



1、外研版英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)下冊(cè)Module7-U3綜合自測(cè)題一、單項(xiàng)選擇1. Mr Green will give us a talk _ how to learn English this weekend. A. on B. at C. to D. of2. My parents often go to the movies_ Saturday evenings. 【中考黔南】A. on B. in C. for D. at3. We go to school_ Monday to Friday every week. 【中考百色】A. at B. for C. on D. from4. There

2、are many interesting books _ in the school library. A. reads B. reading C. to reading D. to read5. It is great _ in the river in summer. A. to swim B. swimC. swims D. to swimming6. When did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? _July 20th, 1969. 【2019內(nèi)江】A. In B. At C. For D. On7. Whos that man _ sunglass

3、es?A. on B. for C. of D. with8. Ten years _, there were some old houses in the village, but now there arent any. A. ago B. later C. before D. already二、從方框中選擇單詞并用其適當(dāng)形式填空beboredlastmeetdifficult1. My brother was_ because my mother didnt let him play computer games.2. These boys come from Japan. They_

4、born in 1995. 3. The people are looking forward to_ Jimmy Lin very much. 4. Tony was_ at school and it made his parents very angry. 5. There was a strong wind_ night.三、根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)提示完成句子1. 這個(gè)村莊在中國(guó)的東海岸。The village is _ the _ _ _ China.2. 昨天她在學(xué)校為什么厭煩?Why _ she _ at school yesterday?3. 我認(rèn)為每一個(gè)人應(yīng)嚴(yán)格要求自己。I think e

5、veryone should be _ _ themselves. 4. 昨天他對(duì)我不友好。He _ _ _ me yesterday. 5. 我們?cè)谂瓮鴧⒓泳蹠?huì)。Were _ _ _ _ to the party.6. 從廣州到北京有多遠(yuǎn)?How far is it _ Guangzhou _ Beijing?四、語(yǔ)法專(zhuān)練1. The teacher was very friendly. (對(duì)畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn))_ _ the teacher _?2. There were some birds in the tree yesterday. (改為否定句)_ _ _ birds in the t

6、ree yesterday. 3. Were those boys late for class this morning?(作否定回答)_, _ _. 4. I was born in the city of Weifang. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ _ born in the city of Weifang?5. Mr. Wang was my first English teacher. (對(duì)畫(huà)線(xiàn)部分提問(wèn))_ _ _ first English teacher?五、語(yǔ)法填空 在空格處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~或使用括號(hào)中所給詞的正確形式填空(每空不多于2個(gè)單詞)。My grandmother oft

7、en tells _1(I)the story of her past life. My grandmother _2(be) born in a small village, _3 the east coast of China, on July 24th, 1952. At that time, because of many years war, many people had nothing _4(eat).But there _5 lots of ponds in her village, and there were many _6(fish) in them. In summer

8、 she could swim in them, _7. Her _8(one)school was Dazhang Primary School and her first teacher was Mr. Zhang. He was strict with her, _9 he was also nice to her. They were looking forward to _10(live) a better life. Now my grandmother is living a comfortable life and she is very happy. 六、根據(jù)首字母提示用本模

9、塊所學(xué)單詞填空Mike lives in a small t 1. He is a g 2 student. He always keeps his b 3 clean. But five years a 4, he was d 5 at home and at school. He would like to buy many things to eat in the s 6. He often went to E 7 Supermarket in his village. He was b 8 when he was in class. After class he often went

10、along the c 9 with his friends. Now he is a n 10 boy and often helps his mother with the housework.七、作文(一)話(huà)題分析本模塊主題是“過(guò)去的生活”。我們應(yīng)注意運(yùn)用一般過(guò)去時(shí)描述自己過(guò)去的生活。同時(shí)要更加珍惜現(xiàn)在的生活。(二)寫(xiě)作方法“六要素法”介紹人物六要素:姓名、年齡、外貌特征、品德、從事的活動(dòng)和表達(dá)對(duì)所介紹人物的情感。(三)素材積累1. 介紹人物類(lèi)話(huà)題的常用詞匯:be born, strict, friendly, first teacher, primary school, 2. 介紹人物

11、類(lèi)話(huà)題的常用句型:My first teacher was He/She was strict with us. He/She was friendly to us. Itsadj. to do sth.(四)寫(xiě)作任務(wù)請(qǐng)以My First Teacher為題,寫(xiě)一篇60詞左右的英語(yǔ)短文來(lái)介紹你的啟蒙老師。包括姓名、年齡、性格等。參考詞匯:beautiful, be strict, be friendly to答案:一、1 A 【點(diǎn)撥】考查介詞的選用。A. on關(guān)于;B. at在;C. to到; D. of 的。分析句意可知格林先生將給我們做一場(chǎng)關(guān)于如何學(xué)英語(yǔ)的報(bào)告,用on,故答案為A。2 A

12、【點(diǎn)撥】考查介詞的用法辨析。句意為“我的父母周六晚上經(jīng)常去看電影。”Saturday evenings指的是周六的晚上,表示在具體某一天的上午、下午或晚上介詞應(yīng)該用on,故選A。3 D 【點(diǎn)撥】考查介詞短語(yǔ)的用法。fromto意為“從到”。句意為“每周從周一到周五我們?nèi)W(xué)?!?。根據(jù)固定搭配可知選D。4 D 【點(diǎn)撥】考查動(dòng)詞不定式短語(yǔ)作定語(yǔ)。由句中的are可知read用動(dòng)詞不定式。5 A 【點(diǎn)撥】考查句型“Itsadj. to do sth.”。其意思為“做某事怎么樣”。6 D 7 D8 A 【點(diǎn)撥】考查ago的用法。其意思為“以前”。常位于時(shí)間段之后。與一般過(guò)去時(shí)搭配。二、1-5 bored,

13、 were, meeting, difficult, last三、1 on east coast of, 2 was bored, 3 strict with4 wasnt friendly to【點(diǎn)撥】考查friendly及一般過(guò)去時(shí)。be friendly to意為“對(duì)友好”。句子為一般過(guò)去時(shí)的否定句,故用wasnt。5 looking forward to going【點(diǎn)撥】考查look forward to的用法。其意思為“盼望”,后接動(dòng)名詞。分析句意可知為現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí),故look加-ing。6 from to四、1 What was like【點(diǎn)撥】Whatslike?其意思為“怎么樣

14、?”用于詢(xún)問(wèn)性格。2 There werent any, 3 No they werent, 4 Who was your五、1-5 me, was, on, to eat, were; 6-10 fish, too, first, but, living六、1-5 town, good, bedroom, ago, difficult; 6-10 store, east, bored, coast, nice七、寫(xiě)作模版滿(mǎn)分作文My First TeacherMy first teacher was Huang Min. She was 24 years old at that time and she was very beautiful. She taught us Chines


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