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1、quality management detail rules on piping construction contract管道工程合同施工質(zhì)量管理細則合同編號: number of contract:目錄content1.0編制目的及適用范圍purpose for preparation and scope of application2.0 編制原則principles for preparation3.0 執(zhí)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及有關(guān)規(guī)定applicable standards and relevant regulations3.1 中國政府的相關(guān)法規(guī)和政策relevant laws, regula

2、tions and policies issued by chinese government:3.2 secco項目ipmt質(zhì)量體系有關(guān)文件documentation related to ipmt quality system of secco project:3.3 secco項目ipmt規(guī)定和要求ipmt regulations and requirements of secco project:3.4 施工驗收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及規(guī)范standards and codes for construction acceptance:4.0 沖突和協(xié)調(diào)conflict and coordination5

3、.0 專業(yè)技術(shù)經(jīng)理與專業(yè)工程師specialist technical manager and specialist engineer5.1 專業(yè)技術(shù)經(jīng)理specialist technical manager5.2專業(yè)工程師specialist engineer6.0hse7.0 施工過程中工程施工質(zhì)量的控制quality control in the process of construction7.1 主要依據(jù)main basis7.2 熟悉現(xiàn)場管理體系、建立工作接口acquaintance with site management system and establishment of

4、 working interface7.3 技術(shù)準(zhǔn)備technical preparations7.4 組織設(shè)計交底organization design briefing7.5 圖紙與設(shè)計文件會審joint check-up of drawings and design documents7.6 審查施工組織設(shè)計和施工方案check-up of construction organization design and construction plan7.7 施工過程的質(zhì)量控制點的制定和檢查程序procedures for the establishment and inspection o

5、f quality control points in the construction process7.8 施工過程中的質(zhì)量控制quality control during the construction process7.8.1 原材料的檢查與驗收原則principles for the inspection and verification of raw materials7.8.2管子抽檢的內(nèi)容和比例contents and percentage of pipe spot-check7.8.3 其他管道組成件抽檢的內(nèi)容和比例spot-check contents and perce

6、ntage of other pipe components7.8.4 閥門的檢驗與試驗(包括管道視鏡、過濾器及阻火器檢驗)valve inspection and experiment (including the inspection of pipe signt glass, strainer and flame arrestor)7.8.5采用的主要管道器材標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(規(guī)范)major piping specifications standards (or codes)材料標(biāo)準(zhǔn) material standards7.無縫鋼管seamless steel pipe7

7、.焊接鋼管welded steel pipe7.管件pipe fittings7.聯(lián)接件pipe joints7.閥門valves7.8.5.2應(yīng)用規(guī)范application specification7.管子pipe7.管件pipe fittings7. 聯(lián)接件pipe joints7.閥門valves7.8.6 管道防腐pipingcorrosion prevention7.8.7 管道的預(yù)制加工工藝pre-fabrication process for pipe7.8.8 碳素

8、鋼管道焊接、熱處理及質(zhì)量檢查welding, heat treatment and quality inspection for carbon steel pipe7.8.9 閥門安裝valve installation7.8.10 低溫材料檢驗及安裝cryogenic material inspection and installation7.8.11 靜電接地安裝static grounding erection7.8.12 管道系統(tǒng)試驗、吹除與清洗test, purging and cleaning for piping system7.8.13 工程中間交接engineering in

9、termediate takeover7.8.14 竣工驗收completion acceptance7.9 專業(yè)工程師應(yīng)保存的資料documents to be retained by specialist engineer附錄1: 管道安裝工程質(zhì)量控制點appendix 1 quality control points for piping installation project附錄2: 工業(yè)管道施工管理臺帳appendix 2 industrial piping construction management record book 1.0編制目的及適用范圍:purpose for p

10、reparation and scope of application1.1 本規(guī)定適用于上海secco 90x104t/a乙烯項目(以下簡稱secco項目)的現(xiàn)場施工質(zhì)量管理工作。these stipulations are applicable to the site construction quality management of shanghai secco 90x104t/a ethene project (hereinafter referred to as secco project).1.2本規(guī)定是為了明確secco項目的現(xiàn)場施工質(zhì)量管理工作的職責(zé)、工作內(nèi)容、工作流程、方法

11、以及設(shè)計、采購、施工的協(xié)調(diào),推行現(xiàn)代化、科學(xué)化、規(guī)范化的項目管理模式而編制的。these stipulations are prepared for the purpose of defining the responsibilities, working contents, operating process and procedures for the site construction quality management of the secco project and for coordination among the design, procurement and constru

