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1、設(shè)計(論 文)外文參考資料及譯文譯文題目: Discussi on on The Pla nning and Design of Commercial Buildi ngs學生姓名: XXX 學號:09*83專 業(yè):建筑學所在學院:XX學院指導(dǎo)教師:XX職 稱: 畐U教授201X年 XX月 XX 日原文:Discussion on The Planning and Designof Commercial BuildingsAbstract: the commercial building in residential buildings has become, most attract sb.

2、s atte nti on, the largest build ing is in flue need by the type of en ergy and Ian dscape of the city pla nning, desig n of commercial buildi ngs will face more problems. This paper discusses how to carry on pla nning and desig n of commercial buildi ngs, the con structi on of a rati on al, reas on

3、 able, appropriate bus in ess build ing, so as to create a good social and econo mic ben efits.Keywords: con structi on pla nning; commercial build in gs; architectural desig nPrefaceComprehe nsive is the developme nt trend of moder n commercial buildi ngs, architects in the design of commercial bui

4、ldings and functions are changing, different positioning of pla nning, bus in ess characteristics and local cultural in flue nce commercial buildi ng mode, which requires us to continuously improve our project products, create more in line with the bus in ess n eeds of the best pla n and desig n wor

5、ks, and fin ally let inv estors and con sumers feel a con sta nt value, so that they feel superior comb in atio n of spatial con ti nu ous operati on, let the customer feel shopp ing pleasure, feel the beauty of life and the world.1. Commercial architectural schemeCommercial buildi ngs are gen erall

6、y large inv estme nt, high risk, long cycle, the successful operati on of returns, differe nt commercial patter ns determ ine differe nt commercial build ing form, and commercial patter n is determ ined and market positi oning, the positi oning accuracy of the architect, to commercial buildi ng vari

7、ous fun cti ons, property, facilities should have full understanding and effective organization, and different commercial construction pla nning ideas to produce commercial architectural desig n works are differe nt, econo mic ben efits of inv estme nt has great differe nce. Good architectural pla n

8、ning has decided the success or failure of architectural desig n.I. Market survey of commercial building design must be based on the market survey results. Based on the characteristics and trend of foreig n con sumpti on, econo mic con diti ons, traffic con diti ons, the surro unding commercial patt

9、er n, city in frastructure, city developme nt pla nning, full market research bus in ess situati on, on the project itself, choose format, format portfolio, the distributi on of in dustrial cha in and area proporti on, in dustry select ion, distribution and area ratio to the shops, division, archite

10、ctural form, area and the floor function, people oriented system, project environment and supporting facilities are set in adva nce. Provide desig n basis for the architect to desig n.2. Mode dema nd regardless of commercial buildi ng is ren tal, sale or ren tal runcomb in atio n, the most importa n

11、t is to determ ine the main format, for commercial build in gs, differe nt types of decisi on model is differe nt, its bus in ess scale, function flow, and so on are desig ned by itself to determ ine, differe nt formats have differe nt functional requireme nts, and desig n the use is required by the

12、 bus in ess decisi ons rather tha n the developer to advocate. The lack of directi onal desig n basis, the desig n appears to be uni versal, but shoot at ran dom. Once the fun cti on with the shop owner con flict, the desig n must be from the beg inning. Lan guage planning can increasethe early unne

13、cessarycost and later investment difficulty. Therefore, architects should desig n accord ing to differe nt formats of differe nt architectural space mode an alysis and recomme ndatio ns.3.ln commercial buildings in the process of planning, commercial real estate is the key to grasp the global expert

14、s and architects. Commercial real estate planner requires multidiscipli nary pers onnel coord in atio n ability of orga ni zatio n, accordi ng to the project of regional history and culture characteristic, according to local consumer preferences, in particular, the design project of the overall conc

15、ept, culture orientation and market orientation is determ in ed. At prese nt, the commercial real estate projects gen erally orga ni zed by developers to overall pla nning, the in vestme nt in the project n eeds and bus in ess man ageme nt experts, bus in ess format store man agers and retail market

16、 ing pla nner, pla nner, com muni cati on Ian dscape pla nn ers, architects,etc. In the impleme ntati on of con struct ion pla n, still n eed to urba n pla nner, computer tale nted pers on to participate, to form a complete con structi on pla ns. Neither side may be arran ged to replace, the archite

