



1、大家晚上好!謝謝各位,謝謝大家從全國各地,我知道也有從美國、英國和印度來的同事,感謝大家來到杭州,感謝大家參加淘寶的十周年!Good evening everyone! Thank you forcoming all the way from all over the country to Han gzhou to p artici pate in Taobaos tenth anni versary. I know there are many colleagues coming from the Un ited States, Brita in. In dia .Tha nk you ve

2、ry much!今天是一個(gè)非常特別的日子,當(dāng)然對(duì)我來講,我期待這一天很多年了,最近一直在想,在這個(gè)會(huì)上,跟所有的同事、朋友、網(wǎng)商,所有的合作伙伴,我應(yīng)該說些什么?大家很奇怪, 就像姑娘盼著結(jié)婚,新娘子到了結(jié)婚這一天,除了會(huì)傻笑,真的不知道該干什么。Today isa very sp ecial day, But for me, I have bee n look ing forward to this day for many years .Rece ntly I have bee n thinking what I should say at this meeti ng to all the

3、 colleagues, frien ds, n etwork operators and all the partners.But it very strange and it just like the girl looking forward to marriage, when the day comes,the bride don know what to do to but giggle.我們是非常幸運(yùn)的人,我其實(shí)在想十年前的今天,是非典在中國最危險(xiǎn)的時(shí)候,所有人都沒有信心,大家不看好未來,阿里人十幾個(gè)年輕人一起我們相信十年以后的中國會(huì)更好, 十年以后,電子商務(wù)會(huì)在中國受更多人的關(guān)注

4、,很多人會(huì)用。I thi nk we arevery lucky peo pie.Actually I am thinking that ten years agowas the most dan gerous time for China because of SARS .No people was optimistic about the future .Butw eAli s young people believe that ten years later China will be better and ten years later e-commerce will attract

5、more peop les atte nti on in China and many people will use it.但我真沒想到,十年以后,我們變成了今天這個(gè)樣子。這十年無數(shù)的人為此付出了巨大的代價(jià),為了一個(gè)理想,為了一個(gè)堅(jiān)持,走了十年。我一直在想,即使把今年阿里巴巴集團(tuán)99%的東西拿掉,我們還是值得的,今生無悔,更何況我們今天有了那么多的朋友,那么多相信的人,那么多堅(jiān)持的人。 But it is really unexp ected that a decade later we have become what we are today .In this decade coun t

6、less people have p aid a heavy p rice.We have strivi ng for a dream and the p ersiste ncefor a decade. I have bee n thinking that eve n if the Alibaba Group s 99% was removed, the price we have p aid is still worthwhile and there is no regret in our life. Moreover, today we have so many frien ds, an

7、d there are so many people who believe in someth ing and in sist on someth ing.其實(shí)自己在想是什么東西讓我們有了今天,是什么讓馬云有了今天,我是沒有理由成功的,阿里也沒有理由成功,淘寶更沒有理由成功,但我們今天居然走了這么多年,依舊對(duì)未來充滿理想。其實(shí)我在想是一種信任,在所有人不相信這個(gè)世界,所有人不相信未來,所有人不相信別人的時(shí)候,我們選擇了相信,我們選擇了信任,我們選擇十年以后的中國會(huì)更好, 我們選擇相信我的同事會(huì)做得比我更好,我相信中國的年輕人會(huì)做得比我們更好。ActuallyI have bee n thin

8、king whatmakes us successful today and what makes Jack Masuccessful. There is no reason for Ali and me to be successful, neither is Taobao,But we have gone so far as to strivefor so many years and still have ideals for the future. In fact, I think it is a matter of trust.When every one does not beli

9、eve in this world, every one does not believe in the future,every one does not believe each other, we chose to believe and we chose to trust,We chose to believe that ten years later China will be better,We choose to believe my colleagues will do better tha n me and I believe that Chin as young peopl

10、e will do better tha n us.二十年以前也好,十年以前也好,我從沒想過,我連自己都不一定相信自己,我特別感謝我的同事信任了我,當(dāng) CEO很難,但是當(dāng)CEO的員工更難。我從沒想過在中國,大家都認(rèn)為這是一個(gè)缺乏信任的時(shí)代,它居然你會(huì)從一個(gè)你都沒有聽見過的名字,聞香識(shí)女人這樣人的身上,付錢給他,買一個(gè)你可能從來沒見過的東西,經(jīng)過上千上百公里,通過一個(gè)你不認(rèn)識(shí)的人,到了你手上,今天的中國,擁有信任,擁有相信,每天2400萬筆淘寶的交易,意味著在中國有 2400萬個(gè)信任在流轉(zhuǎn)著。Twenty orten years ago,I have never thought thatwhe

