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1、.Unit 1Vocabulary Exercise AChoose theappropriateword or phrasefromthelisttocompletethe followingsentences.ambiguity模棱兩可recuperation恢復(fù)preconception事先形成的觀點(diǎn)prone易于 的connotation含蓄;暗示;儲(chǔ)蓄的東西preferential優(yōu)先的,優(yōu)惠的ethnocentrically種族優(yōu)越感的scrutiny監(jiān)視,細(xì)看deterrent制止stumbling block絆腳石,障礙1.Wehave a certainstereotypic

2、al_ ofa personfroma culture and we interprethis/herbehaviouraccordingto thispreconception,whetheror notthereasonfor thebehaviour is what we think it.2.Accordingto Dr. Helfand,Pakistan builtnuclearweapons as a _ againstIndia.India wanted them as a _ against China.3. The European _ Committee assesses

3、the legal and/or political importance ofeach EUdocument, decides which EU documents are debated, monitors the activitiesofUK MinistersintheCouncil,andkeepslegal,proceduralandinstitutionaldevelopments in the EU under review.4. A major _ in handling criticism is that we believe the criticism to be unf

4、air and untrue and that we should defend ourselves against such criticism.5.Many Americanswho arelearningChinese think that theterm“ Lao Wai” issomehowan insult, and in facttheterm “ Lao Wai” doesn t have a negative _ in Chinese.6. China has no plan to change its _ treatment policies for foreign inv

5、estmentin the near future in order toreassure foreign investors who have been worried thatChina might cancelits_ policiesand giveforeigninvestorsthe same nationaltreatment as their domestic counterparts now that the country is in the WTO.7.Restorativeyoga isespeciallyhelpful foranxiety-_peoplebecaus

6、e itallowsthenervous system to rest and heal.8.Studentsshoulddeveloptheabilitytoweighevidencewithoutbias,tolerate_, and use ethical principles in their academic and personal lives.9. Members slated for peacekeeping duties over 180 days are eligible for up to 15 days of rest and _.10. The norms of ou

7、r own culture are not necessarily wrong often they are very good but we should learnnot to judgeotherculture s ways of actingand thinking_only because they differ from our own.Keys: 1. preconception2.deterrent; deterrent3. Scrutiny4. stumbling block5. connotation6. preferential; preferential7. prone

8、8. ambiguity9. recuperation10.ethnocentricallyVocabulary Exercise BFill in the blanks with the best choice.1. _impliesan activechoiceto clingto something,not passivelybeing.carried along out of inability to imagine anything else.A. Tenancy租用B. Tenacity固執(zhí)C. Tendency傾向,趨于D. Tenure占有,任期2. In Egypt, I s

9、aw the pyramids and the damaged face of the Sphinx, smiling a (an)_ smile. An amazing journey!A. inscrutable謎一樣的B. sweet C. incredulous不相信的D. incurious不關(guān)心的3. The elimination of _ was believed to be a prerequisite for any successful intercultural exchange.A.generalizations一般 化B. judgments判斷C.doubts懷疑

10、D. stereotypes使陳規(guī)4.The Pentagon was planningtolauncha 24-hoursatellitetelevisionchannelbased inBaghdad tomake iteasierto_ thenews media“ filter” thatBush Administrationofficialsbelieveis misleading thepublicbyemphasizingbad news about the occupation of Iraq.A. circumnavigate環(huán)航 B. circulate循環(huán) C. circ

11、umvent回避 D. curriculum總課程5. This class will provide you as a parent with age appropriate songs andactivitiestoenjoymusic athome withtoddlerthatwilldevelopcoordination,balanceand_ relationshipskillsaswellascommunicationandcooperation.A. scrutinyB.spacious廣闊的, 寬敞的C.stereotypeD.spatial空間的6.Itisa _ to s

12、ay thatthewomenwho teachinIndia must know thelanguage,the religion, superstitions and customs of the women to be taught in India.It ought to be the very same case for England.A. truism老生常談B. genuineC. tenacity固執(zhí)D.similarity7.The _ of“ white ” inChineseincludessomethingunhappy. At funerals,Chinese pa

13、y respect tothe deadand express their sorrow by wearing white andwriting elegiac couplets in white paper. In the West, however, white is thetraditionalcolorforthe brideatweddings,and towear whiteatfuneralswouldbe offensive.A. configuration構(gòu)造,形狀B.conjunctionC.connotationD.connection8. The just-conclu

14、ded election in Pakistan is simply a_ for continuingmilitary rule, according to Selig Harrison, a leading US authority on SouthAsia, Afghanistan and the region.A.inflectionB.fa ?ade 假象,外觀,正面 C. ambiguityD.fabrication構(gòu)造物9. Astelevision, and to an extent the internethave _furtherthrough oursociety, th

