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1、河北省滄州市青縣 大杜莊中學 何忠輝 -What are the people doing in the picture? -They are shaking hands. What are people in China do when they meet ? They shake hands bow kiss should What are people supposed to do when they meet for the first time? shake hands bow v. 舉止舉止 明白明白 leave for.前往前往 通過剛才的聽力訓練,我們來總結(jié)一下:通過剛才的聽力

2、訓練,我們來總結(jié)一下: Its also impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food. 句子中的真正的主語是句子中的真正的主語是 _, _ 是形式主語。是形式主語。 練習:練習: 1) 和同學們好好相處對我來說是很重要的。和同學們好好相處對我來說是很重要的。 _ important for me _ _ on well with all my classmates. 2) 多吃水果和蔬菜對你的健康是又好處的。多吃水果和蔬菜對你的健康是又好處的。 _ good _ _ more fruit and vegetables. To stick f

3、ood Its Itsto get Its to eat 1.敲門 knock at/on the door 2.脫下(衣服);(飛機等)起飛 take off -put on穿上 stick into 5.指著任何一個人指著任何一個人 point at anyone 6.用你的筷子用你的筷子 with your chopsticks 7.在餐桌旁在餐桌旁 at the table 8.前往前往 leave for. 1. She _Shanghai next week. A. is leaving for B. leaves for C. leaved D. left 2. He _ a s

4、tick into the ground. A. stuck B. sticked C. broke D. smelt 3. Dont stick your chopsticks _ your food, Jim. A. in B. to C. into D. at 4. Its _ to ask the older people to eat first in China. A. impolite B. polite C. allowed D. supposed A A C B 上網(wǎng)查找其它國家餐桌禮儀的資料,并上網(wǎng)查找其它國家餐桌禮儀的資料,并 用英語向你的家人或朋友進行介紹。用英語向你的

5、家人或朋友進行介紹。 Homework Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. Section B 2a2e 知識目標:知識目標: 口、筆頭掌握句型口、筆頭掌握句型: 1. Im having a great time on my exchange program in France. 2. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 3. Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit.

6、4. Its impolite to say youre full. 5. I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to it. 熟練掌握以下詞匯熟練掌握以下詞匯:basic, exchange, granddaughter, behave, except, suggestion 了解以下詞匯或短語:了解以下詞匯或短語:go out of ones way, make feel at home, elbow, gradually 技能目標技能目標: 能夠運用目標語言談?wù)摬煌瑖业牟妥蓝Y儀

7、。能夠運用目標語言談?wù)摬煌瑖业牟妥蓝Y儀。 情感態(tài)度情感態(tài)度: 學會比較不同文化的差異,風俗和禮儀,增強學生的人際交往能力。學會比較不同文化的差異,風俗和禮儀,增強學生的人際交往能力。 In France Custom: Put bread on the table. Custom: Dont eat with your hands. Custom: Dont put your elbows on the table. 2b. (1) Where is Lin Yue now? (2) What is the biggest challenge she is facing? She is in

8、 France now. Learning how to behave at the dinner table. 細讀短文,判斷下列句子的正(細讀短文,判斷下列句子的正(T)誤()誤(F)。)。 1) Lin Yue is having a great time on her exchange program in France. 2) Her host family goes out of their way to make her feel at home. 3) Behaving at the dinner table in France is no different from the

9、 way you behave in China. 4) In France, youre supposed to put your bread on your plate. 5) In France, youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit. 6) In France, its polite to say youre full. 7) In France, you should put your elbows on the table. T T F F T F F 1) T

10、hey go out of their way to make me feel at home. go out of ones way to do 意為意為 _。 我們還學習過哪些含有我們還學習過哪些含有way短語,請把它們寫下來:短語,請把它們寫下來: _ _. 練習:根據(jù)漢語完成句子。練習:根據(jù)漢語完成句子。 (1) 人們正在格外努力地保護地球。人們正在格外努力地保護地球。 People are _ to protect the earth. (2) 在我回家的路上,我經(jīng)常能遇到他。在我回家的路上,我經(jīng)常能遇到他。 I always meet him _. Discuss in group

11、s: What can we learn from this sentence? They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 特地;格外努力做某事特地;格外努力做某事 in this way , get in the way of , on ones way home, the way to., by the way going out of their way on my way home 2.My biggest challenge is learning how to behave a the dinner table. 賓語 可由

12、 疑問詞+不定式構(gòu)成。 Please tell me _(怎樣做). I dont know _(做什么). I want to leave for Shanghai. Could you tell me _( 什么時候離開). how to do it what to do when to leave 3.Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit. except 表示表示_, 后面常跟名詞,代詞等。后面常跟名詞,代詞等。 _表示表示“除了除了之外,還有之外,還有(包括包括.)