11、n eve n I do not n ecessarily believe in myself,my colleagues trust me,which I am p articularly app reciate.Be ing a CEO is difficult, but being staffs of a CEO is harder. I have n ever thought that in China ,whe n it s said to be an era lack of trust ,you will buy someth ing thousa nds of hun dreds

12、 of kilometers away from you ,which you have n ever see n, and pay for a person whose n ame you have never heardofand is. Todays China has faith and has trust. Every day24 million Taobao tran sactio nsmea nsthere are 2400 trusts in circulati on in Chi na.80在座所有的阿里人,淘寶,小微金融的人,我特別為大家驕傲,今生跟大家做同事,下 輩子我們

13、還是同事!因?yàn)槭悄銈?,讓這個(gè)時(shí)代看到了希望,在座的你們就像中國所有的 后、90后那樣,你們?cè)诮⒁环N新的信任,這種信任就讓世界更開放,更透明,更懂得分 享,更承擔(dān)責(zé)任,我為你們感到驕傲。Im P articularly proud of all the prese nt peop le from Ali,Taobao, micro-finance.This life We are colleagues and next life we will still be colleagues. Thanks for you, there is hope in this era.Every one at

14、 p rese ntare just like the Chin ese born in the 80 and 90.You are establishing a new trust,whichmake the world more open, more transparent ,have a better kno wledge of how to share, and more respon sible. I am p roud of you.今天的世界,是一個(gè)變化的世界,30年以前,我們誰都沒想到今天會(huì)這樣,誰都沒想到中國會(huì)成為制造業(yè)大國,誰都沒想到,電腦會(huì)深入人心,誰都沒想到互聯(lián)網(wǎng)在中國

15、會(huì)發(fā)展得那么好。誰都沒有想到,淘寶會(huì)起來,誰都沒想到雅虎會(huì)有今天。這是一個(gè)變化的世界, 我們誰都沒想到,我們今天可以聚在這里,繼續(xù)暢想未來。Todays world is a changeable world,thirty years ago no one had thought that todaysChina have become a big manufacturing country,no one had thought the compu ter have dee ply rooted in people heart ,no one had thought Internet Netw

16、ork have devel oped so well in China, no one had thought Taobaowould have set up, no one had thoughtyahoohad bee n what it is today.It is a cha nging world, we had n ever thought that we couldgather here today and con ti nue talk ing about the future.我們大家都認(rèn)為電腦夠快,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)還要快,我們很多人還沒搞清楚什么是PC互聯(lián)網(wǎng)、移動(dòng)互聯(lián)來了;我們?cè)跊]

17、搞清楚移動(dòng)互聯(lián)的時(shí)候,大數(shù)據(jù)時(shí)代又來了。變化的時(shí)代,是年輕人的時(shí)代,今天還有不少年輕人覺得無數(shù)的像谷歌、百度、騰訊、阿里這樣的公司拿掉了所 有的機(jī)會(huì), We all think that the compu ter is fast eno ugh whilethe Internet is faster. Before lots of people find out what PC Internet is, mobile Internet has come. When we are not yet clear what the mobile Internet is, Big Data era c

18、ome. Changing times is young people age.Today there are still many young people thought that so many companies such as Google ,Baidu,Te ncent and Ali, have take n all the opportun ities.十年以前當(dāng)我們看到無數(shù)的偉大的公司,我們也曾經(jīng)迷惘過,我們還有機(jī)會(huì)嗎?但是十年堅(jiān)持、執(zhí)著,我們走到了今天,假如不是一個(gè)變化的時(shí)代,在座所有的年輕人輪不到你們, 工業(yè)時(shí)代是論資排輩,永遠(yuǎn)需要有一個(gè)rich father,但是今天我

