1、摘要:陶行知先生是我國近現(xiàn)代著劣的教冇思想家和實踐家,是我國現(xiàn)代教育建設(shè)和改革的 先行者和典范。他的“生活教冇”理論是英光輝思想的典范,對當(dāng)今的教冇改革有很大的啟 發(fā)意義。作者學(xué)習(xí)了他的“生活教育”內(nèi)容一一 “生活即教育”后,從一切課程皆生活,教 育教學(xué)內(nèi)容、形式生活化,一日生活皆課程,隨機教育生活化,這兩點上談?wù)勛龇?。關(guān)鍵詞:陶行知教育生活化幼兒教育生活即教療“生活教育理論”是陶行知教育思想的重要內(nèi)容,是陶行知先生為我們留下的寶貴財富。 陶行知先生指岀:“生活教冇是以生活為中心的教育,生活與教冇是一個東西,不是兩個東 四。在生活教育的觀點看來,它們是一個現(xiàn)象的兩個需稱?!碧招兄壬J為教育與
2、生活是 一致的,他指岀:“生活”是人類一切實踐活動的總稱。教冇的范困與生活的范用相等,到 處是生活,到處是教育,“整個的社會活動,就是我們的教育范圍”。指南中指出:幼兒園教冇活動的組織應(yīng)“寓教育于生活、游戲之中”,這正是著名 的教棄家陶行知先生倡導(dǎo)的“生活即教冇”的理念。陶行知先生在多年以前提出的“生活即 教育”的思想,對現(xiàn)代教冇仍然具有現(xiàn)實意義。幼兒對世界充滿好奇,并以具體形象思維為 主,因此,在生活中挖掘教冇資源,貼切幼兒的實際需要,適合幼兒的實際發(fā)展水平,才是 有價值的教育內(nèi)容。教療內(nèi)容貼近孩子的實際生活、緊密聯(lián)系生活實際,正是陶行知先生所 說的生活即教育”的理論。學(xué)習(xí)了陶行知先生的思想
3、,我充分理解,要隨時關(guān)注幼兒的生 活,到幼兒的生活中尋找教冇內(nèi)容,英實,在幼兒的生活中,蘊含了許許多多具有教冇價值 的生活素材,在日常的生活與工作中,仔細觀察孩子的興趣點即生活中的教冇點,就能不斷 地進行鉆研與探索,挖掘教育素材。下而我從以下兩方面談?wù)剬W(xué)習(xí)了陶行知先生的“生活即 教育”的理念后,在教學(xué)中的一些實踐。一、一切課程皆生活,教冇教學(xué)內(nèi)容、形式生活化陶行知說:“全部的課程包括全部的生活,一切課程都是生活,一切生活都是課程?!痹?日常生活中,如何把幼兒在幼兒園學(xué)到的數(shù)學(xué)知識和生活實際相聯(lián)系,讓幼兒感覺到數(shù)學(xué)就 在身邊,這是一個難題。實踐證明,越是貼近幼兒生活的教育內(nèi)容,幼兒越喜歡,因為生
4、動、 自然。每個幼兒受家庭教育、自身思維的影響,對數(shù)學(xué)的敏感程度是有差異的。因此,教師要 從幼兒的實際水平出發(fā),選擇幼兒能理解的、感興趣的并且貼近幼兒實際生活的數(shù)學(xué)教育內(nèi) 容。如小班在開展“我喜歡的水果”的主題活動時,通過“分水果”的活動,發(fā)展幼兒的分 類能力。針對小班年齡階段發(fā)展幼兒數(shù)數(shù)能力、認識數(shù)字和理解數(shù)字的實際意義等要求,在 開展我們都是一家人”的主題活動時,通過“我的家人”、我家的門牌號”、“我家的電話 號碼”等一系列與幼兒生活密切相關(guān)的數(shù)學(xué)活動,激發(fā)幼兒的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。如讓幼兒數(shù)一數(shù)家 里有多少人,家里人的鞋子號碼、身髙、體重是多少,為家人選擇物品,認識家里的電話號 碼、門牌號碼等。運
5、用數(shù)物對應(yīng)、點數(shù)對應(yīng)、聲音與數(shù)字對應(yīng)等多種方式,引導(dǎo)幼兒感知、 體驗并理解數(shù)字的意義。又如引導(dǎo)幼兒認識一些特殊的號碼“110”、“119”、“120”,感知數(shù) 字不同的意義。總之,在組織教學(xué)活動時,能使幼兒在教師有目的、有計劃創(chuàng)設(shè)的情境中學(xué) 習(xí)數(shù)學(xué)、理解數(shù)學(xué),主動地體驗、嘗試,并積累感性經(jīng)驗,使教育教學(xué)的內(nèi)容、形式生活化。二、一日生活皆課程,隨機教療生活化陶行知說:“全部的課程包括全部的生活,一切課程都是生活,一切生活都是課程?!庇?兒的學(xué)習(xí)不同于中小學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí),是同幼兒的一日生活緊密聯(lián)系的。一日生活是幼兒學(xué)習(xí)的 內(nèi)容,也是幼兒學(xué)習(xí)的過程。因此,除了集體教學(xué)活動以外,在幼兒園中,一日生活的其他
6、 環(huán)節(jié),如飲食、盥洗、游戲、散步、衛(wèi)生等都是幼兒的學(xué)習(xí)活動,也是幼兒的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容。因 此,孩子的一日生活皆課程。1、榜樣作用不可忽視有一次,孩子們戶外活動時,我發(fā)現(xiàn)地上有一張廢紙,于是彎腰撿了起來。這時一個孩 子看到了問我:“老師,你為什么把紙撿起來啊”我故意大聲說:“因為垃圾會影響幼兒園 的美觀啊!如果不把廢紙撿起來的話,幼兒園多臟啊!小朋友要愛護自己的幼兒園呀!也要保 護環(huán)境!”幾天后我發(fā)現(xiàn)了孩子們主動彎腰撿垃圾的現(xiàn)象,并及時給予了表揚。孩子在平時 一點一滴的觀察中學(xué)會了維持和保護周I羽的環(huán)境,促進了社會性的發(fā)展,可見隨機教冇的重 要作用。2、隨機生成不可忽視一天午飯后,我和孩子們外出散步時
7、,涵涵小朋友透過院墻看見校外焚燒樹葉的煙,便 大叫起來:著火了,老師!”我彎下腰問他:你怎么知道著火了”我們的交談吸引了其他 幼兒,有的幼兒呈現(xiàn)緊張表情,有的幼兒緊張大叫(這說明幼兒已有初步的自護意識)。我靈 機一動,這不就是一次很好的安全教育課題嗎我立刻蹲下來和孩子們聊著火了我們該怎么辦 呢有的幼兒說找消防叔叔,有的說打110.有的說這說明:(1)平常的安全教育是有效 的。(2)實際聯(lián)系不夠,需要在隨機教育中加以強化,做到不但有意識,還能強化幼兒的自 護能力,盡最大能力離開火源,找大人尋求幫忙。我便帶領(lǐng)幼兒仔細觀察火源,孩子們看到 枯葉還在燃燒并發(fā)出很多煙,幼兒以為真的著火了,需要請消防叔叔
8、,打119電話。并提岀 燒后的黑黑的地方怎么了周圍的草漂不漂亮柔軟不柔軟等問題引導(dǎo)幼兒明白隨意玩火的危 害。正如陶行知所說:“全部的課程包括全部的生活,一切課程都是生活,一切生活都是課 程。”用陶行知生活教冇思想和新課程理念指導(dǎo)教學(xué)實踐,不僅可以克服傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)中只注重 知識傳授的弊端,而且可以激發(fā)學(xué)生參與學(xué)習(xí)的主動性,促進學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)方式的轉(zhuǎn)變,教會學(xué) 生熱愛生活、創(chuàng)造生活,從而真正把以創(chuàng)新精神與實踐能力為核心的素質(zhì)教育落到實處?!吧睢笔且环N寶貴的教冇資源,也是幼兒學(xué)習(xí)的重要途徑。幼兒園教育要關(guān)注幼兒, 關(guān)注生活,從現(xiàn)實生活中挖掘教冇資源,把各種教冇內(nèi)容與幼兒現(xiàn)實生活聯(lián)系起來,為幼兒 創(chuàng)設(shè)更開放的
9、學(xué)習(xí)空間與內(nèi)容,寓教冇于生活、游戲之中,實現(xiàn)幼兒囲課程的生活化,促進 幼兒身心和諧健康發(fā)展,為幼兒終身發(fā)展奠定基礎(chǔ)。Abstract: Mr Tao xingzhi is our country famous education thinker and practitioner in modern times, is the pioneer of modern education construction and reform in our country and the model. His life education theory is a model of its glorious t