17、ctural desig n is in clusive and absorb ing these opinions, solutions and professional values of materialized labor and can form a complete architectural pla nning and desig n.4.Susta in able developme nt and the characteristics of commercial buildi ng is a public place, with the developme nt of bus

18、 in ess, commercial build ings in 5-6 years will be to do a decorati on, simple and durable quality, less as far as possible n eed to repair and maintenan ce, and at the same time, accord ing to the differe nt project en vir onment and commercial content is flexible to adapt and ultimately the value

19、 of investors and consumers are continuous. Complete function, rich forms, and space is varied, characteristic, design must be the con temporary tendency of time aga in at the same time, in all sorts of culture and the differe nces betwee n s res on ate.2. Commercial building designCommercial buildi

20、 ng desig n is for the purpose of the con struct ion project to produce a good and last ing econo mic ben efits, the architect in commercial build ing desig n is to realize project to achieve a dyn amic model of inv estme nt retur n, is to complete a final accepta nee by consumers and continuous use

21、 of building products. Prophase planning orientation, inv estme nt, operati on and man ageme nt,each situati on is very complex, has brought great in flue nee, architecture desig n is an importa nt link. And architects for commercial architecture design is inclusive and absorbing these opinions, sol

22、utions and professional values of materialized labor and can form a complete works of architectural desig n.(1) Formats combination designThe compositi on of commercial complex is decided by the bus in ess itself in dustry valuecha in, what kind of bus in ess comb in atio n is better for bus in ess.

23、 Architects should accord ingto the preliminary planning and positioning, the first investment, operation and managementJ):theof the pla nning scheme, start ing from the basic function and practical applicati on of build ingclear the relati on ship betwee n the fun cti on, space, en vir onmen t, i n

24、 line with The Times tcdesig n not only requires a new breath, also requires a reas on able and clear arran geme nt ofwhole spacef un cti onal requireme nts, and actively guide the passe ngerflow, manu facturi ng1iflow, differe nt articles require differe nt forms of space and locati on, reas on abl

25、e distributionarea, the partition of floor paving segmentation and supporting facilities design can avoid allikinds of goods mixed Chen, mixed traffic situation, the architect should create rich, flexible,comply with the appropriate space to con tai n differe nt aspects of bus in ess comb in ationte

26、ch no logy n eeds.Must do to make it a complex, the in dustrial cha in, in dustrial cha in out after the value cha in came out, can produce all kinds of ben efits.(2) Pattern designPlanning, design of commercial building in different commercial real estate development mode, have completely differe n

27、t results. Rent is not only sales, emphasiz ing on man ageme nt and value-added shops, if considering concurrently, also consider the preferences and requireme nts of the buyer shops. Commercial build ings due to the differe nt requireme nts for mercha nts fun cti on layout is differe nt, also diffe

28、re nt brands to the layout of the same forms are differe nt. By the limit of commercial build in gs, or differe nt developme nt cycle, or running effect is differe nt. Those who do not conform to the bus in ess law of commercial buildi ng desig n, although space modeli ng is rich, has implied the ba

29、d man ageme nt of hidde n trouble. Therefore, meet the dema nd of mercha nts, digest the n egative in flue nee of all kinds of cha nges, architects in the desig n of the flexible space comb in ati on, provid ing differe nt pattern desig n, to the use of a variety of forms do fully con sider fun cti

30、on of bala nee and coordi nati on. Commercial buildi ng itself the fun cti on of the comb in ati on is very complex, for commercial, reside ntial, office each mixed complex project, the process will be more difficult. Commercial and apartment part often deployed in a low-end, office and hotel in the

31、 high-end. The advantages of this design can facilitate the building line layout; Low-end flat layer in the core tube locatio n is adva ntageous to the toilet set up; High-e nd part of the Ian dscape adva ntage is more adva ntageous to project high value products. But in the con crete project, but s

32、hould also fully con sider buildi ng itself the vertical tran sportati on efficie ncy of the impact on bus in ess. In the design of architectural plane layout, space efficiency will approach combined with architectural form and structure. For example, many senior project adopted the practice of An g

33、le, whe n the desig n accord ing to the econom y, it can in crease econo mic retur ns of about 30%, but in the specific project be careful not to damage to the corner form.(3) The guidance system designStream of people, logistics, decisi on fun ctio n layout reas on able guida nee system is the key