19、們沒有,我們擁有的是就是堅(jiān)持和理想。很多人討厭變化,但是正因?yàn)槲覀儼盐兆×怂械淖兓?,我們才看到了未?Ten years ago whe n we saw coun tless great compani es, we were also con fused. Is there any cha nces left for us? But with ten years p ersiste nee, we have bee n what we are today.But for the cha nging times, there is no cha nee for the p rese nt

20、young peopi e.The in dustrial age is arranging p riority accord ing to seni ority .We n eed a rich father but we don have. What we have are just persistenee and dream. Many people hate changes but it because we grasp all the changes that we see the future,未來30年,這個(gè)世界,這個(gè)中國,將會(huì)有更多的變化,這種變化對(duì)每一個(gè) 人是一個(gè)機(jī)會(huì),抓住這

21、次機(jī)會(huì),我們很多人埋怨昨天,30年以前的問題,中國發(fā)展到今天,誰都沒有經(jīng)驗(yàn),世界發(fā)展到今天,誰都沒有經(jīng)驗(yàn),我們沒有辦法改變昨天,但是30年以后的今天,是我們今天這幫人決定的,改變自己,從點(diǎn)滴做起。堅(jiān)持十年,這是每一個(gè)人的夢(mèng) 想。In the next three decades, the world and China will have more changes. These changesare opportun ities for every one and we should seize them. Many of us complain about yesterday and the

22、 p roblems of thirty years ago. No one have exp erie nee in the devel opment of China and the world .We can change what happened yesterday,but we can determine what will happen thirty years later. We should cha nge ourselvesfrom scratch and p ersist a decade.It is every on es dream.我感謝這個(gè)變化的時(shí)代,我感謝無數(shù)人

23、的抱怨,因?yàn)樵趧e人抱怨的時(shí)候,才是你的機(jī)會(huì), 只有變換的時(shí)代,才是每一個(gè)人看清自己有什么要什么該放棄什么的時(shí)候。I am grateful tothe changing age and countless complaints.Because when others complain, the opportunity comesto you. Onlyin cha nging times can every one realize what they have ,what they want and what they should abandon.參與阿里巴巴的建設(shè)14年,我榮幸我是一個(gè)商人

24、,今天人類已經(jīng)進(jìn)入了商業(yè)社會(huì),但是很遺憾,這個(gè)世界商人沒有得到他們應(yīng)該得到的尊重,商人在這個(gè)時(shí)代已經(jīng)不是唯利是圖的時(shí)代,我想我們跟任何一個(gè)職業(yè),任何一個(gè)藝術(shù)家、教育家、政治家一樣,我們?cè)诒M自己最大的努力,去完善這個(gè)社會(huì)。Involved in the construction of Alibabafor fourtee n years, I am honored that I am a bus in essma n. Today, mankind has en tered the Busin ess com mun ity. But it s apity that the bus in ess

25、me n in the world do not get the respect they deserve. In this An era, bus in essme n are no tseek ing no thi ng but p rofits .1 think were like any other occupation and any other artists, educators and politicians, we have been doing our best to improve the community.14年的從商,讓我懂得了人生,讓我懂得了什么是艱苦,什么是堅(jiān)

26、持,什么是責(zé)任,什么是別人成功了,才是自己的成功。我們最期待的是員工的微笑。Fourteen years in bus in ess make me know the life an dmake me know what is hard ness, what is the p ersiste nce,what is respon sibility and what is the true success is making others successful. What we most look forward to is the staff s smile.從今天晚上12點(diǎn)以后,我將不是CE

27、O.從明天開始,商業(yè)就是我的票友,我為自己從商14 年深感驕傲!From the midnight, I will not be CEO. Starting from tomorrow, I will bean amateur in bus in ess and rm proud of my fourtee n-years bus in ess career.看至 M爾們,看至 U中國的年輕人,我不希望有一天我們這些人再來一個(gè)致我們逝去的中年。這世界誰也沒把握你能紅五年,誰也沒有可能說你會(huì)不敗,你會(huì)不老,你會(huì)不糊涂。解決你不敗,不老,不糊涂 的唯一辦法,相信年輕人!因?yàn)橄嘈潘麄?,就是相信未來?/p>

28、所以我再我將不會(huì)回到阿里巴巴 做CEO。要我回也不會(huì)回來,因?yàn)榛貋硪矝]有用,你們會(huì)做得更好!Seeingeveryone of youand the Chin as young people ,I do not want that some daythere is a new movie calledDevoted to our lost middleage.Nobody can be sure to be hot for five years in this world and there is no po ssibility that one could be successful ,yo

