HAPPINESS How Positive Psychology Changes Our Lives:積極心理學的幸福如何改變我們的生活_第1頁
HAPPINESS How Positive Psychology Changes Our Lives:積極心理學的幸福如何改變我們的生活_第2頁
HAPPINESS How Positive Psychology Changes Our Lives:積極心理學的幸福如何改變我們的生活_第3頁
HAPPINESS How Positive Psychology Changes Our Lives:積極心理學的幸福如何改變我們的生活_第4頁
HAPPINESS How Positive Psychology Changes Our Lives:積極心理學的幸福如何改變我們的生活_第5頁
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1、HAPPINESS: Clinical Applications of Positive Psychology Angela Linger, MS, LPC “Wearewhatwerepeatedlydo.Excellence,then,isnotanact,butahabit.” Todays Workshop: Recognize setting goals leads to happier people. Our thoughts and words effect our happiness. The importance of staying focused on the goal

2、of happiness. Happy people are smarter and more creative. Happy people have more stable and happy marriages. Happy people make more money. Happy people are healthier and live longer. “AMANWHOWANTSSOMETHINGWILLFINDAWAY;AMANWHODOESNT WILLFINDANEXCUSE.” Happiness is a contact sport Suggested goal: 3 5

3、things you can try. Use these tools yourself before you share them with clients. Actively share and learn with others. Talks to professional and lay groups. See out newspaper interviews it makes you valuable Work hard “whats your secret?” Find the best in everybody; no matter how long you have to wa

4、it for them to show it Be prepared: “l(fā)uck” is where preparation meets opportunity Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP “Appropriate goal pursuit is also one of the chief hallmarks of a happy person, so it is important for anyone who is making or pursuing life list goals to understand some of the research on

5、wellbeing and why learning how to become even a little bit happier can have such a massive impact on your success. Negative outcomes from living with depression or low life satisfaction Money spent on visits to the doctors office Chronic Pain Syndrome Job accidents and low worker productivity Heart

6、problems Fewer and worse social relationships Is Misery Increasing? Materialistically, we are twice as rich as those in the 1960s. BUT: If you had fallen asleep in 1960 and awakened today, what would you find? 1960 2000: Doubled divorce rate. Tripled teen suicide rate. Quadrupled rate of reported vi

7、olent crime. Quintupled prison population. Sextupled (no pun intended) percent of babies born to unmarried parents. Sevenfold increase in cohabitation (a predictor of future divorce). Soaring rate of depressionto ten times the pre-World War II level by one estimate. Myers, David G. (April 24, 2000)

8、Wanting More in an Age of Plenty. Christianity Today Dr. David Myers Hope College Depression: Incidence / Prevalence Lifetime prevalence: 17% - 25% 8 million new cases of depression / year Antidepressants among most commonly prescribed drugs Depression rapidly increasing worldwide (Cohort born 1925

9、had 4% lifetime prevalence) Bent 1/5 or greater approximately 2000. Seen in all industrialized countries Exceptions?: Maybe tightly knit non-industrial groups Reason is unknown: Possibly change in social values? Change in diet Depression as an inflammatory disease? Unknown stressors? Klerman,G.L. th

10、ey are well but not great. 12.1% are languishing; they are not happy and not very productive. 14.1% are clearly depressed; they under-perform, are quite unhappy, over-use medical services, etc. Keyes, Corey L. M. (2002) Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 43(2), 207-222. Anger:5,584 Anxiety:41,41

11、6 Depression:54,040 PsychologicalAbstracts(1967-2000) Joy:415 Happiness:1,710 Lifesatisfaction:2,582 Ratio:21/1 Thanks to Tal Ben Shahar, Harvard U., for these numbers. Since1998,anexplosionofresearch. PRINCIPLE Psychotherapy makes miserable people less miserable, but not happy. Positive psychology

12、makes ordinary people much happier. PRINCIPLE: Nearly all people are capable of much more happiness than they have. See their potential, help them see it. Create opportunities for them to invest in their own highest and best self. Are Happy People Healthier? Do they really live longer? 2 Nuns in the

13、 same seminary which one lived longer? “God started my life off well be bestowing upon me grace of inestimable value. The past year which I spent as a cadndate studying at Notre Dame has been a very happy one. Now I look forward with eager joy to receiving the Holy Habit of Our Lady and to a life of

