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1、01 In the Hotel 在賓館Part I In the Hotel在賓館Room Reservati ons 預(yù)訂房間1. rd like to book a double room for Tuesday next week.下周二我想訂一個雙人房間。2. Whats the price differenee?兩種房間的價格有什么不同?3. A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night, one with a rear viewis 115 dollars per ni ght.一間雙人房朝陽面的每晚140美元,背

2、陰面的每晚115美元。4. I think ni take the one with a front view then我想我還是要陽面的吧。5. How long will you be staying?您打算住多久?6. Well be leavi ng Sun day morning我們將在星期天上午離開。7. And we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.我們盼望下周二見到您。8. rd like to book a sin gle room with bath from the after noon of October 4 to th

3、emorning of October 10.我想訂一個帶洗澡間的單人房間,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。9. We do have a single room available for those dates.我們確實有一個單間,在這段時間可以用。10. What is the rate , please ?請問房費多少?11. The current rate is $ 50 per night.現(xiàn)行房費是50美元一天。12. What services come with that ?這個價格包括哪些服務(wù)項目呢?13. That sou nds not bad at all .

4、Ill take it .聽起來還不錯。這個房間我要了。14. By the way , rd like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible順便說一下,如有可能我想要一個不臨街的安靜房間。02 At the Entrance 在門口15. Welcome to our hotel .歡迎光臨。16. So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共帶了 4件行李,是不是?17. Let me have a check aga in讓我再看一下。18. The Rece

5、ption Desk is straight ahead.接待處就在前面。19. After you , please .你先請。20. Excuse me , where can I buy some cigarettes ?勞駕。我到哪兒可買到香煙?21. There is a shop on the ground floor.一樓有個商店。22. It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes.在那兒可買到中國香煙和外國香煙。23. Can I also get some souvenirs there?也可以買到紀念品嗎?24. There i

6、s a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs有個柜臺出售各種各樣的紀念品。25. Excuse me , where is the restaura nt ?勞駕,請問飯廳在哪兒?26. We have Chin ese restaura nt and a western style restaura nt. Which one do youprefer ?我們有中餐廳和西餐廳,你愿意去哪個?27. rd like to try some Chinese food today.今天我想嘗嘗中國菜。03 At the Reception Desk在接待處2

7、8. I want a double room with a bath.我要一間有浴室的雙人房。29. How much a day do you charge ?每天收費多少?30. It is hundred yuan a day including heating fee, but excluding service char一百元一天,包括供暖費但不包括服務(wù)費。31. Its quite reas on able .收費十分合理。32. How long do you intend to stay in this hotel?您準備住多久?33. Have you got throug

8、h with the check in procedure ?你是否已經(jīng)辦妥住宿登記手續(xù)?34. Can I book a sin gle room for my friend beforeha nd as he will arrive in Shan ghai tomorrow morni ng ?我能為我的朋友預(yù)訂一間單人房嗎?他將于明天早上到達上海。35. Would you mind filling in this form and pay a hundred yuan in advanee for him. 請?zhí)詈貌㈩A(yù)付一百元錢。36. This is a receipt for p

9、aying in advanee. Please keep it .這是預(yù)付款收據(jù),請收好。37. Have you any vacant (spare ) room in the hotel ?旅館里有空余房間嗎?38. Sorry , we have no vacant (spare ) room for you . But I can recommend you tothe Orient Hotel where you may get a spare room.對不起,我們已經(jīng)客滿了。但是我可以介紹您去東方飯店,那里有空余的房間。39. Good after noon , my room

10、 nu mber is 321. Any mail for me ?下午好!我的房號是321。有我的信嗎?also a message was left by a lady40. Yes. You have two letters and one telegrambefore one hour有的。您有兩圭寸信和一圭寸電報,一小時前有一位小姐來電話留言給您。41. Ill mail a letter to U. S. A by airmail我要寄一圭寸航空信到美國。42. How much do I have to pay for you ?20 grams我要付多少錢?43. A lett

11、er gen erally mails to America Europe Africa by airmail . First is 20 yua n通常一封寄到美國、歐洲、非洲的航空信,20克收費20元。04 The Bellman應(yīng)接服務(wù)員The Bellma n應(yīng)接服務(wù)員59. Is this everything , sir ?這是全部東西嗎,先生?60. Heres the light switch .這是電燈開關(guān)。61. Heres the closet and theres the bathroom.這兒是壁柜。這兒是洗澡間。62. Will there be anything