10、hought, have great enlightening significance for today* s education reform The author studied the content of his life education, life is education, after all life from all courses, education teaching content and form of life, a day of life course, random education into daily life, talk about these t
11、wo practicesKeywords: tao xingzhi education into daily life Early childhood education life is education Life is education theory is an important part of the tao* s education thought, is the valuable wealth that Mr Tao* s left for us. Mr Tao xingzhi said: life education as the core of education is li
12、fe, life and education is a thing, not two things In the point of view of life education, which is a phenomenon of two namesAccording to Mr Tao xingzhi education and life is consistent, he said: life is the floorboard of all human activities Are equal, the scope of the scope of the education and lif
13、e is full of life, is full of education, the whole social activities, it is the scope of our educationThe guide pointed out: in the kindergarten education activities of the organization should be education in the life, the game, this is the famous educator tao xingzhi advocated the concept of life i
14、s education Mr Tao xingzhi in many years ago put forward the thought of life is education, the modern education still has a realistic significance Children of the world is full of curiosity, and given priority to with specific image thinking, therefore mining in life education resources, appropriate
15、 children* s actual needs, suitable for the actual development level of children, is valuable education content Education content close to the child* s closely linked to the real life, real life, where Mr Tao xingzhi said life is education theory Learning Mr Tao xingzhi* s thought, I fully understan
16、d and will pay close attention to children,s life, at any time to seek education content in childrens life, in fact, in the children s life, has contained many education value of material life, in daily life and work, carefully observe the child,s interest points that education of life, can constant
17、ly study and exploration, mining education materia 1 I have learned from the following two aspects about the following Mr Tao* s life is education concept, in some of the teaching practiceA all life, all courses, education teaching content and form of lifeTao xingzhi said: all courses include all li
18、fe, all courses are the life, all life is a courseIn daily life, how to put the children in the kindergarten learn mathematics knowledge and real life, let children feel math is near, it is a difficult problem Practice has proved that the more close to the early childhood education content, the more
19、 children, because of the vivid and natura1Every child under the influence of family education, their thinking, there are differences in sensitivity of mathematics Therefore, teachers should start from the childs actual level, choose the child can understand, and close to the young children interest
20、ed in the actual life of mathematics education content Such as small in the theme of T like fruit activities, through the activities of the fruit development of young children1 s classification ability Aimed at a small age stage development of infant* s ability to count, the digital and understand t
21、he practical significance of the requirements, such as the theme of we are a family in activity, through the my family, the house number of my house: my home phone number, and a series of mathematical activities closely related to children s life, inspire childrens interest in learning Such as the c