12、ction, so as to pursue the modernized, scientific and standardized mode for project management.2.0編制原則principles for preparation2.1 本細則在項目質(zhì)量管理目標(biāo)合理分解、項目質(zhì)量管理組織已經(jīng)確立的前提下,以項目的規(guī)律效應(yīng)性和操作實用性為原則編制的。these rules are prepared on the principle of the law effectiveness and operating practicability of the project,

13、under the precondition that the objectives of the project quality management have been reasonably decomposed and the organization of project quality management has been established.2.2本細則注意到質(zhì)量檢驗評定中工程劃分與wbs分解結(jié)構(gòu)在施工管理中的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系,我們強調(diào)將兩者的劃分盡量統(tǒng)一。these rules have given full attention to the inherent links betw

14、een the project component division in the quality inspection and evaluation and wbs decomposed structure in the construction management. we emphasize that the two divisions should be unified as far as possible.2.3 為加強主動控制的力度,本細則建議建立專業(yè)施工管理臺帳,將施工質(zhì)量控制納入現(xiàn)場施工管理體系,專業(yè)工程師應(yīng)參加重要的材料和設(shè)備的招標(biāo)訂貨會議,了解產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、合同技術(shù)要求、廠家售

15、后服務(wù)及到貨情況。以便在施工管理臺帳中列出每月到貨清單,使材料報檢及工程報檢工作系統(tǒng)化。in order to strengthen the power of active control, it is recommended by these rules that a specialized construction management record book is established to integrate the construction quality control into site construction management system. it is also su

16、ggested that specialist engineers should participate in the bidding and ordering meetings for important materials and equipment to get acquainted with the product quality, the technical requirements of the contract, after-sale service provided by manufacturer and the delivery status. and then it is

17、possible to put the monthly goods-arrival list in the construction management record book and to realize the systematization of material acceptance and engineering inspection procedures.3.0執(zhí)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及有關(guān)規(guī)定applicable standards and relevant regulations3.1 中國政府的相關(guān)法規(guī)和政策:relevant laws, regulations and policies

18、issued by chinese government:壓力管道安全管理和監(jiān)察規(guī)程regulations for pressure piping safety management and supervision壓力管道安裝安全質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗規(guī)則rules for pressure piping installation safety and quality supervision and inspection3.2 secco項目ipmt質(zhì)量體系有關(guān)文件:documentation related to ipmt quality system of secco project:規(guī)劃管理計劃(

19、pmp)program management plan (pmp)質(zhì)量管理策略 quality management strategy質(zhì)量管理組織體系 quality management organization system工程質(zhì)量管理規(guī)定 regulations for project quality management質(zhì)量審核程序 quality check procedures承包商質(zhì)量(qa/qc)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)quality assurance/quality control (qa/qc) standard for contractors施工管理細則construction manag

20、ement detail rules3.3 secco項目ipmt規(guī)定和要求:ipmt regulations and requirements of secco project:裝置布置原則 plant layout philosophy管道材料規(guī)定 specifications for piping materials工藝及公用工程管道設(shè)計要求 process and utility piping design requirements地下鋼管涂層及包覆標(biāo)準(zhǔn)standard for coating and wrapping of underground steel pipe 管道制作 fa

21、brication of piping蒸汽伴熱管要求steam tracing piping requirements管道支撐標(biāo)準(zhǔn) standard for piping support管道柔性-設(shè)計標(biāo)準(zhǔn)piping flexibilitydesign criteria管道的現(xiàn)場試壓 field pressure testing of piping隔離材料及應(yīng)用熱保溫insulation materials & application -hot service隔離材料及應(yīng)用冷保溫insulation materials& application-cold service管道及設(shè)備的隔音保護so

22、und controlinsulation of piping and equipment標(biāo)準(zhǔn)詳圖 standard detail drawing管道焊接標(biāo)準(zhǔn)standard for piping welding3.4施工驗收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及規(guī)范:standards and codes for construction acceptance:石油化工劇毒、可燃介質(zhì)管道工程施工及驗收規(guī)范specification for construction and acceptance of hypertoxic and combustible medium piping engineering in petroc

