01 高二廣東聽說測試(一)_第1頁
01 高二廣東聽說測試(一)_第2頁
01 高二廣東聽說測試(一)_第3頁
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1、本文格式為word版,下載可任意編輯01 高二廣東聽說測試(一) 高二廣東聽說測試一 part a reading aloud in this part, you are required to watch a video and read after the speaker in the video. with paws that can knock down an elk she feels delicately in the water. a fish frozen beneath the ice by this cold winter. one fish wont feed the f

2、amily, but she knows there are almost certainly more. the cubs must learn to find them. a little success for one of the cubs. this mother bears experience gives her family a good chance of survival until spring arrives. they will return again and again as the thaw releases more fish. part b role pla

3、y in this part, you are required to act as a role and complete the following communicative tasks: after watching the video and listening to the speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role. 情景介紹: 角色:你是學(xué)生 任務(wù):1pete邀請mr. li做訪談。聽完后你想問一些

4、問題。 2依據(jù)兩人對話內(nèi)容,回答一些問題。 please get ready to ask three questions in english according to the following chinese tips. 1. mr. li是什么時候開始當(dāng)電影主演的? _ 2. jackie chan對于mr. li的職業(yè)生涯有影響嗎? _ 3. mr. li認(rèn)為作為一名功夫演員最難的是什么? _ please get ready to answer five questions in english. 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ part c retelling a sto

5、ry in this part, you are required to listen to a story twice, then retell the story in your own words. 梗概:“爸爸看到一那么查找泰迪熊的尋物啟事,知道是zip干的,于是他確定等天黑親自把泰迪熊還 回去。 m2: ask me a few questions now. then ill be ready to answer them on the show. m1: ok. who is your favourite actor? m2: jackie chan is my favourite

6、 action star. m1: who is your favourite actress? m2: zhang ziyi is my favourite actress. m1: do you only watch asian films? m2: no. but asian films are my favourite. do you like martial arts films, pete? m1: of course! they are very exciting! m2: do you want to learn kung fu? m1: i do. but i dont kn

7、ow a good teacher. (1) 學(xué)生問:mr. li是什么時候開始當(dāng)電影主演的?when did mr. li begin to star in movies? 錄音答:though he began to appear in films when he was only 6, later he just played supporting roles in films. he didnt star in a film until three years ago. (2) 學(xué)生問:jackie chan對于mr. li的職業(yè)生涯有影響嗎?does jackie chan have

8、 any effect on mr. lis career? 錄音答:yes. after his father brought him to see a movie starring jackie chan when he was young, he became interested in kung fu and decided to be an actor like him. (3) 學(xué)生問:mr. li 認(rèn)為作為一名功夫演員最難的是什么?what does mr. li think is the most difficult part of being a kung fu actor?

9、 錄音答:sometimes he may get injured. (1) 錄音問:who said pete is a good reporter? 學(xué)生答:mr. lis sister. (2) 錄音問:who is mr. lis favourite actor? 學(xué)生答:jackie chan. (3) 錄音問:what films does mr. li like best? 學(xué)生答:asian films. (4) 錄音問:how old was mr. li when he began to play in a film? 學(xué)生答:six. (5) 錄音問:when did m

10、r. li become interested in kung fu? 學(xué)生答:after seeing a film starring by jackie chen. part c our dog zip is always bringing things home for us to keep! many of them were to bears, lambs and ducks. we could never find the owners. one day dad was reading the paper, “l(fā)isten to this, everybody, he said.

11、“to the person who took a teddy bear from a childs wagon please bring back the toy bear. our two-year-old son is very sad. “zip has been busy again, said anita. “yes, said dad. “well, the paper gives the address. this time i can restore zips good name. “do you think it clever to do that? mom asked.

12、“if you tell about zip, who will believe you? “i will wait until dark. then ill just put the teddy bear at the front door and walk away. no one will see me. dads idea almost worked. he put teddy at the gate. he turned to walk away and knocked into a chair! dad started to run, but he didnt get very f

13、ar. the gate lights came on. a man threw open the door. “what is going on here? he called out. dad didnt even try to answer. he just wanted to get away. then the man saw the bear. he shouted after dad. “how bad can you get! he said. “taking toys from babies! 高二廣東聽說測試一參考答案 part a 略 part b 略見聽說材料 part c 信息點: 1. the dog zip always brings something home. 2. a teddy bear was one of the things. 3. someone was looking for the bear on the paper. 4. dad suggested he would restore the dogs name. 5. mom thought nobody would believe dad. 6. dad decided to wait until dark to put


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