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1、中考英語模擬試卷(七)瀨磅炯著嘵炙伉帽補(bǔ)啤陣赴骯一、單項(xiàng)填選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)( )1.Dogs_wear clothes.A.may notB.neednt C.cantD.mustnt( )2.Who will _a fashion show next week?A.giveB.getC.makeD.do( )3.Fujian is in _of China.A.eastsouthB.westsouthC.southwestD.southeast( )4.Where can you see the Monument to the Peoples Heroes?盾磬密芑

2、歷慰己攢褫陡奉蚜棵 At _.A.the Palace Museum B.WangfujingC.Tianan men Square D.Laoshe Tea House( )5.I hope Millie _to my birthday party this evening.A.coming B.comes C.can come D.to come( )6._are natural disasters.A.TyphoonsB.EarthquakeC.flood D.All of the above魎逍荼惚魄囿噤銷著矢桀敗薩( )7.Which of the following words c

3、ant we use“(t)ion”?A.relaxB.donateC.exciteD.collect麒誣懋以穴浴颮熊瞪桿雋殞掬( )8.The car produced by company can move _the speed of 180 kilometers an hour.A.on B.in C.fromD.at( )9.We recycle the old newspapers and books _waste them.A.so thatB.in order toC.in order not to D.so that dont( )10._ you have a map in

4、Shanghai, you will get lost _.A.If, easilyB.Unless, easily C.If, easyD.Unless, easy瑋搦棵撖噶锿蛇耐暇頸葳綁杭()11. We spend as much time as we can _ English.夤閶骺箭杰鄂橢穡侵酥廉罷睢 A. read B. to read C. reading D. have read裱紿帥蹺熊坡礎(chǔ)軎體澳忖繕那( )12. There _ great changes in our hometown in the past 蹬儔癜秈樹恬瞎锎篷倌行椿霜 fifteen years.辮疽

5、洞劁蜻替桃徼浚賑啾芘摘 A. has been B. have been C. was D. were衰糍晟創(chuàng)薏糜耢振毓荻允滲胨( )13.He was seen _ something from the shop.嘰舅縻矯縝悒憾測鞒脘壤嗓分 A. steal B. to steal C. to be stolen D. stealed鈁誣建握囫鰻歹翟鉤篚糝睦湘( )14. We _our car for half a year.究輞甭蚵燈寤妃叔趼癌羈稞曝 A. bought B. had C. have bought D. have had黼鞋濠鞠向盒遙侵星捋塔透教( )15.- He di

6、dnt go to school this morning, did he?坡峻瓦愛論豉百礎(chǔ)劃瀵鈷蘧剛 -_. Though he was not feeling very well.弁韌激戡柞鼙差擒吝攻猜曦?zé)oA.No, he didnt B. Yes, he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didnt梵談氪然迅依范簍該縲哏糾遑二、完形填空(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)巫幫鷂忒恍霞糯髫贛菘遲噸碇You may think that English dictionaries have been used for many, many centuries. in

7、fact, an English dictionary you 1 today wasnt made until the Qing Dynasty(清朝). Three Three men did most of the important2 work on dictionaries. They spent nearly all their lives trying to 3 words for their dictionaries. For them, it was a wond- erful journey. The largest dictionary in the world is O

8、xford English Dictionary. The 4 for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857. Twenty- two years later, Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor(編輯) of its new dictionary. Murray had never been to 5 . At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland

9、 and taught himself while working in a bank. 6 he became a great teacher. After Oxford gave him the job, Murray had a small house7 in his garden to do the work. Every morning, Murray got out of bed at five oclock and 8 in the small house several hours before breakfast. Often he would work into the n

10、ight. Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years. But after five years, he was 9 adding(增加) words for the letter“A”! He worked on the dictionary10 he was very old. Forty-four years later, in 1928, other editors finished the dictionary.己勵(lì)希砑貺凱合嘗泯妮菏咭正( )1.A.useB.writeC.copyD.miss加菀啉溝恤秦斗趲琳揭參

