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1、連詞用法歸納、概說連詞是一種虛詞,不單獨用作句子成分??煞譃椴⒘羞B詞和從屬連詞。二、并列連詞的用法1.表轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系:but, yet, while 等。注意:(1) but的特殊含義: excuse me, but i dont think thats quite true.“但是”,用于道歉. not you but i am to blame.not. but. ”不是 .而是.” she knows no one but you.“除了,只”,多用于否定句 he was the last but one to arrive.“倒數(shù)第二個” you cant help but respect

2、 them.“不得不”(2)but不能與although連用,而yet可以。but與however的區(qū)別。however視為副詞,位置靈活,逗號之前。2.表因果關(guān)系:for, so等。如:注意:for的從句不能位于原因之前。for不能用于回答問題。for不能位于not, but或任何連詞之后because不能和so連用。3.表并列關(guān)系:and , or , either or, neither nor, not only but (also), both and, as well aswhen(=and just at this time 就在這時)等。注意and用法:祈使句 + and注意

3、or 用法: hurry up, olyoull be late for school.“否則” he must be joking, or else hes mad.“要不然就” he was not clever or good -looking.用于否定句.代替 and習(xí)慣用語:more o門ess 或多或少”one or two “一兩個”等【即時練習(xí)】 someone borrowed my pen, but i dont remember who. the child had a bad cough, so his mother took him to the doctor. th

4、e weather is mild today; it is neither hot nor cold. both new york and london have traffic problems. the work is more or less finished. dress warmly, or else youll catch cold. later, however, he changed his mind. he eats nothing but hamburgers. work hard and youll pass the examinations people who ar

5、e either under age or_over age may not join the army.三、從屬連詞的用法(一)時間狀語從句1、表示“當(dāng)時候 : when, while, as, whenever 。注意 when和as區(qū)別:瞬間性動詞:when ;延續(xù)性動詞:while。as引導(dǎo)時,其謂語動詞不能是靜態(tài)或狀態(tài)動詞。2、 表示“在之前(或之后)“:before, after。3、表示自從或直到: since, until, till 。4、表示一就: as soon as the moment/ minute/ second/ instant once immediately

6、/ directly/ instantly (ly) no sooner than, hardly/ scarcely when 等。5、表示上次、下次、每次等:every/ each time (每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(隨時),(the) last time(上次),the first time(第一次)?!炯磿r練習(xí)】 we lose a few skin cells every time we wash our hands.(改錯) he finished it until it was dark.(改錯) dont talk while your

7、e eating.(改錯) shes been playing tennis since she was eight. ill let you know as_soon as i hear from her.(二)條件狀語從句這類連詞主要有 :if, unless, as/so 10ng as, in case 等?;仡檌f和whether的區(qū)別。unless除非,相當(dāng)于if not(三)目的狀語從句主要的有:in order that, so that, in case, for fear that 等。注意:in case可表示條件,意為如果萬一可表示目的,意為“以防” “生怕”(四)結(jié)果

8、狀語從句主要的有:so that, so that, such that 等。(五)原因狀語從句主要的有:because, as, since, seeing (that), now (that), considering (that) 等。改錯: because i was ill for six months, so i lost my job. the reason why im late is because i missed the bus. he is here because you .(六)讓步狀語從句主要的有: although, though, even though/if

9、, while, as, 特殊疑問詞 + ever 等。注意:though可以做副詞,單獨使用,但不能倒裝。as只能用于倒裝句。(七)方式狀語從句主要的有:as, as if/though, the way 等。(八)地點狀語從句主要的有 :where, wherever, everywhere, anywhere 等。(十)名詞從句主要有:that, whether, if, 特殊疑問詞等。keys:110 b a b d a c c c b b 1120 b a c d c b b b d c2130 a d a b d c a b d b 3140 b c a a a a a b c c

10、110 for, or, either, and, either or, neither, which, as well as, but, so1.although/though 2.so 3.if/ whether 4.so 5.but 6.because 7.either or 8.and 9.before 10.since連詞用法歸納一、概說連詞是一種虛詞,不單獨用作句子成分??煞譃椴⒘羞B詞和從屬連詞。二、并列連詞的用法1 .表轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系:等。注意:(1) but的特殊含義:d excuse me, _bui i dont think thats quite true. “”:用干 not

11、 you bull am to blame. she knows no one but you. he was the last but one to arrive. you cant help but respect them.notbut”一名用干句(2)but不能與although連用,而yet可以。but與however的區(qū)別。however視為副詞,位置靈活,逗號之前。2 .表因果關(guān)系:等。如:注意:for的從句不能位于原因之前。for不能用于回答問題。for不能位于not, but或任何連詞之后because不能和so連用。3 .表并列關(guān)系:注意 and用法: + and注意 or

