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1、各有關(guān)用人單位需在申報(bào)高端外國(guó)專家項(xiàng)目”(文教類)時(shí)提供工作合同(工作意向書),工作合同或意向書是國(guó)家外國(guó)專家局評(píng)審和資助的重要依據(jù)。所附工作合同(工作意向書)文本僅供參考,各相關(guān)用 人單位應(yīng)根據(jù)本單位情況自行擬定工作合同(工作意向書),相關(guān)法律責(zé)任由用人單位承擔(dān)。附件五工作合同文本(工作意向書)(僅供參考)甲方(用人單位)石河子大學(xué)乙方(受聘專家)Alexander C P Chu根據(jù)中華人民共和國(guó)法律法規(guī),雙方在平等、自愿、協(xié)商一致的 基礎(chǔ)上簽訂本合同(工作意向書)。甲方 (用人單位,以下簡(jiǎn)稱 甲方”法定代表人:向本春聯(lián)系人:高僉廿峰職務(wù):處長(zhǎng)辦公電話: +86 993 2032130 手

2、機(jī):+86 135199316889乙方(中文)朱昌平 (外文)Alexa nder C P Chu (受聘專家,以下 簡(jiǎn)稱乙方”國(guó)籍:新西蘭性別:男出生日期1941年丄月日護(hù)照號(hào)碼:LN388087居住國(guó)通訊地址: 1 Guern sey Place, Palmerst on North,New Zealand電話: +64 6 3569668 傳真: +64 6 3569668電子郵箱:alexchuclear. net, nz第一條工作時(shí)間本合同/意向書約定:2013年乙方在甲方 研究生院 工作2個(gè) 月(或自2013年起乙方在甲方 研究生院 連續(xù)工作 3年,其中 2013年工作2個(gè)月.2

3、014年工作2個(gè)月,2015年工作2個(gè)月)。第二條勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬本合同/意向書約定:2.1、乙方完成約定的工作量(包括工作時(shí)間),2013年甲方將支 付乙方勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬 13,000元人民幣/人(稅前),2014年支付 13,000 元人民幣/人(稅前),2015年支付 13,000元人民幣/人(稅前)。2.2、甲方應(yīng)按照中華人民共和國(guó)有關(guān)規(guī)定為乙方代繳個(gè)人所得 稅。第三條 崗位職責(zé)(請(qǐng)用人單位根據(jù)情況自行約定)3.1甲方聘用乙方在 研究生院 擔(dān)任 名譽(yù)教授 崗位的工作。3.2乙方的主要工作任務(wù)是:根據(jù)北京大學(xué)-石河子大學(xué)-梅西大學(xué)在2012年9月25日簽訂的“三兄弟”合作協(xié)議的具體內(nèi)容執(zhí)行。第四條 福

4、利待遇(請(qǐng)用人單位根據(jù)情況自行約定)4.1乙方在甲方工作期間,除雙方另有約定,甲方應(yīng)按照中國(guó)勞動(dòng)法有關(guān)規(guī)定,安排乙方執(zhí)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)工時(shí)制度,即乙方每日工作 8小 時(shí),每周工作40小時(shí)。4.2甲方安排或者同意乙方加班的,應(yīng)按照法律規(guī)定安排乙方補(bǔ) 休或支付加班工資。4.3乙方享受中國(guó)公民法定帶薪節(jié)日休假。第五條 權(quán)利和義務(wù)(請(qǐng)用人單位根據(jù)情況自行約定)5.1知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù)乙方在甲方工作期間,在項(xiàng)目工作中所取得的知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán),包括著作權(quán)、 專利權(quán)、商標(biāo)權(quán)等,其所有權(quán)歸雙方共有 。(建議甲乙雙方根據(jù)工作范圍和事項(xiàng)另行簽訂知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)保護(hù)協(xié)議)5.2保密義務(wù)乙方須遵守甲方相關(guān)保密規(guī)定,對(duì)甲方商業(yè)秘密及其他與知識(shí)產(chǎn) 權(quán)相

5、關(guān)的涉密事項(xiàng)進(jìn)行保密。若乙方違反保密義務(wù),除賠償甲方因此造成的損失外,應(yīng)按照相 關(guān)法律法規(guī)承擔(dān)相應(yīng)的法律責(zé)任。(建議甲乙雙方根據(jù)工作性質(zhì)及實(shí)際需要商定保密范圍和事項(xiàng), 另行簽訂保密義務(wù)協(xié)議)5.3競(jìng)業(yè)限制競(jìng)業(yè)限制的約定不得違反法律、法規(guī)的規(guī)定。(建議甲乙雙方商定競(jìng)業(yè)限制的范圍、地域、期限以及經(jīng)濟(jì)補(bǔ)償 和違約賠償金額及相關(guān)責(zé)任,另行簽訂競(jìng)業(yè)限制協(xié)議)5.4侵害第三方權(quán)利的責(zé)任本合同/意向書執(zhí)行期間,如發(fā)生侵害第三方權(quán)利情形的,要按 照甲乙雙方的過錯(cuò)確定責(zé)任,并由過錯(cuò)方依法進(jìn)行賠付。因乙方過錯(cuò) 侵害第三方權(quán)利,而甲方為此先行賠付的,甲方可向乙方追償。5.5其他義務(wù)(1)甲方應(yīng)按照有關(guān)規(guī)定協(xié)助乙方辦

