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1、中考英語(yǔ)1600詞匯總詳解 ants05中考英語(yǔ)1600詞匯總詳解aa (an) art.一個(gè),某個(gè),任何一個(gè)不定冠詞常見(jiàn)用法:1)首次提到,表泛指2)有數(shù)量”一”的概念,但不如one強(qiáng)烈ability n.能力;才干;才能 短語(yǔ):1.a man of ability有能力的人2.the ability to do sth做某事的能力able adj.有才干的;聰穎的 短語(yǔ):be able to do sth有能力做某事about prep.對(duì)于,關(guān)于;大約;在周圍短語(yǔ):1. be about to 即將e.g.we were about to go when it suddenly rain

2、ed.我們正要出發(fā),突然天下雨了。2.look about四處尋找3.run about亂跑4.what/how about?怎么樣above prep.& adj.在之上;超過(guò);大于,多于; 上面的短語(yǔ):1.above all 最重要的e.g.above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves.最重要的是工作必須在九點(diǎn)之前由我們自己獨(dú)立完成。注意:above的反義詞為belowabroad adv.在外國(guó);廣泛地;傳播短語(yǔ):1. from abroad 從國(guó)外,從海外e.g. his parents has just c

3、ome back from abroad.他父母剛從海外回來(lái),我們?nèi)タ赐麄儼伞?. go abroad 出國(guó)accept v.接受;贊同;歡迎;聽(tīng)從近義詞辨析:accept 和receiveaccept是”接受、認(rèn)可”的意思,收到并接受;receive有”收到”之意,但不一定接受。e.g.i received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but i didnt accept any.生日那天我收到許多禮物,但我并沒(méi)有收下任何禮物。accident n.事故; 偶然 短語(yǔ):1.by accident意外地,偶然地2.a traffic accident 交通事

4、故according to prep.根據(jù);依照achieve v.實(shí)現(xiàn);達(dá)到;完成 across prep.在對(duì)面近義詞辨析:across 和throughacross表示”橫過(guò),穿過(guò)”;著重指從路線或物體表面的一邊到另一邊(表面)。 e.g.across the street橫過(guò)馬路through “穿過(guò),從中間通過(guò)”;著重指從空間的一頭穿到另一頭(內(nèi)部)。 e.g. through the forest穿過(guò)森林act n. & v.行為;舉動(dòng);假裝 ;短語(yǔ):1.act as擔(dān)任(起.作用)詞性轉(zhuǎn)換:actor/actress n.男/女演員action n.行動(dòng);有能量;行為e.g.we

5、 must take action right now, otherwise well be late.我們現(xiàn)在就得采取行動(dòng)了,否則就遲到了。active adj.積極的;短語(yǔ):take an active part in積極參加e.g. i dont think everyone should take an active part in the social activities.我認(rèn)為并不是所有的人都應(yīng)該積極參與到社會(huì)活動(dòng)中去。activity n.活動(dòng);工作;職業(yè)add v.添加;增加;合計(jì);相當(dāng)于 短語(yǔ):1. add to加到 2.add up合計(jì)3.add up to總計(jì)達(dá) 4.a

6、ddtoaddress n.地址;住址;演說(shuō);講話advantage n.優(yōu)點(diǎn);利益advertisement (ad) n.公告;啟事;廣告e.g. have you read the want ad in the newspaper?你看過(guò)報(bào)上的招聘廣告嗎?e.g. put an advertisement in the newspaper.advice n.建義,勸告;信息 短語(yǔ):1.a piece of advice一條建議2.ask for advice 尋求建議3.give advice提建議4.take/follow ones advice接受、遵照某人的建議advise v.給

7、出主意;建議;通知 短語(yǔ):1.advice sb to do sth 建議某人做afraid adj.驚慌的;恐怕短語(yǔ):1.be afraid of 害怕 e.g. dont be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向別人求助。2. be afraid for 擔(dān)心 e.g. im afraid for my sister.我擔(dān)心我的妹妹。3. im afraid so. /im afraid not. /im afraid that.after adv., prep. & conj.在之后;晚于短語(yǔ): after all 終究,畢竟e.g.

