.Welcome to our schoo

27、l!How many students are there in your class?Do you have a library?Do you have lunch at school?The canteen is on the first floor.This way, please.Your school is beautiful.We have a new computer room.Lets go there.I like this one.Is this the library?Yes,it is.Is that the art room?No,it isnt.Whats on i

28、t?Lets go and have a look.四會句型:This is my computer.That is your computer.Is this a teachers desk?Yes,it is.第二單元Its time for English class.School is over.Lets go to the .Lets go home.Just a minute.Lets run.That one is correct.Its time to go to school.Breakfast is ready!Im ready!Look at my clock.Its n

29、ice.Can I have a try?四會句型:What time is it?Itstwo oclock.Its 9:45.Its time for math class.第三單元I like the white sweater with the green skirt.Where is my skirt?Whose is it?Its my T-shirt.Whose is this?Its your baby brothers!So many colours!Please pass me my T-shirt.My T-shirt is red.This small one?Wher

30、e are my socks?Look at these.What are they?These are your baby pants.Theyre so small.But what for?Our neighbour has a new baby!Hurry up!This red T-shirt is pretty!四會句型:Is this your skirt?No,its not.What colour is it?Its white.第四單元This is the weather report.Its cool in Lhasa.Can I wear my new shirt t

31、oday?No,you cant.Come on .Those are my shoes.Where are they ?They are on your feet?Heres the world weather.What are you doing?Whats the weather like in Beijing? Not much.Its rainy today.How about New York?Whats the matter?I have to close the window.四會句型:Its warm today.Its coolLets play football. Is

32、it cold?第五單元Look at that dress.Its colourful.Can I help you?Thats expensive. I like it.This shirt is colourful,but its too big.Its fits me well.I want a pair of sneakers.What size?Size five.How about this pair?Are they nice/all right?Well take them.四會句型:How much is it?Its ten yuan.How much are they?

33、Theyre three yuan.第六單元How many cows do you have?What do you see in the picture?What are those?How many geese can you see?Are these tomatoes?四會句型:Are they ducks?No,they arent.How many horses are there?Twelve.四年級下冊單詞、句型集中營Words in Book 4Class_ Name_ Number_playground garden teachers office librarycant

34、een art room gym computer room washroom music room floor visitor thereTV room first class lunch this way please cool beautiful second computer board fan light this is mythat your teachers desk wall picture floor breakfast English class music classlunch it dinner P.E. class get up yesgo to school go

35、home go to bed just a minuteover go to the playground now run onekid two three four five sixseven eight nine ten what time its=it isoclock English P.E.hurry Chinese music for classjacket shirt skirt dress redsweater T-shirt whose green whiteblue yellow not jeans pantsno socks shoes shorts thesethose

36、 but what for neighbour colourwarm cold cool hot weather reportweather wear today cant=cannot put onjeans pants socks shoes footballlets=let us play snowy cloudy sunnyrainy windy New York matter closenot much have to pretty cheap expensivecolourful sixty seventy hundred assistanthow much ninety-nine

37、 big take applesmall long short orange watermelon pearbanana are they sneakers slipperssandals boots want pair well=we willa pair of son size horse hen lamb sheep goat cow farm arent=are notdonkey fat cat rabbit tomatopig duck dog onion carrot cucumber potato eleven twelve thirteenfresh fifteen twen

38、ty how many there重難點(diǎn)句子Sentences in Book 4 Class_ Name_ Number_1. Where is the canteen? Its on the first floor. 2. This is the teachers office. That is my classroom. 3. How many students are there in your class? Forty-five. 4. Do you have a library? Yes!5. The canteen is on the first floor. 6. This i

39、s my computer. That is your computer.7. Is this a teachers desk? Yes, it is.No, it isnt. 8. Is that the art room? Yes, it is.No, it isnt.9. What time is it? Its nine oclock. 10. Its time for English class. Breakfast is ready!11. School is over. Lets go to the playground. 12. Lets go home. Im ready.1

40、3. Its 7:05.Its time to go to school. 14. Its 8:30 .Its time for music class.15. I like the white sweater with the green skirt.16. I like the blue dress. 17. Where is my skirt?18. What colour is it? Blue. 19. Is this your skirt? Yes, it is./No. it isnt. My T-shirt is red.20. Is that your T-shirt? No

41、, its not. 21. Whose is it? Its my Tshirt.22. Whose is this? Its your baby brothers! 23. What are they? These are your baby pants. Theyre so small. 24. Are those my shoes? Yes. But what for? 25. Our neighbour has a new baby!26. This is the weather report. Its cool in Lhasa.27. Can I wear my new shir

42、t today? No, you cant. /Yes, you can. 28. Its warm today. You can wear your new shirt. 29. Can I wear my T-shirt? Yes, you can.30. What are you doing? Not much.31. Whats the weather like in Beijing? Its rainy today.32. How about New York? Its sunny. 33. Whats the matter?34. Its windy now. I have to

43、close the window.35. Look at that dress. Its colorful. Its very pretty. 36. Can I help you? Yes. 37. How much is this dress? Its ninety-nine Yuan.38. What size? Size five. 39. Are they all right? Yes, they are. 40. How much are they? Theyre thirty-five Yuan. 41. What are they? They are goats.42. Are

44、 they sheep? No, they arent. They are goats. 43. Are they horses? No, they arent .They are donkeys. 44. Look at the hens. They are fat. 45. How many cows do you have? One hundred.46. What do you see in the picture? I see five cats. 47. Are these tomatoes? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. 48. What are these? They are carrots.連詞成句1. is, my, this, computer (.) 2. your, is, that, computer (.)3. teachers desk, this, is, a (?)4. is, it, time, what (?) 5. oclock, its, two (.)6. time, math, for, its, class (.)7. this, is, your, T-shirt (?) 8. colour, it, is, what (?)9. warm,


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