13、”. 練習:根據(jù)漢語完成句子。練習:根據(jù)漢語完成句子。 (1) 除湯姆之外,我們都去野餐了。除湯姆之外,我們都去野餐了。 We all went on a picnic _ Tom. (2) 除了湯姆去野餐之外,我們也都去了。除了湯姆去野餐之外,我們也都去了。 _ Tom, we all went to the picnic. 除了除了(不包括不包括) besides except Besides Discuss in groups: What can we learn from this sentence? Youre not supposed to eat anything with yo

14、ur hands except bread, not even fruit. 4) I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to things. find it difficult to remember everything中的中的_是形式賓語,是形式賓語, _是真正的賓語。這種形式一般用是真正的賓語。這種形式一般用 _結(jié)構(gòu)來表示。結(jié)構(gòu)來表示。 練習:漢譯英練習:漢譯英 (1) 我發(fā)現(xiàn)獨自一人干這活很難。我發(fā)現(xiàn)獨自一人干這活很難。 _ (2) 我發(fā)現(xiàn)早晨讀英語很有用。我發(fā)現(xiàn)早晨讀英語很

15、有用。 _ Discuss in groups: What can we learn from this sentence? I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to things, and dont find them so strange any more. it to do find/think/make it+adj (forsb.)+ to do sth. I find it difficult to do this work alone. I find it useful

16、 to read English in the morning. get used to doing sth. 意思是意思是_.其中其中to是是 _(詞),后面(詞),后面 接名詞、代詞或動詞接名詞、代詞或動詞-ing形式。本文當中還有一個同義的短形式。本文當中還有一個同義的短 語語_. 區(qū)分:區(qū)分:used to do sth._ 其類似短語其類似短語be used to do sth. 意為意為_,是,是 _語態(tài)的形式。語態(tài)的形式。同義的短語同義的短語_. 練習:用所給動詞的適當形式填空,并翻譯句子。練習:用所給動詞的適當形式填空,并翻譯句子。 1) She used to _ (live

17、) in the city. But she is used to _ (live) in the country now. 2) Man-made satellites are used to _ (send) and receive TV programs. 習慣于做某事習慣于做某事(現(xiàn)在現(xiàn)在) 介詞介詞 be used to doing sth. 被用來做被用來做 被動被動 living send be used for doing sth. live 過去常常做某事(過去)過去常常做某事(過去) Self Check 1 Fill in the blanks with the word

18、s in the box. 1. In many countries, it is impolite to show up at someones house for the first time with_ hands. You should always bring a small gift. 2. Billy was very uncomfortable at a fine-dining restaurant last night because he didnt know _ table manners. 3. It is _ spending the time to learn ab

19、out the customs of a country before you go there. That way, you will know what you are supposed to do in different situations. 4. The _ is always the worst in the _ city. It is important to leave earlier if you are travelling by car. 5. Sandy went into her sisters room without _ on the door. That ma

20、de her sister _. empty basic worth trafficcapital knocking mad worth capital basic traffic empty mad knocking 出現(xiàn)出現(xiàn) 例如:The new book . 這本新書值得一讀。 1. Everyone went for the party _ Bob. Do you know why he didnt go? Because he was busy. A. withB. besides C. besideD. except 2. I like to eat fruit, _ banana

21、s. Theyre too sweet. A. exceptB. but C. especially D. only 3. Tom, you _ to be on time for school every day. A. expectB. are expecting C. are expected D. expected 4. My mother is now used to _ after dinner, but a year ago, she used to _ TV after eating. A. walking, watchB. walk, watching C. walking,

22、 watching D. walk, watch 5. We shouldnt _ the old man. A. impolite for B. be impolite toC. be polite for D. be good for D A C A B I. 所給詞的適當形式完成下列句子。所給詞的適當形式完成下列句子。 1. Can you put the _ (knife) on the table? 2. Do you know how _ (behave) at the dinner table in China? 3. Mary is used to _ (use) chopsticks. II. 單項選擇單項選擇 1. They go out _ their way to make me feel at home. A. for B. of C. t


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