22、hildren count how many people in the home, the family how much is the shoes number, height, weight, for the family to choose goods, know your home phone number, address, etc Using several corresponding feature, points, voice and digital corresponds to a variety of ways, such as guide children percep
23、tion, experience and understand the meaning of Numbers And like a guide children know some special number 110, 119, 120”, perception digital different meaning In short, in the teaching activities, organization can make young children in the context of teachers have a purpose, in a planned way to cre
24、ate the learning mathematics, understanding mathematics, actively experience and try, and perceptual experience, make the education teaching content, the form of lifeAll courses, two, one day life random education into daily lifeTao xingzhi said: all courses include all life, all courses are the lif
25、e, all life is a course Young children* s learning is different from learning of primary and middle school students, is closely related with children,s day life Life is a day on the child* s learning content, also is the children* s learning process Therefore, in addition to the collective teaching
26、activities, in kindergarten, the other aspects of life, a day like eating, wash one* s hands, games, walking, health are young children* s learning activities, such as too young children* s learning content Therefore, the childs life all classes a day.1, role models can not be ignoredOnce, when the
27、children outdoor activities, I found a piece of waste paper lying on the ground, then bent down to pick it up. When a child see ask me: teacher, why do you pick up the pieces of paper I intentionally loudly say: because of the garbage can affect kindergarten beautiful! If you dont pick up the waste
28、paper, kindergarten how dirty! Children to take care of your own kindergarten! Also want to protect the environment! A few days later I found the children take the initiative to the phenomenon of bent down to pick up garbage, and timely giving praise Children learned in every bit of observation at o
29、rdinary times to maintain and protect the surrounding environment, to promote the social development, the important role of random education2, randomly generated can not be ignoredOne day, after lunch, I and the children go out for a walk, han han children through the wall to see the smoke of burnin
30、g leaves outside, then shout: on fire, Sir!” I bent down and asked him: how do you know is on fire We talk attracted other young children, some children present tense expression, some nervous children shout loudly, suggesting that children already had preliminary self protection consciousness) I a b
31、rainwave, isn* t that a good security education subject I squatted down to talk to the children immediately caught on fire, what should we do Some children said uncle find fire, some say call 110, some say This shows that: (1) the usual safety education is effective(2) the actual connection is not e
32、nough, need to strengthen in the random education, do not only consciously, can strengthen childrens self nursing ability, the ability to do your best to leave fire, looking for an adult to help I will lead the children watch fire, children see leaves were still burning and issue a lot of smoke, children think that really caught fire, need to please uncle fire, call 119 And put forward after burning dark place what The grass around the drift not beautiful Soft soft Such problems as guide children understand the dangers of playing with fire
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