2017高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 基礎(chǔ)考點(diǎn)聚焦 Unit4 Global warming課件 新人教版選修6_第1頁
2017高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 基礎(chǔ)考點(diǎn)聚焦 Unit4 Global warming課件 新人教版選修6_第2頁
2017高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 基礎(chǔ)考點(diǎn)聚焦 Unit4 Global warming課件 新人教版選修6_第3頁
2017高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 基礎(chǔ)考點(diǎn)聚焦 Unit4 Global warming課件 新人教版選修6_第4頁
2017高考英語總復(fù)習(xí) 第一部分 基礎(chǔ)考點(diǎn)聚焦 Unit4 Global warming課件 新人教版選修6_第5頁
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1、 1_(adj.) 胡亂的;胡亂的; 任意的任意的 2_(n.) 種類;種類; 范圍范圍 3_(vi.)&(n.) 看一下;看一下; 掃視,一瞥掃視,一瞥 4_(adj.) 分布廣的;分布廣的; 普遍的普遍的 5_(adj.) 平均的平均的 6_(vi.) 同意;同意; 捐贈;捐贈; 訂閱訂閱 (vt.) (簽署簽署)文件;文件; 捐助捐助 7_(adj.) 隨便的;隨便的; 漫不經(jīng)心的;漫不經(jīng)心的; 偶然的偶然的 8_(n.) 環(huán)境;環(huán)境; 情況情況 random range glance widespread average subscribe casual circumstance 9_

2、(vt.) 使恢復(fù);使恢復(fù); 使振作使振作 10_(n.)現(xiàn)象現(xiàn)象_(pl.)現(xiàn)象現(xiàn)象 11_(n.)量;量; 數(shù)量數(shù)量(形近形近 詞詞)_(n.)質(zhì)量質(zhì)量 12_(vi.)趨向;趨向; 易于,易于, 照顧照顧 (vt.)照顧;照顧; 護(hù)理護(hù)理 _(n.)傾向;傾向; 趨勢趨勢 13_(vt.)反對;反對; 反抗;反抗; 與與(某人某人)較量較量 _(adj.)反對的;反對的; 對立的對立的 14_(n.)結(jié)果;結(jié)果; 后果;后果; 影響影響 _(adv.)因此;因此; 所以所以 15_(vt.)陳述;陳述; 說明說明_(n.)聲聲 明;明; 陳述;陳述; 表達(dá)表達(dá) refresh pheno

3、menonphenomena quantity quality tend tendency oppose opposed consequence consequently statestatement 16_(adj.)平穩(wěn)的;平穩(wěn)的; 持續(xù)的;持續(xù)的; 穩(wěn)固的穩(wěn)固的 _(adv.)平穩(wěn)地;平穩(wěn)地; 持續(xù)地持續(xù)地 17_(n.)生存;生存; 存在存在_(vi.)存存 在在 18_(n.)貢獻(xiàn)貢獻(xiàn)_(v.)貢獻(xiàn);貢獻(xiàn); 撰撰 稿稿 19_(vt.)消費(fèi);消費(fèi); 消耗;消耗; 耗盡;耗盡; 吃完吃完 _(n.)顧客顧客 20_(vt.)擁護(hù);擁護(hù); 提倡;提倡; 主張主張 _(n.)擁護(hù)擁護(hù)_(n

4、.)擁護(hù)者擁護(hù)者 21_(n.)增長;增長; 生長生長_(v.)增增 長;長; 生長生長 22_(n.)教育工作者;教育工作者; 教育家教育家 _(v.)教育教育_(n.)教育教育 steady steadily existenceexist contribution contribute consume consumer advocate advocationadvocator growth grow educator educate education existence exist 2The storm _ to hit our city, and we will observe the

5、 _ of it closely. (tend) 3The air conditioners of this type _ too much electricity. Many _ complain about this. (consume) 4It was _ that the president made a _ announcing new policies to deal with the new situation. (state) 5They _ a lot of food and clothing to the refugees(難民難民) and their _ will ce

6、rtainly help the refugees live through the winter. (contribute) tends tendency consume consumers stated statement contributed contributions 1 _ 發(fā)生;造成發(fā)生;造成 2 _ 同意;贊成;訂購?fù)?;贊成;訂?3 _ 大量的大量的 4 _ 上升;增長;升起上升;增長;升起 5 _ 導(dǎo)致導(dǎo)致 6 _ 反對反對 7 _ 即使即使 8 _ 繼續(xù)繼續(xù) come about subscribe to quantities of go up result in be

7、 opposed to even if keep on 9 _ 大體上;基本上大體上;基本上 10 _ 代表代表一方;作為一方;作為的代言人的代言人 11 _ 忍受;容忍忍受;容忍 12 _ 只要只要 13 _ 等等等等 on the whole on behalf of put up with so long as and so on keep on even if comes about On the whole opposed toput up with On behalf of so long as when compared to those There was no doubt t

8、hat it was the teachers encouragement that even if they are different from your own As/So long as we dont lose heart that natural burning are called would be more causing up the environmental it 2What did he want to know, Anne? When it was _ I could finish writing the report. 3When was _ that he pic

9、ked up French? It was in 2014 that he travelled in France. 4Can you explain why it is _ the sun goes down in the west? 5It was my sister _ found it hard to get along well with the other girls and refused the invitation. that it that who was are a large quantity of time are opposed opposite within fr

10、om beyond/within have a wide range of choices 易混辨析易混辨析 glance指快速地看某人或某物一眼指快速地看某人或某物一眼 glare指以強(qiáng)烈的敵意或怒氣,指以強(qiáng)烈的敵意或怒氣, 威嚇般注視威嚇般注視 stare 指由于生氣、指由于生氣、 害怕或吃驚而睜大眼睛注視某人或害怕或吃驚而睜大眼睛注視某人或 某物某物 glanced glared stare above averaging should encourage 易混辨析易混辨析 come about “發(fā)生,發(fā)生, 產(chǎn)生產(chǎn)生”, 通常與通常與how連用連用 happen“發(fā)生發(fā)生”, 指偶然的、指偶然的、 意外的事情發(fā)生意外的事情發(fā)生 take place “發(fā)生發(fā)生”, 指事件或事故的發(fā)生是在預(yù)料中,指事件或事故的發(fā)生是在預(yù)料中, 進(jìn)而引申為按計劃進(jìn)而引申為按計劃“進(jìn)行,進(jìn)行, 舉行舉行” break out 指戰(zhàn)爭、指戰(zhàn)爭、 火災(zāi)、火災(zāi)、 疾病等的突然疾病等的突然“發(fā)生,發(fā)生, 爆發(fā)爆發(fā)” broke out happen come about have taken place putting up put down put up wit


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