12、else, sir ?還有什么事嗎,先生?63. Well , if you need anything else , please call room service .噢,如果你有什么事,請叫房間服務(wù)。64. Let me help you with your luggage.我來幫您拿行李。65. Its very kind of you to do so.你這樣做使我很感激。66. Whats your room number , please ?請問您的房間號碼?67. And by the way , could I have a look at your room card?順便

13、問一句,我可以看一下您的房卡嗎?68. How do you like this room ?您覺得這個房間怎么樣?69. Its also quite spacious.房間也很寬敞。70. Do you mind if I put your luggage by the wardrobe?我把您的行李擱在衣柜旁邊好嗎?71. By the way , could you tell me about your hotel service?順便問問,你能不能給我講一下賓館服務(wù)的情況?05 At the In formation Desk問訊處72. Is there any place in

14、the hotel where we can amuse ourselves?旅館里有娛樂場所嗎?73. If you want to take a walk, you can go to the garden如果您想散步,可以去花園。74. There is a recreation centre on the ground floor.在一樓有個娛樂中心。75. You can play billiards , table tennis , bridge , and go bowling您可以去打打臺球、乒乓球、橋牌和保齡球。76. Is there a place where we ca

15、n listen to some music?有聽音樂的地方嗎?77. There is a music teahouse where you can enjoy both classical music such asBeethoven , Mozart , Liszt , and modern music, while having someChinese tea or other soft drinks有個音樂茶座,您可以一邊欣賞古典音樂,如貝多芬、莫扎特、李斯特的樂曲和現(xiàn)代音樂,一邊品嘗中國茶和軟飲料。78. Would you please tell me the daily ser

16、vice hours of the dining room?請告訴我餐廳每天的服務(wù)時間,好嗎?79. From 7 : 00 a . m till 10: 00 p . m. nearly serving all day long從早上七時一直到晚上十時,幾乎全天供應(yīng)。80. When will the bar and cafe ope n?酒吧和咖啡館什么時間開放?81 . From 3 : 00 p . m till midnight.從下午三點到晚上十二點。82 . Does the guest house offer any other service?賓館里還有哪些服務(wù)項目?83 .

17、 Wehave a barber shop, a laundry , a store , post and telegram services ,a newspaper stand , a billiard , table tennis , video games and so on我們有理發(fā)室、洗衣房、小賣部、郵電服務(wù)、報刊供應(yīng)柜、彈子房、乒乓球和電子游戲。84. Its jolly good !這太好了!85. And where can I have my laundry done ?臟衣服送到哪里去洗?At the In formatio n Desk(n)問訊處(n)86. Mada

18、m What can I do for you ?夫人。我能為您做些什么?87. rm looking for a man whose name is John我在尋找一位男士,他的名字叫約翰。88. Could you tell me his room number , please ?請問他的房間號碼是多少?89. I suppose it is 735.我想他的房間號碼是 735號。90. By the way , please show me where the lift is?順便請指點我電梯在什么地方?91. I need some information about tourin

19、g Hangzhou.我想了解關(guān)于游覽杭州的情況。92. There are two trains going to Hangzhou every morning, No. 49 and No . 79.每天早晨有兩列火車到杭州,49次列車和79次列車。93. What time does this train leave?這列火車什么時間發(fā)車?94. Could you get me two tickets for tomorrow here?你能否在這兒賣給我兩張明天的車票?95. rm looking for a friend , Mr. Brown. Could you tell me

20、if he is in the hotel ? 我在找一位朋友,布朗先生。你能告訴我他是住在這個飯店嗎?96. Just a minute, please . Ill see if he is registered.請稍等片刻,我看看他是否登記了。97. They are in suite 705. Let me phone him .他們住在705號套房,我來給他打電話。98. Mr. Brown said hes waiting for you in his room.布朗先生說他在房間里等您。06 Housekeep ing客房服務(wù)Housekeep ing客房服務(wù)99. Houseke

21、eping . May I come in ?我是客房的,可以進來嗎?100. When would you like me to do your room, sir ?您要我什么時間來給你打掃房間呢,先生?101. You can do it now if you like.如果您愿意,現(xiàn)在就可以打掃。102. I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water.我想請你給我拿一瓶開水來。103. rm sorry that your flask is empty.很抱歉您的水壺空了。104. May I do the turn do