29、ung or clever forever . The on ly way to achieve thoseis believing in young people .Because believing themis to believe the future.So I will not back to Alibaba as a CEO even If I m invited I do not want to return back. My returning-back is nonsense because you can do better!做公司,到這個(gè)規(guī)模,小小的自尊,我很驕傲,但是對(duì)

30、社會(huì)的貢獻(xiàn),我們這個(gè)公司才剛 剛開始,所有的阿里人,我們都很興奮,很勤奮,很努力,但我們很平凡,認(rèn)真生活,快樂 工作。我們今天得到的遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過了我們的付出,這個(gè)社會(huì)在這個(gè)世紀(jì)希望這家公司走遠(yuǎn)走久,那就是去解決社會(huì)的問題,今天社會(huì)上有那么多問題,這些問題就是在座的機(jī)會(huì)。如果沒有問題,就不需要在座的各位。Buildi ng a company to this scale, my little self-esteem is met and I m very p roud. But our con tributi ons to society is in the begi nning .All Alis

31、 staff are very excited, in dustrious and14年幫助小企業(yè)成長?!苯裉爝@個(gè)使命落到了你們身 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)制造了不公平,但是我的理解,互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 各地區(qū),有哪個(gè)地方為小企業(yè)、初創(chuàng)企業(yè)提供 有些企業(yè)三五年內(nèi)享受了五六個(gè)億用戶,他們呼喚500塊錢的稅收優(yōu)惠,請(qǐng)所有阿里人支持他們,hardwork ing. But we are very ordinary and we just live a serious life and work happ ily. Today what we have got is far more tha n what we p aid. Th

32、e reas on why the society in this cen tury hope this company go far away for a long time is to solve social p roblems. There are so many p roblems in todays Society, which all areyour opportun ities. If there is no p roblem, every one at p rese nt are not needed.阿里人堅(jiān)持為小企業(yè)服務(wù),因?yàn)樾∑髽I(yè)是中國夢(mèng)想最多的地方。這里,前,我們提出

33、了 “讓天下沒有難做的生意, 上,我還想再為小企業(yè)講,人們說電子商務(wù)、 制造了真正的公平。請(qǐng)問,全國各省、各市、 稅收優(yōu)惠,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)給了小企業(yè)這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)。跟小企業(yè)共同追求平等,小企業(yè)需要的就是 他們一定會(huì)成為中國將來最大的納稅者。Ali P ersist in servi ng small bus in esses, because small bus in esses are p laces where there are most Chin ese dreams. Fourtee n years ago, wepropo sed that Clear up the difficulties i

34、n bus in ess and help small bus in esses grow .Today all the work will be your respon sibility. And I still want to sp eak to small bus in esses that some say e-commerce and the Internet created un fair ness, but my un dersta nding is thatthe Internet creates true fairness. I d like to ask that in e

35、very province ,city and region,is there any place offer pion eeri ng p rivilege to small bus in ess and start -ups the provin ces, municip alities and regi ons with which p lace is smallEnterp rises,Start -ups Internet gives the opportuni tyto smallbus in esses .Some companies owned five hun dred or

36、 six hun dred milli on users in three to five years.They call for the com mon pu rsuit of equality with small bus in esses.What small bus in esses need is just 500 dollars of tax preferenceshope all Ali staff support them and they must be the Ch in as largest taxp ayers in the future.感謝各位,我將會(huì)從事一些自己感

37、興趣的事兒,教育、 環(huán)保,剛才那首歌“ Healthe world ”,這世界很多事,我們做不了,這世界奧巴馬就一個(gè), 但是太多的人把自己當(dāng)奧巴馬看。這世界每個(gè)人做好自己那份工作,做好自己感興趣的那份工作,已經(jīng)很了不起,我們一起努力除了工作以外,完善中國的環(huán)境,讓水清澈,讓天空湛 藍(lán),讓糧食安全,我拜托大家!(馬云單膝下跪)Thank you,I will devote myself to someth in gsthat in terest me, such as educati on and en viro nmen tal p rotecti on, just as that song called Heal The World. I n this world ,there are a lot of thi ngs we can not do and there is just one Obama.But too many people look t themselves as Obama. It will be very amaz ing if every one in this world do a good job


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