8、it has turned out to be a nice day after all.天氣終于轉(zhuǎn)晴了。afternoon n.下午;午后 短語(yǔ):1. in the afternoon2. on monday afternoon3. on the afternoon ofagain adv.再一次;加之,此外; 短語(yǔ):1. again and again 一次又一次地,反復(fù)地,再三地e.g. i called him again and again, but he didnt answer the telephone.我一次又一次給他打電話,可他就是不接。2.now and again有時(shí)e

9、.g.he came to see me now and again.他有時(shí)過(guò)來(lái)看我。against prep.1)對(duì)著,反對(duì)e.g. if no one is against this plan, lets carry it out.如果沒(méi)有人反對(duì)這個(gè)計(jì)劃,那我們就開(kāi)始。2)靠著,依著:e.g. the policeman asked the young man to stand against the wall.警察命令那年輕人靠著墻站好。age n.年齡;時(shí)期;變老 短語(yǔ):1.for ones age論年齡e.g.he looks older for his age because of

10、 years of hard work.由于多年操勞,他看來(lái)比實(shí)際年齡大。2. at the age of 在歲時(shí)ago adv.以前;以往短語(yǔ):1.long ago很久以前,從前: e.g. long long ago there loved horses.從前,有位國(guó)王,他喜愛(ài)馬。2. some time ago 不久前 e.g. some time ago,i heard he would come to see me. 不久前,我聽(tīng)說(shuō)他要來(lái)看我。3. a while ago. 剛才 e.g. he was here a while ago.他剛才還在這兒。近義詞辨析:ago 和 bef

11、ore ago: 應(yīng)注意兩點(diǎn):1.用于一般過(guò)去時(shí);2.它所指的時(shí)間是從現(xiàn)在算起before: 也應(yīng)該注意兩點(diǎn):1.用于過(guò)去完成時(shí);2.她所指的時(shí)間不是從現(xiàn)在算起,而是從過(guò)去某一時(shí)刻算起e.g. a short time before, tall trees had covered the country for many miles around.在那不久前,高大的樹(shù)木覆蓋著方圓數(shù)英里。agree v.意見(jiàn)一致;贊成;適合;近義詞辨析:agree to 和 agree withagree to: 意思 是”同意”,后面接表示計(jì)劃、安排、意見(jiàn)、條件之類的名詞動(dòng)詞原形,表示愿意協(xié)助工作。e.g.

12、do you agree to this agreement? 你同意這項(xiàng)協(xié)議嗎?e.g. he didnt agree to help us. 他不同意幫助我們。agree with: 意思是”與(意見(jiàn))一致”后面一般接人,也可接意見(jiàn)、看法等,但不含協(xié)助之意。e.g.i dont agree with what you said.我不同意你說(shuō)的。e.g. i dont agree with your idea.我不同意你的主意。短語(yǔ):1. agree on對(duì)取得一致意見(jiàn)agreement n.同意;一致;協(xié)議air n.大氣;天空;態(tài)度 短語(yǔ):1. by air乘飛機(jī)2. in the (o

13、pen) air,airline 航線;航空公司airplane n.飛機(jī)airport n.機(jī)場(chǎng);航空港 短語(yǔ):1. at the airport 在機(jī)場(chǎng)album n.影集;集郵冊(cè);all adj. & pron.全部的,所有的;短語(yǔ):1.all day整日2.all kinds of 各種各樣的3.all over遍布 4.all right 行,可以5.all along一直,始終 6.not at all 別客氣 7. in all總共allow v.準(zhǔn)許;允許;給予 短語(yǔ):1.allow sb to do sth 2.allow doingalmost adv.幾乎,差不多;將近a

14、lone adj.獨(dú)自的;單獨(dú)的;僅僅; 近義詞辨析:lonely/alonealone 指”獨(dú)自一人”,強(qiáng)調(diào)客觀事實(shí),通常只放在動(dòng)詞、系動(dòng)詞后,作表語(yǔ)e.g. he was alone in the room. 他獨(dú)自一人在屋里。lonely 指”孤單的”、”孤獨(dú)的”,表示主觀感覺(jué),在句中作表語(yǔ)或主語(yǔ)。用作定語(yǔ)修飾地方時(shí),along adv& prep.沿著;向前;共同,一起短語(yǔ):1. all along 始終,一直: e.g. i knew the truth of the matter all long.那件事情的真相我始終清楚。29短語(yǔ):1.at work 在工作:e.g.at thi

15、s time of day,my parents are both at work.每天的這個(gè)時(shí)候,我父母都在上班。2. out of work 失業(yè):e.g.lots of people are out of work in the usa today.如今在美國(guó)有很多人失業(yè)。worker n.工人;工作者:e.g.a factory worker 工廠工人world n.1.世界:e.g.this car is used all over the world. 這種小汽車全世界都使用。2.人;全世界的人:e.g.the whole world knows about it. 全世界都知道這