11、迪臬( )2.A.easyB.boringC.earlyD.dangerous孑割鐋絕墾檣胙跪瓠吾紛嫁炫( )3.A.spellB.inventC.collectD.make瘸晷貺老嚨且看鞏幾窖忒練朧( )4.A.way B.ideaC.useD.prize弟冠芘劭酶含幞宮打坯蒈轂軍( )5.A.schoolB.cinema C.village D.college濃扔慧喝睿飄投骸洙繚哪韋窬( )6.A.Later B.Long before C.So far D.Ever since榻妗籀瘩我舷鑿?fù)璨蓭h侶厝( )7.A.sold B.built C.broken D.drawn邳勒憊鏤塋雩紇

12、隧卟獐煨克雀( )8.A.readB.wrote C.workedD.thought( )9.A.alreadyB.still C.usuallyD.always( )10.A.ifB.becauseC.untilD.since七、閱讀理解。(20分)歿蔽蘿猴砰咄囝籬富華喀校埔(A) Sudan is a rather large nation in the northeastern part of Africa with a popu- lation of twenty million. The capital city is Khartoum, where the Blue Nile an

13、d the White Nile meet together to from the Nile River. There are two groups of people living in Sudan.In the northern part of the country, there are many Arabic-speaking Muslims. They make up about two thirds of the total population. In the southern area, there are the people who speak African langu

14、ages. The northern and southern areas also have different histories. People in the south lived by themselves for many years. However, the northern area was controlled by foreigners for centuries. After World War II, Sudan became completely independent(獨(dú)立的).( )1.Which of the following maps gives the

15、right position of the capital city of Sudan?(KKhartoum; BBlue Nile; WWhite Nile; NNile River)蔬囪罅闡儻彬崢脎倨謔迮潭釘脖孺攣馴欣撰锎繽璁泰喇們心( )2.Whats the population of Muslims in Sudan? A.7,000,000B.10,000,000C.13,000,000D.15,000,000( )3.Sudan has been completely independent probably for . A.less than fifty years B.nea

16、rly a century C.not many yearsD.over half a century勝染蜉殯梗茜奕莖香叭揉沌玻 (B)擊郟奎啶鄙瘥蜍親顥通潁聱韻Film: Assassins(French) Actor: Sylvester StalloneDirector: Richard Donner Category: Action adventurePrice(US): $ 1 9.80Time: 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. on weekdays 9:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m. on weekendsNot good for children紇蘭奴口拉喉刑弗繇

17、師郗莎夔拽迂封抬睥泵蒈駿籮冂稹岈F(xiàn)ilm: Cats & Dogs Actor: Jeff GoldblumDirector: Lawrence Guterman Category: FamilyPrice(US): $ 1 6.50Time: 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. on weekendsSuitable for all ages俁聊昆梧鏤爺訛孟耆襻笳擾擅賴鱭閣滄椒名籮每搴殃夷賄郢Film: Alexander Actor: Colin FarrellDirector: Oliver Stone Category: HistoricalPrice(US): $ 1 6.50

18、Time: 1:00 5:00 on Sunday afternoonGood for students酴愧蕻閨剩茭舒溻幻龍聊啵坫就羥曬持咂荃卞篝眢雨柢祚閭( )4.If you want to see the film with your family together, which film will you like to choose? A.AlexanderB.Cat & DogsC.AssassinsD.None of them.( )5.Why Assassins is not good for children? A.It is in French, so the childr

19、en cant understand B.Its an action adventure film. C.The price is very high. D.The time is not suitable for children.( )6.If you want to know more about the king of ancient Greek, which film would 濠合奠齟閽纏恩獐釃氨湟徭利you like to see? A.AlexanderB.Cats $ Dogs C.AssassinsD.All of them.樟古鵲聚僵骺茫己侶冬襪盈妞 (C) A fou

20、r-year-old girl is lying in the arms of a doctor. She has just lost her mother. Her pink clothes are full of blood and her eyes look at something only she can see.綬旦貓澶爍芋嫌瞽奕疔薷作苡Every day we see pictures like this on our televisions. We see Iraqi(伊拉克) children begging for food and water from American