14、 union with Love Divine” Celia OPayne “I was born on September 26, 19-9, the eldest of seven children, five girls and two boys. My candidate year was spent on the mother house, teaching chemistry and second year Latin at Notre Dame Institute. With Gods Grace I intend to do my best for our order, for

15、 the spread of religion and for my personal sanctification.” Marguerine Donnelly The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001) Onlypositivefeelingspredictedlongevity Age85: 90%ofmostcheerfulquartilealive; 34%ofleastcheerfulquartilealive. Age94:54%ofmostcheerfulquartilealive; 11%ofleastcheerfulquartilealive Op

16、timism Use of Pronouns, adjectives, Exclamation Points What we focus upon OptimismBelief in happy outcomes and resolutions. Self-ConfidenceHigh self regard and like themselves. ExtroversionThrive on energy of interacting with others Self-Efficacy My life is in my hands and Im in control. Optimism Te

17、st Take Seligmans Optimism test for free Be and Exhorter (not an extorter) Praise others. Give out compliments freely. Recognize and talk about the good things around you. Give someone a thank you. Do something nice for someone and dont tell them. Heart Health Appreciate Deep

18、connection with spouse. Optimism A:Attitudes;S:Standards;I: Importanceorvalues;O:Otherareas. Brainstormwaystoimprovethemostimportantofthe 16areas Preventing Childhood Depression Seligman et al.: The Optimistic Child (1995) Twelve week school based course, at-risk 5th 22% vs. 44% depressed) fewer beh

19、avior problems; treatment group gained in resiliency (optimistic explanations). Adults: We can increase our happiness - Interventions Genetics50% Circumstances10% Underowncontrol40% Lynbomirsky,S.(2008)The How of Happiness.NewYork:Penguin. Recent Seligman Research: Several PP interventions are equal

20、 to or better than: Treatment as usual (CBT) Medication Combined medication and TAU Gratitude diary; gratitude visit, Using personal strengths. Seligman,M.E.P.,Steen,T.A.,Park,N.,Peterson,C.(2005)PositivePsychology Progress:Empiricalvalidationofinterventions.American Psychologist 60,410-421 Seligman

21、,M.E.P.,Rashid,T., see also :/medscape/viewarticle/495388?rss (registration required) Optimism: A Key to Happiness A proven method of raising personal resiliency and happiness Inthemiddleofdifficultyliesopportunity. Albert Einstein Optimistic Triad Permanent: bad doesnt last, good does. Pervasive: g

22、ood affects everything; bad is localized and doesnt affect other parts of life. Personal: Good = my fault; bad = random We can teach ourselves and our children to think optimistically. Seligman,M.E.P.(1992)Learned Optimism.NewYork:Pocket. Optimism Homework Cognitive-behavioral: Diary of automatic th

23、oughts About events: Permanent? Personally caused? Pervasive? Good: Permanent, personally caused, pervasive. Bad: Temporary, random, local. ABCD homework Adverse event, Belief, Consequence of that belief, and Disputation. Lyubomirsky,S(2008)The How of Happiness.NewYork:Penguin. More Optimism Homewor

24、k Writing: Describe in detail the answer to the Miracle Question. How would things be if your problems were miraculously transformed into solutions? What would you do? What would others see you doing? How would others know the miracle had occurred, without you telling them. Keep that as part of your

25、 diary, once a week or so. Gratitude A validated intervention for depression “Yousaygracebeforemeals.Allright.ButIsaygrace beforetheconcertandtheopera,andgracebeforethe playandpantomime,andgracebeforeIopenabook, andgracebeforesketching,painting,swimming, fencing,boxing,walking,playing,dancing,andgra

26、ce beforeIdipthepenintheink.” “Gratitudeproducedthemostpurelyjoyfulmomentsthat havebeenknowntoman.” G.K.Chesterton The Gratitude Diary Each day, write 3 5 things that you liked. What happened to me? What did I do right? Then write one thing that you didnt like Ask yourself: “And how is it also good,

27、 a blessing in disguise?” Find two or three ways it helps you. Gratitude Visit Who has helped you? Write a letter of appreciation Laminate it. Take it to that person, read the letter, and leave it. Gratitude References Emmons, R.A. & Sheldon, C.M. (2002) Gratitude and the science of positive psychol

