



1、dont smoke, please。根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容,填上適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~smoking is bad for your_1_it can cause diseases of the heart and lungs.you are also _2_the people around you with your second。hand smoke。smoking in public places is now _3_the law。so we shouldnt touch_4_if your family members smoke,encourage them to stop_5_stay away

2、from cigarettes and you can live a long,healthy and happy life。.用方框中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空harm,whenever,smoke,be bad for,stay healthy 1you can ask for help _ you need it。2watching too much tv _ your eyes。3its important for us to _.4the doctor asked him to give up _ because of his illness.5i have done nothing to

3、 _ anyone。.單項(xiàng)選擇1reading in the sun is harmful _ your eyes。ato bat cfor dwith2i cant _ the risk of losing you in order to achieve my goal。abring btake ccarry dget3my parents _ the habit of taking a walk after supper.aget on bget offcget into dget out of4he was late _ a result of the heavy snow.awhile

4、 bas cwhen dfor5did you know that the earth is home to _, animals?a million bmillionscmillion of dmillions of.根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示完成句子1每個(gè)人都想居住在一個(gè)干凈的環(huán)境中呼吸新鮮空氣.everyone wants to live in a clean environment and _ _ _.2你應(yīng)該試著解釋它對(duì)他們的健康是多么的重要。you should _ _ how important it is for their health.3為了有一個(gè)健康的生活,請(qǐng)遠(yuǎn)離香煙。 _ _ _ c

5、igarettes to live a healthy life。4無(wú)論何時(shí)有人給你提供香煙,你都應(yīng)該說不。whenever someone _ _ a cigarette,you _ _ no.5我希望他快點(diǎn)好起來(lái).i hope he will _ _ soon.參考答案.1。health2。harming3。against4.cigarettes5.smoking。1。whenever2.is bad for3。stay healthy4.smoking5。harm.1。a點(diǎn)撥:“對(duì)有害”的固定句式為be harmful to,故選a項(xiàng)。2b點(diǎn)撥:take the risk of是固定短語(yǔ)

6、,意為“承擔(dān)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)”。3c點(diǎn)撥:get into the habit of是固定短語(yǔ),意為“養(yǎng)成的習(xí)慣”。4b點(diǎn)撥:as a result of 是固定短語(yǔ),意為“由于的結(jié)果”,故選b項(xiàng).5d點(diǎn)撥:當(dāng)hundred,thousand,million和billion前面有具體的數(shù)字時(shí),用單數(shù)形式;當(dāng)前面沒有具體的數(shù)字時(shí),用復(fù)數(shù)形式,且跟介詞of連用,故選d項(xiàng)。.1.breathe fresh air2。try explaining3。stay away from4。offers you; should say5.get well尊敬的讀者:本文由我和我的同事在百忙中收集整編出來(lái),本文檔在發(fā)布之前我

7、們對(duì)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行仔細(xì)校對(duì),但是難免會(huì)有不盡如人意之處,如有疏漏之處請(qǐng)指正,希望本文能為您解開疑惑,引發(fā)思考。文中部分文字受到網(wǎng)友的關(guān)懷和支持,在此表示感謝!在往后的日子希望與大家共同進(jìn)步,成長(zhǎng)。this article is collected and compiled by my colleagues and i in our busy schedule. we proofread the content carefully before the release of this article, but it is inevitable that there will be some unsatisfactory points. if there are omissions, please correct them. i hope this article can solve your doubts and arouse your thinking. par


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