22、wn service for you now?現(xiàn)在可以為您收拾房間了嗎?105. Oh, thank you . But you see , we are having some friends over .噢,謝謝,但你知道我們邀請了一些朋友過來聚聚。106. Could you come back in three hours ?你能不能過3小時再來整理?107. Certainly , madam rII let the overnight staff know當然可以,女士。我會轉(zhuǎn)告夜班服務(wù)員。108. Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom?請

23、整理一下浴室好嗎?109. rve just taken a bath and it is quite a mess now我剛洗了澡,那兒亂糟糟的。110. Besides , please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.此外,請給我們帶瓶剛燒開的水來。111. Its growing dark . Would you like me to draw the curtains for you?天黑下來了,要不要我拉上窗簾?112. Is there anything I can do for you?您還有什么事要我做嗎?113. rm alw

24、ays at your service .樂意效勞。07 Laundry Service洗衣服務(wù)Laundry Service洗衣服務(wù)114. Excuse me . Have you any laundry ?對不起,請問有沒有要洗的衣服?115. The laundry man is here to collect it.洗衣房服務(wù)員來這兒收要洗的衣服了。116. If you have any ,please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroomdoor .如果您有衣服要洗,請放在浴室門后的洗衣袋里。117. Pleas

25、e tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironedwashed, dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back.請告訴我們或在洗衣單上寫明您的衣服是否需要熨燙,水洗,干洗或縫補,還要寫明何時需要取衣服。118. What if there is any laundry damage?如果你們洗衣時損壞了衣服怎么辦?119. In such a case , the hotel should certainly pay fo

26、r it.如果是這樣,飯店當然應(yīng)該賠償。120. Could you send some one up for my laundry , please ?請問,你們能派人來收要洗的衣服嗎?121. A valet will be up in a few minutes.洗熨工馬上就到。122. Will the color run in the wash?洗衣時會掉色嗎?123. Well dry-clean the dress .我們將干洗這條裙子。124. Well stitch it before washing我們會在洗之前把襯里縫好。125. When can I have my l

27、aundry back ?我何時能取回洗的衣服呢?126. But would you like express service or same day?不過,您是要快洗服務(wù)還是當日???127. rd like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water.這件毛衣要用冷水手洗。08 Settli ng Guests complai nts處理投訴Settli ng Guests compla in ts處理投訴128. Can you change the room for me ? Its too noisy能給我換個房間嗎?這兒太吵了。1

28、29. My wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made我妻子被運送行李的電梯發(fā)出的嘈雜聲弄醒了幾次。130. She said it was too much for her.她說這使她難以忍受。131. rm awfully sorry , sir .非常對不起,先生。132. I do apologize我向您道歉。133. No problem , sir .沒問題,先生。134. Well man age it , but we dont have any spare room toda

29、y.我們會盡力辦到,但是今天我們沒有空余房間。135. Could you wait till tomorrow?等到明天好嗎?136. I hope well be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep .我希望明天晚上我們能呆在一套安靜的房間里睡個好覺。137. And if there is anything more you need, please let us know如果還需要別的什么東西,請告訴我們。138. The light in this room i

30、s too dim.這房間里的燈光太暗了。139. Please get me a brighter one請給我換個亮的。140. Certainly , sir . Ill be back right away.好的,先生,我馬上就回來。141. The room is too cold for me . I feel rather cold when I sleep這房間太冷了,我睡覺時感到很冷。09 Maintenance 維修服務(wù)Maintenance維修服務(wù)142. There seems to be something wrong with the toilet.我房間里的抽水馬

31、桶好像出了點毛病。143. Well send some one to repair it immediately.我們會馬上派人來修的。144. Whats the trouble ?哪兒壞啦?145. The toilet does nt flush.抽水馬桶不放水了。146. Let me see . Oh, its clogged .讓我看看。噢,堵住了。147. The water tap drips all night long水龍頭一整夜滴水。148. Some part needs to be replaced . I will be back soon有個零件要換了。我片刻就來。149. Ah, rm afraid theres something wrong with the TV噢,電視機好像有些毛病。150. The picture is wobbly .圖像不穩(wěn)定。151. Im sorry . May I have a


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