23、hemical industry 工業(yè)金屬管道工程施工及驗收規(guī)范 code for construction and acceptance of industrial metallic piping 現(xiàn)場設(shè)備、工業(yè)管道焊接工程施工及驗收規(guī)范 code for construction and acceptance of field equipment and industrial pipingwecontractorng 工業(yè)安裝工程質(zhì)量檢驗評定統(tǒng)一標(biāo)準(zhǔn) unified standard for checking and evaluating the quality of industrial

24、 installation engineering工業(yè)金屬管道工程質(zhì)量檢驗評定標(biāo)準(zhǔn) standard for checking and evaluating the quality of industrial metallic piping engineering 工業(yè)管道、設(shè)備絕熱工程施工及驗收規(guī)范 code for construction and acceptance of industrial piping and equipment thermal insulation engineering 石油化工工程焊接工藝評定 welding procedure qualification

25、for petrochemical engineering 石油化工鋼制管道工程施工工藝標(biāo)準(zhǔn) construction process standard for petrochemical steel piping engineering 閥門檢驗與管理規(guī)程 code for valve inspection and management 石油化工鋼制通用閥門選用、檢驗及驗收 selection, inspection and acceptance of petrochemical general steel valves石油化工設(shè)備和管道涂料防腐蝕技術(shù)規(guī)范technical specific

26、ation for the coating anticorrosion of equipment and piping in petrochemical industry 石油化工企業(yè)設(shè)備管道表面色和標(biāo)志 equipment and piping surface color and marking for petrochemical industry埋地鋼質(zhì)管道石油瀝青防腐層施工及驗收規(guī)范 code for construction and acceptance of petroleum asphalt corrosion protection layer for undergrand ste

27、el piping 工藝管道 process piping 無損檢測nondestructive examination 焊接和釬焊評定welding and brazing qualification 閥門檢驗及試驗valve inspection and testing 4.0沖突與協(xié)調(diào)conflict and coordination中國政府法規(guī)、secco項目規(guī)定、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和規(guī)范(包括國內(nèi)的和國外的):laws and regulations issued by chinese government and the stipulations, standards and codes of

28、secco project (including home and foreign ones):當(dāng)在項目執(zhí)行過程中,中國政府法規(guī)、secco項目規(guī)定及標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、規(guī)范間有矛盾時,執(zhí)行的順序應(yīng)當(dāng)是:中國政府法規(guī)、secco項目規(guī)定、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和規(guī)范要求。when a conflict occurs in the process of project implementation between the laws and regulations issued by chinese government and the stipulations, standards and codes of secco pro

29、ject, the priority order for implementation should be firstly the laws and regulations issued by chinese government and then the requirements of the stipulations, standards and codes of secco project.5.0專業(yè)技術(shù)經(jīng)理與專業(yè)工程師specialist technical manager and specialist engineer 5.1 專業(yè)技術(shù)經(jīng)理specialist technical m

30、anager 5.1.1負責(zé)分管專業(yè)的施工技術(shù)與施工質(zhì)量的管理工作;to be responsible for the construction technical and quality management of the specialty he/she is assigned to take charge of;5.1.2指導(dǎo)專業(yè)工程師的工作,監(jiān)督和支持設(shè)計、采購、施工、監(jiān)理、檢測承包商的有關(guān)工作;to give instructions to the specialist engineer, to supervise and support the design, procuremen

31、t, construction and supervisory management and to check the contractors work.5.2 專業(yè)工程師specialist engineer5.2.1各包專業(yè)工程師是由建設(shè)部核心組派出,直接接受專業(yè)技術(shù)經(jīng)理的指導(dǎo)和考核,同時在各項目包接受各施工經(jīng)理的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)。specialist engineers of different component packages are sent by the core group of the ministry of construction and directly subject to t

32、he instruction and examination made by the specialist technical managers. at the same time they should be under the leadership of the construction managers of the respective component packages.5.2.2各包專業(yè)工程師在項目執(zhí)行過程中所發(fā)生的重要技術(shù)變更及工程量確認,向施工經(jīng)理匯報的同時應(yīng)抄報建設(shè)部核心組專業(yè)技術(shù)經(jīng)理。the specialist engineer of a package shall r

33、eport to the construction manager about the major technical changes and engineering volume verification in the process of project implementation and simultaneously send a duplicate to the specialist technical manager of the core group in the ministry of construction.5.2.3各包專業(yè)工程師的專業(yè)技術(shù)及質(zhì)量周報、月報和工作報告,向施