6、理出入境、居留等相關(guān)手 續(xù),為乙方開展工作提供必要的條件,按時(shí)支付乙方勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬,保障 乙方的福利待遇和正當(dāng)權(quán)益,同時(shí)對(duì)乙方的工作進(jìn)行考核評(píng)價(jià)和成果 評(píng)估。(2)乙方應(yīng)遵守中國(guó)法律、法規(guī)和用人單位的規(guī)章制度,按照 合同約定的時(shí)間在崗工作,認(rèn)真履行崗位職責(zé),完成崗位工作任務(wù), 接受甲方的考核和監(jiān)督。(3)建議甲乙雙方明確約定甲方是否為乙方提供國(guó)際交通或國(guó) 際交通補(bǔ)貼)本合同/意向書一式兩份,由甲方和乙方分別留存。合同 /意向書 分別用中、英文書就,兩種文本內(nèi)容完全一致,具有同等的效力。甲方:石河子大學(xué)乙方:法定代表人:(單位公章)時(shí)間:2013年3月20日Contract of Employmen

7、t/Letter of Intent(For Reference Only)Party A (Employer) Shihezi UniversityParty B (Employee) Alexander C P ChuAccord ing to the releva nt laws and regulati ons of the PRC, bothParties, in line with the principles of equality, mutual agreement, and on a volun tary basis, agree to sig n this Con trac

8、t/Letter of In te nt.Party A Shihezi Un iversity(Employer, hereafter referred to as “ Party A” )Legal Representative Ben chu n Xia ngContact PersonJia nfeng GaoPosition: Secti on chiefTelephone:+86 993 2032130 Cell Phone:+86arty B4 (in Chinese)朱昌平(in native Ianguage) Alexander C P Chu (

9、Employee, hereafter referred to as “ Party B” )Nationality : New Zealand Gender: MaleDate of Birth:1941 (year)(month) 15 (date)Passport NumberLN388087Address (outside of China): 1 Guern sey Place, Palmersto n North,New ZealandTelephone:+6463569668 Fax:+ 6463569668Email Address: alexchu.nzArticle 1.

10、Term of EmploymentParty B ensures to work in Party A Graduate School of Shihezi University (U nit) for 2 mon ths in 2013 (or from year 2013, Party B en sures to work for 3 years continu ously in Party A, _2 mon ths in 2013, 2 mon ths in 2014, 2 mon ths in 2015)Article 2. Compensation or Salary2.1 If

11、 Party B accomplishes his/her responsibilities (including the worki ng time), Party A should pay 13,000 RMB/member (before tax) to Party B as compe nsation or salary in 2013, pay 13,000 RMB/member (before tax) to Party B in 2014 and pay 13,000 RMB/member (before tax) to Party B in 2015.2.2 Party A s

12、hould help Party B go through tax-related procedures in accorda nee with the related regulati ons and policies of the PRC.Article 3. Job Responsibilities (optional)3.1 Party A employs Party B asHonorary Professor inGraduate School of Shihezi Un iversity3.2 Party B job responsibilities are:according

13、to PekingUn iversity-Shihezi Uni versity-Massey Un iversity tripartite relati on ship agreeme nt that be sig ned at September 22012Article 4. Benefits (optional)4.1 Uni ess the two Parties agree otherwise, Party A will adoptstandard working time for Party B in accordanee with the Labor Law of PRC. T

14、hat is to say, Party B will work 8 hours a day, 40 total hours each week.4.2 If Party A asks Party B to work overtime or endorses Party B s application for overtime work, Party A shall give Party B overtime payme nt accord ing to the releva nt laws and regulatio ns.4.3 Party B is en titled to have p

15、aid public holidays of China.Article 5. Rights and Obligations (optional)5.1 In tellectual Property Protecti onTwo parties owns the copyrights of the works, inventions, pate nts and other in tellectual properties produced by Party B duri ng the Con tract period.5.2 Con fide ntialityParty B should ob

16、ey the rules concerning con fide ntiality formulated by Party A. Party B is obliged to mai ntai n con fide ntiality of Party A s secrecy, including but not limited to trade secrets, issues related to in tellectual properties, etc.If Party B disobeys the con fide ntiality obligati ons, he or she shal

17、l not on ly compe nsate Party A for the loss but also bear the releva nt legal liability in accorda nce with releva nt laws and regulati ons.5.3 Non-Competition RestrictionThe non-competitio n restrictio n shall be determ ined accord ing to the releva nt laws and regulati ons.5.4 Liability for Viola

18、tio n of the Third Party RightsShould any rights of the third Party be violated duri ng the Con tract period, both Parties shall determine the responsible Party who will be liable for reimburseme nt. In the eve nt that Party A pays for Party B s misbehavior, Party A shall be compe nsated by Party B.

19、5.5 Other Obligatio ns(1) Party A shall help Party B man age issues such as reside nee, entry and exit, etc. Party A should provide esse ntial con diti ons to Party B in order to carry out jo int programs, pay compe nsati on or salary to Party B on time, en sure the ben efits and rights of Party B w

20、he n he/she works for Party A, and evaluate the work performa nces and con tributi ons of PartyB.(2) Party B shall observe all releva nt laws and regulati ons of the PRC, follow the rules and employment discipline formulated by Party A, start work on the prescribed date according to this Contract/Le

21、tter of Intent, fulfill the tasks assig ned to him/her with high sta ndards with in the prescribed timeframe, and be subject to Party Assupervisi on and review of his or her work ing performa nee.There are two orig inal copies of the Con tract/Letter of Intent, which to be preserved separately by Pa

22、rty A and Party B. Each copy will be signed in duplicate in both English and Chinese with both texts being equally authe ntic.Party A: Shihezi Un iversityParty B:Legal Represe ntativeDate: March 2dh 2013(Official Seal)Whe n you are old and grey and full of sleep,And no ddi ng by the fire, take dow n this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your mome nts of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your cha nging face;And bending dow n besi


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