21、and British soldiers as they move through towns and cities towards the capital, Baghdad(巴格達(dá)). We see these children following parents, carrying bags almost of the same size as their small bodies as they escape from their homes in Baghdad. They show just some of the young lives that have been turned

22、upside down by“ongoing war”and the terrible price paid by Iraqi children. “Dad, why are the Americans fighting against us? Are we going to be killed?” asks the son of A bu Singar, an Iraqi engineer. A bu finds it hard to explain this war to his eight-year-old son. He tries to make him feel safe by s

23、aying,“The bombs(炸彈) are far away from us. The Americans are fighting the soldiers. Were going to be all right.”Even though A bu knows it isnt always true, little else can be done. In Baghdad, parents give their children sleeping pills to try to let them escape from the sound of bombs. And all the s

24、chools are closed. Now things are worse, and the ongoing war makes it impossible to count the number who are hungry, sick, hurt or even dead.( )7.What does the word“ongoing”mean in Chinese? A.正在進(jìn)行的B.非正義的C.未經(jīng)授權(quán)的D.影響惡劣的獸圓隕魑芮耀鐐仨锿篇軻笪嚅( )8.The father doesnt tell the true thing to his child because . A. h

25、e wants to make his child not feel dangerous B. he and his child are afraid to lose each other in the war晡膿儷邶覆路謊壹裁刪鼾囂境C. he doesnt want his child to believe American soldiers D. he will lose his country and his home( )9.The war in Iraq tells us that . A.the Iraqi people in the war are much hungrier

26、and worse B.we should help the Iraqi people build their country again C.nothing can be done except fighting D.both A and B( )10.What would be the best title(標(biāo)題) for the report? A.Iraqi Children during the War B.Sickness, Death in Iraq C.America and England Fight against Iraq D.A Girl in the War in I

27、raq悴篆層芬誣胖視掠冰锿蜴顴佤(D)嗉槨片掘沼號(hào)胺傣篩吟姹痞儲(chǔ)Jack went to a barbers shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said, What has happened to your hair, Jack? Jack said, I tried a new barbers shop today, because I wasnt quite satisfi

28、ed with my old one, but this one seems even worse. Bob agreed Yes, I think youre right, Jack. Now Ill tell you what to do when you go into a barbers shop next time: look at all the barbers hair, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him. Why shall I go to him? Jack asked. But that

29、 would be foolish! Oh, no, it wouldnt, answered Bob. Who cut that mans hair? Just think it. He couldnt cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. So you know he cant be the worst barber. 憾抑殼剎閂僨殛擷理漸鰣備嵊( )11. When Jack went out of the barbers shop, he was not happy because _. 蜷租蠣敉佝鈉乏榭獨(dú)滾加

30、長培 A. nobody had cut his hair 蜻姍池?fù)砭i枸皇憫綻呸妓傈渺 B. the barber hadnt cut his hair well 驊膂詿锪煉戮町鳙潔簽楫叩蔡 C. the barber had cut his hair carefully 漏鷴鉿柃樞侔夷蛑逆巾償將砹 D. he was not satisfied with his old barber 徑仗對扮槿蒹聒旗顴笛陡段珞( )12. I tried a new barbers shop today. means _. 餳迄看剛鑊汨戇狴劫潮卣攻榜 A. this barbers shop was a n

31、ew one 隹礅疽弟雷兒鷹主膜釘嗲命板 B. this was the only barbers shop in this town 陵焐繞砦鈥閑圄岜瑾兀蟑仡愫 C. Jack often went to this barbers shop 斐氙汗薇耦脹惘唁棰觥胍懂賄 D. Jack had not been to this barbers shop before 娌道拖偉搽畎疑豁郵傳苣浞襄( )13. After Jack had his hair cut, he thought _. 潢穹艦磷帙潯歉醛艏鮑沿簇耳 A. the new barbers shop was the best o

32、ne 氦瘰竄菇濰驗(yàn)芮淚愆嬖覡煳箐 B. the old barbers shop wasnt so good as the new one 緣軼痕倚搐閿句垂范鄱鍔堅(jiān)永 C. the new barbers shop was worse than the old one 院眠恒剜耬篌萎麝儒鋈朕鋯育 D. the old barbers shop was the worst one 蕎饋僧貉倌蛔靖敢鮭鵲晌莓俜( )14. Bob told Jack to find out which barbers hair looked the worst and 喧捐吻毽胺頑魑躁進(jìn)羧鎢沫廓 then go s

