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1、職稱英語等級考試試題.答案及題解理工類(B 級)(2)第3部分:概括大意與完成句子(第23-30題,每題1分,共8 分)閱讀下面這篇短文,短文后有2項測試任務:第23”26題要 求從所給的6個選項中為第V4段每段選擇1個正確的小標題;第2730題要 求從所給的6個選項中選擇4個正確選項,分別完成每個句子。請將答案涂在答題卡相應 的位置上。Ford1 Fords great st re ngth was the manu facturi ng ring processnot invention Long before he starteda car company , he was a work

2、er; known for picking up pieces of metal and wire and turning theminto machines He started putting cars together in 1 89 1.Although it was by no means the firstpopular automobile , the Model T showed the world usehow creative Ford was at combiningtechnology and market .2 The companys assembly line a

3、lone threw AmericasIndustrial Revolution into overdrive(高速運轉(zhuǎn)) Instead of having workers put together the entire Car, Fords friends f who were greattoolmakers from Scotland z organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down aline By the time FOrds Highland Park plant was humming(嗡嗡作響

4、)along in 1914 , theworlds first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes .3 The same year Henry Ford shocked the world with the$5.a . day minimum Wage scheme .the greatest contribution he had ever made . The average wage in the auto industry then was$2.34for a 9.hour shift Ford

5、 not only doubled that . he also took an hour off the workday . In thoseyears it was unthinkable that a man could be Paid that much for doing something that didntinvolve an awful lot of training or education The wall Street Journal called the plannalleconomic crimeH and critics everywhere laughed at

6、 Ford 4 But as the wage in creased later to daily$iO # it proved a critical component of Fords dreamto make the automobile accessible(可及的)to all.The critics were too stupid to understand thatbecause FOrd had lOwered his costs per car ,the higher wages didnt matter-except for making itpossible for mo

7、re people to buy Cars . f23 Paragraph 124 Paragraph 225 Paragraph 326 Paragraph 4A Fords FollowersB The Assembly LineC Fords Great DreamD The Establishment of the CompanyE Fords Biggest ContributionF Ford8 Great Talent27 The assembly line made it possible to28 Ford was the first to adopt29 Higher wa

8、ges enabled many people to30 Fords higher-wage and lower-cost strategy was stronglyA criticized by the mediaB the IOW wage in the auto industryC own a carD produce cars In Large numbersE the 8hour-shift practiceF combi ned tech no logy and market第4部分:閱讀理解(第31-45題,每題3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道題,每道題后面有4個

9、選項。請根據(jù)文童的內(nèi)容,從每題所給的4個選項中選擇1個答案,涂在答題卡相應的位置o弟一扁U.S. Blacks Hard-hit by CancerDeath rates for can cer are falli ng for all America ns butblack Americans are still morelikely to die of cancer than whites z the American CancerSociety said MondayIn a special report on cancer and blacks , the organization s

10、aid blacks are usually diagnosedwith cancer later than whites , and they are more likely todie of the disease This could be because of unequal(不平等的)access to medical Careo Because blacks aremore likely to have other diseases as well z and perhaps because of d iff ere nces in the biology(生物學)of the c

11、an cancer itself the report added .nIn general z black Americans have less hope of surviving five years after diagnosis thailwhites for all cancer sites and all stages of diagnosis the report said nIn describi ng can cer statistics for black America ns z this report recognizes that many of thed iff

12、ere nces associated with race may be caused by unfair social and economic differences andunequal access to medical care The cancer society said blacks should be encouraged to get check-ups(體格 檢查)earlierzWhen cancer is more treatable .and it said more research is needed to see if biological differenc

13、esplay a role The new statistics emphasize the continuing importance of wiping out these unfair socialdifferences through public policy and education efforts , nthe organization said in a statement But it also noted a 出 op in cancer death rates Cancer death rates in both sexes for all sites combined

14、 have dropped greatly among blackAmericans since 1992 zas have incidence rates(發(fā)生率)said the report 31 Black Americans arc more likely to die of cancer thanA people in other countries B white America ns C all other America ns D their ancestors .32 Which may NOT be a reason for higher cancer death rat

15、es among US blacks?A Un equal access to medical Care .B Greater probability of having other diseases .C Differences in the biology of the cancer 、D Early diagnosis .33 Cancer is more treatable if it is detectedA in an early stage B in a late stage C allOfa sudden D together with other diseases .34 P

16、ublic policy and education efforts may help to do away withA death rates B various cancers C unfair social differences .D biological differences 35 Since 1992 , cancer death rates among black America nsA have been going up and down B have remained stable .C have in creased .D have fallen 備注說明,非正文,實際

17、使用可刪除如下部分。本內(nèi)容僅給予閱讀編輯指點:1、本文件由微軟0阡ICE辦公軟件編輯而成,同時支持WPS。2、文件可重新編輯整理。3、建議結(jié)合本公司和個人的實際情況進行修正編輯。4、因編輯原因,部分文件文字有些微錯誤的,請自行修正,并不影響本文閱讀。Note: it is not the text. The following parts can be deleted for actual use This content only gives reading and editing instructions:1. This document is edited by Microsoft office office software and supports WPS2. The files can be edited and


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