牛津譯林版小學(xué)英語5A Unit3練習(xí)試卷及答案_第1頁
牛津譯林版小學(xué)英語5A Unit3練習(xí)試卷及答案_第2頁
牛津譯林版小學(xué)英語5A Unit3練習(xí)試卷及答案_第3頁
牛津譯林版小學(xué)英語5A Unit3練習(xí)試卷及答案_第4頁
牛津譯林版小學(xué)英語5A Unit3練習(xí)試卷及答案_第5頁
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1、五年級英語(5a)第三單元練習(xí)卷 一、語音(每小題 1 分,滿分 5 分)( )1.a cake b class c glass d afte ( )2. a ofter b office c doctor d october ( )3. a can b thank c cap d make ( )4. a violin b guitar c music d listen ( )5. a follow b colour c no d so 二、翻譯詞組 (每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分) 將下列詞組譯成英語或漢語。1. 一節(jié)音樂課 2.兩首英文歌曲 3.唱歌跳舞 4.拉小提琴 5.在下午6.

2、制作飛機模型7. 學(xué)英語8. 課后9. ride the bike6. under the teachers desk三、單項選擇 (每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)從 a、b、c、d 四個選項中,選出最佳選項。 ( )1.the students are a act lesson.a. has b. have c. having d .haves( )2. can you do ?a. who b.whose c. what d .where( )3.how many are there in the building ?a.classroom b. rooms c. room d hous

3、e( )4.our teachers office is on the floor.a. one b. first c. two d. /( )5.who can ben ?a. look b.look for c. look at d .find( )6.there three maps of the world on the wall.a.is b. are c.be d .am( )7.what can you do ? - .a. student. b. swim. c.studying. d.bathroom.( )8. i have a cat. name is kitty.a.h

4、e b. she c. her d. his( )9.whose are those?a.shoe b. sock c.fans d pencil( )10. you want?- i want some coffee.a. what do b. what are c. what can d what have( )11. cat do you like? - i like the white one.a.what b.whose c. which d where1( )12.listen , the bell is ringing.its time class.a. on b. in c.

5、at d for( )13. puppets are for my friend.a.this b. these c. that d here( )14.there some water in the glass.a. is b. are c. am d be( )15.i can play football and playa. /;the b. the/the c. the; / d /;/violin.四、詞匯 (每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分)a. 單詞拼寫 根據(jù)所給的中文注釋和句子意思,寫出該單詞的正確形式。每空一詞。 1.theres an (舊的)piano in the roo

6、m ,now.2. (在) sunday morning, i dont go to school.2. kate says: (跟隨) me, please.3. there are some cakes (在下面) the plate.4. youre (正確的) .b. 詞型轉(zhuǎn)換 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。每空一詞。1. you can help ( i ).2. i can sing many english ( song ) .1. i can sing,but nancy ( not) ,she can dance.2. ( are) you ready ?1. lets sing

7、 it ( one).c. 動詞填空 用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. the students are ( have) an english lesson,now.2. i can ( talk ) about the picture.3. ( not put) the cards on the table.4. my parents ( be) teachers.1. shall ( me) go to school, now?五、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 (每空 0.5 分,滿分 10)根據(jù)要求改變下面的子,每空一詞。1. i can see some doctors in the hospital.(改

8、為一般疑問句)see doctors in the hospital?2.theres a large glass in the classroom.(劃線提問)in the classroom?3.that bird is blue and black.(改為復(fù)數(shù)形式)blue and black.24.there are some boys in the tree. (改為否定句)in the tree.5.are you having breakfast now? (改成肯定句)now.6.can, head, you , put, on, your, a , book.(連詞成句)ca

9、n a on head .六、完成句子 (每空 0.5 分,滿分 10 分)完成下列句子, 每空一詞。 1.學(xué)生們正在上語文課。the are a chinese lesson.2.我們學(xué)習(xí)新單詞,好嗎?we the ?3.誰能唱這首英文歌?sing the4.孩子們,你們會畫這幅畫嗎?and , you this picture?5.現(xiàn)在是晚上十點鐘。該睡覺了。now oclock the .its time .七、補全對話。5under many behind can area :when is ben? who find him?b :i can.he is the door.oh, n

10、o.there are flowers there.its very nice.c :maybe hes the table? b: oh, no.c: i see.hes behind the blackboard. b:yes, you clever.(聰明) 八、完形填空 (每小題 1 分,滿分 10 分)先通讀下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小題的 a、b、c、d 四個選項中選出最佳選項。 tom and 1 mother are sitting at the table.they re 2 their lunch. “i dont like thissoup(湯),i don t w

11、ant 3 it,” says tom and puts down his spoon( 匙). “all right. 4 eat it then,” his 5 says.after lunch tom and his mother go to the farm 6 work hard there. 7 the everning toms mother gives a bowl 8 soup to tom. “oh. how nice” says tom.“its the same(相同) 9 .”says his mother 10 a smile.( )1. a. her b. his

12、 c. she d he3( )2. a. having b. have c. has d haves( )3. a. eat b. eating c. / d to eat( )4. a.do b.do c. dont d dont( )5. a. father b. mother c. sister d brother( )6. a.in b. with c.and d uhder( )7 a.in b. is c. on d to( )8. a.and b. in c. much d of( )9. a. cake b. rice c. soup d bread( )10.a. in b

13、. and c. with d of九、閱讀理解 (每小題 1 分,滿分 15 分) 先閱讀下面的短文,然后完成短文后面的題目。athe pandas face looks like a cats, but its fat body(身體) and short tail(尾巴)are like a bear s.so people calls this animal bear-cat. the panda has a very mild temperament(溫和的性情) and is very lovable(討人喜愛). everybody likes it very much.the

14、panda is an animal particular to (是所特有的) china. the northwestern part (北部)of sichuan province(?。?and southern (南部)part of gansu province are its native (出生的)home.pandas like most to climb trees. they live in the forests (森林)of high mountains(高山), eat bamboo (竹子)and drink springwater(泉水).a. 判斷下列句子是否與

15、短文內(nèi)容相符,相符的用 “t” 表示,不符的用 “f” 表示。 ( )1.the panda mainly(主要) lives in shanghai.( )2. the pandas face looks like a cats.( )3. all the people like panda very much.( )4. the pandas food is bamboo.( )5. pandas dont like climbing treesblong long ago, men didn t know how to build house.they lived in caves (

16、洞穴)on the side of hills. there they could keep dry and warm( 保持干燥暖和 ). these people hunted wild animals(野生動物) for food. they used(使用) the skins (皮)of the animals for clothes. the cave men didnt know how to write. but they told stories in picture. they drew the pictures on the stone walls( 石墻) of the

17、ir caves. in the last few years,many of these caves have been found. the picture stories are still (仍然)there. they show animals and people of these early times. they tell us things about cave men that never(從來沒有) know before.b. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。( )1. long long ago, men didnt how to build house.4a. do b.

18、 know c. can d like( )2.what do cave men use for clothes? .a. leaves.(樹葉) b.paper( 紙) c. the skins of the animals. d water.( )3.the story is about .a.going hunting. b. keeping warm. c. keeping dry. d cave men and their drawing( )4.do the cave pictures tell us many things?- .a.yes, i do. b. no, i don

19、t. c. yes, they do. d. no, they dont.( )5. the cave men dont know how to .a. write b.read c. speak d singca dog gets a nice, big piece of meat( 肉) from a butcher ( 屠夫).he has it in his mouth happily.heis going home for his lunch. his home is at the other side of a river. there is a bridge(橋) overit.he goes along it and has a look at the water.what does he see in the river? he sees a dog loo


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