34、工經(jīng)理匯報的同時應(yīng)抄報建設(shè)部核心組專業(yè)技術(shù)經(jīng)理。the technological information of the package specialist engineer, as well as the quality weekly report, monthly report and working report shall be submitted to the construction manager and a copy shall be simultaneously made to the specialist technical manager of the core gro

35、up, ministry of construction.6.0 hse6.1 hse要求hse requirements詳見secco的hse文件refer to secco hse document for details.6.2 secco項目中,無論業(yè)主還是承包商都應(yīng)遵守和執(zhí)行secco的hse文件要求,專業(yè)工程師在具體的工作中應(yīng)協(xié)助hse工程師落實和監(jiān)督secco的hse規(guī)定。in secco project, both the client and contractor should observe and follow the requirements of secco hse

36、document. the specialist engineer should assist hse engineer in the implementation and supervision of secco hse stipulations in the specific work.7.0施工過程中工程施工質(zhì)量的控制quality control in the process of construction7.1 主要依據(jù)main basis7.1.1各承包合同條件及項目前期技術(shù)函件various contract conditions and technical correspond

37、ence at the initial phase of the project;7.1.2圖紙、相關(guān)設(shè)計文件drawings and relevant design documents;7.1.3規(guī)范及檢驗、試驗標(biāo)準(zhǔn)codes and standards for inspection and test;7.1.4項目施工質(zhì)量計劃construction quality plan of the project.7.2熟悉現(xiàn)場管理體系、建立工作接口acquaintance with site management system and establishment of working inter

38、face7.2.1專業(yè)工程師應(yīng)了解行業(yè)質(zhì)量監(jiān)督制度,熟悉本次項目的監(jiān)督機構(gòu)-中石化質(zhì)量監(jiān)督總站發(fā)布的質(zhì)量監(jiān)督方案,在制定工程質(zhì)量控制點時,應(yīng)將質(zhì)量監(jiān)督方案及質(zhì)量評定的要求納入質(zhì)量管理體系。a specialist engineer should be acquainted with quality supervision system of his/her specific industry and familiar with the quality supervision program issued by the supervisory institution of this projec

39、t, i.e., chinese petrochemical quality supervision station. when quality control points are set up, the quality supervision program and the qualification requirements should be included in the quality management system.7.2.2專業(yè)工程師應(yīng)充分了解工程監(jiān)理制度,熟悉監(jiān)理規(guī)劃及監(jiān)理實施細則內(nèi)容。a specialist engineer should fully know the

40、 project supervisory management system and be familiar with the contents and provisions in the supervisory management plan and the supervisory management implementation detail rules.7.2.3采購質(zhì)檢接口:理順管理體系,加強組織互動,專業(yè)工程師應(yīng)與采購質(zhì)檢工程師和采購工程師密切合作,及時了解材料、配件到貨情況及抽檢計劃。interface of procurement to quality inspection:

41、to rationalize the management system and strengthen the organizational interaction, a specialist engineer should make a close cooperation with the procurement quality control engineer and procurement engineer, timely get information on material and accessory arrival and make a spot check according t

42、o the plan.7.2.4專業(yè)工程師應(yīng)熟悉各承包商項目組織機構(gòu),質(zhì)量管理體系,應(yīng)注意考察各承包商質(zhì)量管理體系的效力及執(zhí)行能力能否滿足質(zhì)量管理要求。secco各項目專業(yè)工程師重點考察的內(nèi)容如下:a specialist engineer should be familiar to the project organizational structure and quality management system of various contractors, and especially investigate whether the effectiveness and implement

43、ing ability of their quality management systems can satisfy the project quality management requirements. for secco specialist engineers in their investigation, focus should be put on following aspects: 管道組成件的管理與發(fā)放制度,應(yīng)注意發(fā)放的材料記錄是否完整,能否保證材料跟蹤的要求。rules and regulations for pipe components manageme

44、nt and giving-out. attention should be paid to whether the records for the given-out materials are complete and meet the material follow-up requirements. 焊條烘干及發(fā)放制度rules and regulations for welding electrode drying and giving-out7.2.4.3 是否具備閥門試驗設(shè)備,光譜分析儀,漆膜測厚儀,測厚儀、電火花檢測儀、風(fēng)向儀。焊條烘干及保溫設(shè)備是否完好,其相關(guān)儀