15、e effects are perhaps more significant than even we realize.A.perpetuatedB.pervasive無處不在 C. permanentD.permeated彌散,透入10. There s this new girl coming to my school, and I like her a lot. I want.to _ our friendship before I start a serious relationship.A. cement 鞏固,水泥B.lime 石灰C.clay 用粘土處理D.concrete凝結(jié),

16、使凝固Keys: 1. B2.A3.D4.C.5.D6.A7.C8.B9.D10.AUnit ThreeVocabulary Check AChoose theappropriate word orphrasefromthelistto complete thefollowingsentences.Sabotage 妨礙, 傷害pester使煩惱, 糾纏standoffish冷淡的, 冷漠的 casserole砂鍋delectable美味的 backfire爆炸,發(fā)生意外duress強(qiáng)迫,監(jiān)禁siblings同科therapy治療,療法smoothie善于討好,舉止優(yōu)雅,奶昔1.China i

17、s the first market for KFC to launch its new product. Targeting trendy youngpeople, KFC D&D features new flavors like the _ series, crushed ice ofdifferenttastesand hot drinks likeHong Kong-stylemilk tea.It s a widerchoiceof drinks and desserts than those on the regular KFC menu.2. My sisterEllie,wh

18、o recentlylost20 pounds, has been pressuringme toloseweighttoo. And when I asked for a second helping of the low-fat _she served fordinner the other night, she totally went off on me.3. Most little children want a dog or a cat, and they continually _ their mothers and fathers until they get one. It

19、is only when the sweet little thinghas been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on “Rover” or “Bonze”.4. Nigerian President Obasanjo said Sunday that he is not excluding _ as thecause of last Sundays bomb explosionsatthe Military Cantonment inLagos, whichled t

20、o the death of more than 1,100 people.5.An obviouslybiased judgemade derisivedecisionsthroughoutthe trial.The strainof the trial also placed Barries marriage under_, which ultimately ledto his wife divorcing him, and led to Barries children being derided andphysically attacked by their classmates.6.

21、The G.O.P.hopes to gainvotes by attackingheras a radicalfeministwho prefersthe boardroom to the kitchen. But the ploy could _by alienating workingwomen.7. Both Luo and Guang admit their drugs, while effective in combating AIDS andalleviatingitssyndromes,may not be the finalanswer to solvingthe AIDS

22、crisis.Rather, they believe, combined _ isthe likelyultimateanswer. Luo saidhis drugs, when combined with Western medicine, such as the AZT, have shown double the effectiveness for treating AIDS patients.8. This _ TV programme is suitable for those half-educated people.9. “John has no _. So when his

23、 parents passed away, he inherited everything.from the family properties, bank savings, stocks and a big house. Hes reallyliving on easy street.”10. Anthropologist Dr. Edward T. Hall points out that, for two unacquainted adultmale North Americans,the comfortabledistanceto stand forprivateconversatio

24、nis from arms length to about four feet apart. For as the South American movesin, the North American feels hes being pushy; and as the North American backsoff the South American thinks hes being_.Vocabulary Check BFill in the blanks with the best choice.1. There was so much pain there,_ caused by bo

25、th sidesover the years.I didn twant to hurtthem, nor theyme, but the harm had been done and itwas irreversible.A. inappreciablyB.inadvertently非故意地,漫不經(jīng)心地C.inarticulately口齒不清的,笨嘴笨舌的D. invisibly2. Strengthening regional economic cooperation is a top priority for many Asiancountries. Interdependence amo

26、ng these different countries is becoming stronger- thanks to the adoption of a more open economic model. And now, Asian countriesaremakingeffortstopromoteregional_,andinturnrealizecommonprosperity.A. integration結(jié)合 , 整合,一體化B.diversity多樣化C.competition比賽D.integral3. Whenpeople cant explaina new phenome

27、non using theirknowledge,they willfirstlytry to understand the new phenomena using the logic reference of_.A. comparison比較B. analysis分析C. counterpartD. analogy類推4. Ifyou mess up, it s not your parents fault,so dont_about your mistakes,learn from them.A. wonder驚奇B. worried焦慮C. whine發(fā)牢騷,哀訴D. pester糾纏5

28、. The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually _ it in a profitable direction.A. adapt改編,使適應(yīng)B. controlC. installD. steer控制,駕駛,引導(dǎo)6.Theintroductionofgunpowdergraduallymade thebow andarrow_,particularly in western Europe.A.obscure 模糊,晦澀,遮掩B.obsolete廢棄 C. optional可選擇的D. overlapping重疊7

29、. From busy homemakers to professionalpeople,many Americans enjoythe convenienceofprepackaged meals thatcan be ready toserve in10 minutesor less.On the otherhand, many Americans recognize the value of _ art.A. cookieB. culinary烹飪的【固定搭配】C. cuisineD. cook8. The chairman of the board _ on me the unplea

