



1、xx 英語備考資料:主謂一致的誤區(qū)句子的核心是謂語動詞,謂語動詞的確定取決于主語。根據(jù)句子含義和結(jié) 構(gòu)認準主語是掌握主謂一致的必要條件;弄清主謂一致的語言規(guī)則和習(xí)慣是掌 握主謂一致的充分條件,要正確使用主謂一致,兩個條件缺一不可,但同學(xué)們 往往會走入以下三大誤區(qū)。誤區(qū)一誤認主語1. 倒裝句 Between the two buildings are a big tree. ( x) Between the two buildings is a big tree.(“解析第句謂語動詞使用are,錯誤地認為the two buildings是該句的主 語,但實際上是介詞 between 的賓語,一

2、起構(gòu)成介詞短語,而介詞短語不能充 任主語。該句是一個倒裝句,真正主語是 a big tree 因此第句正確。特別提醒倒裝句的多見結(jié)構(gòu):副詞 /介詞短語 +謂語+主語2 .主語之后帶有介詞短語 The fruit like apples, oranges are good for our health. (x) The fruit like apples, oranges is good for our health.(“解析第句誤認為apples,oranges是主語,因此謂語動詞用are,而實際上 thefruit才是該句的主語,like apples,oranges是介詞短語作后置定語修飾

3、 the fruit.該句譯為 像蘋果、桔子之類的水果對我們的身體是有好處的因此第句是正確的。特別提醒類似的結(jié)構(gòu)有:主語 +with / like / except / but / together with / as well as . . . ,謂語動詞應(yīng)與主語一致,而與介詞短語之后的名詞無關(guān)。3. One of . . . +名詞復(fù)數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù)代詞 There are twenty boys in our class. One of the boys are from Canada.( X There are twenty boys in our class. One of the boys

4、 is from Can ada.(動解析one of the boys的中心詞是one,因此謂語動詞用單數(shù),造成第 句錯 誤的原因主要是把the boys當成了該句的主語。4. 定語從句 I like the photos which was taken in Beijing.(為 I like the photos which were taken in Beijing.(“解析which were taken in Beijing是一個定語從句,用于修飾先行詞thephotos,而 which本身就代替先行詞the photos.因此謂語動詞要用復(fù)數(shù),造成第 句錯誤的原因是沒有弄清楚關(guān)系

5、詞 which 的實質(zhì),只是從形式上看它是單 數(shù)。特別提醒定語從句中的謂語動詞應(yīng)該與先行詞保持一致。誤區(qū)二被主語的表象迷惑1. 看似復(fù)數(shù)卻表單數(shù)概念 Maths are my favourite subject.(為 Maths is my favourite subject.(坊解析maths本身是一個以“結(jié)尾的單詞,而不是一個復(fù)數(shù)名詞,表示單 數(shù)概念 “數(shù)學(xué)“這一學(xué)科,因此第 句正確。類似的有: physics,news,politics . . .2. 看似單數(shù)卻表復(fù)數(shù)概念 The police is searchi ng for the robbers. ( x) The police

6、 are searchi ng for the robbers.(“解析thepolice譯為 警方 表示復(fù)數(shù)概念,而不是表示 那個警察 因此第 句正確,類似的詞有:people,the +形容詞,the +姓+family等均表復(fù)數(shù)概念。3. 名詞的單復(fù)數(shù)同形 There are a little sheep eating grass on the hill. Can you see it?(為 There is a little sheep eat ing grass on the hill. Can you see it?( T解析sheep是一個單復(fù)數(shù)形式相同的名詞,由于sheep之前

7、用的a little修飾,加上Canyou see it中的it指代單數(shù),因此a little sheep譯為 一只小綿羊 “, 因此第 句正確。如果將原題改為: There ( be)a few sheep eatinggrass on the hill. Can you see them?E 又會怎么樣呢。4. 集合名詞 Their family is very happy. Now their family is watching TV. ( x) Their family is very happy. Now their family are watching TV.( T)解析 fa

8、mily 是一個集合名詞,表示整體概念時謂語用單數(shù),表示個體概念 時謂語用復(fù)數(shù)。該句譯為 “他們?nèi)液苊罎M,現(xiàn)在全家人正在看電視 “因.此第一 個 family 表示整體概念,譯為 “家庭 “第,二個 family 表示個體概念,譯為 “家人 “ 第 句正確。特別提醒類似的還有g(shù)roup,class,team等既可表單數(shù)也可表復(fù)數(shù)。誤區(qū)三誤用語言規(guī)則1. 表示時間、距離、金錢、重量、數(shù)量等名詞作主語 Ten years are quite a long time. ( X Ten years is quite a long time.( T解析表示時間、距離、金錢、重量、數(shù)量等名詞的復(fù)數(shù)作主語

9、時看作一個 整體,謂語動詞要用單數(shù),簡易錯誤理解為復(fù)數(shù)而出現(xiàn)第 句的錯誤。2. 由and連接的并列主語 The twentieth lesson and last lesson are very easy for students.( x The twen tieth less on and last less on is very easy for stude nts.(動解析thetwentiethlessonandlastlesson是表示同一概念,譯為 第20課即最 后一課“因,此謂語動詞應(yīng)該用單數(shù)。同學(xué)們簡易錯誤理解 “第 20課和最后一課 “ 如果表示兩課,應(yīng)該表達為 “the t

10、wentieth lesson and the last lesson“特別提醒由and連接的并列主語表示同一概念時,謂語動詞用單數(shù),表示 例外的概念時謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)。3. 就近原則 Neither you nor he have been to Beijing. ( x) Neither y ou nor he has been to Beijing.(“解析neither . Nor連接的并列主語(you , he)雖然表示兩個人,但根據(jù) 語言規(guī)則,當它連接并列主語的時候,謂語動詞根據(jù)就近原則,該由he決定,因此第 句正確。特別提醒類似的還有 either . . . Or,not onl

11、y . . . But also,not . . .But,以及there be之后的并列主語,謂語動詞的確定都根據(jù)“就近原則 “.4. This kind of,a piece of,this pair of 等短語作主語 This pair of trousers are very n ew, but Tom“s trouse(rsxare very old. This pair of trousers is very n ew, but Tom“ s trousefsre very old.解析trousers作主語時,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù),但當它被 語動詞由 pair 的單復(fù)數(shù)確定。因此第

12、句正確。this pair of 修飾時謂特別提醒this kind of,a piece of,a bag of,a box of等,這類短語作主語時謂語 動詞的單復(fù)數(shù)由這些短語中的名詞決定,而與它們所修飾的名詞無關(guān)。5. The rest of, half of等短語作主語 Half of the stude nts have fini shed most of the work. The rest of it are very difficult. ( X Half of the students have finished most of the work. The rest of it is very difficult.(動解析根據(jù)句意和句子結(jié)構(gòu)可以判斷the rest of it中的it,指thework, 而 work 是不可數(shù)名詞,因此第 句正確。特別提醒 all of,most of,half of,the rest of,以及 a lot of,some,


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