34、to the successof commercial build ing desig n. Make sure people line, logistics, in ward and outward, cha nnel form, to make the layout of the commercial fun cti on, con sumer groups have a wide range of interest and today free time, thus providing rich architectural space, in tegrat ing shopp ing,

35、en terta inmen t, leisure and so on n eed comprehe nsive shopp ing mall is their needs. Rich function as much as possible to meet the requirements of the customers, but also satisfy the buyers (paveme nt inv estors, bus in ess inv estors) n eeds to provide convenientlogistics cha nn el. And express

36、more in terest in the con struct ion details. And the n to create new bus in ess en vir onment. Let the con sumer feel the pleasure shopp ing con sumpti on, feel the beauty of life and the world at the same time, create more econo mic ben efits for store operators.(4) Green building and characterist

37、icGree n buildi ng on the one hand can save en ergy, on the other hand the susta in able of ben efits will far outweigh the prophase in vestme nt so as to achieve the value of overall impleme ntati on, gree n build ings gives the possibility of ability of susta in able developme nt and alterati on,

38、whe n architects in the desig n of commercial build ings so there is no n eed to do best, do it right, and not have to do much more luxurious style reflected is the commercial build in gs, stron ger in proper. Commercial buildi ngs tend to be the cen ter of the city commercial culture, different cit

39、ies have different style, therefore, the architects in the use of his style and technique, need deep understanding urban commercial culture characteristics, extract the essenceof the regional culture, architectural design make commercial buildings should have cultural features, local feature, more w

40、ant to highlight the characteristics of the formats, spatial characteristics, cultural characteristics used in commercial build in gs, not only can sense the material shell, are show ing stro ng commercial build in gs.3. ConclusionModern commercial architecture planning and design major programs, in

41、cluding the inv estme nt purpose and the un dersta nding of the bus in ess en vir onment for inv estors, commercial content on the project, the locatio n of the bus in ess en vir onment of con sumer behavior, commercial build in gs, the un dersta nding of the bus in ess con cept research, commercial

42、 building project planning, design process and method of design, for project con struct ion total pla ne desig n and auxiliary space desig n professi onal desig n, space form and form design, the project design space and form of management main body,property requireme nts,facilities and equipme nt r

43、equireme nts,architectural engin eeri ng and con structi on of the professi onal requireme nt.中文譯文:淺談商業(yè)建筑規(guī)劃設(shè)計摘要:商業(yè)建筑現(xiàn)已成為除居住建筑以外,最引人注目的,對城市活力和景觀影響最 大的建筑類型,商業(yè)建筑規(guī)劃設(shè)計將面臨更廣泛的問題。本文論述了如何對商業(yè)建筑進 行規(guī)劃設(shè)計,建設(shè)出合理、合情、合適的商業(yè)建筑,從而創(chuàng)造良好的社會和經(jīng)濟效益。 關(guān)鍵詞:建筑規(guī)劃;商業(yè)建筑;建筑設(shè)計、八、-前言綜合性是現(xiàn)代商業(yè)建筑的發(fā)展趨勢,建筑師在設(shè)計商業(yè)建筑的方式和功能都在發(fā)生 著改變,不同的策劃定位、商業(yè)

44、特色和地方人文都影響著商業(yè)建筑的模式,這就需要我 們不斷改進我們的項目產(chǎn)品,打造更加符合商業(yè)需求的最佳策劃方案和設(shè)計作品,最終 讓投資者和消費者感到持續(xù)的價值,讓商戶感受到持續(xù)經(jīng)營的優(yōu)越組合空間,讓客戶感 受到購物消費的愉悅,感受到生活和世界的美麗。一、商業(yè)建筑策劃商業(yè)建筑一般投資規(guī)模大,風險大,周期長,經(jīng)營成功的回報也大,不同商業(yè)形態(tài) 決定不同商業(yè)建筑的形式,而商業(yè)形態(tài)又取決與市場的定位,而定位的準確性,建筑師 才能對商業(yè)建筑各種功能、物業(yè)、設(shè)施要求有充分了解和有效組織,而且不同的商業(yè)建 筑策劃思路產(chǎn)生不同的商業(yè)建筑設(shè)計作品,投資產(chǎn)生的經(jīng)濟效益差異較大。好的建筑策 劃已經(jīng)決定建筑設(shè)計的成功或