30、santjob of dismissinggood workersthe firm can no longer afford to employ.A. compelled迫使B. posed主張,裝模作樣C. pressedD. tempted誘惑.9. I am not _ with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live.A. concerned擔(dān)心B. compatible相容的 C. considerate體貼的 D. complied答應(yīng),遵守,順從1

31、0.A good education should train students to think for themselves. However, most ofthem are trained in the technique of examination under _.A. duly充分地,按時(shí)地B. duty責(zé)任C. duress囚禁D. obligation責(zé)任義務(wù)Vocabulary Check A.1.smoothie casserole pester sabotageduress backfire therapy delectable siblingsstandoffish2

32、.Vocabulary Check B1. B2.A3.D4. C.5. D6. B7. B8. C9. B10.CUnit FourVocabulary Check AChoose the appropriateword or phrase from the listto complete the followingsentences.Remember to change the form if necessary.thwartoptimize infrastructurevestigewarrantentailoffsetsymptomaticaggregate retard1.More

33、studies on rigorous data are _.2.The progress of studies comes from hard work and is_by frivolities.3.Unforfunately, what the farmers had gained in the autumn harvest was _by theheavy losses caused by a snowstorm in the winter.4.Therenewingofthe_needsgreaterfiscalinvestmentsfromthegovernment.5.The _

34、of plan economy is being erased step by step.6.The newcomer has gradually learned what is_in the position as a qualifiedsalesperson.7. The disagreements in the nuclear negotiation are _of the tensions betweenAmerica and Iran.8.The policy by EU that imposes serious constraints on textile imports from

35、 China will definitly_the bilateral trade in other areas.9.The Labour Party under Tony Blair won a(n) _ number of 356 seats in thepresidential election.10.Policy makers and economists shoulder the responsibility of_the use ofresources.Vocabulary Check BChoose theappropriateword fromthelist tocomplet

36、ethefollowingparagraph.Remember to change the form if necessary.evaluateeliminatereturnharnesswarrantexpenditurefostermaximizepresumelimitThe true rate of (1)_ to education in China may be as high as 30% or 40%.Our knowledge of true return to education is currently very (2)_ as is ourknowledge of th

37、e true rate of return to physical capital. More studies on rigorousdata are (3)_.A more factuallyinformedknowledge base willimprove governmentdecision making. If governments (4)_ projects, whether they are human capitalprojects,or investmentprojectsfordams, road,bridgesor factories,they willmake.bet

38、ter investment decisions. Project evaluations play an important role in keepinggood investments and promoting good projects and (5)_ the bad. The value offactually informed cost-benefit econometrics is extraordinarily high. Cost-benefitstudiesproducevaluefor localgovernments,provincialgovernmentand

39、centralgovernment. Research that creates and collects much richer data sets on the returnsto all kinds of human and physical capital to guide policy formation will improvepolicy making. Creating incentives and developing capital markets would promoteinvestment in human capital. It is not necessary t

40、o use funds from the center or(6)_ thateducationand skillformation should be governmentally supplied. Freeup the labor market and the market for education would (7)_ the forces thatpromote acquisition of skills by (8)_ the training of individual workers byfirm, or encourage individuals to train them

41、selves in the workplace to be betterfarmers,betterfactoryworkersand bettermanagers.Otherwise,educational(9)_ should be increased and equalized across regions to (10)_ thereturn on human capital investment.Vocabulary Check A1. warranted2. retarded3.offset4.infrastructure5.vestige6.entailed7.symptomat

42、ic8.thwart9.aggregate10.optimizingVocabulary Check B1.return2. limited3warranted4. evaluate5.eliminating6.presume7.harness8.fostering9.expenditures10. maximize.Unit FiveVocabulary Check AChoose the appropriateword or phrase from the listto complete the followingsentences.abortionearmarkcassavacyclon

43、eincinerationcollateralanecdotalimproprietyfetusafforestation1.Even the increaseproposed willput pressureon Congress to hold down otherspendingor dip into fundsfor Social Security.2. Since Pain was paying no attention to him, he decided that he might without_ ignore Pain.3. The choice of household a

44、nd industrail waste disposal is between tipping and_.4. Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its confrontational tacticsand its implacable opposition tounder all circumstances.5.Since then we have had, wars, floods, so many things to add and subtract.6.Coconuts are being scraped and th

45、e juice is squeezed on pounded taro orforpuddings.7.The psychologicaladvantagesor disadvantageson womanandmustbe addressedand researched so that informed decisions can still be made.8. Not all cultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground florawill also depend on the land-use pri

46、or to.9.The firmpledgesitsinventoryasfora short-termloan,butthe lenderhasno physical control over the inventory.10. There is no apparent conclusive scientific study, but the _ evidence is strong that the herb is useful.Vocabulary Check B1.The decisiontoopt forcompostingwas made largelyin orderto reducethe needfor water for flushing the toilet.A. sewB. sewerageC. sewageD. sewn2.The end productof such a courseofevolution isan obligatethatis inextricablylinked to a part


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