45、表是否完好等。make sure that the valve testing equipment, spectroscopic analyzer, paint-film gauge, gauge meter, electric-spark detector and anemoscope are available, welding electrode drying and insulating facilities are intact and relevant instruments in good condition. 完整詳細的標(biāo)識體系。應(yīng)注意審查下列碳素鋼管道應(yīng)有不同的

46、色標(biāo):complete and detail identification system. care must be taken to check that following carbon steel pipes should have different color scheme:gb/t8163輸送流體用無縫鋼管gb/t8163 ;gb9948石油裂化用無縫鋼管gb9948 ;gb6479化肥設(shè)備用高壓無縫鋼管gb6479 ;gb5310高壓鍋爐用無縫鋼管gb5310 ;gb/t3092低壓流體輸送用焊接鋼管gb/t3092 .7.3技術(shù)準(zhǔn)備technical preparations7

47、.3.1熟悉圖紙及設(shè)計文件,掌握設(shè)計意圖,施工要求、技術(shù)措施和注意事項;熟悉施工平面布置,“七通一平”及地下障礙物情況資料。get familiar with the drawings and design documents and understand the design intention, construction requirements, construction measures and caution matters; get familiar with the layout of the floor plan, the “seven accessible and one f

48、lat” (for the infrastructure, such as accessible to water, electricity, etc, and the leveling of the ground) and the information about underground obstacles. 7.3.2整理工程內(nèi)容、工程量、工作量,收集材料訂貨清單,著手編制施工管理臺帳(附件1)及管道工程實物量表(附件2),制定月質(zhì)量檢驗計劃。sort out the project contents, project volume and workload and collect th

49、e list of material orders; and draw up construction management record book (appendix 1) and physical quantity sheet for pipeline project (appendix 2) and work out monthly quality inspection plan.7.4組織設(shè)計交底organization design briefing管道工程的設(shè)計交底,一般包括下列內(nèi)容:the design briefing of piping engineering general

50、ly comprises the following contents. 7.4.1設(shè)計規(guī)模、工藝流程及有關(guān)設(shè)備;design scale, process flow and relevant equipment 7.4.2平面布置; plot plan7.4.3 工程特點、特殊技術(shù)要求、施工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及驗收規(guī)范;project features, special technical requirements, construction standards and acceptance code7.4.4 特殊管道材料,新材料、新技術(shù)的應(yīng)用有無問題;application of special pi

51、ping materials, new materials and new technology 7.4.5管道工程量workload of piping construction. 7.5圖紙與設(shè)計文件會審joint check-up of drawings and design documents 圖紙會審應(yīng)在熟悉設(shè)計資料及技術(shù)條件的基礎(chǔ)上進行,主要應(yīng)審查下列內(nèi)容:the joint check-up of drawings must be conducted on the basis of the familiarization of design documents and techn

52、ical conditions. the followings are the main contents to be checked: 7.5.1圖紙及其他設(shè)計文件是否齊全;設(shè)計深度是否滿足施工要求,設(shè)計是否漏項;make sure if the drawings and other documents are intact, the designing depth meet the construction requirements and the design has any omission; 7.5.2 圖紙說明書一覽表等相關(guān)內(nèi)容是否一致;make sure if the drawi

53、ngs, the instruction manual, the datasheet and other relevant documents are consistent from each other;7.5.3管道平面圖與管段圖是否相符;規(guī)格、材質(zhì)、型號、數(shù)量設(shè)計參數(shù)等有無矛盾;管道布置在空間上有無碰撞;make sure if the piping layout drawings and the isometrics drawings are consistent from each other, any contradiction in specification, material

54、, model, quantity and design parameter exists and any conflict of piping in the space occurs;7.5.4管道與其他專業(yè)的設(shè)施在空間上有無矛盾,如工藝管道與通風(fēng)、電氣、儀表、給排水、采暖消防等專業(yè)的設(shè)施是否協(xié)調(diào);make sure if the conflict between the piping and other professional facilities, such as the facilities for ventilation, electricity, instruments, wat

55、er supply and drainage, heating and fire control, occurs. 7.5.5 管道與設(shè)備接口的標(biāo)高、坐標(biāo)、方位及管口尺寸、壓力等級是否相符;make sure if the elevation, coordinate, direction, diameter of pipe orifice and pressure rating of the pipes that is connected with the relivetion equipment are in conformity;7.5.6 設(shè)計選用的施工標(biāo)準(zhǔn)及技術(shù)要求是否可行;make sure if the


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