12、 用法: hurry up,youll be late for school. h he must be joking, or else hes mad.h he was not clever or good -looking.用于包,代替and習(xí)慣用語: “或多或少”; “一兩個”等【即時練習(xí)】 someone borrowed my pen, i dont remember who. the child had a bad cough, his mother took him to the doctor. the weather is mild today; it is neither h

13、ot cold. both new york london have traffic problems. the work is more less finished. dress warmly, else youll catch cold. later, , he changed his mind. he eats nothing hamburgers. work hard youll pass the examinations people who are either under age over age may not join the army.三、從屬連詞的用法(一)時間狀語從句1

14、、表示“當(dāng)-時候”:。注意 when和as區(qū)別:瞬間性動詞: ;延續(xù)性動詞: 。as引導(dǎo)時,其謂語動詞不能是靜態(tài)或狀態(tài)動詞。2、 表示“在之前(或之后): 。3、表示“自從”或“直到”:。4、表示一就: as the/ / / o / / (ly) no sooner , hardly/ scarcely 等。5、表示“上次”、“下次”、“每次”等: time (每次),time(下 次),time(隨時), time(上次), time(第一次)?!炯磿r練習(xí)】 we lose a few skin cells every time we wash our hands.(改錯) he fini

15、shed it until it was dark.(改錯) dont talk while youre eating.(改錯) shes been playing tennis she was eight. ill let you know soon as i hear from her.(二)條件狀語從句這類連詞主要有:等?;仡檌f和whether的區(qū)別。unless除非,相當(dāng)于if not(三)目的狀語從句主要的有:等。注意:in case可表示條件,意為如果萬一可表示目的,意為“以防” “生怕(四)結(jié)果狀語從句主要的有:等。(五)原因狀語從句主要的有:等。改錯: because i w

16、as ill for six months, so i lost my job.t)the reason why im late is because i missed the bus.h he is here because you .(六)讓步狀語從句主要 的有: ,特殊疑問詞 + ever等。注意:though可以做副詞,單獨使用,但不能倒裝。as只能用于倒裝句。(七)方式狀語從句主要的有:等。(八)地點狀語從句主要的有:等。(十)名詞從句 主要有:that, whether, if, 特殊疑問詞等。連詞專練一、單項選擇()1. the song was old few young pe

17、ople could sing.a. enough; to b. so; that c. as; as d. too; to( )2. mr. brown knows little japanese,he cant understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills.a. so b. or c. but d. for()3. i cant tell you the secretyou promise that you will keep it between us.a. if b. but c. unless d. whether()4

18、.the soldiers the captain have been to greece before.a. both and b. not only - but alsoc. neither- nor d./ .as well as()5.my mother my sister watches football games these days.a. either; nor b. both; and c. neither; nor d. neither; or( )6. mr. smith is an english teacher will teach us english next t

19、erm.a. or b. and c. but d. so( )7. i may live in a hotel in a friends house.a. both; and b. either; or c. neither; nor d. between; and( )8. im sorry,i cant help you with your homework. youd better do it yourself.a. and b. but c. or d. then( )9. this coat will not lose colour its washed.a. until b. t

20、ill c. before d. after()10. i think we should get this liquid crystal computer,it wont take up more space.()11. stop smoking,you will get better soon.a. and b. or c. that d. after( )12. gray didnt recognize(認識)his old classmate he was told her name.a. when b. unless c. so d. until()13. i was about t

21、o leave the office the telephone rang.a. when b. after c. before d. while( )14. there were so many beautiful dresses that i didnt know to choose.a. where b.which c.how d.why( )15. this is not my book. do you know it is?a.what b. which c. who d. whose二、選詞填空soas well aseither . or .andeitherneitherfor

22、butorwhich1. he must be out,the door is locked.2. you should hurry up,youll miss the train.3. charles didnt want to watch that tv program,.4. get up early,youll arrive there on time.5. you can ask me questions in class after class.6. -i cant remember his name. -can i.7. ozone is a gas occurs 2050km

23、above the ground.8. maggie betty is interested in dance.9. she was very tired,she still kept on working.10. it snowed heavily this spring festival,thousands of tourists had to stay in shanghai to spend the holiday.三、連詞填空1. they are brothers, they dont look like each other at all.2. the dress was ver

24、y expensive, i didnt buy it.3. -do you know i could pass the exam? -sorry, ive no idea.4. mr. brown knows little japanese, he cant understand the instructions on the bottle ofthe pills.5. the war was over about a year ago, the american soldiers in iraq are still having a lot oftrouble to deal with.6

25、. -is david at school today? -no. he is at home he has a bad cold.7. lily lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.8. study hard, you are sure to have a good result in the exam.9. please have a wash you go to bed.10. the twins have learned a lot they came to china.四、句型轉(zhuǎn)換1. the boy isnt rich enough to go to school.( 保持句意 )the boy is sohe cant


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