16、件事。3. 界;社會(huì) 短語(yǔ):1.the scientific world 科學(xué)界worry v.擔(dān)心;憂虎:e.g.dont worry if you cant finish it. 你做不完也不必?fù)?dān)心。短語(yǔ):1.worry about:擔(dān)心;煩惱: e.g.dont worry about that thing.別為那事發(fā)愁。adj. worried 發(fā)愁的: e.g.be worried about ones job 為某人的工作擔(dān)心。 worth adj. 1.值錢: e.g.our house is worth about 60 000 pounds.我們的房子約值60 000英鎊。2

17、.值得(做某事):e.g.the book is worth reading.=it is worth reading the book.這本書值得一讀。would modal v.1(用于虛擬語(yǔ)氣):e.g. what would you do if you had o lot of money? 如果你有很多錢,你會(huì)做什么?2.(用于禮貌的請(qǐng)教):e.g.would you (please) tell me the way ? 可否請(qǐng)教你告訴我怎么走?3. (will 的過(guò)去式):e.g.he said that he would go. 他說(shuō)他要過(guò)去。 短語(yǔ):1.would like 想

18、要wound n.傷;創(chuàng)傷:e.g.the wound was healing slowly. 傷口慢慢愈合了。v.傷;創(chuàng)傷:e.g.the guard was wounded in the leg. 護(hù)衛(wèi)員腿部受了傷。write (wrote, written) v.寫;書寫:e.g.he sometimes writes for newspapers. 他偶爾替報(bào)社寫文章。e.g.ill write you a letter. = ill write a letter to you. = ill write to you.我會(huì)寫信給你的。 短語(yǔ):1. write down 記下;寫下 2.

19、 write to 寫信給writing n.筆跡;書法:e.g.i can never read your writing.我怎么也看不懂你的筆跡。wrong adj.錯(cuò)的;不合適的:e.g. something is wrong with my bike.我的自行車壞了?e.g.he took the wrong train. 他搭錯(cuò)了火車。e.g.whats wrong with you?你怎么了?xx-ray n.x光;x射線yyard n.碼year n.年 短語(yǔ):1. last year 去年2. this year 今年 3.next year明年4.the year after

20、 next后年5.the year before last 前年6.year after year 逐年;一年又一年地;年年, 每年 7.all the year round 整年,全年 e.g. its cold and dry all the year round. 8.for years很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間 表時(shí)間段,與完成時(shí)連用e.g. weve been friends for years. 9.over the years 近年來(lái), 這幾年來(lái) 表時(shí)間段,與完成時(shí)連用 e.g. hes made some great movies over the years. 10.in recent yea

21、rs 近年來(lái) 表時(shí)間段,與完成時(shí)連用 e.g.weve made great progress in recent years.11.in the last few years 在過(guò)去的幾年里表時(shí)間段,與完成時(shí)連用 e.g.my life has changed a lot in the last few years. 12.a fifteen-year-old boy 一個(gè)十五歲的男孩 也可說(shuō) a fifteen years old boy 13.fifteen-year-olds十五歲的孩子們e.g. i dont think fifteen-year-olds should be all

22、owed to choose their own clothes.詞性轉(zhuǎn)換:yearly adj.每年的 e.g.they did quite well in the yearly exam. adv.每年yellow adj.黃的;蛋黃色的yes adv.是;是的 用法:1.表示肯定答復(fù)或同意是, 是的:e.g.-do you speak english?-yes, i do. (no, i dont.)你會(huì)說(shuō)英語(yǔ)嗎? 是, 我會(huì)。(不, 我不會(huì)。)2.如果對(duì)方問(wèn)話采用否定方式, yes 仍表示肯定答復(fù), 但漢譯承上啟下, 因而相反不:注意:不管問(wèn)題的提法如何,若事實(shí)是肯定的,就用yes回答

23、;事實(shí)是否定的,就用no 回答。e.g.-isnt it raining?-yes, it is (no, it isnt.) 天沒(méi)下雨嗎? 不, 天下雨了。(是的, 沒(méi)有下。)e.g. -havent you met her? -yes, i have.你沒(méi)遇見(jiàn)她嗎? 不, 我已遇見(jiàn)了。3yes?怎么了?什么事?=whats up?yesterday n.& adv.在昨天;在昨日 短語(yǔ):1the day before yesterday前天2 yesterday morning 昨天早晨yet adv.到這時(shí);還 短語(yǔ):1. not yet尚未, 還沒(méi)有 用法:1.yet表達(dá)”已經(jīng),還”這一意思時(shí),須與現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)的否定句或疑問(wèn)句的句尾,而非簡(jiǎn)單的過(guò)去時(shí):e.g. he hasnt started yet he didnt start yet?2. yet 用于比較級(jí)前,表示程度。e.g. he has yet more important things to


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