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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxxMA控臺smpte相關(guān)【精品文檔】Concept: Timecode synchronisation with external sources翻譯:同步和外部源There are different types of timecodes. The grandMA2 accepts LTC (Linear TimeCode) also known as SMPTE and MTC (MIDI TimeCode). The purpose of timecode is to synchronize the light with other type of medias

2、 (e.g. sound and/or video). 翻譯:支持不同類型的時間碼,grandMA2支持LTC(線性時間碼)包括SMPTE和MTC(MIDI時間碼)??梢酝ㄟ^時間碼將不同的媒體設(shè)備與燈光同步并點亮燈光(如音頻和視頻)Related Links 翻譯:相關(guān)鏈接 Timecode View 翻譯:時間碼查看窗 Timecode Pool 翻譯: 時間碼池 Timecode Keyword 翻譯: 時間碼關(guān)鍵字Table mode: 表格模式This is what it could look like: Here you can change the name of the pro

3、file.在這里你可以更改這個配置文件的名稱On the right side youll see a list of the points defining the line.在右邊你可以看到一個線路定義列表You can right click the New area (at the bottom) to add points.你可以點擊最下面的“NEW”區(qū)域,已增加一個點。There are six different point modes: Linear, Spline, Spline (Break at Start), Spline (Break an End), Step (S

4、tart) and Step (End). Follow the link below to read more about the Select Mode (Line) pop-up.Again the Top Bar displays the name and number of the profile and a button to close the graph editor.User Bits: This is used for setting (in Hex) the 8 user bits defined in the protocol for Linear Timecode.

5、This is only available when using an external linear timecode source. You can close the options pop-up by pressing the yellow X in the upper right corner. Here you have the following options: Linear: This is a strait line from 0 to full. Switch: This is a switch curve that snaps from 0 to full when

6、halfway through. Sinus: This curve starts fast and end slow. Square: This is curve that starts slow and end fast. Power Correction: This graph start and ends fast, and have a slow middle. This is used to select what kind of line should be used in the Graph Editor. This is what it could look like:Her

7、e you can choose one of the following line modes: Linear: This creates a strait line between two points. Spline: This creates a smooth line trough the points. Spline (Break at Start): This will make a sharp corner towards the previous point and a soft path to the next point. Spline (Break at End): T

8、his will make a sharp corner towards the next point and a soft path to the previous point. Step (Start): This will immediately snap to the new value and keep it until it reaches the next point. Step (End): This will keep the value until it reaches the next point and then snap to the new value. Using

9、 these different line modes will create very different lines. Options. Pressing the Options button on the right side of the editor gives you this options pop-up:Heres a short description of the different options: 這是一個多功能的選項菜單和簡要說明Name: This is the name of the timecode show. 這是這個show的時間碼名稱Length: 長度T

10、he total length of the show. 這里顯示的是show的總長度Offset: 偏移Allows you to move the entire timecode show back or forward. 允許你向前或向后移動時間碼Runs: 運(yùn)行模式This allows you to set the show to run the show repeatedly or only once. 這里可以設(shè)置這個演出時間嗎是循環(huán)運(yùn)行還是只運(yùn)行一次就停止Switch Off: 關(guān)閉This has two options: Playback Off or Keep Playb

11、acks. This defines what happens when the timecode show is turned off. 這里有兩個選項:關(guān)閉重放和保持重放;這里可以定義在演出發(fā)生意外時可以關(guān)閉時間碼Status Call: 調(diào)用狀態(tài)This can be turned on or off. 可以打開或關(guān)閉 Time unit: 時間單位Pressing here opens the Select Time Unit pop-up. Here you can select the displayed time unit. The options are: 1/100 Seco

12、nds, 30 FPS, 25 FPS or 24 FPS. This is not depended on the incoming signal. This is only for the graphic display mode. 按下這里會彈出時間單位選擇框,你可以選擇顯示的時間單位有四種:1/100秒;30幀每秒,25幀每秒;24幀每秒。這取決于輸入信號,這項沒有圖形顯示模式Sync Mode: 同步模式Pressing here opens the Select Sync Mode pop-up. This selects what timecode source the show

13、 uses. There are three option: Intern, SMPTE or MIDI. The first option uses an internal clock. The two others are external timecode sources.按下這里會顯示選擇“同步模式”窗口,這里可以選擇使用不同的時間碼來源,這里有三個選項:內(nèi)部源,smpte,MIDI,第一個選項使用的是內(nèi)部時鐘,其他兩個使用的是外部的時間碼源。When ending: 何時結(jié)束This has two different options: Stop or Pause. This dec

14、ides what should happen when the timecode show runs out of recorded time. This option is currently not available when using an external timecode source!這有兩個不同的選項:停止或暫停。這里可以定義發(fā)生意外情況時演出時間碼是暫停還是運(yùn)行到耗盡為止。此項只有使用外部時間碼源時才會起作用When Stopping: 何時停止This has two different options: Do Nothing or Rewind. This decid

15、es what should happen when the timecode show is stopped. This option is currently not available when using an external timecode source!這里有兩個選項”不動做”和”重復(fù)”。這里可以定義發(fā)生意外情況時演出時間碼是從頭開始還是不動做。此項只有使用外部時間碼源時才會起作用Autostart: 自動運(yùn)行This has an On or Off option. Should the timecode show begin automatically when the t