28、ogy. In Snyder, C.R. & Lopez S.J. (eds.) Handbook of Positive Psychology (pp 459-71) Oxford: Oxford University Press. Emmons, R.A. (2007) THANKS! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Building on Strengths Key to Engagement and Meaning Values in Action Cr

29、eated by Chris Peterson & Marty Seligman to “diagnose” strengths. Cross cultural Six major areas Twenty-four specific areas Several studies show emphasizing strengths increases happiness. Six Areas of Strength Wisdom & Knowledge Courage, firmness Love, warmth Justice / fairness Temperance Transcende

30、nce KNOWLEDGE&WISDOM 1.Creativity 2.Curiosity 3.Loveoflearning 4.Wisdom/perspective 5.Open-mindedness COURAGE&FIRMNESS 6.Bravery 7.Persistence 8.Integrity 9.Vitality HUMANITY&LOVE 10.Give&receivelove 11.Kindness 12.Socialintelligence JUSTICE&FAIRNESS 13.Citizenship 14.Fairness 15.Leadership TEMPERAN

31、CE 16.Forgiveness/mercy 17.Modesty/humility 18.Prudence 19.Self-regulation TRANSCENDENCE/SPIRITUAL 20.Appreciationofexcellenceand beauty 21.Gratitude 22.Hope 23.Humor 24Spirituality Now pick three or four that best describe you. Assignment: Consciously increase the amount of time and energy you give

32、 to your top strengths. Shift Up Process: Focus intently on the region of your own heart. Now recall a positive experience and relive that experience for a minute. Ask yourself for insight and wisdom. Write down 5 goals that you have accomplished in your life. Quiet Mind Helpful & unhelpful thoughts

33、 Detachment from own thoughts. Judge thoughts based on the emotion they produce: Good thoughts produce peace, energy, happiness. Unhelpful thoughts produce anger, fear, despair. Drop the unhelpful thoughts. Handout: Helpful & Unhelpful Thoughts Children: Helpful & Unhelpful Emotions can be “red ligh

34、t,” “yellow light” or “green light.” Red light: fear or anger: “Stop and calm. We dont think clearly when angry / fearful.” Take a long, slow breath and let it out slowly. Yellow light: think of what is best! “What is the smartest thing to do now?” Green light: Do your plan! Take turns talking and l

35、istening. Find a way for all to win. Feelings are all OK, no wrong feelings, but some help us think more clearly. Children exposed to excessive levles of stress before age 12, are shown to have a 30% higher chance of developing cancer in adulthood. * *Dr. Caroline Leaf, Who Switched Off My Brain. Co

36、nnection with Others Maritalstatusandhappiness(Inspiteofthe highrateofdivorce,traditionalmarriageis protective). Myers,David:The Pursuit of Happiness Social Comparisons Sonja Lyubomirsky investigated very happy and not happy people: Whom did they compare themselves with? Unhappy people compared them

37、selves with more successful people. Very happy people didnt compare themselves at all. They were puzzled by the concept. Happy people are glad for others when they succeed, not envious, concerned for others when things go badly. Lyubomirsky,S(2008)The How of Happiness.NewYork:Penguin. :/pewresearch.

38、org/pubs/301/are-we-happy-yet Decease Criticism Increase Appreciation Appreciative Inquiry vs Critical Analysis Criticism An automatic response, but a dangerous one. Balance criticism about 5:1 with gratitude & appreciation. Try to reframe your complaints before you voice them (how is it a blessing

39、in disguise?). Gottman,J.M.&Silver,N.(2004)The Seven Principles for Making A Marriage Work Appreciative Inquiry What do you like and appreciate? Based on that, what would life be like if you were able to have more? What can you do to increase the good things that you appreciate? Anonymous Good Deeds

40、 As a goal, try to secretly serve someone each day. Write an anonymous thank you note to someone you admire. Pick up trash along a trail or road. Look for a chance to serve in a group. Write about your service in your diary. Smile More Many studies demonstrate that people who smile more are better liked. Practice giving sincere compliments as you smile. Put a pencil in your teeth and keep your lips from touching it, then watch a “comedy” that isnt really funny ( e.g., Friends). It will seem much funnier to you. Savoring Homewo


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