33、traight to him. Why? 狩澉富慎熗燃范即鋏履蠻患崔 A. Because he was certainly the best barber. 錐檐酸棱趼痙措唳瘓鎣豆泐惚 B. Because he was free all the time. 牡銜鍔碉號(hào)縉髟冠刷謔湟睛框 C. Because he was the worst barber. 芋垣恣沅梨惕澧銪麗唑瞼緘空 D. Because he wasnt the worst barber. 憔髏臏醍锫胬鳶液光窕蠖氤鰾( )15. From the story we know that _. 輜瓦炮莼末戰(zhàn)峙軒獷矍假叢禎 A.

34、 its foolish to have ones hair cut at a barbers shop 璺罨騸擔(dān)易蹬勐京鉈蠟弭埃擼 B. barbers cut each others hair 評(píng)締吡唷恨瓊型丬姹士都烘鼠 C. barbers never have their hair cut 釧禽蜘供芥執(zhí)茨飛聱柝之胤步D. a barber always cuts his hair by himself歃秉膣闃霓僑耽崮掬坤輅碥睨四、單詞拼寫 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)酯吉脖底婿虔灤丟莨釹鄢祚盒A.根據(jù)下列句子所給的英文及句意, 寫出句子空缺處各單詞的正確形式。誠歟閼楊揭喂侈深

35、罐熔艉馳旰1.Are there any _(loaf) of bread in the fridge?單颼靚搽形逸縋毳醵袤罅嶗沒2.A:What bad weather!褪擬礴鵪皂亙投艽驟霹匠鹛蹂B:The radio says it may stop _(rain).3.The TV play _(be) on for two hours.4.I enjoy reading this kind of _(week) magazine.5.Zhang Yimou is a famous _(direct). He has directed many films.翳疊睹膺廂莖斥稚澈驅(qū)颼斥螯B)

36、根據(jù)句意及漢語提示,在下列各句空格處寫出各單詞的正確形式,每空格填一詞。髕孳允詐濡頇濂胃殿療鋸恨杰1.The _(木制的) model plane is Simons.2.When you go _(過) the road, youd better be careful.濯硭墀啃主昊鵬昂伸濕霽花走3.My friend, Tim likes _(收集) football stickers very much.4.What was your _(經(jīng)歷) when you were in England?5.We bought some _(紀(jì)念品) when we visited Beijing

37、.閑一楣磔捏庸嘎壯協(xié)腰雒溲劣五、用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給動(dòng)詞的正確形式填空。(6分)1.Tom didnt come to school yesterday. What _(happen) to him?2.By the year 2006, over two thousand people _(die) of the illness.3.Let me have a look at the photos _(take) on the Great Wall.4.I think _(have) a robot is too much trouble.5.Be careful, or you_(hurt) yo

38、urself, Linda.6.Neither my father nor my mother _(cook) dinner on weekdays. 掇孝開噗縣冫險(xiǎn)捶腓哎揣舜災(zāi)六、根據(jù)所給中文完成句子翻譯。(5分)呷旮蠡刷檉仄鵜淳道剃痕牢錫1.在劇中,他扮演的角色是作家。孚謬溝碗訐逋糠笸偕扔噻委憩In the play, he .兒款男補(bǔ)摞麗后蔌刖昊寐菥充2.我們?yōu)槲覀儌ゴ蟮淖鎳湴痢e .癟化品臚瓜笠磽蜀餉荷梳天粟3.我不知穿什么衣服,你能給我點(diǎn)建議嗎?剩茨脎猞頓謁邋堙筇葦忻芽渠I dont know . Could you ?鄰菀探幕漸汗尕祉河沁淶锘塊4.他傾注所有精力于電影。衛(wèi)緒打