16、imecode source is running. This option is currently not available when using an external timecode source!這有一個開或關(guān)閉選項。如果時間碼顯示時自動開始運(yùn)行時間碼源。此項只有使用外部時間碼源時才會起作用User Bits: 用戶資料This is used for setting (in Hex) the 8 user bits defined in the protocol for Linear Timecode. This is only available when using an

17、external linear timecode source. 此項只有使用外部時間碼源時才會起作用You can close the options pop-up by pressing the yellow X in the upper right corner.Module ChannelType A ChannelType is a control-channel of a fixture Properties Attrib Main Attribute of ChannelType Break DMX-patch block (1-4)Coarse DMX channel 8-bi

18、t Fine DMX channel 16-bit Ultra DMX channel 32 Bit Default Generic value when nothing is On or in programmer Highlight Generic value when highlight is On, Stage Generic value when Stage initialisation is enabled (not implemented未應(yīng)用的) Snap Enable to snap, rather than cross-fade from cue to cue Invert

19、 Invert DMX-output Master Enable for intensity-attributes to bypass grandmaster 啟用此項可以旁路總控MIB Fade Time used to preposition via MoveInBlack 移動中無光輸出Profile Curve for non-linear output Mode Conditional behaviour based on specified attribute Sub-Objects A ChannelType contains one or more ChannelFunctio

20、ns. Selecting a channeltype in the tree-browser will list all channelfunctions and their properties in the grid. Connect SMPTE (LTC)連接SMPTE1. LTC/SMPTE In, XLR 3pn female, min 200mV SMPTE輸入使用卡農(nóng)三針母頭,最小200mvTask: Hardware / Connecting peripherals / SMPTE (LTC)任務(wù):硬件/連接外圍設(shè)備/smpteConnecting a SMPTE sourc

21、e to the console. 連接一個SMPTE源到控臺Context The console have LTC In connector. This allow you to sync the console to a SMPTE timecode source.這個控臺有LTC輸入連接口,這允許你將控臺于一個SMPTE時間碼源連接并同步。Steps 步驟1. Connect the SMPTE source to the LTC IN connector in the console using a 3 pin XLR audio cable. The signal strength

22、 should be minimum 200 mili Volts. Pin1: ground; Pin2: - (minus); Pin3: + (plus) 1地;2負(fù);3正。Result The console is now connected to a SMPTE source.Related Links 相關(guān)鏈接 Console Backpanel 控臺背板Task: Hardware / Connecting peripherals / SoundConnecting a sound source to the console.Context The console have Au

23、dio In connector. This allow you to use the incoming audio to trigger lights.Steps 1. Connect the audio source to the Audio IN connector in the console using a 3 pin XLR audio cable. The signal strength should be minimum 20 mili Volts. Pin1: ground; Pin2: - (minus); Pin3: + (plus) Result The console

24、 is now connected to a audio source.Related Links Console Backpanel Sound Window Reference: Sound The grandMA 2 has a sound to light function. This window shows you the sound input. You can only use it to monitor the incoming sound.It could look like this:The top part of the window displays the soun

25、d input.The bottom left part displays the level in the 8 different sound channels.The bottom right part displays the output on the 8 different sound channels.There arent any setting to this window. But if you press the yellow ball in the upper left corner you get the Options pop-up.With this you hav

26、e the option to delete the Sound window or close the options pop-up簡單敘述各選項:Name:(名字):時間碼演出名字。Length: (長度):演出總長度。Offset: (偏移):允許你向前、向后移動這個時間碼演出。Runs:(運(yùn)行):允許你設(shè)定演出,一次或多次重復(fù)演出。Switch Off: (轉(zhuǎn)換到關(guān)):有兩選項:返演關(guān) Playback Off 或保持返演 KeepStatus Call: (狀態(tài)調(diào)出):能轉(zhuǎn)換開或關(guān)。Time unit:(時間單位):這兒,你能選擇被顯示的時間單位,選項是:1/100 秒, 30 FP

27、S, 25 FPS 或 24 FPS,不取決于輸入信號,僅表示圖形顯示模式。Sync Mode:(同步模式):這項是時間碼源所用的顯示,有三個選項: Intern,SMPTE和MIDI,第一項是內(nèi)部時鐘,另外兩項是外部時間碼源。When ending:(當(dāng)結(jié)尾時):有兩個選項:停止 Stop 和暫停 Pause,當(dāng)時間碼演出是由記錄時間運(yùn)行輸出時,要決定這選項,當(dāng)用外接時間碼源時,選項通常不用!When Stopping: (當(dāng)停止時):有兩個選項:沒關(guān)系 Do Nothing 和重繞Rewind,當(dāng)時間碼演出停止時,要作判斷。當(dāng)用外接時間碼源時,選項通常不用!Autostart: (自動啟動):有個開On 或關(guān) Off選項,當(dāng)時間碼源在運(yùn)行時,時間碼演出應(yīng)當(dāng)自動開始。當(dāng)用外接時間碼源時,選項通常不用!User Bits: 用戶 Bits:通常只用在外接時間碼源。按右上角黃色X,關(guān)閉選項彈出(opti


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