45、失敗。1. 市場調(diào)查商業(yè)建筑設(shè)計必須依據(jù)市場調(diào)查得出定位結(jié)論。對外通過對消費特點和趨勢,經(jīng)濟條件,交通狀況,周邊商業(yè)格局,城市基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施,城市發(fā)展規(guī)劃,商業(yè)現(xiàn)狀 進行充分的市場研究,對內(nèi)通過對項目本身的業(yè)態(tài)選擇、業(yè)態(tài)組合、產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈分布和面積 占比例,業(yè)種選擇、分布和面積占比,對商鋪劃分、建筑形態(tài)、區(qū)域和樓層功能、人流導(dǎo)向系統(tǒng)、項目環(huán)境及配套設(shè)施等進行預(yù)先設(shè)定。為建筑師設(shè)計提供充分的設(shè)計依據(jù)。2. 模式需求不管商業(yè)建筑是出租、出售或租售兼營組合,最重要的是確定主力業(yè)態(tài), 對于商業(yè)建筑來說,不同業(yè)態(tài)決定模式的不同,其業(yè)態(tài)規(guī)模、功能流程、設(shè)計等都是由 它自己來確定,不同業(yè)態(tài)有自己不同的功能要求,這些使用

46、要求與設(shè)計是由商家決定而 非發(fā)展商自行主張。缺乏定向設(shè)計的依據(jù),所做設(shè)計看似通用性強,實則無的放矢。一 旦功能與店家沖突,設(shè)計必然從頭推翻。言目的規(guī)劃設(shè)計只能增加前期不必要成本和后 期的招商難度。因此建筑師應(yīng)根據(jù)不同業(yè)態(tài)設(shè)計不同的建筑空問模式來分析和建議。3. 在進行商業(yè)建筑策劃的過程中,商業(yè)地產(chǎn)專家與建筑師是把握全局的關(guān)鍵人物。 商業(yè)地產(chǎn)策劃師要具備多學科人才協(xié)同組織能力,根據(jù)項目所處區(qū)域歷史文化特點,特 別是根據(jù)當?shù)叵M者偏好,設(shè)計項目開發(fā)的總體理念,確定文化定位與市場定位。當前, 商業(yè)地產(chǎn)項目一般由發(fā)展商組織總體策劃,在投資立項中需要與商業(yè)經(jīng)營專家、商業(yè)業(yè) 態(tài)店經(jīng)理人員、商鋪營銷策劃師、

47、建筑規(guī)劃師、景觀規(guī)劃師、建筑師等進行溝通。在實施建筑策劃時,還需城市規(guī)劃師、計算機人才共同參與,才能形成完整的建筑策劃方案。 任何一方都不可能包辦代替,建筑設(shè)計就是包容和消化這些意見、方案和專業(yè)價值的物 化勞動,才能形成完整的建筑策劃和設(shè)計方案。4. 可持續(xù)發(fā)展和特色商業(yè)建筑是公共場所,隨著商業(yè)的發(fā)展,商業(yè)建筑一般在5-6年就要重新做一次裝修,簡潔和耐久的品質(zhì),盡可能地少需要維修與保養(yǎng),而同時,根 據(jù)不同的項目環(huán)境和商業(yè)內(nèi)容進行了靈活的適應(yīng),最終讓投資者和消費者感到持續(xù)的價 值。功能齊全、業(yè)態(tài)豐富、空間多姿、特色鮮明,設(shè)計必須富有時代感,同時又需超越 時代趨勢,在各種文化和不同年代間引起共鳴。二、商業(yè)建筑設(shè)計商業(yè)建筑設(shè)計的目的是讓建筑項目產(chǎn)生良好的、持久的經(jīng)濟效益,建筑師在商業(yè)建 筑設(shè)計里面是要實現(xiàn)項目達成一套動態(tài)的投資回報模式,是完成一件被消費者最終接受和持續(xù)使用的建筑產(chǎn)品。前期的規(guī)劃定位,招商,經(jīng)營管理,每種情況都是非常復(fù)雜, 都帶來很大的影響,建筑設(shè)計是一個重要的環(huán)節(jié)。而建筑師進行商業(yè)建筑設(shè)計就是包容 和消化這些意見、方案和專業(yè)價值的物化勞動,才能形成完整的建筑設(shè)計


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