39、泥量鋯縷炻纊蔬魘轉(zhuǎn)垤He films.塹鐳愎艙掎失曷檻崔敕匭鍆獎(jiǎng)5.對每個(gè)人而言,每天保持快樂很有必要。粥慎繰騷培脯磺裳鮑颶裱咚癆It in necessary every day.玄停砹夂嗆佬笮睢濫喵糌湃秸6.我們應(yīng)該分發(fā)傳單以請人們捐款。邶豈鐿蟠檬認(rèn)聊搞值邗凰罵鵬 勵(lì)黷綬璉嶧掛資伯楫觜哼坑引7.她跳舞跳得太美了,以致于我們都尖叫起來。谫氏捅乖壁襖份辟蒿汶鳩揆艘She 墁漓旎懈醑甭鵓輊亥操局車杲8. 惡劣的天氣使我們沒法去旅游。傘鈣逼蚶律拭鶻墼部笄旬若吊 航液痰構(gòu)唯硬塌耄藥樞酡昂抽9.這些年來這個(gè)城市變了許多嗎?薏苊嬰暈噶簿弛舔壩顛簀蝶互 騖鬮萍銚菱伏唉窕琮昝嘿髕彝六、閱讀并完成題后相關(guān)任務(wù)

40、。(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)懿坊版驛允鷯尤呻祚些喀郅崦 囫吹鼉叼镎肉玀衽掇魔恒介舯Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students to learn something ?Of course not. There is another way to learn. That is students can teach themselves. For example, if you cant remember

41、 something when you are doing your homework, you can look at the book to find the answer. This is a way to teach yourself.踝吼伉疹楮蛐泳損判講賬樸淥Many students dont know how they should teach themselves. The first thing you must do is reading. Read something you are interested in, or you have to read. The seco

42、nd is that you must ask yourself questions. The question is something you dont understand. or you want to know more about. A clever student is usually good at asking.頓渲胚帆櫞匕盜琪瓢萜琺歌楓If you keep doing like this for a 1ong time, you are sure to succeed in your study四鲆緹鞋嘹餮袼俾唧攸奄酋手1. _ and _ are two ways of

43、 learning in the passage.攝售賓兆麼馘樘牒旬叁湊許也2.A clever student usually likes_. 氪鄙鋌侍蟆跫闃郟科洄成門岣3.Many students dont know how they should teach themselves.(同義句, 一格一詞)絹舒隆孤郫吲嘜哲洲讒扎知本 Many students dont know how _ _ themselves.面嶠緝蚶漲燧澹療酚紀(jì)寐搜偎4.對文中處劃線部分提問。挺既猜皤鏡曦多痕鴨鴇蹀值刈_?航叟駕號(hào)儆性市惘鉑扃湛席施5.把文中處翻譯成中文。廨咖郵杼齲嶄萆招常痧通情化_八、英語表達(dá)。

44、(15分)根據(jù)所給的內(nèi)容,寫一篇以“My Hometown”為題的短文。 (1)我的家鄉(xiāng)是蘇北的一個(gè)小村莊,它四面環(huán)水,景色優(yōu)美。 (2)村民們以農(nóng)業(yè)為生。 (3)自從1981年以來我的家鄉(xiāng)發(fā)生了很大的變化:人們蓋起了新房,買了摩托車、彩電和電腦。 (4)因?yàn)橛辛隋X,人們常常出去玩。也為一些慈善事業(yè)捐款。要求:可適當(dāng)?shù)卦鰟h內(nèi)容,使短文連貫完整。詞數(shù)在80左右。鈕濯薏醢躺肖被禊鉺府賒腕旄_緱荑烴便諒悶苔襖縞蕢淶紉狙迫疝牦煊埂編的罌揍咫某驪憧灼箢苯瘁顓偌轡隘叼瑩赴愫剎舅囪粥瞵蝎鋱樵靂蔡迸喈憐戶徒泄俯北犢估倮谫耬覡黽宵荃猢竭嚷他涕尜茉孳膻斥螄胄沉旯丫姚遙勤群咕瓿蹲粲鈺邂墼鉑鈕剿至鐺芡梭夫錸攉短迦晦斬

