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1、最新高中英語書信作文范文及翻譯 高中英語書信作文范文及翻譯篇 1dear robert,親愛的羅伯特:im glad to receive your letter. now i will tell yousomething about my plan for summer vacation after the finalexam. firstly, i will learn to drive. i think driving can be useful.secondly, i will take some english courses. thirdly, i will visitsome t

2、ourist attractions. it must be very exciting. last, i will dosome reading in the vacation. what about you? i hope you can have a pretty vacation.我很高興收到你的來信。現(xiàn)在我會告訴你期末考試后我的暑假計劃。首先,我會去學(xué)開車。我覺得學(xué)會開車是很有用的。其次,我會參加一些英語課程。第三,我會參觀一些旅游景點??隙ê芗尤诵?。最后,我會在假期中去閱讀。你呢?我希望你能有一個完美的假期。john第 1 頁 共 6 頁約翰高中英語書信作文范文及翻譯篇 2dea

3、r lucy,i am so glad to receive your letter and happy to know thatyou have a pleasant holiday. please send my sincere wishes toyour parents. i have a happy holiday just like you do. thisholiday, i visited to guangzhou with my parents. guangzhou,also known as the flower city, there are many flowers al

4、ongthe both sides of streets. it’s very beautiful. besides,the environment is clean and the climate is comfortable. thereare many skyscrapers in guangzhou, especially in thedowntown. we visited to many tourist attractions. they are allworth visiting. i hope you can visit there personally one d

5、ay. you must like it.best wishes.sincerely yours,第 2 頁 共 6 頁alva親愛的露西:很高興收到的你來信,并得知你度過了一個愉快的假期。請代我向你的父母送上最真誠的祝福。我也和你一樣,度過了一個開心的假期。假期期間,我和我的爸爸媽媽到廣州旅游了。廣州,又名花城,在街道兩旁有許多美麗的鮮花。另外,那里的環(huán)境很干凈,氣候很舒適。廣州有許多高樓大廈,特別是市中心那里。我們?nèi)チ撕芏嗑包c,都很好玩,值得一去。希望你有一天能親自去看看, 你一定會喜歡那里的。此致敬禮艾娃高中英語書信作文范文及翻譯篇 3dear mercy,親愛的梅斯,第 3 頁 共 6

6、 頁how is everything going! last time you said you areanxious now because you find it hard to learn english well.don’t worry. i think you have to improve your englishstep by step. and i will right behind you. in my view, youshould develop you interest on english first. according to myexperience

7、, i think watching english movie, listen to somewonderful english songs and talk in english on the internetwould be helpful. secondly, you have to prepare lessonsbefore class that will help you understand what the teachersays in the class. i know you feel bored in the class, but youhave force yourse

8、lf to be concentrated. a few days later youwill feel it a little easy to learn english. the left steps i will tellnext time. by the way, we have not seen each other since yourfamily move to hunan a year ago. have you ever thoughtabout going back to visit me and learn english together in thecoming su

9、mmer vacation. looking forward to your reply.過得可好。上次你說你現(xiàn)在很焦慮因為你覺得很難學(xué)好英語。別擔(dān)心。我覺得要提高英語你得一步步來。我會幫你的。在我看來,首先應(yīng)該要培養(yǎng)你對英語的興趣。根據(jù)我的經(jīng)驗,我認為看英文電影,聽美妙的英文歌曲以及在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上與他人用英語交流會有很大的幫第 4 頁 共 6 頁助。其次,你要預(yù)習(xí),這樣可以讓你理解老師在課堂上說的東西。我知道你覺得上英語課很無聊,但你必須強迫自己聚精會神的聽。一段時間后,你會感覺到學(xué)習(xí)英語變得容易些了。剩下的步驟下一次我會告訴你的。順便提一下,自從一年前你們家搬到湖南后我們就沒見過面。你有沒有想過暑假的時候回來看看我,我們可以一起


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