45、儷殍常烴萎壞腔庋愨齷才實(shí)蝎拮絳鋮饃延酷娜樅岐鯀牌色費(fèi)鋨闌第踵風(fēng)閿滌撒仕驊鷴耿中考英語模擬試卷(七)簡崆譫莘課嘉茄椴燧綮亡騸晟參考答案槧道鍍耳覆戎州眺啤董朵女莢一、單項(xiàng)填選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)爸媼人賚嗄稀腳奇泳嶧嗆燉餛15 B A D C C 610 D C D C B 11-15 C B B D B二、完形填空(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)以髂扁茨鯖緋蕉艋拯急傲睢滁15 A C C B D 610 A B C B C瞢塊蜱緡戔佛芟寵咀滋潛蝠猥三、閱讀理解 (共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)猴攪測啜尉表瘰稿為尺欒攉尖A C DB B AA A D A B D C

46、D B娓范跫瞠藏樗楷劫串髟伍皆偷四、單詞拼寫 (共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)鱖俾嗣壽礪諫鷸娓戾嘏沛類懦A.根據(jù)下列句子所給的英文及句意, 寫出句子空缺處各單詞的正確形式。締澶聚繞嵯蕻械瑜炅棕?zé)嵘承?.loaves 2.raining 3.has been 4.weekly 5.directorB)根據(jù)句意及漢語提示,在下列各句空格處寫出各單詞的正確形式,每空格填一詞。于爸鬃翊喪睪瓣箸族完嗡茇顴1.wooden2.across3.collecting/to collect4.experience 5.souvenirs锃怎町赤法嘣氐羊窶甌亨撲麾五、動(dòng)詞填空 (共6小題;每小題1分,滿分6

47、分)鷚嘞罅妍趁替扌淆蟓詹玄艽湍happened 2.had died 3.taken 4.having 5.will hurt 6.cook惦癸濮頜貯褪嵋閭渣賠圍砍汲六、主觀性閱讀題 (共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)腺圇騅桓販墨濺術(shù)磨扭鄰瓢蹉1. Listening to the teacher , teaching yourself 2. asking questions 3 to teach 踹捻妯晏吸濃黷貍嘎頗雍鱒咴4.What is the question? 5.如果你長期堅(jiān)持不懈, 你在學(xué)業(yè)上肯定會(huì)成功。菊胬奧億首捕旬咖坑瀣苣袍瀚七、句子翻譯 (共9小題;每小題1分,滿分9分)攮

48、滬蒼逍汁綱慕藍(lán)絲載攏湮歪1. In the play, he plays/played the role of the writer 窩嫻燃蚺苔成謙蒈疲玷左喔缺2. We are proud of our country 3. I dont know what(clothes) to wear. Could you give me some advice?4. He puts all his efforts intofilms.摞轉(zhuǎn)儺淑妄了燃耕督砉肯溽坌5. It is necessary for everyone to be/keep happy every day.蹁碡笤貍喜田賚犟虻丁忙砭

49、欠6. We should give out leaflets to ask people to donate money.連誤譽(yù)括脊孑塹裊謊遺嗤踅倚7.She danced so beautifully that we all screamed拊蔻鈉效裙酤器螫戟?dú)堢{璇8.The bad weather Stopped us travelling;芻滇護(hù)覓儼券簸溱繕發(fā)誥扭抗9.Has the city changed a lot over the years? 繒斬萃拭仰禿怦膚壚狃瀣晗綁八、書面表達(dá) (共1小題;滿分15分)燧灣丹跨迭艉俱茺噌澄狐涂荬 My hometown is a sma

50、ll town in the northern part of Jiangsu. There are rivers around it and the sights are beautiful. The villagers usually live by farming. Since 1981, great changes have taken place. They have built new houses, bought motorbikes, colour TVs and even computers. Theyve made a lot of money. So they often go out for holidays when they are free. They also donate some money to charities.口垸效濯懸扮翌蕨列憑散昝工紓潞沁答擐葭鴆承貝柘凼鍥頜通摔秣盱銃仆叼昀磐吏跟蹋桐廓鮪步貿(mào)殞噤韻澇諞薩箕紅冥鑷金淬言檁呸虞桑


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